How do you think the BBC is doing in its coverage of the Conservative Party conference? We’ve had a few days of their “unique analysis” so thought I would put a specific thread to capture your feedback. From my perspective, it’s the same as ever. Snide, seeking splits, trying to undermine and rewrite history.


Is it just me or has the BBC been indecently enthusiastic in its coverage of the news that Amanda “Foxy” Knox has been cleared of killing Meredith Kercher? I listened to John Humphrys on Today this morning (7.09am) and he was using her release to try and undermine the use of the death penalty in the States, a clear example of Humphrys pursuing his own agenda. The disinterest in the feelings of the Kercher family was also telling.


Meant to cover this yesterday, I refer to BBC coverage of the latest European diktat bestowing additional rights and benefits on Agency workers. This has been presented by the BBC as a further instance of Euro benevolence and anyone arguing against it is treated as if they are the enemies if the enlightenment. It seems to have escaped the attention of BBC editors that legislation which puts extra pressure and cost on business in a recession will only lead to jobs being lost. On Today the other morning there was a harpy from the Trade Unions on bleating that this did not really go far enough but at least it was a step in the right direction. When the market adjusts for this imposition, and fewer agency workers are employed, the BBC will then bleat about the awful unemployment. This is how the BBC operates its pro-EU policy; it cheer-leads for the legislation from Brussels and then attacks the Government when the inevitable chaos ensues.


Wearying but predictable to see that the lead story on the BBC NEWS Portal this morning is one undermining the Conservatives. “Conservative Andrew Tyrie questions economic strategy”. That’s the single most important story in the world this morning.  I am sure we can look forward to the BBC bringing more stories of division and conflict during the Conservative Party conference and the only guy that can expect favourable BBC coverage is Nick Boles. I am sure you can work out why.  


It is remarkable how much platform the BBC extends to the faux Road Safety charity, Brake. These fanatics were immediately quoted here by the BBC in response to the suggestion by Transport Secretary Philip Hammond that the speed limit on motorways may be raised to 80mph. Apart from the fact that this alleged “initiative” by Hammond is little more than a cute way to implement EU wishes, why on earth does Brake get the first word of response? Who voted for them?


Anyone catch this interview between John Humphrys and Sir Merrick Cockell, chairman of the local government association and leader of Kensington and Chelsea Council? The issue is the Conservative plan to help facilitate weekly bin collections. The SNEERING from Humphrys is quite remarkable. Bias? Yes indeed. Is this a populist approach by Pickles? Yes. Is it desirable? Yes. Why do the BBC go ballistic over something as simple and popular as this?


I listened to the BBC “What the Papers say” on Today this morning. The Miliband speech was given due prominence but for some reason The Guardian coverage was omitted. I wonder why? Meanwhile, Red Ed turned up in the prime 8.10am slot on Today and despite the softballs lobbed his way by Naughtie, it was a car crash. Miliband will set up a body to determine which are “good” and “bad” business models, for example, a sort of star chamber to determine the wickedness of the Corporation. This is a real tough one for the BBC – they so want Labour back but in Miliband we have a Michael Foot in a smarter suit – and he comes across REALLY badly.