Biased BBC’s Alan observes;

“Not content with inflaming Muslim anger towards Jews the BBC is set on creating antagonism between Christians and Jews with its creative use of the truth in Bethlehem….as noted in a previous post. The reporter, Jon Donnison, had a template to write his story around and mangled the facts to fit that narrative….the Jews killed Christ and now they are destroying the Christian communities in the West Bank….and a university graduate doesn’t want to be a shepherd because of those damned Jews….sorry ‘Israelis’. Whatever the Balen Report said its message has clearly been forgotten…or ignored. What was that message? Probably that BBC News kills Jews. No wonder They don’t want you to see it.

Naturally of course the BBC don’t bother reporting much at all from Pakistan….a nation created in a similar way to Israel (and with less legitimacy) and one which supports terrorism in India and the Taliban…and of course is a Muslim state. One reason the BBC might not want to report from there……

‘For the second year in a row, Reporters Without Borders has named Pakistan the most deadly country in the world for journalists. The biggest threat is not terrorists, but the intelligence service, a prominent talk show moderator alleges. The same man just received an ominous warning via text message. ‘

 You haven’t heard much about that on the BBC. Perhaps if Jews promised to vote Labour they might get a better Press from the BBC? No matter what Labour does the BBC draws a veil over it…13 years of corruption and incompetence goes unreported. 

Recently the BBC presented us with ‘Drawing Blood’, a programme revealing the dangerous art of political cartooning.

As all political time begins with Thatcher the BBC of course went straight to her, then continued with the Tories and onto the Coalition….remarkably it seems the cartoonists had found nothing funny or satirical about Labour’s 13 years of misrule…..the BBC had their very own cultural Great Leap Forward and decided not to show us any anti-Labour cartoons.

What they did give us was Martin Rowson, of the Guardian (natch) who lectured us on the hateful nastiness of the Coalition….destroying Labour’s legacy of fine economic management and destituting the poor to pay for the Tory Toff’s mates in the Cities bonus’s….. ‘

“This government in particular makes me angry….it doesn’t know what it is doing….I get angrier when I think of the effect they’re having on the most vulnerable in society and economic mismanagement’.

Nice that the BBC doesn’t let an opportunity go to damn it’s political enemies.

Even John Simpson has lowered himself to puerile, student level abuse when reporting on the death of Vaclav Havel…he told us how intellectual Havel was….unlike other leaders….cue film of George Bush with Havel and Simpson’s narration….‘In terms of intellect he was way ahead of other political leaders.’ 

Ho Ho Ho.
(HIGN4Y 6 mins 30 secs in….)  No doubt the editors were all laughing at that one…..and at the picture of Bush as Hitler in the BBC news room.


Easing my way back into this post-Christmas blogging and I am sure you will have read about the horrific mass murder in Texas carried out by a “gunman who shot dead six relatives before killing himself at a family Christmas celebration in Texas was dressed as Santa Claus.” The curious thing is that the killer was also a devout Muslim and it looks like it was an honour killing with extras. Naturally the BBC choses not to update the story with this detail – after all it’s not relevant…right?


Just wanting to take a quiet moment from a hectic schedule to wish ALL Biased BBC writers and readers a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2012. It’s been a very busy year on the site as we go from strength to strength, with more people than ever regularly visiting Biased BBC. I really do need a few days of a break so let me wish you and yours Seasonal salutations and I will return shortly!


Bang on cue, the BBC couldn’t let Christmas arrive without having yet ANOTHER go at the pesky Jews. Check out this outrageous item ran on Today this morning. It seems that Israeli security restrictions are causing no end of hassle for Palestinian Shepherds seeking to attend festivities in Bethlehem. (No mention as to why these security restrictions are needed, but then this is the BBC..). Also note the repeated use of the “Occupied” land meme plus the “illegal under International Law” trope. Pure Palestinian propaganda brought to you from Jew hatred central.


Propagating AGW cultism is an essential element of BBC broadcasting, as Biased BBC’s Alan points out here…

“The BBC have beenbusy recently pumping out the propaganda to support their belief in man madeglobal warming. Many programmes have suddenly appeared about the Arctic andAntarctic….surely no coincidence.Many of the conclusionss are highly questionable and some outright misleading.

Apart from the ‘Frozen Planet’ advert for AGW we have these other programmesbombarding us with the ‘science’ or not…..

Natural World – 2008-2009 – 9. Polar Bears and Grizzlies – Bears on Top of theWorld
Documentary following a mother polar bear, a mother grizzly bear and theirnewborn cubs as they adapt to a warming world. (R) The shrinking Arctic ice may be making life much tougher for polar bears, butit is offering new opportunities for grizzly bears to the south.

