Today is “A” level results day and the BBC was able to provide their usual unique coverage of this annual debasement of standards,tribute to the excellent unionised teaching profession. So many happy kids, of course,here is the BBC shot chosen to illustrate the scene at a typical English school.
Students in Crystal Palace, London, receive their results


It’s interesting to compare how the BBC and Sky cover the same story. Take the visit by Prince Harry to Salford today, for example. As I was driving home from work this evening, I had the great misfortune to hear how BBC Radio 4’s PM programme covered it. The angle chosen was whether local people were happy to see him there-  or not. Two people interviewed, one for the visit, one against it. So, the impression given was that a substantial number of people from Salford resented the presence of Prince Harry. I then happened to catch Sky News covering the same subject only they chose to stick to the facts of the visit without the need to Royal bash. It was a radical difference in approach.


A B-BBC reader notes…

“Can’t give you the precise date I am afraid, but listening to Radio 3 (a saving grace generally of the BBC) one morning shortly after the rioting, a new bulletin at 8.00am or 8.30am (but not repeated) said that a report calculated that average student debt would be £59,000 (note the specious accuracy). Quite how one gets from £8,000 a year to that figure rather baffled me. The implications were clear – the nasty rich Tories had snatched away the chance of higher education from the poor blacks of Hackney etc. by imposing crippling debts. No wonder they rioted.”


This, of course, was inevitable. The BBC were never be happy about thugs being actually sentenced for their crimes looting and rampaging through our streets, but they are so subtle and so the new agenda item is “proportionately”. Enter Lord McDonald. Interviewed by Today presenter Sarah Montague, he warned there was a risk of a “collective loss of proportion” and said it was important that courts maintain their objectivity and do not get swept up in any moral panic that might be elsewhere in society.

Yes, it’s vital we ensure that “morality” is kept out of the Courts. The BBC sympathised with the scum who were protesting, sorry rioting, (Or “crying out for help” as the BBC’s new hero Prince Charles put it yesterday) and now, when at least some are brought to justice, the new meme is all about how unfair and disproportionate it all is. The BBC is the best friend of the feral underclass who demonstrate physically what the BBC intellectualise.


Here are some of the profound thoughts of those highly professional BBC employees, naturally these are their private thoughts and of course are NEVER reflected in their professional output. Oh no.

 Bob Ballard 


 Bob Ballard 

 Bob Ballard 

 anita anand 

Can you guess what line Ms Ellis as taking 😉


A Biased BBC contributor observes that  you may listen to a BBC radio or TV programme knowing that you are being preached at. However it is only later that you realise exactly what that subtle message might be that has been inserted quietly into a report about a completely different subject.

“Panorama has put together a programme about the ‘August Riots’ which was strangely lacking in insight about the causes of the riot…but illustrated perhaps why a community might be ready to resort to violence in the shape of ‘community activist’ Stafford Scott who was happily whipping up a ‘Mark Duggan was executed by white policemen’ frenzy.

The reporter John Sweeney tells us that it is ‘not at all clear’ what happened to Mark Duggan….except that it is known….he was being followed by officers from Operation Trident (unexplained by the BBC…it being an Operation to stop ‘Black on Black’ shootings and crimes), he knew he was being so followed and when stopped he drew a pistol, but didn’t fire it, and was shot by the police on the assumption he was about to fire.

Sweeney tells us that the IPCC initially said that Duggan had fired a shot…which they did and which they have subsequently admitted was wrong…but Sweeney did not go on to say he had drawn the weapon…giving a totally false picture of the event.

He also does not mention Duggan’s known involvement in drug gangs and criminality….why does he not ask ‘why were officers from Operation Trident following Duggan?’ The most relevant question perhaps.

How can a programme investigating the ’causes’ of the riots, and presumably looking to see if there is any justification for them, not present the full facts which change the story completely to that given by Duggan’s family and community activists?

Aside from the Duggan issue another agenda was revealed….immigrants are good people, Britain needs them.

 During the riots a Turkish community went onto the streets to prevent the rioters taking control and the BBC were happy to praise this. Other communities also went onto the streets to do similar thing….but despite being shown on the programme the Sikhs from Winson Green were described as merely as ‘Asian’….Sikhs seem to be invisible on the BBC. The whites who defended Enfield were given no airtime.

The most telling comment in the whole programme was a small, but packed with meaning, one at the end when Tariq Jahan, the father of one of the boys killed by a rioter in a car, was described by Sweeney as ‘father of one of the dead men and a Muslim, who speaks for England’.

