I thought this was an excellent tour de force on the BBC and wanted to end August by sharing it. My sincere thanks to the contributor;

“Watching any BBC
programme whether drama, comedy, science or nature you soon become aware you
are not merely learning about the history of the Roman Empire for example but
are also being subtly lectured on the evil done under the British Empire, a
programme about hedgehogs might, will, end up with the message that we need
more wind turbines, a programme about a town’s history will be a lesson on
immigration and so on and on and on.

Whilst commercial product placement is banned on the BBC no such restrictions
seem to exist or be recognised when it comes to political ‘product placement’.
Ideas are the most powerful ‘weapon’ and the ability to broadcast your own
ideas is therefore extraordinarily valuable and possibly dangerous and open to

Most writers seem to be of the left wing persuasion and the BBC seems
unconcerned about what favourite hobby horses they flog in their scripts.

‘New Tricks’ is a deservedly popular programme but is often used as a vehicle
to peddle ideas on feminism, the evil of Israel, capitalism and now government
cuts in the police service. 
Similarly in ‘Doctors’…..a story about a mix up with handbags and frog spawn
ended up with a political comment on NHS cuts. 
On the ‘Conspiracy Files’ we are told that the public believe more in such
conspiracies because of the lies told to us by politicians…roll out Nixon,
Clinton then a clip of George Bush talking about WMD in Iraq. 
Now this is purely the BBC’s take on history…and of course is part of its
effort to defend itself after the Kelly Affair and Hutton by rewriting history
in its favour.

The default position must be that both Blair and Bush had an honest belief that
the intelligence was correct (and Kelly himself believed the intelligence was
right….see Hutton….’I had no doubt about the veracity of it (the Dossier)
wasabsolute.’…’It is an accurate document, I think it is a fair reflection of
the intelligence that was available and it’s presented in a very sober and
factual way….it is well written.’ “I was personally sympathetic to the
war because I recognised from a decade’s work the menace of Iraq’s ability to
further develop it’s non-conventional weapons programmes…..We were 100%
certain that Saddam had a biological weapons programme.”)

For the BBC to state otherwise is mere propaganda on its own behalf.

The BBC uses its everyday programmes to quietly and surreptitiously insert its
propaganda, its own ideas about the world into your mind.

It is attempting to manipulate what you think and how you act…it is an exercise
in thought control.

Does it work? Yes it does. After 13 years of Labour corruption and incompetence
the BBC manages to avoid talking about those lost years….they talk more about
the Thatcher years than the unlucky 13.

Discussions on immigration, Europe, Islam and the economy are either non-
existent or strictly controlled….and the majority population views of these
things are suppressed.

As Chomsky said:

‘The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the
spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that
spectrum – even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives
people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the
presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the
range of the debate.’

And Tony Blair’s view on the media’s power to corrupt the nation…..
‘Blair’s conclusion was a bleak one. “I do believe that this relationship
between public life and media is now damaged in a manner that requires repair.
The damage saps the country’s confidence and self-belief; it undermines its
assessment of itself, its institutions; and above all, it reduces our capacity
to take the right decisions, in the right spirit for our future….it is intrinsically
unsatisfactory and unhealthy for a significant proportion of the population to
have a distorted view of reality.” 

This is the BBC’s open declaration of its intent to manufacture your consent to
its ideas……

‘Drama can be a powerful mechanism for development. It can build an emotional
connection with target audiences over a period of time, while modelling
situations or behaviours.

Viewers or listeners become attached to characters and share in their

The process of designing a mass media programme or campaign begins with a
‘messaging workshop’, where the results of formative research are analysed to
produce a ‘messaging brief’. The brief describes which messages need to be
communicated to achieve key behaviour change.’

All endorsed by the wonderfully bonkers Polly Toynbee declaring that “left-wing
people are more intelligent, and just generally better people”.

We can all learn a lot from the left wingers in the corridors of power at the


Nice catch.

“Victoria Derbyshire puts John Pienaar on the spot today by revealing the BBC strategy for breaking up the coalition!

http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b013yx49 1 hr 26 mins in.

Talking about the sainted Vince Cable’s bid to split up the banks right now, Pienaar says the battle on timing of the split will spill over into the party conferences. Derbyshire puts foot in mouth and suggests he will make sure the row does spill over. Pienaar rapidly says he will be reporting..ahem…neutrally.

Of course he will.”


Did you see the BBC running with the faux outrage from the usual suspects that it could take..gasp..almost another HUNDRED YEARS before UK women managers are paid the same as their male colleagues? Here’s the link. I heard a comrade on from the Trade Unions on saying that at least they were fighting the good fight for equality in the Public Sector but those evil males may still be earning more! I was intrigued to read that the author of the report is Lord Davies of Abersoch. He was elevated to the Lords by Gordon Brown and worked alongside Peter Mandelson. So, no hint of bias there. Leftists love to whinge about the imagined pay discrimination in the work place, suggesting that employers are intrinsically sexist and discriminatory. We’re not. But we base salary on experience, continuity of employment and competence. That. of course, flies in the face of the utopian logic employed by Lord Davies and willingly lapped up by the BBC.


