Sometimes, bias is revealed in small ways. This morning, I heard the BBC talk about the likely results of the Iowa caucuses as concerns the GOP candidates in the running there. What got me was that they said that Republican candidates were hoping ” to prevent ” President Obama winning a second term. Subtle language, instantly casting the GOP candidates as being negative, seeking to stop something happening. They could just as easily have presented this in a positive way, saying the Republicans candidates were hoping to win the Presidency. Naturally as we go through 2012 the BBC will get increasingly vexed about the chances of Obama and so I forecast we will see plenty of more overt bias to come.


There was a real BBC hatchet job carried over the holidays concerning Margaret Thatcher and her approach to Liverpool in the early ’80’s and B-BBC contributor Alan picks up on the detail;

“And aren’t we luckythat we are forced, under threat of imprisonment, to pay the salaries of thosewho lie to us so grievously? One man’s suggestion to the Conservative government in 1981 has been spun asanother example of a wicked Thatcherite policy imposed upon the downtroddenworkers by the BBC.

‘The trend for transforming other people’s struggles into self-serving moralityplays has led to an alarmingly casual attitude towards the distinction betweentruth and lies….and a preference for simplistic moralism over the tough taskof reporting.’

‘Thatcher told to abandon Liverpool’ says BBC…not ‘Thatcher spent hundreds ofmillions regenerating Liverpool’. Every BBC news broadcast stated that Lord Howe had urged Thatcher to abandonLiverpool to decline. There was no context, no explanation….if you listened to the BBC you wouldalmost certainly believe that this was in fact Tory policy that they actuallycarried out.You might not realise in fact that Lord Heseltine spent 18 months transformingthe situation and pumping millions of pounds into Liverpool.

In 1981 Sir Geoffrey Howe acknowledged the suggestion that the city could beleft to a “managed decline” was potentially explosive.“This is not a term for use, even privately,” he warned Mrs Thatcher. “It ismuch too negative.”

The BBC knows such a charge is highly provocative and socially dangerous andfeeds the stereotypical image of the Tories…..the BBC fully intend to stir upas much anti-Tory anger and hatred as possible to make them unelectable…andseem quite happy at the prospect of any possible riots….caused by Tory’neglect’. Lord Heseltine rightly says…”The judgement should be about did we do theright thing?”

But the BBC aren’t interested in that. Or the fact that Howe was merely suggesting that the limited amount of moneyavailable might be more wisely spent in other ares more deprived and morelikely to benefit….if all the money went to Liverpool surely other towns andcities must be at least partially ‘abandoned’ then?

In an interview on 5Live Steven Nolan was talking to a community worker fromLiverpool who stated Liverpool had been in decline not because of centralgovernment so much, but because of local politicians…Labour and Liberalones…that the Tories did a lot to help. Nolan instead of asking in what waythese politicians destroyed Liverpool’s economy ignored this and rapidly movedon….to claim that we saw riots on the streets of Liverpool this summer causedby social deprivation as in 1981…….feeding into the BBC belief that theriots were all about social injustice and greedy bankers….

He was rapidly put right…there were no riots by the people of Toxteth thissummer.

Such casual and intentionally selective ‘reporting’ is designed to infuriatethe people of Liverpool and confirm the idea of the Tories as the ‘Nasty Party’to everyone else.

The Labour and Liberal politicians thanked God for the BBC narrative and joinedin, quite happy to lie about this story for their own political benefit and ofcourse trying to make comparisons with today‘s situation….

Just two examples from many of the opportunistic bottom feeding politicians whoslither out to spread their odious lies and all given credibility by the BBC…..

Former Liverpool Labour MP Peter Kilfoyle commented to the Echo: “I think thepapers show an honest reflection of Tory thinking….I frankly do not thinkthey cared. ”

Labour MP Louise Ellman said ‘Lord Howe typifies a Tory attitude that is deeplyunpleasant.’

It is highly provocative and politically damaging nationally for the BBC tofeed these lies and give them any credibility at all. The BBC is supposedly thegold standard upon which the people can rely on for accurate and unbiasedreporting of events.