A Muslim? Is that at all relevant to the events? This was a small and subtle attempt to tell us that Muslims are good people really…as if anyone doubted that. Sweeney is telling us that Muslims are as English as fish and chips and this one man is a standard bearer for all Muslims, an example of the true face of Islam in the UK seeking only peace and integration.

What Sweeney doesn’t tell us is that Jahan used to be a fervent member of the extremist group Hizb Ut Tahrir.

And why say ‘speaks for England’? England? Surely no coincidence that there is a much hated, by the Left, organisation which campaigns against Islamification of Britain called the ‘English Defence League’. Is Sweeney telling us that Muslims are the real defenders of Britain and British values? Clearly a subtle attack on the EDL.

So there you have the BBC hidden message….immigrant communities are outstanding examples of Britishness and are willing to defend England against thugs and thieves whilst the white English population stand idly by too consumed by consumerism and wrapped up in the pursuit of individual gratification as cheered on by Thatcher’s Britain to bother about ‘society’ as a whole.

The rioters are Thatcher’s children.”


North of the border, the BBC is also very busy breaching its own guidelines;

“A BBC Scotland radio presenter is facing claims he breached the corporation’s guidelines on advertising after appearing in an STV advert for the Glasgow Science Centre.
Colin Kelly, who fronts an early morning news show on Radio Scotland, appeared in an advertisement for the Science Centre which is being shown on STV this week. The presenter is also facing questions after a news item calling for an inquiry into structural problems at the centre was missing from his show. 

The centre has been beset with problems relating to the rotating tower mechanism and was closed for repair work last August, the company running the Science Centre now believes that the attraction will be closed at least until August next year. More than £9m of public money was invested in the 127 metre tall Rotating Tower at the Centre on the banks of the Clyde opposite Pacific Quay, headquarters of BBC Scotland.”


Here is an interesting analysis of a BBC News bulletin provided by a B-BBC reader;

“The one o’clock news bulletin on BBC television today, the twelfth August 2011, was merely typical of all BBC news bulletins, but it would be useful to put it into a specimen bottle, for examination when- that is never!- the editorial slanting of BBC news reporting is subjected to full and detailed analysis.

In this bulletin the news editor launched the slur that Cameron had sought to take credit for using effective force against the rioters after the police leaders had been slow to intervene. (The BBC should be told to state their evidence for this or retract.) The left-wing misrepresentation of this claim is blatant beacause the Prime minister’s delayed arrival on the scene made this an issue which he would not and could not seek to exploit. Nevertheless when such a ploy is launched it is repeated as fact by other left-wing media colleagues. This evening, a Sky News political editor reported that some police chiefs whose names he could not divulge were secretly angry that Cameron was seeking personal credit.- real hard evidence! He then showed a clip of the Prime Minister talking on the subject with the tact and restraint that he had always maintained when this topic had been presented to him. The Sky commentator went on to give his authoritative verdict that Mr. Camer! on had moderated his attitude from the previous day, making an assumption into fact. Nice one!

The BBC bulletin targeted the Prime minister alone for raising this question in the parliamentary debate – with the sub-text that it was a preoccupation confined to the right wing. In fact, the BBC editor, as part of his duties must have seen the strong criticism to which Mr. Cameron was subjected from all parts of the house on the government’s failure to protect life and property during the agonising hours when the police applied the policy of non-provocative stand-off while rioters ran amok. If an objective reporter had chosen instead to quote the strongest expression of the indignation felt over this in the chamber, the words chosen would probably be those of Graham Stringer as eye witness and Labour Member for Manchester Blackley. The BBC was choosing to ignore also the harrowing testimony of thousands of citizens.

The last device of the BBC editor was to bring on the senior policemen. Previously, the left wing media would have represented them as the bungling enforcers of a Fascist state and would have only pointed their cameras at them if they were surrounded by reporters shouting repetitive questions and political and personal insults. However by a glorious irony, the BBC is now seeing these appointees of Tony Blair as absolute defenders of principle, who should have the authority to act without the interference of politicians. The Police leaders were therefore treated with reverence, as the bastions standing against the right wing political reaction of recent days.

The political purpose of what had preceded was made clear when a senior BBC News Editor was then interviewed to tell us that he was decreeing that the public debate should now move on (from the nasty matter about an ungovernable state – although he did not say so) to an examination of the reasons why the rioters/ protesters had acted in this way. We were given the warning that those who control the media were asserting themselves to divert attention from the realities of the previous week to the traditional theme of the guilt of the law-abiding victim. Evening broadcasts when inarticulate rioters nevertheless produced pre-primed sentences in this vein confirmed this.”