A B-BBC reader observes;

“The BBC’s pro Islam, pro radical Islam, stance has been notice by numerous people, even Harry’s Place:

‘Anyone looking for proof that Britain is being ‘Islamised’ and that we’re all doomed need frankly look no further than the murky world of Tower Hamlets politics of which Rahman is the central figure. Yet the BBC presented Rahman as the voice of moderation. This is really poor on the part of the BBC. I have to admit to being frankly embarrassed to have been part of the programme.’

and from ‘The Commentator’:

‘To assist them in the momentous task of analysing the life of such an important historical figure the BBC called upon the services of one “Abdur Raheem Green”.Abdur Raheem Green throughout his career as a preacher has launched attacks on many of the prized values of liberal society. He has lambasted the idea of sexual equality stating that society “pressures our daughters to get degrees, to be doctors or engineers” describing this as “sick”. Green also states that both homosexuality and adultery are “crimes” which should be dealt with “by a slow and painful death from stoning”. Most shockingly Green appears to sing the praises of violent jihad opining that “dying while fighting Jihad is one of the surest ways to paradise and Allah’s good pleasure”…..When institutions which have such a large influence on our society find no issue with these individuals they fail in their societal duty to challenge them.’

On the same programme the BBC also give a platform to the likes of Tariq Ramadan (‘one of the most influential voices on young Muslims’) the slippery Islamist…the one who claimed it was justifiable to kill Jewish children in a ‘war’, and Ikrima Sabri who justs loves Jews and the West…and is happy, like Ramadan to send children to be Martyrs for Islam…the man who wants to wipe out Israel…and the BBC think both he and Ramadan are suitable as respected commentators on the life of Muhammed…never mind the ever present Mehdi Hasan. If an all too powerful and influential media organistaion such as the BBC is promoting extremists as ‘moderates’ (whatever moderate Islam is) the future is very bleak indeed.


During the Labour years,our universities were turned into third rate academic factories as more and more young people were lured into participating in the chase for next to useless degrees. Sensibly, the Coalition has tried to tackle this problem and this was always going to provoke the ire of the BBC. On Today, 7.50am  the BBC does everything possible to get the head of UCAS to criticise government policy. The BBC idea is that there should be no cap to the numbers going to Uni, The UCAS lady does very well by maintaining her professional neutrality – something the rancid BBC could learn to do rather better.


You just KNEW the second that David Cameron had the temerity to talk of the “moral collapse” that afflicts our society BBC knives would be getting sharpened. So when Iain Duncan Smith appears on the main prime time slot on Today this morning, the interviewers key objective was to see if he could get IDS to deny Cameron’s assertion. In the BBC world view of moral relativism one must never be judgmental (unless, of course, Rupert Murdoch, Conservatives, Sarah Palin, Christianity is involved) and so it is determined to make Cameron appear extreme because he points out the obvious – namely that after decades of toxic liberal corruption more than a few people care about the difference between right and wrong.


BBC running with the story that ” UK police chiefs have reacted sceptically to plans for US “supercop” Bill Bratton to advise the government. David Cameron has called for the former New York police chief to help address violence in English cities. Can you guess who is leading the charge against Cameron?

Association of Chief Police Officers’ head Sir Hugh Orde said: “I am not sure I want to learn about gangs from an area of America that has 400 of them.”

Good old Sir Hugh, so ready to attack the Coalition and so lionised by the State Broadcaster for doing so.


Well, we have reached Friday and it’s been another rollicking week here on Biased BBC with more and more people visiting us and more and more comments appearing!  Last night, we had our busiest EVER Question Time liveblog, with up to 300 people on-line at any given moment. A big thank you to all you folks who came along and as ever my sincere appreciation to David Mosque and All Seeing Eye for their fortitude. Thanks to everyone for your continued support and I declare this Open Thread open for business….!


BBC keen to give Ed Miliband the prime time slot on Today this morning. 8.10am .Not only did he get the usual soft shuffle interview in which he was allowed to waffle about the “complex” reasons behind the looting riots but then he got to talk further with a special panel the BBC had invited onto the programme. Miliband repeated the inane meme that somehow Bankers are part of the problem. Evidently he has decided there are no votes for him should he robustly deal with the thieving feral scum that constitute part of his core vote in some of these areas. What struck me most is that Miliband has absolutely NOTHING to add to this debate and yet there was the BBC hanging on his every non-word! It’s the same as Question Time last night with John “Class Warrior” Prescott utraged about the behavior of…bankers. It’s as if Labour, and their broadcasting arm the BBC, live in a parallel universe. The thugs that looted and wrecked our streets did so because the enjoyed it and thought they could get away with it. The complexity is an invention by the Left, propagated by the BBC.


I noticed the BBC covered the imminent announcement by Texas Governor Rick Perry that he will be running for the GOP Presidential nomination. Now, I am quite a fan of Perry (along with Palin/Bachmann) but I was surprised to hear the BBC say that his weaknesses are that 1/He is from Texas (home of the evil Bush) and       2/ had once made an alleged comment suggesting Texas might leave the Union. I would have thought the fact he worked for Al Gore back in 1988 was more of a downer. I suppose the BBC see Gore as above associated criticism, I don’t. As Obama sinks deeper and deeper in the mire, it should be fun to watch the BBC do their best to assassinate the characters of ALL the GOP candidates. It is obvious the BBC wants to see their hero re-elected and you can be certain that the bais will shine through as we run up to the 2012 elections. Just wait until Palin declares…


I know I’ve been banging on about this but the BBC really is using Sir Hugh Orde to undermine David Cameron’s authority. This morning, the BBC’s official candidate for next Met Chief, was to the fore in pointing out that Police Chiefs. not politicians, were responsible for the “magnificent” actions in recent nights. In particular, they use him to undermine Theresa May and speculate how she could work with him should he deign to put his hat in the ring for the job. Orde is a great asset to the BBC these days and since he ascended to his perch at ACPO he has been a trenchant critic of the Coalition. The BBC know their own and always look after them.


Wonder what you make of this?

Cllr Brian Silvester, a Conserative councillor in Cheshire East, is calling on the BBC to hand over unbroadcast footage of the recent riots to the Police if it can be used to identify the culprits responsible for the looting and destruction and lead to their prosecution. 

On the Media Show on Radio 4 the BBC’s Head of News Gathering, Fran Unsworth (about 17.30 minutes in), that if the Police wanted the footage the Police would have to apply for a court order to get it. She said:

“No. We don’t do that without a court order. It is a matter of principle for us.” She added that she didn’t want to “compromise our standards”. She said if the police “come up with a court order we will probably hand them over.”