The government narrative, parroted by the BBC, is that economic deflation is the dragon which St Gordon must slay. The idea that current government policy is storing up massive inflationary pressures that will cause chaos over the next eighteen months is dismissed and so this morning I listened to a BBC approved commentator, Dr Sushal Wadhwani actually state that inflation would be a nice thing to have. Howard Davies was also on to shill for quantitative easing and all in all this little item was seven minutes in favour of the Dear Leader’s policies – with a Wadhwani knife in the back for Mervyn King for added measure.


Oh happy day. Thirty years ago today, the Callaghan government fell and the ascent of Thatcherism took off! The BBC covered it this morning but what struck me was that the reflections from that momentous time were largely provided by the likes of David Steele and Roy Hattersley. There was a noticeable absence of opinion from those at the centre of the Thatcher revolution itself – don’t the BBC have Lord Tebbit’s phone number? Perhaps the BBC still has trouble accepting what happened back then?


The BBC are really bigging up the protest in London today by the usual left-wing anarcho environmental rabble. I laughed at the easy ride given to their hero Trade Union fatcat Brendan Barber as he droned on about the need for “ordinary people” to put their views across to Government on the big issues namely “jobs, justice and climate.” This is a perfect storm of left wing values as their endemic hatred of capitalism combines with their irrational and militant advocacy of ecowackery for a very public display – with the likes of the Muslim Council of Britain there to add their weight. I think the BBC is anticipating street trouble as “ordinary people” express their “justified anger” as to our economic problems. It’s almost as if the BBC sympathises with Brendan and the gang…



Here you go – my first ever VLOG here at B-BBC. Three points for you to consider; 1. Yes, I know the cam quality is not great but hey, I haven’t a Β£3.5bn budget for these things you know. 2. This is not the real David Vance – it is my body double, I am naturally much younger in real life. 3. Hope the shock of seeing me isn’t too much for you!


Have to laugh at the desperation of the BBC’s attempt to save the Dear Leader’s utterly disastrous world tour leading up to the even more hopeless G20 summit. “Beware cynicism”, we are warned, from the uber cynical Brown and his BBC pals. Is it just me or does Brown’s head look funny in the accompanying pic? Brown is so painfully inept that it is little wonder that non-stories such as the alleged reform of our Monarchy are essential fodder if the entire nation is not to be reduced to a state of laughter. Meanwhile, did anyone catch Any Questions earlier this evening. This time, after the Eric Pickles disaster of last night, another Conservative in the form of Chris Grayling was set upon concerning his expenses and second home allowances. The BBC has been hunting down Conservatives over this issue, once again trying to distract us from the fact that Brown carries culpability for what is going on – or is he in offfice but NOT in power?

Friday Night General BBC-related comment thread.

Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely!


Nice little diversionary tactic from the BBC this morning. At a time of economic turmoil (for those outside the State sector) what could be MORE important than for the Dear Leader to be discussing Royal succession reform with the Palace? The BBC have even produced another of their notorious polls to show the public to be wildly supportive of the ending of the concept of a Protestant monarchy. All wrapped up in the colourful decor of equality, this is red meat for those (such as the BBC) who loath our enduringly successful Monarchy and who seek to reduce it to the same sort of mess so much else of our once great Nation has become under siLabour “reform.” I can’t believe that this is the big issue on anyone but the most rabid republican’s tongue so why is the BBC out commissioning a poll on it?

PS Since writing this the BBC have invited me on the Nolan Show to discuss. I will repeat the views stated above – plus any thoughts you may have.


Did anyone else catch this bizarre item on the Today programme this morning concerning the imaginary correlation between population growth and climate change? It’s well worth a listen if you missed it if only to understand just how demented the BBC has become on this topic! Professor Guillebaud is clearly an ecowacko of the highest order but listen to the easy ride that Naughtie gives him. Did YOU that one birth in the UK creates 160 times as much global warming effect as one in Ethiopia (Don’t tell Binyam Mohamed, ssssh!) and that “the ONLY way out of poverty is to reduce carbon dioxide” All unchallenged by your trustworthy State Broadcaster.