Looking forward to the BBC giving this as much publicity as the OTHER petitions that so excite it!

MPs are set to debate whether to abolish the TV licence fee, used to subsidise the BBC, after a petition calling for it to be axed passed the 100,000 signatures mark. The petition calls for the mandatory fee of £145.50 per household per year to be ditched, arguing that it is too expensive. By law, every household capable of viewing live content must pay the TV licence, used to subsidise the state broadcaster, whether they access BBC content or not. Failure to pay is a criminal offence.

But even if the idea gains support among MPs during the debate, scheduled to take place on 8 May, fee payers are unlikely to be let off the hook for at least another decade as the state broadcaster’s charter, which sets the terms for the fee for a ten-yearly basis, has only just been renewed.

The BBC’s “unique funding” is a 21st century anachronism. Let is go on a subscription basis and let this wicked License Tax end.


Looks like Dame Jenni Murray is about to join Germaine Greer in the unwanted by the BBC list.

Broadcaster Dame Jenni Murray has been criticised for making “hurtful remarks” after suggesting men who have had sex-change operations should not claim to be “real women”. Writing for the Sunday Times, the Woman’s Hour host said “it takes more than a sex change and make-up” to “lay claim to womanhood”. LGBTQ campaign group Stonewall called the comments “reductive”. But Dame Jenni said she was not “transphobic or anti-trans”. The Radio 4 presenter, 66, questioned whether someone who had enjoyed the privileges of growing up as a man could really be a woman.

I think Germaine Greer put it more succinctly when she noted…

 “Just because you lop off your d**k and then wear a dress doesn’t make you a ******* woman. I’ve asked my doctor to give me long ears and liver spots and I’m going to wear a brown coat but that won’t turn me into a ******* cocker spaniel. “I do understand that some people are born intersex and they deserve support in coming to terms with their gender but it’s not the same thing. A man who gets his d**k chopped off is actually inflicting an extraordinary act of violence on himself.”

Such common sense is unwanted by the BBC.


This erudite article is worth your attention

“When it comes to inaccurate, hopelessly biased “reporting” on immigration, Americans are spoiled for choice. Advocacy journalism is now more the rule than the exception and so rebutting and correcting the deluge of crooked immigration “reporting” is something of a Sisyphean task. Consuming a steady diet of mainstream media immigration “reporting” is akin to relocating to a toxic waste dump — after a while, you barely even notice the stench.

But every so often, I stumble across an immigration piece or segment so odious, so egregious, so hopelessly partisan in nature and execution that I can hardly digest it without retching. Sometimes, dear readers, journalists distinguish themselves with something so foul that they deserve to be named and shamed. This nine-minute, 16-second propaganda piece on the origins and impact of the sanctuary city movement in San Francisco, broadcast on the BBC “Witness” program on February 10, is just such a creature.


Seen this?

The BBC has appointed a second Muslim executive to be in charge of religious television programming after attracting criticism previously from those who thought the job should go to a Christian.

Gosh. I never seen that one coming…

The corporation has appointed Fatima Salaria, a BBC editor who commissioned Muslims Like Us, a reality-style show, and a series of programmes about radicalisation.

She attracted criticism last year by giving Anthony Small, the convicted fraudster and former boxing champion a platform on Muslims Like Us. Small, now known as Abdul Haqq, was a member of the inner circle of Anjem Choudary, the hate preacher. He had previously expressed support for Islamic State but was cleared in 2015 of trying to join the jihadist group.

The BBC seems determined to ensure that a Muslim oversees its “religious programming” output.

Here are a few retweets from Fatima. Her account is now protected. Shouldn’t the BBC investigate?