The attitude of the BBC types can be neatly summarised in this story about ‘A Gay Girl in Damascus’….The true author of A Gay Girl in Damascus is Tom MacMaster, a 40-year-old American Middle East activist studying at Edinburgh University .

‘That serious journalists fell for MacMaster’s fiction speaks to a profound crisis of objectivity in the modern media, and a preference for simplistic moralism over the tough task of reporting.

The trend for transforming other people’s struggles into self-serving morality plays has led to an alarmingly casual attitude towards the distinction between truth and lies.

MacMaster justifies his fake blog by saying that he was ‘trying to enlighten people’. The Guardian says his blog might have been a hoax but it nonetheless ‘[drew] attention to a nation’s woes’ ‘

‘Okay, we might have toyed with the facts, but we got at some deeper truth.’

Wasn’t that Lenin’s justification for killing anyone opposed to Communist policies……the future is all that matters…sacrifices now will bring us a better future?

The end justifies the means.

What the public gets is a shallow, prejudiced and highly inaccurate view of the world …such distortion leads to a political system out of kilter and, as intended by the BBC, essentially a one party state as all opponents to the BBC world view are shouted down or denied a voice…and one party politics is not a state of affairs conducive to a free and liberal culture…ironically.

We all remember Paxman in 2007 saying …”you rely upon second-hand information-quotes from powerful vested interests, assessments from organisations which do the work we don’t have time for, even, god help us, press releases from public relations agencies. The consequence is that what follows isn’t analysis. It’s simply comment, because analysis takes time, and comment is free.”

but not free of consequences….consequences that lead to an entirely new world, one that is inherently dangerous and without safeguards developed over centuries to ensure our freedoms, safety and fair government.

All that is at risk because of distorted, misleading reporting flooding out from the world’s most trusted source of information…the BBC


Biased BBC’s Alan notes;

“Richard Black illustrates why he is not a good journalist…allowing prejudice and bad judgement to influence his reporting. On Twitter he claims people who don’t follow the ‘consensus’ in science damage the planet…meaning the ‘Sceptics’ on AGW except his example would actually denounce the BRIC countries that are being allowed to carry on pumping out CO2 to enable them to industrialize (if the CO2 issue is so important, ie the planet is going to die if we continue producing CO2, how is possible to allow that?).

14:31 UK time, Thursday, 29 December 2011
@BBCRBlack via Twitter
‘Record year’ for ivory seizures – or how beliefs that run counter to science damage the environment
“I fear the criminals are winning,” he said.
‘Some environmental campaigners say the decision to allow some southern African countries, whose elephants populations are booming, to sell their stockpiles of ivory has fuelled the illegal trade.
Those countries – South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe – however, deny this and argue they should be rewarded for looking after their elephant populations.’

Black also links to one of his stories, sorry, reports, from 2006 about Canada, the evil planet destroying Conservatives, and Kyoto…
Will Kyoto die at Canadian hands?
By Richard Black
Environment Correspondent, BBC News website
Is Canada’s newly elected Conservative Party now preparing to don the mantle of Darth Vader and emasculate the protocol to the point of impotence?

In this Black claims only the Canadian Conservatives believe the Kyoto Protocol is completely ineffective…..history now tells us most countries think that. What is interesting is that Canada has now pulled out of the climate agreements….it was a big story….but Black ignore’s this event….

Canadian Senate Climate Science and Economics Hearing – 15/12/11!
  ….which has prominent and qualified sceptics reporting to the Canadian Senate.
I wonder why Black isn’t too keen to have you see this…could it be that the arguments made are compelling and credible whilst pro AGW voices have been shown to be corrupt, inept and unscientific?


You can always rely on the cringeworthy Archbishop of Canterbury and the totally barking Camilla Batmanghelidjh to pop up on the BBC and trot out their neo-Marxist agenda without any counter point. Such is the case today with both these sopping wet leftists afforded a platform to tell us that the feral rioters of last summer were misunderstood angels with dirty faces that “we” have let down. No one asked to comment who might hold a contrary view.


