BBC News in paroxysm of joy at the news that the CPS have announced that eight people, including Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson, will face a total of 19 charges relating to phone hacking, the Crown Prosecution Service has said.

The two ex-News of the World editors are to be charged in connection with the accessing of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler’s phone messages.

I caught the PM coverage of thison Radio 4 at 5pm  and one could be forgiven for thinking that these allegations have already been proven and that all these folks are going to prison. The undisguised pleasure in the BBC voices at this news was remarkable and I noted their praise for Alan Rushbridger, presented as hero of the process, and of course they guy in charge of their print end . Coinciding with the end of Leveson today I have rarely heard the BBC anti-Murdoch machine sounding so triumphalist.


Interesting report on the BBC Today programme this morning concerning the nature of those “rebels” fighting the Assad regime. You see the BBC has embedded a reporter with the “rebels” fighting for the “Syria Free Army” as they cross from Lebanon into Syria. It appears that those who seek to bring down Assad fall into two groups; the first is Muslim but it wants to see a pluralist Syria that will take care of minorities such as Christians; the sec0nd is Salafist that wants to see an Islamic Emirate created. It’s clear that the BBC have taken the side of the “rebels” and as Peter Hitchens opined yesterday in his column in the MoS…

” Could this be why the BBC, which has cast aside all impartiality over the Syrian crisis, behaved so repellently when a terrorist bomb killed several leading Syrians on Wednesday?
There was an exultant tone in its coverage of these killings, summed up by the phrase ‘a stunning development’ to describe the murders on Radio 4’s The World Tonight. The tone of voice used was not coldly neutral, but excited. I thought we were against Islamist terror. Not so long ago we were engaged in a war against it. I also thought we were against assassination as a weapon of war. I also thought the BBC had admitted it got carried away over the Arab Spring. It’s doing it again now in Damascus, but there’s still time to grow up and calm down. The same goes for Foreign Secretary William Hague, who seems weirdly anxious to abandon the Christians of Syria to some horrible Islamic regime, probably preceded by some real massacres.”

When British troops go to places like Iraq and Afghanistan to try and liberate people from Saddamite and Taliban tyrannies, the BBC are there to oppose them in moral hectoring tine. But when Islamic tyrants move against regimes like Assads the BBC is there to cheer lead for them. Isn’t that odd?


There are a few Conservatives that the BBC quite likes and Tim Yeo is one. (Bercow is another). Yeo’s Eco- zealotry is the reason for BBC admiration and he was given a very easy ride on Today this morning (7.13am) as he attacked his own colleagues in the Treasury for not putting further subsidy into green energy.

Tim Yeo, chairman of the energy and climate change select committee, said: “The Treasury has clearly intervened in the draft bill in a way that will put up bills to consumers and put off investors by increasing their risks. “This is exactly the opposite of what the Treasury says it wants,” he told BBC News.

So, Yeo and the gang are trying to get a pre-emptive strike in and place the blame on the Treasury for the consequences of the sheer lunacy of their own eco-cultism. Yeo knows that as consumers see energy prices rising they will look to attribute blame and since the Green movement knows it is bang to rights on this it hopes to shift that blame elsewhere. Roger Harradin joins in the act here. 


The BBC has its own clear agenda on crime which is advanced on a daily basis. Here we have a Biased BBC reader picking up on one strand of this bias.

“Even though it may impact rather positively on the coalition, the BBC are determined to tackle the ‘fear of violent crime’  which liberal minded commentators often like to tell us is actually worse than violent crime itself. In this case, they tell us of falling crime levels. There is no suggestion that people don’t bother reporting crime anymore because of changes to the police ‘service’;

These are the lowest rates since 1983, which is not something I anticipate the BBC connecting with Thatcher being in government. Not only do they hate the woman (as confirmed by Mark Thompson) but it would also seem to cast doubt on the theory that poverty causes crime. And we are often given accounts of what a terrible Dickensian society Britain turned into in the 1980s. In fact, one look at the graph shows crime at its very worse under New Labour.

”Officials said the fall in homicide figures was not unique to England and Wales and there had been reductions in Europe, Asia and North America since the mid 1990s.”

