The BBC ran this story with some enthusiasm today;

Boris Johnson says an email telling his senior staff to back him over the EU referendum has been withdrawn. The London mayor, who is campaigning to leave the EU, said the memo to deputy mayors and senior advisers was “a cock-up, and not something I agree with”.It told them to “either advocate the mayor’s position or otherwise not openly contradict it” when not at work. The email was sent 24 hours before Mr Johnson accused pro-EU campaigners of trying to gag opponents.

Talking of which, the BBC seems to have overlooked this story…

A senior aide to David Cameron gave a telephone dressing-down to the business chief who dared to speak out in favour of Brexit.  Daniel Korski, who is paid £93,000 a year, rang John Longworth just hours before the British Chambers of Commerce sensationally suspended him from his post as director general. Friends of the businessman claim Mr Korski intervened to question why he was calling for Britain to leave the EU when the body had taken a neutral stance on the referendum.

Once again the BBC stands exposed as a key delivery mechanism for Project Fear and a far from impartial broadcaster!



New week, more bias, same BBC. I was talking to Jon Gaunt earlier this morning regarding the Andrew Marr “interview” with Boris Johnson yesterday. In fact it was more of a sustained interruption than anything else! Marr exemplifies all that is rotten in the BBC, overtly biased and a creature of the liberal left. Anyway, here is where you can detail the bias!


Here’s an interesting tip off I received in the mail. It concerns the BBC enforcing Islam compliance with regard to headscarfs. It shows how the BBC caves when it comes to Islamic bullying. How can we trust it when it does not trust itself?

“The BBC World Service has censored a video of its OWN JOURNALIST reading a news bulletin because Islamists complained she was not wearing a headscarf. The journalist works for the BBC Somali service which is paid for by BBC Licence Fee. The decision was made by BBC Africa Editor Solomon Mugenra and agreed by senior BBC managers.

Read this and then this for the details

This is shameful. The BBC should not surrender to blackmail. The BBC is trying to hide this so please force them to explain in public.”


When it’s not being used to spread Project Fear, BBC Radio 4 likes to relax by continually expressing its disgust at the success of Donald Trump and this morning was no exception. The BBC just cannot understand how a man like Trump – with his “awful” views – has had such a successful SuperTuesday! I can’t wait for him to become President, just as the UK exist the EU. It will bring on the collective collapse of the rancid BBC.


One of the things that most annoys me about the BBC is how it is using the TODAY programme each morning to disseminate “Project Fear” propaganda from Cameron and his pals. This morning we were treated to the Editor of The Economist screeching that the UK could “only” ever hope to obtain a trade deal with the EU similar to that of Norway. It appears the simple economic fact that we are the UK’s single largest export matter has NO significance in terms of trade negotiations if you write for The Economist?