Allahu Akhbar! Gorgeous George Galloway, Saddam’s representative on Earth, has won the Bradford West by election and the BBC has a problem. Yes they love the Labour Party but they will always genuflect to the pro-Jihad Respect party. So, this morning with my old pal George sleeping after his historic victory care of  “Asians” apparently, on trooped Salma Yaqoob to the Today programme @ 8.10AM. The climax of the interview was contrived to enable her to say that Respect did not support the killing of British soldiers in Afghanistan. She didn’t. Instead she talked of her support for the “right to resist” to the obvious chagrin of the BBC interviewer.

Further, she was able to claim that Galloway had obtained support from “all parts of the community” in Bradford West. I was speaking to a friend this morning who had visited the electoral battleground in Bradford West in the past few days. I am told that all of the Muslim areas were bedecked  with Respect posters, the Islamic community was fully energised to deliver support for the crusader (!) Galloway and elsewhere apathy reigned. How come the BBC’s world class reporters missed this? Why do they hide behind the false claim that Galloway represents a broad cross section of the Bradford people?

Here we have a situation where militant minded anti-British Muslims rally around the demagogue Galloway and the best the BBC can do is question Baroness Warsi as to why the Conservatives did not do better! Mind you, they also let Harriet Harperson declare “The lesson that we learn this morning is that we must learn lessons from this.”  Perhaps Harriet’s nonsense provides us with something to smile about, but the BBC’s obsequious to Respect reminds me of how it also grovelled to Sinn Fein.



Did you read this coverage the BBC affords the report from the The Riots, Communities and Victims Panel,  which highlights the “500,000 forgotten families” that contributed so considerably to the gaiety of street life in London and elsewhere last summer? It’s interesting to note how the BBC leads with the “poor forgotten us” angle, before then accepting that “poor parenting” played the major role. In fact the communities themselves all pointed out poor parenting as a driver of the excesses. Remarkably, when poor parenting is accepted as a primary cause, the solution is…yes, for the State to provide more help to these poor parents. I suppose it’s natural for the State Broadcaster to think it natural that the State should take on the role of mentor to those unable to parent but maybe some more forensic questions could be asked? Why are so many poor parents? How many are single parents? How have parenting skills gone missing in action? Where is the sense of responsibility certain parents should have but clearly don’t? Of course since this is the BBC, we will never get to hear them.


Interesting prime time debate here on the Today programme focusing on the shooting of Mark Duggan by the police in London last year. Showing that renowned impartiality we had Duggan’s aunt demanding to get to “the truth” and then we had a lawyer  demanding to get “to the truth”.  The suggestion was Duggan was “executed” on the streets of our Capital city but the Police seek to hide the details of the operation.


Comrade Len McClusky of the Unite trade union must love the BBC. Having set in motion the threat of a nationwide strike of the fuel tankers that could wreck our economy, the BBC angle on it is to take the words of Francis Maude and parse them in a way that suggests it is the Government causing all the stress for the British motorist. Had Maude and Cameron said nothing, the BBC/Unite axis would suggest they were being negligent; when they say something we are told that they are fueling (sic) the panic for fuel. Labour, funded by Unite, are getting away with pious murder on this one. Unite are being allowed to shelter behind entirely bogus “‘elfnsafety” allegations. It is the Government that is being attacked by the Labour/Union axis of hypocrisy and the BBC news channel (as heard on PM this afternoon) is giving every assistance!


Hi all!

The sun is shining outside and the world is looking good. Our own world at Biased BBC is about to change however, as you will have read in the post below this from All Seeing Eye. We’re moving to our new dedicated server with our brand new comments system and I have to say some thanks to the people who have made this possible so quickly!

First, to the remarkable ASE, a dear friend who works so hard behind the scenes here and does not get anything like the credit he deserves. His dedication, cheerfulness and “can do” spirit keeps me going at times of difficulty. I want to publicly thank him for all he does and yes, one of these days I will get to “The Rock” and buy him that drink (or two) promised!

Next up, I want to express my thanks to another great friend of this site, Max Farquar. His superb design skills have been brought to bear on making the new Biased BBC site look great. Like ASE, Max just gets on with it, sorts things out, and puts up with me! Cheers, Max, Biased BBC thanks you for all you have done! May I also commend Max’s site to all readers, it’s a great daily read.

