A reader send me this…

“THE Australian Financial Review and British broadcaster the BBC selected a handful of emails from a cache of almost 15,000 to paint a blatantly incorrect conspiracy theory of a global piracy scam orchestrated by News Corporation.

Forensic analysis of thousands of those emails, which the AFR describes as the “great bulk of our supporting material”, shows the 45 stories they sparked were based on incorrect assumptions, false interpretations and highly selective reporting. AFR journalist Neil Chenoweth, known for his highly critical reporting on News Corporation – the ultimate owner of The Weekend Australian – and its chairman and chief executive Rupert Murdoch, joined forces with the BBC’s investigative program Panorama to air the claims.”


Why does the BBC insist on politicising every programme…is there the slightest possibility that I could watch something without being lectured or sold some dodgy political line or social metaphor? Biased BBC’s Alan ponders…

“Their series on ‘Ancient Apocalypses’ continues with every disaster being the result of catastrophic climate change, their election broadcasts flood the airwaves with ‘overwhelming’ Labour victories….whilst leaving for the small print the fact that yes Labour got 39% but it was 39% of a voter turn out of 32%….hardly a ringing endorsement. And now we can’t even watch ‘Traffic Cops’ without some gratuitous political messaging…

Allegedly ‘All across the country the Thin Blue Line is stretched to the limit…because…..of the big cuts in the police budget that are looming.’

Not only that but, shockingly, Romanian immigrants have been forced to steal by the cruel Coalition cuts….’It’s sign of the times that people are turning to scavenging to make a living.’

Not only that but ‘It’s a sign of the times that traffic cops have to help out their colleagues cope with drunken violence in towns.’

I guess the times they are a changing as Tom Watson would quote Bob Dylan saying.

But not at the BBC…they’re still stuck in the 1960’s puffing the weed and praising Karl Marx and Yasser Arafat.

You’d laugh at the BBC’s desperate little ploys but the constant drip drip drip of anti-coalition doom and gloom probably has an effect….and as seen in Bradford a handful of votes can win a seat….combined of course with a bit of electoral chicanery in places.”


I posted here on a BBC Today entirely contrived all-Labour debate on whether Louis Mensch was RIGHT to say that the declaration that Rupert Murdoch was “not fit to run an international company” had NOT been debated by the Parliamentary Committee set up to review this. Paul Farrelly plainly stated she was wrong and that it HAD been discussed in formal debate. The following day, the BBC invited Louis on to discuss the abuse she had gotten on Twitter, but then gave her the opportunity to put her case on the Murdoch line. She repeated it had NOT been discussed. But dear old Auntie has a real dog in this fight so this morning, on Today, up pops Tom Watson and he was allowed to state that the issue had been discussed in formal session and that therefore Mensch is mistaken or lying. This is the subtle way the BBC works, it has been hell bent to ensure that the Labour gets the last word on this issue and has obliged at every opportunity.


Thought I would put this up for you. Labour have managed to win 39% of the 31% who bothered to vote and the champagne is flowing in Broadcasting House. My observation of BBC coverage relates to the Conservatives. It has been busy all morning setting up the poor saps that follow Cameron into declaring they will definitely not swing to the right, but rather stick to those essential Tory values of….gay marriage, lords reform, punitive taxation. I heard Hague on Today, he was pretty appalling but jumped through the hoops placed there for him.


Had to laugh at this;

“Always suspected Stephanie Flanders doesn’t know what day it is…and here’s the proof from Guido on a Wednesday:

Stephanie Flanders@BBCStephanie

Just tried to vote. My polling station, in Hammersmith, had closed two hours early. Has anyone else had same problem?

Stephanie Flanders@BBCStephanie

My democratic outrage is now in abeyance. Apparently all stations closed because, er, today isn’t Thursday. Clearly I need an early night.