Hello and welcome to the first post of 2012. With all the hype surrounding the new Sherlock Holmes movie, I started thinking about the old Holmes story “The adventure of the Silver Blaze”. You may have  read it as it
contains this wonderful exchange;

Inspector Gregory:”Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?”
Holmes: “To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.”
Inspector Gregory “The dog did nothing in the night-time.”
“That was the curious incident,” remarked Sherlock Holmes.

Now, the Euro has just turned 10 years old and as Damian Thompson points out here, the BBC were to the fore in their Europhoria for “the project” back then…

I’ve been looking back at the Beeb’s coverage of that historic event. For today’s teenagers who don’t remember the original reporting, let me try to capture its flavour for you: “OMG! This is so AMAZING, guys!!! You can use the same coins in Germany and Greece! Can’t wait till we join!!! It’ll be SO TOTALLY AWESOME.” Honestly, I’m barely exaggerating. “Euphoria in euroland” was the opening line on the Ten Clock News on January 1 2002. Euphoria at Television Centre might be a better description.

And ten years on as it faces collapse? Silence. Yes, there is a headline informing us that “European Leaders” predict a “difficult” 2012 but the sheer SCALE of the looming collapse of the Eurozone as we know it is being carefully sanitised with little discussion if any concerning the political hubris and fiscal folly from the “European Leaders” that brought this all about.

The Mail picks up on the story as well here.

Curious indeed.


Thanks to ALL who come to this site for your tremendous enduring help, encouragement, insight and humour during the previous 12 months and here’s to making 2012 another great year on Biased BBC. This is your blog and I promise to do my best to keep it lively and on topic in the New Year. Cheers!


Well, I was in the belly of the beast last night, doing the Paper Reviews on 5Live. Thanks for all your suggestions and thought I might explain how it actually works.

Basically you are presented with the A4 front pages of most of the daily papers 30 minutes before you go on-air. A few of the papers have some more pages, last night the Indie and Express did. That’s a challenge as I believe most of what is worth reading lies inside the newspaper, not on the cover. Anyway, you select a few stories you want to talk about and then off you go. There is no coercion and no censorship. The only thing I couldn’t talk about before midnight was the details of those being honoured in the New Years List. Didn’t bother me as I oppose the Honours system.

I chose Nanny Statism and the Collapse of the Euro as my topics. I found the host, Jonathan Overend, pleasant and he did not challenge me so I really can’t complain. My co-reviewer, David Banks (former editor of the Mirror) was a pleasant guy who I enjoyed talking with. I got in one dig about the entire public sector needing to take cuts and he did not come back! All in all, it was a pleasant if somewhat insubstantive experience. This time of the year is news silly season and so I hope I get the chance to repeat when we have real news issues to debate. The BBC in Belfast were very accommodating to me and the only problem was I didn’t get home to about 1.30am. Hope that let’s you know how it all works. Tired the morning after!


Nobody would fail to feel sympathy for the family of the teenager who was stabbed to death in London’s Oxford Street during the Boxing Day sales. Who would want to see their 18 year old stabbed to death? But the BBC does test one’s patience. Just consider this…

“Seydou Diarrassouba, 18, was stabbed after a fight began in the Foot Locker sports shop near Bond Street Tube station on Monday. His family praised the “loving son and brother” who was “snatched away”. The tribute came as police raided the homes of 20 suspected gang members to “quell” related tensions.”

The way the BBC writes this one leaves out a few essential facts…

A known gangster, he (Diarrassouba) was facing trial over charges of robbery and assault by beating in relation to an alleged attack in September.On Boxing Day he is believed to have left his home on a council estate in Mitcham, South London, with other members of ABM with the intention of using the sales crush as cover for shoplifting.

WHY does the BBC deliberately erase this aspect to the background of the young man? I know it is not pleasant but it does provide genuine context. This guy was out with his gangster pals to thieve and it all went wrong. Also note the photo that they use – above. The could have used this one…but didn’t. I wonder why?