Interesting debate here between John Humphyrs and David Elstein on the decision to freeze the BBC TV tax for 5 years and a useful insight as to how the BBC like to tackle the subject of their own bloated funding. Elstein is clearly sympathetic to the BBC and thus Humphyrs is able to lead the interview without the irksome inconvenience of having someone point out that the UK cannot afford this annual £3bn indulgence. Note the title “BBC license fee freeze “wrong” – just in case you miss the message. Actually I agree it is wrong but not for the reason given by the BBC. It is wrong that the taxpayer contributes so much as one penny to this left wing burlesque. I’d sooner the billions went to our Armed Forces.


Well, here we are on ” Axe Wednesday” – when the doomsday cuts are announced by the Coalition and hyped by the BBC. Thought we could use this Open Thread to detail their outrageous coverage of it all…


Don’t know if anyone else watched Newsnight but it’s almost as if the BBC are annoyed that the UK trade unions have not taken to the same level of street violence as we see in France. Quite remarkable, and running close to incitement to riot. Did you see it?  


It’s a curious way that they look at it. I refer to BBC outrage that it will be “ordered” to pick up the costs of  TV licenses to those people over 75 years old. I would go further – the BBC should pick up the tab for the costs of all TV licenses – ie. let them pay their own way with their “world class” journalism!


I think I shared with you the great offence that the BBC took when I called Jesse Jackson (and Al Sharpton) a race hustler. They choked on their caffe lattes at my entirely accurate description. Now then, Jackson was on the BBC this morning and if you want to hear nauseating genuflection give THIS a listen from Justin. Even the heading is biased “One of the most poignant images of Barack Obama’s election night was the sight of the civil rights leader Jesse Jackson weeping with joy.” Really? Some argue Jackson was weeping because “it should have been me”. Anyway, back to the interview. Note how Jackson gets to accuse those who oppose Obama as racists. That’s OK on the BBC playbook but god forbid anyone should turn around and call out this rancid race hustler.


I think it’s useful to sometimes consider how the BBC regional programmes also play a significant role in advancing the BBC’s own national malignancy. Take this small item tucked away in the Northern Ireland section. It takes a report from one of the local Banks flagging up a loss of “consumer confidence” ever since “the General Election and the June emergency budget”.  The coda is simple – the Coalition is making our lives less comfortable. Fight the Cuts. Vote Labour. Presumably the illusive “consumer confidence” was soaring as Labour wracked up massive public debt, created jobs that we could not fund, and allowed a property bubble to build that then burst ruining lives for possibly generations. It seems that the Banks can have their uses for the BBC!


Anyone catch this interview on Today? John Humphrys versus Theresa May. As ever, our intrepid BBC impartial interviewer (it’s in his DNA) was out to grill the evil Conservative and I think he gave the game away when at one point he claims “your job is to protect police jobs”. No, her job is to provide us with an efficient and affordable Police Force. In the BBC world view, the role of the politician is to protect Public Sector jobs at all costs. Humphrys all too evident hostility towards May is simply the manifestation of BBC outrage that the scale and size of the State can be directly challenged.  However rather than cut back on Police numbers, I would prefer the Government to get us a cool £3bn per annum saving by cutting the parasitic BBC from the public purse.


Further to Robin’s post on the Richard Black led “End is nigh” waffle on the Biodiversity Junket in Japan, I noticed that Today was quick enough to follow on that item with an item on how the Otter has made a remarkable comeback from “the edge of extinction.” All subtle stuff from the State propagandists.


It’s going to be a crunch week for the Coalition and the BBC is out to ensure maximum damage, as one would anticipate from such a biased leftist broadcaster. So, take the news this morning that the leaders of 35 of the UK’s most successful large companies have come out supporting Chancellor Osborne’s approach to making the necessary cuts. It’s good news for wee Georgie but Robert Pesto (He who speaks in an odd voice) isn’t impressed. As he puts it...

“However, some people would point out that these bosses may be experts at running businesses but that does not make them experts at how best to manage the economy, our correspondent adds.”

Great point, Robert, Oh, and some of them are are “widely viewed” as ..gasp, supporters of the Conservative Party. Where will it end? Who needs Labour when you have the BBC to oppose the Coalition?


Did you read that expenses claims lodged by Peter Horrocks, the director of the World Service and BBC Global News, show he travelled business class for a British General Election reception on May 6th held at the British Embassy in Washington DC. He flew back to London the following day.

The flights cost £1,780 with an additional £181.49 spent on his hotel room. Mr Horrocks, who earns £242,800 a year, also charged the corporation £79.60 for taxis to and from the airport in Washington and a further £19.44 for ‘access to secure BBC internet’.

Ain’t life grand when you can tap into £3bn per annum? Vital business, obviously.