I was amazed by a  story that the BBC ran earlier today on Radio 4 Today.

Social services in Kent are struggling to cope with an increase in the numbers of unaccompanied child asylum seekers. Bernie Gibson is managing director of the agency Compass Fostering.

The central issue here was the lack of good foster homes for …Eritrean immigrants. (All boys. mysteriously) The BBC shared the concern of Ms Gibson. I’m surprised the BBC does not put them all up in Broadcasting House.


I caught an item on BBC Today programme on R4 around 6.40am which was classic BBC bashing of the one ethnic group the BBC cannot tolerate – White people. This morning it was Australians that were in the firing line and the line being sold was that Australia has a major issue dealing with the fact that “White redneck” Aussies are so racist.  Quite incredibly generalising and patronising. Naturally the treatment of Aborigines was brought up as was a stat they were ’20 times more likely to be in prison” that Whitey. I wonder are they 20 times more likely to commit certain types of crime? We will never know because the BBC were out on a mission to simply blacken the reputation of White Australians.


Well then, as another day dawns the BBC becomes more and more overt in its SUPPORT for the swarm of third world immigrants queuing up to storm the Channel tunnel and get into the UK. Yesterday they joined in the general left wing outrage that Cameron used the “S” word! How DARE he refer to these find upstanding people in such terms. I’ve noticed at least TWO BBC presenters – Stephen Nolan and William Crawley – piously bleating that we need to “understand” the “desperation”of these “poor people” How ridiculous and how BIASED. If they don’t like ‘swarm” may I suggest Cameron tries “infestation”?


When it wasn’t baiting Australians this morning, the BBC was turning its gaze on Israel concerning the death of a Palestinian infant in an arson attack blamed on Jewish settlers in the West Bank. Now then, such an arson attack is utterly unacceptable I am sure that Israel will do everything possible to apprehend the culprit. But as in ALL these cases it gives the BBC the pretext to then BASH Israel. So the commentator the BBC produced on the Radio 4 Today programme around 6.50am sneered that Israel plays lip service to dealing with settlers who commit such crimes and only REALLY does anything when the media focus on. Such a vile slur on the reputation of the Israeli legal and policing system contrasts with the BBC’s indifferent approach to Palestinian savagery such as the slaughter of the Fogel family.  In the BBC world view, Israel can never do good, it is ALWAYS wrong.


I was listening to BBC Today this morning on Radio 4 for my sins and around 6.40am on came Lyse Douchet with a fulsome tribute to Obama’s horrific deal with the Mad Mullahs in Iran. Her take on it was that because Obama had willed it,  and because the likes of the UN Security Council and the EU had also piled in, the fact that it has NOT gained approval from the US Congress is a pesky detail that will surely be resolved.

Gosh – I remember the BBC taking issue with George W Bush anytime he tried to go it alone with out Congress approval  but when it’s Obama….ah…different story. Lovely Lyse went on to inform us listeners “it is good to be back in Iran”. Let’s hope she was wearing her veil.


Noticed how coke-snorting prostitute loving Lord Sewel seems to have arrived in the House of Lords without any political assignation? Or at least that’s what BBC headlines would lead you to believe. Rather than point out that Sewel is a LABOUR peer, instead the comrades try to turn this into a moral victory for Labour by running the line “Labour MP John Mann said the 69-year-old should resign from the Lords voluntarily before he was expelled.” Put it this way. Imagine for a moment that Sewel was a UKIP Peer – the headline from the BBC would scream his political roots but when it comes to Labour……


The BBC’s admiration from Obama continues with its slabbering reports on his Kenyan tour. The BBC were bigging up Obama’s determination to push the gay rights agenda to Kenya – this seems a matter of great importance to the BBC hacks for some odd reason. When Kenyan President Kenyetta responds by tweeting “There are some things that we must admit we don’t share. It’s very difficult for us to impose on people that which they themselves do not accept. This is why I say for Kenyans today the issue of gay rights is really a non-issue” the BBC responds by relegating this to one bland sentence at the end of the report.