Third, I want to thank ALL my fellow writers on the site. I really do appreciate the sharing of the writing burden. You are all so gifted in your own ways and bring a plurality of view and incisiveness of opinion that really helps! I do hope that you may find time to contribute even more to the new site. Can I also say that I am very open to guest posts – just email them to me. I do my best to publish. Some of you do this regularly but others should not be shy, if you want to get your posy

Above all, I want to thank YOU, dear reader. This site has THE most splendid followers and I remain stunned by your shared appetite to help me tackle the BBC bias. It is your daily visits, your comments, your enthusiasm, that motivates me to keep on toiling.

As ASE says, the new site will have teething issues, of that I am sure. Some things may take a little while to settle down, that’s just the way it is. But in terms of stability, room to grow, space to comment and opportunity to become an even bigger on line destination point for all who share our mission to hold the BBC to account – BIASED is the future.


Biased BBC contributor Graeme writes;
“After Jihad, the premier evil that threatens our country ishomosexual fascism. 
I found it striking that as strongly worded as Cardinal O’Brien’sopposition to homosexual marriage was, it was still confined within theparameters of debate set by the BBCin accordance with the ‘gay rights’ agenda. David Vance rightly states in a recent post ‘It’sas if the BBC is Stonewall’s broadcasting arm.
Has anyone ever heard Ben Summerskill’s views challenged byPaxman, Wark, Humphrys or Naughtie as grossly intolerant oranti-Christian?  Whenever I have heardBen Summerskill on TODAY or Newsnight, he is fed prompts to give him a platformto present his views, while the likes of Cardinal O’Brien face the StarChamber.
I’ve heard no churchman simply state:  “I’m against homosexual marriage becausehomosexuality is a perversion and if it is normalised society will become asdepraved as Sodomand Gomorrah’.
This is the Christian view on homosexuality, yet it isn’tpublicly expressed.  If you said it onthe street you could facearrest, notbecause it’s illegal, but becausea politically motivated police officer is abusing his powers to violateyour democratic right to freedom of speech. Yet none of these ‘officers’ ever face discipline.  They certainly don’t have to worry abouttheir force coming under BBCscrutiny for failing to discipline them for abusing their authority.  The BBCcreates the climate that encourages them to do so.  Having heard Cardinal O’Brien interviewedboth by John Humphrys and Edward Stourton on TODAY and ‘Sunday’, this mostoutspoken voice against homosexual marriage nevertheless allowed himself to bepsychologically hemmed in by what the BBCdeems acceptable speech, as much as Stourton and Humphrys implicitly dared himto step outside those bounds so they could slap him down as a ‘homophobe’.
As DV also stated in anotherrecent post, when he was on the BBCa while ago and called race hustlers Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, well, ‘racehustlers’, he was told he can’t say that. On the BBC conservativescan argue their case so long as they don’t do it effectively.
What was particularly disturbing about the way Stourtoncovered ‘gay marriage’ a couple of weeks ago was before he ‘interviewed’Cardinal O’Brien, he ran a lengthy piece featuring 3 ‘independent andimpartial’ experts giving their ‘different’ views on the history ofmarriage.  Craig also heard it,  and as I recall him inimically putting it:-
Expert one said through the centuries there have always beenfundamental changes in marriage, expert 2 said through the centuries there havealways been fundamental changes in marriage, expert 3 said through thecenturies there have always been fundamental changes in marriage and concludedthe piece with ‘gay marriage is just another fundamental change which isnothing out of the ordinary’.  Cue theCardinal ..
Let’s just remind ourselves about Sodom and Gomorrah.  Basically, a couple of good looking blokescame to visit Lot and his neighbours startedbanging on his door demanding to have sex with them.  That’s where we’re heading and that’s wherethe BBC’s been leading us.  Until the churchmen and conservative voices(left, right or centre) put the BBCcentre stage as the propaganda arm of the homosexual lobby that by forcemajeure is pushing our democracy to the precipice, opposition to this evil isonly ever going to be a feeble rearguard action at best.
If anyone is interested in seeing how the supposed ‘blog ofthe decent left’ Harry’s Place responds to the simpleChristian view on ‘homosexual marriage’, you may wish to take a look hereand here.


Perhaps you read this article in The Telegraph concerning Caroline Thomson, one of the front-runners to replace Mark Thompson at the BBC?

Caroline Thomson, who is the BBC’s chief operating officer and one of the front-runners to replace Mark Thompson as director general, said that “nothing is more important” than the BBC’s independence.  Ms Thomson joined the BBC as a journalism trainee in 1975 before leaving in the early 1980s to work for MP and SDP leader Roy Jenkins. She then joined Channel 4 before rejoining the BBC in 1996. She is married to Roger Liddle, Tony Blair’s former advisor.

She doesn’t seem to like Rupert Murdoch. Impartial to the core.  Remember, VOTE LABOUR,