Rowing the Arctic – Mark Beaumont and Jock Wishart head an expedition to row a boat to the 1996north magnetic pole, a point only now accessible due to the recent dramaticretreat of arctic sea ice.
Nobody has ever rowed so far into the Canadian high Arctic – a first in theworld of exploration and adventure, only made possible by the dramatic retreatof arctic sea ice in recent decades.

The Secret Life of Ice – Dr Gabrielle Walker looks deep within the ice crystal to try to discover howsomething so ephemeral has the power to sculpt landscapes, preserve our pastand inform our future. (R)
….’the records of ice and CO2 have moved in tandem for 800,000 years,scientists say this supports their theories of man made global warming….awarning difficult to ignore.’

Timeshift – Series 11 – 7. Antarctica: Of Ice and Men. Documentary which looks at why the most inhospitable place on the planet hasexerted such a powerful hold on the imagination of explorers, scientists,writers and photographers. (R) ….’The Antarctic needs protection…a fragile frontline of global warmingwhere the effects of global warming are most keenly felt.’

The 1996 magnetic north pole is far further south than the present MNP now asthe magnetic pole moves northwest about 37 miles per year….is ice melt due toyou driving your car to Tescos or is it more to do with the sun and perhaps thetilt of the Earth as it becomes more upright on its axis making the Arctic more’sunny’ and hot?

Does the link between temperature rises and CO2 as shown in ice records meanCO2 drives temperature rises? No…even Phil Jones from the CRU has had toadmit that temperatures show a rise 800 years before CO2 rises. So slightlydisingenuous of the BBC to make that link.

And is the Antarctic at the frontline of global warming? No….the Antarctichas seen increased ice for 30 years….who says so? http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/

‘In recent years, the sea ice cover that surrounds the Antarctic continent hasbeen higher than average, even reaching near-record highs. Antarctic sea ice varies much more from year to year than Arctic sea ice, butoverall, ice extent around Antarctica has been growing slightly over the past30 years.’

and also snow cover is up…though moving around the world…..’overallNorthern Hemisphere snow cover was more extensive than normal this November,with most of the extra snow cover found in Canada and Russia. Snow covered anaverage of 36.2 million square kilometers (14.0 million square miles) ofNorthern Hemisphere land. This is 2.79 million square kilometers (1.08 millionsquare miles) above the 1971 to 2000 mean, and ranks as the fourth mostextensive cover in the past 46 years of satellite-derived snow cover records.’


The bias of the BBC is often accompanied by the sheer inanity. Next week, the Today programme will have “guest editors” and one of these is the “comedian” Stewart Lee. Clearly the BBC are so excited about Stewart’s forthcoming editorial debut that they felt inclined to allow him to do an item on Today this morning. (7.42am) Stewart did not disappoint and gave us his curious opinions as to what Oliver Cromwell would think of the modern Christmas. This turned out to be a less than cloaked onslaught on how “commercialism” has killed Christmas, although last time I checked, I can’t recall Mr Lee urging a celebration of Christianity? The only good thing about this trash is that it used several excerpts from my favourite song. Sorry I have no link, nothing put up on the site yet by the BBC – have they already cleared off on holiday?


Good to see the Daily Mail following in our humble footsteps and getting stuck in to the State Broadcaster;

“Two hours before Britain’s economic figures were released yesterday, the BBC enthusiastically predicted that growth would be ‘even worse than we thought’. The potential economic slowdown was discussed at length in grave tones for three and a half minutes on Radio 4’s flagship Today programme. The issue was considered important enough to be placed third on the programme’s news bulletins at 7.30am and 8am. 

Unfortunately, their pessimistic predictions were wrong. Instead of growth being worse than forecast, it was better. But rather than injecting a more optimistic tone into their analysis, they simply relegated the story to being an also-ran. 

Indeed it dropped off some later bulletins altogether. The World at One on Radio 4 did not include it in its headlines, neither did BBC1’s 1pm news. Earlier on the Today programme, the normally scrupulously impartial John Humphrys introduced the economy story with a dose of doom. He said: ‘We know the economy is slowing down, which is another way of saying the nation won’t be getting much richer, if at all. But today the latest revised growth figures will be published and everyone seems to think they will show it’s even worse than we thought.’

If only the Mail would get with the BBC view of economics and accept that we need to follow the received wisdom of Stepahnie “Two Eds” Flanders and resort to Plan B ….more unfunded spending.


My sources tell me that there is weeping and wailing in BBC newsrooms, black ties may be worn and solemn music should be played…..at this breaking news…..

The UK economy grew by 0.6% between July and September, official figures have shown, faster than previous estimates of 0.5%. The rise was driven by strong performance in the service sector and construction, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said.