Had to laugh at the BBC this morning doing its very best to cast cold water on further signs of at least some modest economic recovery.  First the bad news for the comrades..

The UK economy grew by 0.6% in the three months to June, according to official figures.  The figure was in line with market expectations, and is up from 0.3% growth in the previous quarter.

Thankfully, renowned economist Nick Robinson is here to tell us that it is  “Growth but not as we know it”  As if that was not enough then we have this ” The view from the shop floor” On the Today programme, caution was thrown to the wind and a veritable barrel of cold water was thrown over the positive news. It’s going so WRONG for Labour’s meme that we are all doomed and so the BBC has to resort to dousing every green shoot of recovery with its own toxic pesticide.


Gotta love the BBC for their relentless pursuit of Lynton Crosby. Ed Miliband must so appreciate Beeb attempts to smear and blacken the reputation of this man, who whether one likes it or not, has helped turn around Conservative fortunes in recent times. I don’t expect Crosby is lily white, but I don’t expect any in his position in previous times were any less discoloured – say from 1997 to 2010?




Going on a seven day hunger strike in support of Gitmo resident Shaker Aamer is perhaps accidental comedy genius from alleged comedian Frankie Boyle. I was reading this BBC report on Frankie’s “Bobby Sands” moment. All this classic elements are in it; It says he is a UK resident but minimises the fact he is a Saudi national. You have to wade through paragraphs of dirge to get to the bit where we are told WHY he is detained in Gitmo.  The US says he led a unit of Taliban fighters against Nato troops and had met Osama Bin Laden. BBC are then quick to insert that “But Mr Aamer has always said he was in Afghanistan with his family doing charity work.”  As you do. Aamer is the new Binyam Mohammed and I am sure you will recall how the BBC lionised him. If you recall, Binyam was another unfortunate Muslim who was captured by US forces having  travelled to Taliban controlled Afghanistan, around the same time as Shaker Aamer and just prior to the invasion, in order to … clear his drug addled head and experience a Muslim country first hand. I guess these unlucky Muslims must be thankful the BBC are so keen to believe what they allege and give Frankie the publicity he graves. Let’s hope Boyle can make the 7th day.


It’s almost as IF the BBC wants us to feel a little sorry for Michael Abebolajo. The Mail reports;

Prison officers have reacted with fury to claims from Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo that he was ‘assaulted’ while in prison.  The man accused of hacking to death Fusilier Lee Rigby in the street was involved in a violent incident in Belmarsh high security jail last week in which he lost two teeth. In an interview with BBC News over the weekend, Adebolajo’s brother Jeremiah claimed warders in the prison ‘took offence’ when the remand prisoner refused to obey an instruction and then ‘smashed his head against a window’. The BBC also reported the claim – denied by Prison Service officials – that the murder suspect had been denied medical treatment.


A Biased-BBC reader points out that the BBC seems to have missed this story about one of Morsi’s Ministers being filmed beating an 11 year old boy.  Considering all the coverage which  the BBC gave to a story (used to demonise Israel) about a young Palestinian boy detained for throwing rocks at Jews, one would at least expect this story of authentic child abuse to be reported by the BBC’s vigilant journalists.


I was listening to the Today programme around 6.45am and caught a remarkably sneering piece by the BBC on how the Conservatives cannot be trusted on tax. The comment that really made my ears prick up was “It takes independent bodies like the Resolution Fundation to tell us how things really are” before going on to play a clip of Osborne saying NO tax increases before the 2010 election and then announcing an increase in VAT shortly thereafter. Mention was made of Brown doing something similar in 2000, but sadly no clip was available.  My beef with this is that a/The Resolution Foundation is a body with an activist left wing pro Labour agenda and so cannot possibly be seen as impartial and b/Perhaps the utter mess of the public finances created by labour which Osborne inherited may have contributed to hid decision to raise our VAT to EU average???