Vintage morning on the BBC. Is it REALLY necessary for immigrants coming to England to learn English?

Give THIS interview a whirl if you dare. It concerns Rashida Chapti, who has lived here for six years (the basis of her residence is not discussed or considered) and whose husband cannot join her unless he learns our language. She is challenging the law as a breach of her human rights! Listen to the easy ride her risible story gets – apparently her husband, at 58, is just too old to learn a new language. It’s an intolerable burden that the wicked Coaliton is imposing!What a scam. My question is why is she here  The idea of wannabe immigrants being forced to assimilate into our British culture offends the multiculturalist elite (Am I allowed to even SAY that after Oslol?) in the BBC and the idea is being projected that expecting people coming to live in England to go to the bother of learning English is racist. Simple as that.


I’ve been invited onto the BBC NI Sunday Sequence Radio programme to discuss the issue of Capital Punishment in the aftermath of the Oslo killings. I favour the restoration of the Death Penalty for cold blooded murder but of course under EU law we cannot bring it back, despite the fact the majority of people here share similar sentiments to my own. Have YOU are thoughts on this to share with me ahead of the broadcast? Norwegian justice is so flabby, so weak, as to be almost a joke. The problem is – no one is laughing. I note the BBC has extensive anti-death penalty arguments here but can’t find their PRO death penalty pages? Anyone more successful than me?

UPDATE; I wanted to thank Biased BBC stalwart, Scott, for further (If inadvertently)  demonstrating further BBC bias on page two 22.12.09! We just couldn’t do this without you, Scottie. Cheers.


It seems no one has told the BBC that Tessa Jowell is no longer in Government. The shadow Olympics minister is the go-to gal for the BBC when it comes to 2012 and true to form she was afforded the prime time slot on Today this morning – with no one from the Government on! It looks like the BBC want to ensure that Labour bask in any glory of the Olympics and their flame for the dreadful Howell burns bright.


Here’s an interesting catch from a Biased BBC reader.

“An excerpt from BBC Radio 4

Norwegian philosopher Lars Gule believes he argued with Anders Breivik on an online forum, and he “did not stand out with a particularly aggressive or violent rhetoric… he was quite mainstream.” ‘”When it comes to opinions and statements, he was not alone… it shows some of the warped sense of reality that is operating,” in certain Norwegian communities, he said.’

The BBC lie about who Gule is. He is not a “Norwegian philosopher” but an Islamic terrorist.

As an Islamic terrorist, Gule naturally views opponents of his Arab/Muslim agenda as “warped”. BBC blatantly pander to Arabs, Muslims, anti-Zionists, anti-Semites, moral and cultural relativists and the left, and use shills like Gule to promote their agenda.”


As the BBC continues to push the threat of the vast Christian  right wing terror threat across Europe, it was interesting to also hear it also advance the other side of the coin on Today this morning. It seems that the correct response to the Oslo atrocity is to have MORE multiculturalism, MORE Immigration, more of the same dysfunctional elite left wing politics that had created the tensions that are manifest across many European countries. The BBC has been a champion of multiculturalism, it believes as a matter of faith that immigration is always a good thing, it sees Christianity as bad if not worse as Islam and this Oslo atrocity will now be used at proof that those who oppose the BBC’s views are akin to Brievik.


You have to laugh at the bias oozing from this piece on the looming US debt crisis from Mark Mardell. The poor BBC just cannot get their mind around the simple fact that Obama – the original man without a plan – is quite determined to push the US economy into default for petty political advantage. In the BBC meme, Obama is “the adult in the room” and those pesky GOP’s the kids. Only Obama can save the economic day and isn’ it time everyone buckled down and did his bidding? Certainly that is where Mardell is coming from but then again he and the rest of the courtier media have cast aside any pretence of neutrality and are simply cheer leaders for President Petulant!


A most peculiar Thought for the Day on the Today programme this morning from Rev Dr Giles Fraser which seems to suggest the seeking economic growth is akin to original sin! Then again maybe this is not that surprising given that Rev Giles is a regular contributor to The Guardian and the Socialist Worker. (oh and a tireless crusader for gay and lesbian rights – just the sort of chap the BBC want on TFTD)

I suppose this all fits with the BBC vultures gathering around the release of UK economic growth figures later this morning. The BBC anticipates that these figures will show a slow down or retraction in economic growth with the Royal Wedding being prominently used to help explain away such a slow down. It appears all our economic woes began the day the Coalition was elected and I couldn’t help but wonder who was in power from 1997 to 2010 during which period the UK economy melted down.