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- JohnC Mar 6, 02:20
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Midweek 5th March 2025
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Author Archives: David Vance
A Biased BBC reader writes…
“I can’t stand “foreigner bashing” – it’s intellectually and morally lazy, weak and bitter. However, I also can’t stand the current glut of “foreigner bashing the racist Brits” narrative that is spewing from the BBC.
We know the Beeb’s post-Brexit bashing of us bigoted Brits is relentless (they written almost 100 stories on the “rise in post-Brexit hate crime”), including last week’s smear of the British people on Question Time.
This time, the Victoria Derbyshire Show has peddled the fearmongering. “The Poles looking to leave the UK after Brexit,” the headline shrieks. “Incidents of hate crime aimed at the UK’s Polish community increased after the summer’s EU referendum and as a result, some Poles are considering leaving the country.”
We hear of Joanna Kalinowska. She lives in Poole and explains:
“I was talking to my daughter [in Polish], we were joking and laughing. A man passed and said ‘if you are in England you have to talk in English… otherwise you go back to your country’,”.
“I said to that guy, ‘I am talking with my child, so I will talk to my child in my language. And this is also my country, and I have equal rights here’.”
The man, she says, answered in reply: “You don’t have any rights here any more.”
“That was my experience after Brexit,” she says.
…”[Polish people] were prepared to come here, work hard and be normal members of society,” she says. “We are very easy to integrate and we are very pleased to integrate with Brits. But Brits don’t want to integrate with us.”
So the most hideous and horrific example of hate crime is a person allegedly suggesting she should speak English? Even then, she rebuts that by saying she should not have to (I love her “my language” line) and then, despite saying she doesn’t have to speak English to a British person, has the audacity to say it is the British people that don’t integrate. How does that work? I move to your country, don’t speak your language but you are not integrated with me?
Then we have Magda. Bizarrely, Magda does not even claim to have experienced hate crime but instead regurgitates media reports/propaganda. Apparently, that is proof enough though:
“There are so many different nations and skin colours [in the UK] and I’ve never read so many bad stories about them as about Poles. It’s impossible that we Poles are so bad and everybody else is awesome and great. We all are people and you can’t put all the blame on one nation.”
She wheels out the victim narrative even though she is not even a victim. Neither she or the BBC provide a single example of anyone putting “all the blame on one nation” and Poland was never the rationale of the Brexit argument. It is persecution complex of the highest order.
Then there is Pawel, who spent two years in the UK as a cleaner in a hotel (nothing wrong with that job but hardly one you can retire on after just two years) before heading home.
“People were teasing Polish workers… saying they took English people’s jobs. But everyone knew that the English people wouldn’t do the jobs that the Polish people were doing. So in fact no-one was stealing the jobs.
Teasing?! Teasing!! With jokes that people knew were not true?
So, to conclude, the BBC says there is a surge in hate crime purging innocent, morally superior Poles from the UK and back to Poland. And the examples they provide are:
1. A woman who was told she should speak English.
2. A woman who has read some newspaper stories about hate crime.
3. A man who was teased by self-depricating co-worker.
Strange the BBC doesn’t compare the situation in this vile hellhole of racism that we call the UK with that beautiful, pluralist utopia that is Poland and it’s mere two per cent non-Polish citizenry and unblemished history of loving all foreigners.”
I know it’s not JUST the BBC but the State Broadcaster has fallen in line with the current globalist narrative of demonising Putin and seeking conflict with Russia. Hillary Clinton has given the clear signal that if elected she wants to confront Russia – so much easier on the optics than dealing with radical Islam. The Conservative Government and NATO fall into line and Russia is painted the blackest of the black colours. it’s curious because I remember the time when the comrades at the BBC held a candle for the USSR, but that was then and this is now. So the BBC peaceniks support a war-hungry Clinton who might just cause WW3. Funny old world.
Yesterday was a day of positive economic news for the UK economy. Clearly this does not suit the BBC narrative of post-brexirt vote doom and gloom. So we have the perfunctory acknowledgement that the Government has done well to keep Nissan manufacturing in Sunderland and then …the immediate conspiracy theories as to what “deal” has been given to the Japanese car manufacturer. Behaving like an echo-chamber of an enraged Labour Party, the BBC has been postulating what “sweetheart” deal May may have offered Nissan. Is this the same BBC that damned the Government for NOT offering Port Talbot a sweetheart “deal”? We have the UK performing superbly from an economic point of view with daily positive news and the BBC leads the charge to undermine this. They really ARE ‘enemies of the State”. Pathetic posturing shills for Labour and an affront to robbing us off the TV License tax.
The weekend beckons and so time for a new Open Thread. Here is where you detail the rancid bias.
BBC Newsnight last evening was a 15 minute broadcast on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign. You can watch it here if you missed it. By way of analysis of the blessed Hillary we had someone from the Huffington Post (pro Clinton) and someone from the New York Times (which last endorsed a Republican Presidential candidate in 1956!!!) Yes, that’s how BBC Newsnight rolls – presstitution care of your license tax. The BBC is just an echo chamber for these left wing bores to agree with themselves and congratulate each other on their group think.
The BBC love to write off Donald Trump’s presidential bid and are openly hostile to everything he says and does. They are entirely in the Clinton back pocket and I find their bias “deplorable” as it means that many who use the BBC as a primary news source here in the UK simply do not realise the depth of the scandals that Hillary is mired in. Instead we get this sort of crap…
Trump faithful undeterred by polls and scandals
Ah bless their redneck hearts, eh BBC? If only they had your metrosexual liberal sophistication and …oh yes…moral bypass.
Listen, the whole Wikileaks exposure of Clinton’s profound corruption is of no interest to the State Broadcaster. It’s all about what some Clinton encouraged woman says Trump said or did to her without any evidence to the contrary some years ago. Meanwhile the Rapist enabling war mongering muslim appeasing Clinton gets a free pass.
Time for a new one of these! Detail that bias here.
All day long the BBC has been to the fore in explaining why the Government decision to proceed with the plan to create a new runway at Heathrow Airport is a bad idea. I wonder were they quite this vociferous when Labour suggested the same in 2009? Also, it’s as if the BBC would prefer no more runways were built anywhere. The environmentalist lobby to which the BBC is in thrall don’t want to see the UK modernise and upgrade its airport facilities for the second part of this century.
Oh no. The “Calais Jungle” is being cleared and the UK isn’t taking enough “kids”. Just another morning of the BBC pushing endless pro illegal immigrant propaganda. Here’s a NEW open thread, use it wisely.