So, let me see if I get this right. When some Irish Gypsies decide to go ahead and build despite planning permission, and the Council moves to evict them, the question we must ponder is; “Does evicting people from the largest traveller site in England amount to ethnic cleansing?” Thus ponders Jeremy Vine. And we should also note that BBC sympathy for the “Travelling Community” in this situation  is shared by luminaries such as Vanessa Redgrave and what the BBC terms “activists from Sweden, Italy, Belgium and France.” There was an interview with Basildon Councillor Tony Ball (link is broken for some reason) on the BBC this morning and one cannot help but feel that the BBC entirely sympathises with those Irish Gypsies concerned and has contempt for the Council and the ratepayers of Basildon. I wonder why?


The BBC has been running with Saint Vince’s latest diatribe against the evil banks. Don’t get me wrong, as a businessman I have plenty of dealings with banks and they are certainly no angels but to suggest, as the BBC repeatedly does, that they are the source of all evils is malicious and playing into the Labour copybook. Anyway, the BBC invited CBI Director-General John Cridland onto the Today programme today and Evan Davies decided that rather discuss the issue of banking regulation he would instead assault the integrity of the CBI itself, suggesting on several occasions that it was a/ A mouthpiece for the banks and b/Divided against itself. I thought Mr Cridland did quite well in response but it was the sheer inappropriateness of the line of questioning that appalled me. Give it a listen here and you will know what I mean. The BBC still rejects the complicity of the Labour Government in bringing about the financial meltdown and instead chooses to assault the banks and anyone who dares defend them.


The BBC has been hyping up the lack of houses in England. But what could possibly be the cause?

A Biased BBC observer notes;

“Personally I thought it might be connected to the couple of million immigrants that have flooded into this country….cleary not as the BBC didn’t think it relevant to mention immigration as a factor at all. What do I know though….I should have listened when the campaigners told us that the problem wasn’t the number of immigrants demanding to be housed but that we weren’t building enough houses. The number of immigrants is not a problem.

The problem with all these foreign prisoners filling our prisons to overflowing is not the number of prisoners but that we don’t build enough prisons. The number of criminals and crimes is not a problem.

If you want to be blunt you should ask just how many murders, rapes, muggings, robberies, frauds and thefts have been committed by immigrants allowed into this country by Labour’s open door policy. When a Labour politician or a BBC home affairs correspondent tells you that immigration is beneficial to us think about that…think about the NHS, schools, housing and the welfare system and ask if they are sustainable under the current immigration policies when nearly 500,000 foreigners turn up wanting to be housed, fed and their kids schooled and treated by the NHS annually.

Clearly not. Mass immigration means the end of the welfare state. Labour likes to claim it created the welfare state…..it is Labour that has killed it.”


A Biased BBC obeserver notes the State Broadcaster rushing to defend the honour of single mums ‘stigmatised’ by Tory politicians as having caused the recent riots.

Joint BBC/Guardian effort (as with Toynbee and her class war piece).
Colin Paterson talks to the singer Jamelia.
Jamelia presents a show on single mothers.
Jamelia talks to the Guardian.

Jamelia actually supports the notion of the ‘family’ but falls into the BBC ‘think’ of not wanting to judge single mothers…..in this she makes the second mistake by lumping all single mothers together….because the mothers being ‘stigmatised’ were one particular type, those who not only had many children by different fathers but also didn’t bother to control or teach them anything.

The riots were not blamed on single mothers but irresponsible parents as a whole were criticised, but it was mostly irresponsible politicians, liberal social activists and certain media types who were finally challenged on their policies and blamed for the riots.

Jamelia’s final words told us everything about the intentions of the programme…not a gritty honest examination of single motherhood warts and all but a plea not to judge, not to condemn bad behaviour, not to demand better behaviour.

‘What single mothers deserve more than anything else in the world is respect.’

Wasn’t that precisely the attitude that produced the riots? You can do no wrong….you have a hard life and so cannot be condemned for your behaviour….you deserve more regardless as to whether you have worked for it or not.

But look what else Jamelia says essentially blowing her liberal emotional argument out of the water with her own real life observations:

‘Absent fathers, she believes, are the reason many teenage boys go off the rails – there’s no strong male to keep them on track. ” If my brothers had had positive male role models around, people who looked out for them, they wouldn’t have got into trouble. I believe that 100%,”

During the riots, one middle-aged Afro-Caribbean woman told a television crew: “This would never happen in Jamaica.” Jamelia agrees. In Jamaica, there’s a very strict moral code, which is quite Victorian. Grandparents look after the children a lot because Jamaicans are very family-oriented. “I do think parents have been too liberal.”


Here’s a retweet from the BBC’s Nicky Campbell. I wonder WHY the BBC stalwart would seek to retweet this particular essay on the Texas politician who may well become Obama’s opponent? A pre-emptive strike so early? Hat-tip to Biased BBC reader Keith!     

Does Rick Perry believe his idiotic religious rhetoric, or is he just pandering for votes? By Christopher Hitchens.
29 Aug via web

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What’s remarkable about the BBC is the way in which their instinctive regard for Labour manifests itself even in the most innocent items. Take the item at 8.22am on how devolution has affected the UK. The BBC invite Peter Ackroyd on to discuss his latest history of England. Who then do they choose to balance the discussion? Yes, Labour MP Tristram Hunt who is also – lest we forget – a historian,