Biased BBC exists to provide a forum for YOUR view, to allow you to point out the things that bother you about BBC coverage. Here are the views of a reader who is most concerned about how the State Broadcaster is dealing with the Huhne resignation issue;

“I’ve been watching the coverage of Huhne’s resignation – on BBC 24-hour News channel- for the last 90 minutes. At the end of each (30-minute interval) report, there’s been an interview with a Greenie spokesperson – who, of course, calls for Huhne’s successor to be just as robust in pushing the Green agenda and standing up for delusional fantasies such as wind power. Obviously, as far as the Beeb is concerned, the great unwashed can go freeze in the dark, so long as the BBC maintains its ideological purity. Question: why is the BBC (a supposedly ‘impartial’ broadcaster) giving so much prominence to such a non-mainstream point of view? We all know they wouldn’t do so on many other topics we could mention. I don’t claim to be a climatologist. But I do have a decent Cambridge degree in early medieval northern European history – and northern England, Scandinavia, Greenland and Iceland were several degrees hotter in the Medieval Warm Period than they are now. Why do you think the colonising Vikings called ‘Greenland’ just that? Because it was largely free of ice when they first arrived!”


I don’t listen to ANY QUESTIONS very often, after all there is only so much BBC that the human spirit can take. However as fate would have it, I did catch this most recent programme. It was from Wirral, so perhaps that was a warning. On the panel were;  Work and Pensions Minister, Maria Miller; Liberal Democrat President, Tim Farron; Shadow Secretary of State, Andy Burnham; and geneticist, Professor Steve Jones. So, that makes THREE to the left and ONE to the moderate right. What could be more balanced?

The first question raised, and I kid you not,was concerning the NOBILITY of Chris Huhne’s decision to step down and defend himself against the allegation that he and his wife colluded to pervert the course of justice. There was universal praise for Huhne, with Steve Jones even comparing him to a pearl.

There then followed a discussion of David Lammy and the “smacking” issue. Again the panel were in agreement that smacking your child is basically child abuse, if not savage. Evidently no one on the panel or even in the audience was prepared to say that judicious smacking is a perfectly acceptable part of parenting, all the more surprising when one reflects on the statistic that 55% of parents support it. Oh, and my source is this GUARDIAN poll. Yet in the BBC audience, 100% oppose it. So, the BBC audience is even further to the left than Guardianistas – quite a feat,

The discussion moved on to NHS reform and as you might expect, only Maria Miller was in favour. Burnham, Farron and Jones trotted out every asinine NHS cliche you could imagine. Again the view of the Government was clearly portrayed as a marginalised view with “most” opinion on the panel and in the audiencefavouring just keeping the NHS as it is. Burham was allowed to grandstand.

I lost the will to live at that point and tuned out but one does have to wonder how such an unbalanced and unrepresentative programme can get away with such visceral bias. Or so I think.


Ah, you just gotta love Obama. Well, if you work for the BBC you do. Get this;

US President Barack Obama challenged Congress to keep the economic recovery going as new data showed unemployment down to its lowest rate in three years. The unemployment rate dropped to 8.3%, beating analyst forecasts, and was down from 8.5% in December.

Great stuff and a sign that recovery is now well underway. Time to re-elect The One, yes? 
Oh, except for this. But hey, the BBC has a unique way of looking at the world!


Have you been following the BBC coverage of the resignation of Lib Dem Chris Huhne? It strikes me that now that Mr Huhne has gone to spend more time with his windmills, the BBC is rather gutted and if you read through this report it smacks of BBC sadness that one of their own has fallen from grace. Mind you, armed with the ‘simple sword of truth and the trusty shield of British fair play’ I guess we can but hope Huhne will make a speedy return to Government…as it were.


Biased BBC contributor Alan writes; 

“We have long beentreated to the BBC’s eulogising of China and the delight and envy at itsdecisive decision making, unhindered by the need for public approval. JeremyPaxman only recently telling us ‘China is the great emerging force in theworld, and the sense of apprehension everywhere else must be good.’