Biased BBC’s Alan notes

“As you know the BBC had  Mervyn King do a speech for them last night but seem rather shy about revealing some the contents so far…

Mervyn King in a speech for the BBC Today programme states that because Labour’s economic policies and failure to control the banks we have lost 1 million jobs in the UK.
The Telegraph has a report here:

The BBC website hides the high profile speech on the politics page and fails to mention Labour losing us 1 million jobs but does blame King for the recession and states that ‘He also admitted the BoE should have done more to avert the banking crisis.’

The BBC then bring on Labour’s pet economist who writes for the New Statesman and the Guardian promoting Labour’s policy of more borrowing and spending ……
‘However, David Blanchflower, a former member of the BoE’s Monetary Policy Committee, accused Sir Mervyn of being “disingenuous”.
“If Mervyn King had thought more regulation was important he could’ve done something about it. And because he didn’t he must take responsibility for the fact the Bank of England missed the biggest financial crisis in a century,” he told BBC Radio 5 live.’

What did King say?

‘So why, you might ask, did the Bank of England not do more to prevent the disaster? We should have. But the power to regulate banks had been taken away from us in 1997. Our power was limited to that of publishing reports and preaching sermons.
With the benefit of hindsight, we should have shouted from the rooftops that a system had been built in which banks were too important to fail, that banks had grown too quickly and borrowed too much, and that so-called ‘light-touch’ regulation hadn’t prevented any of this.
From the beginning of 2008, we at the Bank of England began to argue that UK banks needed extra capital – a lot of extra capital, possibly £100 billion or more. It wasn’t a popular message. But nine months later, market pressure forced banks to raise new capital or accept it from the state. UK tax payers ended up owning large portions of two of our four biggest banks, Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB, but almost all banks would have failed had not taxpayer support been extended. That bold action in October 2008 could have happened sooner.
Bailing out the banks came too late though to prevent the financial crisis from spilling over into the world economy.
Over 25 million jobs disappeared worldwide. And unemployment in Britain rose by over a million.’
Couldn’t be much clearer even in diplomatic speak….power to regulate the banks was taken away from the BoE by Labour in 1997, Brown’s ‘light touch’ regulation failed to control the banks, the BoE warned Brown from the start of 2008 to pump capital into the banks, a warning which was ignored, and that Labour’s failure to control the economy cost over 1 million jobs.

Astonishing cover up for Brown who fails to get a name check. This is a speech commissioned by the BBC itself, for its most prestigious political news programme ‘Today’ and yet the story is buried on the ‘back pages’ and anything detrimental to Labour removed or ‘neutralised’ by an opposing voice.

It is a sure bet that if King had said Osborne must change tack and adopt the mythical ‘Plan B’ it would be front page news. Labour does not need large political donations to fund its campaigns when it has the taxpayer funding its  propaganda arm through the BBC license fee.


Well then, hasn’t Louise Mensch gone and irritated the BBC? How very dare she suggest that the blessed Tom Watson has jumped the gun and compromised the very essence of the Parliamentary Committee system by insisting that Rupert Murdoch is “unfit to run a major news organisation”. Leaving aside the irony of a bunch of MP’S who have run little more than  a bath judging the incredibly commercially successful Murdoch, the BBC wasn’t going to take this lightly. There was a hilarious item on Today at 7.50am. They brought on Tony Wright, (Labour) Chair of the Public Administration Committee, and Paul Farrelly (Labour) member for the DCMS Committee. Farrelly was brought on to counter Mensch’s allegation that the issue of Murdoch’s competency to run a financial institution had NOT been discussed before Monday of this week. After some weaseling, he stated that she was indeed wrong and that the issue HAD been discussed. So, in essence he was calling her a liar. BBC mission accomplished. Wright was more measured but stated he shared the same view on Murdoch as Farrelly and Watson, so natch! Clearly this was a stitch up job and the only thing that gave me a laugh was after this little bit of character assassination on Mensch and Murdoch., the BBC had to report that BSky reported record profits. That said, it is clear the BBC is determined to decouple Murdoch from control of BskyB in order to ruthlessly reinforce it’s monopolistic position over broadcast media in the UK.