Well then, Labour’s John McDonnell used his appearance on BBC “Question Time” to offer a fulsome apology for his pro-IRA comments back in 2003. The BBC seem satisfied with this, honour has been restored and we can all now move on. Except, of course, McDonnell has simply resorted to lying and the BBC let him away with it. His explanation for his comments, made in 2003, was that he (along with Corbyn) were desperate to help ensure the “Peace Process” survived. The FACT of the matter is that this sordid process commenced in 1998 when the Belfast Agreement was ‘signed”. So what the hell was McDonnell doing FIVE YEARS LATER and why was it almost invisible at that time? The BBC know perfectly well that McDonnell’s explanation is flimsy but they have chosen not to go after him any further. In fact, on Question Time, when Timothy Stanley at least TRIED to go after McDonnell a bit more, he was shut up. It’s easy to say sorry when the sorrow is for yourself.


The Corbyn leadership poses problems for the comrades at the BBC. They know he is vulnerable due to his extremism so they have to be a bit careful not to link themselves too closely BUT they like what he says all the same. I thought their coverage of his PMQ’s debut was incredibly biased. His “revolution” which they were swooning over consisted of him reading out other people’s questions. This had the BBC reaching for epithets. I think we are in for an interesting time ahead. Labour have chosen an extreme Leftist as leader and the BBC do sympathise with a lot of what he says.


A Biased BBC reader saw this and then posted me this…

“How benevolent of you to manage to draw Israel into the migrant crisis in Europe in your report. It appears that at every opportunity you have available you like to get the message across to viewers, listeners and readers that somewhere along the line the Jews have a responsibility. You could have gone to any of the other cities and towns to file your report but somehow following your instincts the Yarmouk “refugee” camp exactly suited you anti-Israel agenda and bias.

It is clear that to the average viewer/reader your filed report is accurate and to be relied upon but in essence it was distorted and far from honest. As BBC Mid East Editor since the Balen Report of 2004 your focus on Israel is beyond the realms of good honest journalism.

It is time you acknowledged you have a bias against Jews and Israel and desisted from taking every opportunity to bash us.”

Hear Hear….


For several days, the BBC ran the sob story that “Aylan Kurdi” ended up being drowned off the Turkish coast because his father, Abdullah, had to flee Islamic State in an act of desperation and nobility. On the basis of this story, the EU has opened up its borders to potentially millions of muslims. It is now clear that there are some serious holes in this story not LEAST the fact that his father was living in Turkey for 3 years before the drowning. Islamic State didn’t exist back then, so how could be be fleeing them? Isn’t this worth the BBC at least considering? Or was this all just a concerted effort to destroy even the fiction of EU borders to North Africa? The source is …The Guardian.