As you know, Biased BBC has gone through some changes under my tenure. I’m not finished.

With problems on comments, and some other issues re the blogger platform, I am considering making a move to a dedicated server and including the scope to have an effective commenting system. This may also involve a site redesign and general upgrade. IF we are to go down this road, to provide you with a best ever Biased BBC blog, then it will carry cost. I am working with others to get a fix on what this will be but it is by no means insubstantial. So we will need to raise some funds in due course. I like to think that with so many loyal readers visiting daily, this should not present a problem and will revert to you in due course. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Been away so just back home and time for one of these. As you may have seen from ASE’s post below, we have a technical problem on the comments thread. If there is anyone out there with a technical bent, please drop me a line as we figure out how to fix things. In the meantime…please detail bias here.


Vince Cable
Whoops. B-BBC contributor Alan detects a rather fishy smell about a BBC claim leading their news today,,, 
“BBC are claiming that their hero Vince Cable’s letter was leaked to them:

‘Vince Cable has called for Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) to be split up, in a letter leaked to the BBC.’ 

But according to this comment in the Telegraph the letter was published in full by the FT over 3 weeks ago.

‘This was published in full in the FT three weeks ago, so pray tell me how and why is this now ‘news’.
You’d expect it from the comerstose BBC but the DT really!’ 

The FT: (behind paywall)
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Biased BBC contributor Alan notes…

You’ll never hear Bruce Springsteen on the BBC again…..

 ‘Just a few minutes of listening to mainstream rock music such as Bruce Springsteen and the White Stripes is enough to make white students focus on the interests of other whites at the expense of back people and latinos.’

 Wonder what happens when they listen to Rap? David Starkey has the answer to that one!


The BBC has been replete with reports on the situation in the Syrian town of Homs. However a Biased BBC reader suggests that we are not quite getting the full picture from the State Broadcaster;

“You will be aware of the BBC reporting on the Syrian government attacks on Homs and the killing of innocent civilians, however there seems to be no mention of the “freedom fighters” who are forcing civilians to remain in the town to act as human shields (just like the failure to report the use of civilians as shields in Gaza) nor of the wave of kidnappings that Christians in the town are now subject to (presumably from the same islamist “freedom fighters) see the information of this reported by the Barnabus Fund (extract below):

“The situation in the besieged city of Homs, Syria, is horrifying and becoming unbearable for Christians who are caught in the battleground. Many thousands are trapped in the city though others have managed to flee to the surrounding villages. Families are in desperate need of food and basics; prices have rocketed, supplies are running low, and it is often too dangerous to go out in search of food. More than 200 Christians have been killed, and the community has been beset by kidnappings. Two bombs were discovered in a church yard in Homs, although thankfully they did not explode. Christians were even blocked from leaving Homs by anti-government forces who were keeping them there as “human shields” in a bid to protect the areas they were controlling.”

Odd how the BBC seem to have missed this aspect, isn’t it? What with all that world class journalism, you might have thought someone would have thought the above worthy of comment? No?


Startling admission here by Mark Thompson;

“The head of the BBC, Mark Thompson, has admitted that the broadcaster would never mock Mohammed like it mocks Jesus. He justified the astonishing admission of religious bias by suggesting that mocking Mohammed might have the “emotional force” of “grotesque child pornography”. But Jesus is fair game because, he said, Christianity has broad shoulders and fewer ties to ethnicity. 

Mr Thompson says the BBC would never have broadcast Jerry Springer The Opera – a controversial musical that mocked Jesus – if its target had been Mohammed. He made the remarks in an interview for a research project at the University of Oxford. Mr Thompson said: “The point is that for a Muslim, a depiction, particularly a comic or demeaning depiction, of the Prophet Mohammed might have the emotional force of a piece of grotesque child pornography.”

This explains a lot. The point is that the State Broadcaster has one standard for how it deals with Christianity but another for how it deals with Islam. I suggest that it is not just the “emotional force” that concerns Thompson should the BBC offend Muslims as it does Christians but rather the “cutting edge” that the Religion of Peace offers to all who dare demean it.


As is often the case with the BBC, it’s remarkable the news they choose not to report. Biased BBC contributor Alan notes;

“With many political and corporate interests vested in green technology and the continuance of the war against CO2 ‘polluters’ it seems they have been caught with their hands in the till.

The Sunday Times reports that KPMG, one of the world’s largest accountancy firms, completed a report that concluded windfarms and solar power were unnecessary and expensive means to meeting government CO2 emission targets….huge savings and strategic benefits would flow from nuclear and gas fired power stations. To quote the Times, the report would have ‘explosive consequences for the government’s energy policy’ and serious political damage.

KPMG were bombarded with emails and phone calls from companies and environmental groups demanding the report be ‘pulled’. The Report was duly ‘buried’. KPMG is one of the government’s main advisors on energy policy as well as making millions advising companies on renewable energy projects and helped shape the very policy its report called into question.

I wonder when the clamour will start from all those environmentalists who claim that ‘big oil’ was funding many of the sceptics… is a company which is benefiting from advising the government and then having the government fund projects that in turn KPMG benefits from.

Kind of smacks of Goldman Sachs betting on both sides before the financial crash.

I eagerly await Richard Black first of all actually drawing attention to the story and then seeing what line he takes firstly in defending KPMG and then defending wind and solar power….when the report says that nuclear and gas fired power stations make more sense.”

Sunday Times (paywall) ‘Blown Away’ by Danny Fortson:


Anyone catch THIS interview with Cardinal Keith O’Brien on Today this morning? John Humphrys exuded bias in my opinion but then again anyone prepared to go onto any BBC programme and criticise “gay marriage” is in for a hammering. I know, I have been there. The BBC’s defence of the militant gay agenda is one of those defining features of the Corporation and I think it feels it essential to pose as a defender of the faithless. I felt sorry for the Cardinal having to put up with the sneering tone from Humphyrs. Wondered what you think?