In the space of a few minutes on the Today programme this morning, we had two egregious instances of BBC climate change hype. First, it was claimed that 2013 was the official warmest year ever in Australia. As it happens, I was in Australia last year for a few weeks, it wasn’t that warm but the BBC managed to add that such extreme heat “fitted into the global pattern”. Really? Then two minutes later, we were treated to all the flood warnings that have accompanied the approach of a low pressure system. Again, the term “extreme” weather was causally deployed. This is not accidental, it is the BBC trying its best to inculcate the notion that global warming is still with us. They are apostles for AGW despite the facts, truly remarkable. The only “extreme” I see is their bias.


None, really. Yesterday, on Today, John Pilger was allowed to come on and claim that “more than a million” people have been killed in Iraq since 2003. Now talking fiction is the order of the day from Comrade John but the BBC must have felt slightly embarrassed about this so this morning, around 6.50am, they wheeled on the latest UN special representative to Iraq. He was quizzed to provide a number but refused. He did point out that 2013 was one of the VERY worst years in Iraq and that 7000 had died. There was mention of 120,000 deaths in total from another source but incredibly the BBC seemed to suggesting that whether it was 120,000 or in Pilger-talk, 1,000,000 this was more of a detail.

HOWEVER, the interview didn’t end there! Oh no. The UN representative was a BULGARIAN and he was asked to comment on the anxieties in Britain concerning the likely deluge of his fellow citizens coming here to the UK. He said this was “right wing media” playing to the galleries and that Bulgarians would be here to make essential contribution to the economy.

Pilger let off the hook, Mass immigration from european peasantry sanitised. Five minutes on the BBC.

No, BBC; Israeli Settlements Are Not “Illegal”…

Biased BBC contributor Daniel Pycock tackles one of the BBC’s most egregious instances of serial bias.

‘If there is one line of BBC journalism that readers should be familiar with; it is “about 500,000 jews live in more than 100 settlements built since Israel’s 1967 occupation of the West Bank and (of) East Jerusalem. The settlements are considered illegal under international law, though Israel disputes this”.

The line (in bold) finds its way into every article*, including a recent one regarding the release of prisoners by Israel that, whilst encouraging diplomatic talks, will never be enough for a politically astute Palestinian Leadership. *http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-25548773

The BBC’s general bias against Israel is well documented, but I would like to enquire: what is illegal according to whom? There are some individuals (including Ban Ki-Moon) and a few scholars (such as Roberts) who have proposed that settlements are illegal; and there are the advisory opinions of the International Court of Justice (more regarding the wall than the settlements – from 2004) – but these constitute neither enforceable laws nor established precedents.

By international law, the BBC means majority opinion in the UN, and – as the Israeli proverb goes:

“If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions”

There are interpretations of the Geneva Convention upon which the accusation of illegality is based (Article 49, for those interested), but there is no judgement or ruling outstanding from international courts regarding Israeli Settlements in disputed territories. A majority opinion in the UN constitutes nothing legally, and the BBC’s insinuation that Israel is legally a dissenting opinion against a closed case should be scrapped as inaccurate.

The disputed territories are just that – disputed; and Israel is – until such time as negotiations conclude – the legal authority there**.” **http://www.algemeiner.com/2013/03/04/the-myth-of-jewish-settlements-in-international-law/ and http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/mar/9/rozenman-ban-ki-moon-wrong-about-israeli-settlemen/


I wonder how many of you had the misfortune to listen to the TODAY programme on the BBC this morning? It had PJ Harvey as its guest editor and we are treated to reams of anti-arms trade, pro UN waffle, with Joan Baez even getting a song played in the peak 8-8.30am slot. It was the MOST unlistenable  edition I have heard in ages but I am sure BBC comrades will have nodded in agreement with the leftist dross served up by Harvey.


This New Year should provide the comrades at the BBC with much scope for their bias. We will have the Scottish referendum on the 18th September. Where will the BBC stand on this defining moment for the UK? We have the European elections on the 22nd May. UKIP are forecast to perform strongly but how will the BBC spin a likely win for Farage and his gang? With the UK economy continuing to grow, how will the BBC continue to advance the incoherent Miliband agenda? As our borders are bypassed with hordes of Roma, what angle will the BBC take on this? Thoughts?


Well folks, 2013 is drawing to a close and I wanted to take a moment and thank you all for your continued patronage of this site. It works because of your passion and continued excoriation of BBC bias. Wishing you and your loved ones all the very best for 2014 and see you in the New Year… and a BIG thank you to all my fellow writers – Alan in particular – for their fantastic contributions.



The BBC does not seem unduly concerned that tomorrow, 1st January, may well see TENS OF THOUSANDS of Romanians and Bulgarians swarm into the UK. Indeed it runs an item today suggesting “Romania dismisses UK ‘invasion’ fears”. Nice to get the Romanian perspective from Auntie. Now I don’t know what January will bring us in regard to new Eastern European peasantry BUT I do know that the uber multiculturalists that rule at the BBC will do all they can to dismiss legitimate concerns as “racism”.


I tuned in to the Today programme this morning before 7am to hear the BBC bring us the BIG issue of the day – yes, transgender rights in 2013.  Then, by way of amusement, I listened to Evan Davis at 7.09am express his all to evident disappointment that  some Northern Ireland politicians had not been corralled into a deal by US Mr Fix It, Richard Haas. He TRIED to allow Alliance Leader David Ford to agree with him that “progress had been made” and I did laugh when Ford, who is himself an imbecile, refused to take the bait and said no progress had been made whatsoever! The sound of a deflated Davis was great to hear. The BBC has always been to the fore in cheerleading for what it sees as “progress’ here in Northern Ireland rather than simply reporting the facts, a bias that is both offensive and shameful.