You will recall the BBC’s coverage of the London Riots last year. Ever since, the BBC has been seeking to find “explanations” for the orgy of violence, arson and looting that defaced several of our major cities.  On Today this morning, we had ANOTHER item concerning the killing of Mark Duggan.  His Mother is still looking for “the truth” behind his death. I suppose she has ruled out him being a notorious gangster. Oddly enough, the BBC chose not to report this…

As the anniversary of the violence and looting approaches, the data reveals that 44% of riot suspects have been arrested on suspicion of committing further offences in the last 12 months. More than half of suspects who were locked up over the disorder have since been freed while thousands more who took part evaded justice.

The statistics, released under the Freedom of Information Act, showed police in Nottingham made 143 arrests following last August’s disorder, of whom 86 were charged, according to a newspaper. But in the last year, 72 of those suspects – half the total arrested – were held again for crimes including rape, arson, robbery, threats to kill and breaching bail or parole conditions, and some even arrested for multiple crimes.

In Bristol, the figures showed that 28 of the 53 held over the riots had faced further police action.

Almost as if the THUGS that took to our streets last summer needed no excuse and have continued to break the law. Not that you would ever know this by listening to the rancid pro criminal BBC.


The conviction of the parents of Shafilea Ahmed of her brutal murder  has triggered a debate on the BBC. We will come to that in a moment. But first let’s focus on  what Mr Justice Roderick Evans said as he announced these savages would both serve a minimum of 25 years.

The judge told them: “Your concern about being shamed in your community was greater than the love of your child. The judge told them: “Your concern about being shamed in your community was greater than the love of your child.”

That’s all the BBC tells us. But if you go here, you find a little more detail that for some odd reason the BBC chose not to report. You see the judge also said;

‘What was it that brought you two, her parents, the people who had given her life, to the point of killing her?’ he asked them. ‘You chose to bring up your family in Warrington but your social and cultural attitudes were those of rural Pakistan.

And then this…

‘You wanted your family to live in Pakistan in Warrington. ‘Although she went to local schools, you objected to her socialising with girls from what has been referred to as the white community. You objected to her wearing Western clothes and you objected to her having contact with boys.

In other words just for ONCE a Judge actually called out the Dark Ages mentality of some of those who come here from Pakistan…..and the BBC chooses to ignore it.

Instead, we get THIS nonsense on Today.

“How much do we know about concepts such as ‘honour’ and ‘shame’ which apparently motivate honour killings? “

We don’t need to know anything beyond the fact that it is murder.

We do need to ask what is it about ISLAM that seems to encourage such abominably behaviour. The tribal heartlands of Pakistan and the values of those who live in them have NO place in British culture but if you say this, unambiguously, the BBC throw their hands up in faux horror.

Maybe it would do the BBC better to ponder how many more families are suffering from Pakistan values in modern Britain? Not all cultures are equal – as the terrible murder of this young girl by her own parents demonstrates. Instead of this the BBC looks to convoluted causes and explanations when in fact the motivation is obvious – it’s just uncomfortable for them.


Team GB is doing well and that’s a cause for celebration but the BBC always have an angle! A Biased BBC readers challenges…

“The BBC has discovered another case of disproportionate success by public school pupils, this time winning more Olympic medals.

Since when did schools have any impact upon a childs sporting success? The amount of sport at ANY school is insufficient to raise a kid to even county level, never mind international. Every young Olympian will have had behind them a parent or other determined and supportive adult who ensured they received the appropriate training at a club or private tuition or both. Has the fact that this usually proves incredibly expensive escaped the BBC. Do they really think that sports teachers at private schools are the people dedicated to the development of one child to the extent that they turn someone who shows simply some early prowess into an Olympian?

If the answer is yes then they are more ignorant even than we imagine. This is just another propaganda piece to win public support for diverting yet more money to spend on ‘the poorest children i.e. yet more multi million pound facilities in Brixton Tower Hamlets and Peckham, state of the art schools  and out of school clubs e.g.

some of these race based, such as Asian football teams. Meanwhile the vast majority of ethnic British families who certainly cannot afford riding lessons, or tennis coaching or fencing lessons for their children, carry on as normal, their kids in increasingly depriortitised mouldering provincial schools, yet expected to pay for leg ups for lucky London housed foreigners in every walk of life.”


I wonder if you heard this inquisition interview conducted with RBS CEO Stephen Heston on the BBC Today programme  earlier? A Biased BBC reader did and sent the following thoughts in…

“Did you hear the interview with RBS chief Simon Hester this morning? The interviewer  constantly harangued him and came out with this …” Don’t you think the Banks have become too large, too powerful, too arogant and should be split up?” Well what other organisation does that remind you of?

But more than that, what would the BBC have to say if it were made compulsory for anybody wishing to use ANY one of the Banks to be required by Law to pay an annual fee to The Bank of England? What then if the Bank of England used those fees to pay themselves huge salaries, to employ staff based on their ethnicity or sexual orientation rather than their talent or efficiency?

What if the Bank of England used those funds to actively support and promote one political party?

Left wing organisations always think they have the right to flaunt the rules they are only too willing to impose on others. But then, they are doing so for the common good and in the name of helping those who are on the bottom rung of society.  However, in the course of their representation of these minorities they happen to award themselves huge amounts of remuneration and perks…..then, “Hey, we deserve it “.


You have to laugh at the total lack of self awareness really. The BBC Trust appoints a “friend of the Corporation”  – Stewart Prebble – to determine if it is being impartial. Here’s the best bit of all…

“I have long-term affection for the BBC. It’s important for all of us in broadcasting,” he told the Times. He said that impartiality was no longer seen as a simple balance between left and right in politics. “It’s much more complicated than that in the much more diverse society that we live in,” he said.



Well, former UN head Kofi Annan, much beloved of the BBC, has spectacularly failed to achieve anything in Syria and has resigned his position yesterday. I was watching the BBC report on this last night and what was remarkable was the backside covering sycophancy directed his way. It was an “impossible task” that the heroic Kofi had bravely taken on but now was walking away from, head held high. Like Rwanda. They love Kofi.