But it now seems that long cherished dreams of the return of the Soviet Unionare being dusted off and burnished….the Israeli security barrier may be ahuman rights disaster for Palestinians but the Berlin Wall kept out the evilsof irresponsible capitalism.

Peter Oborne in the Telegraph reveals the BBC have long covered up for Putin…

‘The BBC’s distortion of the truth helps Putin suppress his critics. A revealing documentary – Putin, Russia and the West – is all very well, but itshould not be playing into the hands of a tyrant.The BBC has heavily bought into prime minister Putin’s own narrative…itsdescription of the programme: “How the great Soviet superpower, crushed andhumiliated, has been resurrected in the form of Vladimir Putin’s new Russia.” ‘

Whilst the BBC happily hunts down every British or American soldier for theslightest misdemeanour Oborne says it is happy for the Russians to devastateChechnya….’this Chechen conflict was an event of hideous brutality, borderingon a genocide: the BBC presents it as something closer to a routine counter-insurgency.’  ‘The overall narrative, I believe, is slanted towards Putin, a fact whichbecomes more disturbing when the identity of the main consultant to the seriesis taken into account.

Angus Roxburgh is well known to the British public as a former BBC Moscowcorrespondent. Much more relevant is the fact that Mr Roxburgh was a publicrelations consultant to the Kremlin for three years between 2006 and 2009.

The Guardian correspondent Luke Harding records in his recent book, MafiaState, “the BBC Moscow bureau in particular is extremely reluctant to report onstories that might offend the Kremlin”.

Some good judges believe that this outcome (of the Russian elections makingPutin President again) might plunge Russia into a new dark age. How fortunatefor Putin that he has a useful idiot in Jonathan Powell and a fearful newsorganisation like the BBC to make life easy for him.”


Biased BBC’s Alan asks;

“Is it possible thatthe BBC and the Labour Party are working hand in glove to attack the Coalitiongovernment?

Not just a chance meeting of minds and interests but a deliberately engineeredcampaign to bring down a government? 

Take the recent revelations by the BBC about Ed Lester’s payarrangements….why was he targeted?

We know the BBC has an intense interest in student loans having followed andbroadcast the student protests religiously and at great length.

Is it likely they chose Ed Lester deliberately precisely because he was runningan organisation that was part of a scheme that the BBC disagrees with andtherefore any bad news will damage that scheme?

Just how did they come to decide he was a target? Did they get a tip off froman interested party….a Labour member?

It is interesting how quick off the ball Labour were in demanding an ‘urgentquestion’ in Parliament.

Reminds me of the recent time when a charity published a report timed tocoincide with and support Labour questions.

Is the BBC co-ordinating with Labour?

Disappointing how political Margaret Hodge was on the radio today talking aboutthis….although the Public Accounts Committee was going to investigate thismatter it seemed she had already made up her mind of great wrong doings, andthe trail of guilt lead all the way to the top…government ministers areimplicated in this crime against the ‘people’.

Shame the BBC failed to tell us she was ‘Labour’ and had sponsored the 2004Higher Education Act which introduced tuition fees for students….wonder ifshe had any insider knowledge?”


Has the BBC been running with this story today?

The BBC received millions of pounds from the European Union and local authorities over the past four years. The BBC admitted in a letter to a Tory MP that it has received nearly £3million in grant money from the European Union over the past four years. Other grants totalling £16million came from local authorities across the UK. The money was spent on “research and development projects”. The broadcaster also disclosed that its commercial arm BBC Worldwide borrowed over £141million from the European Investment Bank since 2003. Of that figure £30million is still due to be repaid by the end of May this year.


This was sent my way! Well worth a read…

“I assume you’venoticed BBC outrage re the Student Loans Company. 

It reminds me of this story from 1993.