Despite the awful effects of austerity across the globe!? NEVER!

No mention at the BBC that in Kent, over half of murder suspects are non-UK citizens or any of the other figures relating to crime caused by immigrants;

Why doesn’t it surprise me that they haven’t reported who is committing most crime?”


Peter Hitchens had an excellent article HERE the other day reflecting my own views on the BBC’s cheer-leading for Islamic supremacy aka Arab Spring…

“But isn’t it strange that the BBC, crammed as it with people who regard me as a monster for favouring capital punishment for the guilty, has become a roaring propaganda machine for liberal intervention in Arab countries, which will lead – has already led – to many innocents dying?

Even the BBC has now admitted it got ‘carried away’ over the ‘Arab Spring’, an event viewed here on this weblog with what seems to me to have been prescient doubt. And a few brave reporters are now bringing back news of just what a mess our exultant support of a rabble of fanatical Islamists and gangsters (who later showed their gratitude by wrecking a British war cemetery, devoting special attention to desecrating the graves of Jewish soldiers) has led to in poor Libya.

But do they learn? They do not. Now we are cranking up for intervention in Syria, too, somehow steering round the UN which is prevented by Russia and China from endorsing this.  And anyone watching or listening to BBC outlets on Wednesday must surely have been struck by the coverage of the terrorist murder of several leading Syrian government figures in Damascus that morning. I think I am right in saying that the BBC generally disapproves of terrorist murder, and it puts on a long face to report it ( as it should). But on this occasion I sensed no moral disapproval at all. Indeed, I noticed an exultant tone, and something similar in the responses of politicians quoted, who more or less stated that this sort of thing would keep on happening until the Assad ‘regime’ ‘stepped down’. How do they know, by the way? Does this tell us anything about the relations of ‘The West’ with the Syrian Islamist rebels who we are misguidedly supporting,  and who some Sunni Arab states are arming? This came a few days after the BBC had excitedly carried unconfirmed reports of a ‘massacre’ in Syria which as far as I know has not been shown to have taken place. It was a battle between rebels and government in which some people died, a wholly different thing.”



“The BBC is spending an estimated £130,000 over two years on a chauffeur-driven car rejected by its chairman Lord Patten because it would ‘incur costs’ to terminate the contract.

The car was originally used by Sir Michael Lyons, the former chairman of the BBC, until he quit in April last year. It was then assigned to Lord Patten, who succeeded him.

But the peer refused the vehicle, saying he would use public transport instead, saving the licence payer extra expense. The car, believed to be a Lexus, is now being mainly used by the Corporation’s chief operating officer, Caroline Thomson, but is also available to other senior managers.”


A Biased BBC reader notes..

“A short play earlier this evening about a problem child at school. From Fact to Fiction

The child was ethnic British, that’s fine, but the BBC approved play write couldn’t resist feeding in a comment by an actor in the role of a teacher (6.25 mins into programme) that she “couldn’t help but notice that ALL  the kids at the ‘exclusion centre’ were ‘white'” (surely they didn’t mean Eastern European? ), to which another teacher replied that “Asian families have higher standards and Black mothers won’t let them talk back”.

The latter is a blatant lie, since black children are MORE likely to be excluded from school, and there have been frequent suggestions that this is due to “racism”. NO real teacher would pretend that black children on average are better behaved.

Just to underline that the criticism is of working class poor ethnic BRITISH, the Scottish teacher then lists of the pregnancies of Maria’s  lazy fecund family then lists and name some of the local ‘problem’ ethnic British families (just to be sure we couldn’t think they’re Polish or Portuguese immigrants). If this isn’t out and out race hate and stereotyping of our people, I don’t know what is. The very idea of running this play, where Maria is a black or Asian child would be unthinkable to Auntie!

Frankly disgusted.”


A Biased BBC from Wales angrily writes..

“Suleman Arshad jailed for 16 months for sex related offences against a young girl “He had befriended “a naïve and shy” young woman” Regional paper report here.

Regional BBC website…… Nil.

They link other, lesser, stories about crime (inc 1700 ‘caught’ with no TV Licence)  from the Daily Post website though.”

All about priorities….