Bashing BP has become part of the daily BBC routine and so it was delighted to report this morning that Obama has given an interview on US TV in which he asserts how “angry” he is about the entire situation. Quite how the petulance of the US President helps the matter in hand I do not quite understand but we can be confident the BBC will not explore that line. Instead, the BBC went on to repeat Obama’s odd comment that the reason he is so “angry” is because some people (BP) “didn’t think through” what they were doing. The BBC could ask if those US politicians who force Oil Companies to drill in deeper and deeper off-shore waters “didn’t think through” the consequences of their green thinking. But it won’t, of course. Big Oil = Bad. It’s such a simple meme. Wonder what Big Broadcaster = ?

Update; The evil BP has apparently succeeded in placing a cap on the leaking Oil well. The BBC followed this up with a story stating that the advent of hurricane season in the Gulf will most likely have a disastrous effect on the means employed to hold the cap, so…. it’s all to awful! Can we not just arrest “Big Oil” and thrown them all in Guantanamo?


More one way reporting of the Hate Flotilla by the BBC. I listened to Sarah Colborne from the Palestinian Solidarity Movement being interviewed on Today @ 7.50am. She spewed forth a series of allegations about the IDF boarding the Mavi Marmara, denied any knowledge of those on board that vessel seeking martyrdom (even though the families of  at least two of the dead have confirmed this), stated that the Israelis opened up without provocation, and claimed all on board were peace-loving humanitarians. Now, this is all standard fare from Palestinian propagandists, but why did the BBC not try to provide balance by interviewing perhaps one of those Israeli soldiers who came under such vicious attack from the Islamic thugs on board the vessel?


When he was an MP, the ludicrous Lembit Opik was a regular on the BBC. They seemed to lap up his “Cheeky antics”. Now that the electorate removed Lembit from his political platform, he has turned to comedy and predictable the BBC provide coverage of his first stand up gig? In what way is this deserving of a valued news slot?


It’s one of those questions we have discussed here on B-BBC. Why does the BBC refer to the “occupied territories” in the Middle East rather than the “disputed territories”?

There was an item on Today @8.53am with regard to the language journalists use to explain stories and Dutch journalist Joris Luyendijk was on to discuss a new book he has authored on the topic. He asked John Humphyrs the direct question if it is right to use “occupied” or “disputed” – Humphyrs instantly side-stepped the question and referred it to Indie Patrick Cockburn who instantly stated they are “occupied” (Hardly surprising, I was shocked Cockburn didn’t instantly start chanting Allahu Akhbar) I thought Mr Luyendijil made a number of excellent points, all of which Humphyrs dismissed or passed to Cockburn for dismissal. It’s funny but even when the BBC discuss bias, they can’t stop themselves being biased”


I was intrigued to find out that Biased BBC is banned in China. A Biased BBC reader writes…

“I’ve just got back from 12 days in Beijing and Shanghaiand there’s no way to access your site! Ironically most of the Beeb isn’tblocked. The Great Leader has obviously realised that the Beeb and his People’sCommunist Party have much in common!”


In his desperation to avoid negative headlines, Obama is making all sort of threats against BP. The BBC is loving this, of course, and not a day passes without it giving BP the most negative headlines imaginable. I hold no favours for BP but nor do I see why the BBC provides such unbalanced coverage on this issue. Maybe it just likes the idea of damaging a very successful British company?


Day three of the Today Flotilla. Our chums at the BBC have a really interesting home page. The side bar with “other top stories” leads with “Israel’s actions “against International law” and then there is “Is Israel’s blockade legal?”. I wonder what the next story will be “Do Jews “eat their own babies.” The consistent bias shown by the BBC over these past three days validates everything that we say here at B-BBC. I know that elsewhere around the world other liberal media outlets are also engaging in this appalling treatment of Israel but the big difference for me lies in the fact that the BBC pretends to be neutral when it patently isn’t and the BBC demands we fund  which we patently should should not.


Been away from the media all day, but just looked at BBC main news portal. The headline is “Doubt cast on Israel raid account”. Mmm. So, I wonder who is casting this doubt that the BBC deems worthy of leading their news? Why it is none other than the “activists” aka Jihad enablers! What a neutral source!! I doubt that Al Jazeera could be any worse than the BBC is at the moment.


Only on the BBC does a discussion concerning the exorbitant salaries of senior civil servants morph into a discussion on why the salaries of those employed in the private sector should not also be publicly displayed? Check out the interview on Today @ 7.51am. They do not understand the difference between those on the State payroll and those who make their own income.