Don’t know if you watched the Andrew Neil hosted This Week last night? Mr Neil continues to be the exception that proves the rule regarding BBC bias. He is scrupulously even handed and should be what all BBC journalism aspires to. Instead, he is the aberration but nonetheless always worth watching. Last evening he interviewed Asim Qureshi, the “research director” at “human rights” organisation CAGE. Asim is a vile piece of work, in the view of many, and Neil allowed him to dig a grave for himself with consummate ease. However what struck me as the MOST telling comment was when Michael Portillo wondered out loud WHY the BBC had allowed Qureshi show a free reign across its airwaves for the past week? In the case of This Week it is clear he was there to be dissected – and a good thing – but on the majority of BBC programmes he has been able to get away with his deplorable and appalling excuse making for Jihad. Thoughts?


On time and for your attention – a brand new Open Thread for the weekend. This is where you detail the bias. I also wanted to thank those who came along for the BBC Question Time live chat last. The system seemed to work ok and so I hope many more will click the link, register, and join in the fun and games next week.


Well then, wonder what you thought of the BBC’s coverage of the Netanyahu speech to Congress? Betraying my own bias, I thought it was fantastic BUT I got the distinct impression that the BBC were outraged that the Israeli PM was daring to stand up to Obama’s dodgy dealings with the Mad Mullahs. A favoured line spewed out by Jeremy Bowen was that this was “electioneering” by Bibi. Gosh – just imagine that – a politician electioneering. Thank god we have principled politicians like Ed Miliband who never electioneer and ‘weaponise” healthcare, right? The rousing reception he got must really annoy the BBC.


Here you go, a new Open Thread. I see there was more welcome news on the economy this morning with the suggestion that  average income back to pre-crisis levels.  On Today, I heard the BBC interview ponder what wages would be had we not had the economic crisis! Oh dear – as Ed’s ‘cost of living crisis” narrative goes off the rails the comrades are doing their best for the glorious leader!!!


Monday arrives and so does this new Thread. Anyone catch an interview with an Amnesty spokesman on Today this morning. He was wriggling like mad trying to distance his organisation from the Jihad apologists in Cage and was lobbed far too many soft ball questions. The BBC treats Amnesty with kid gloves and I can recall doing a BBC debate with Moazzam Beggs. He was accompanied to the studio by the local Amnesty Rep.


Well then, the BBC is a curious one. Firstly it names the Islamic State decapitator-in-Chief, Mohammed Emwazi. Fair enough. It then proceeds to ponder is he really a victim of a bungling MI5. It also calls him a “militant” when he is by any definition a terrorist – cutting the heads off innocent people IS terrorism, dear BBC. The BBC have taken the same approach with the three teenage Jihadi brides from the East End of London who legged it to hook up with Islamic State. The question was how had the State failed. where were the Intelligence services. At no point does the BBC choose to ask the most penetrating question of all – why do some Muslims living in Britain appear to have a greater loyalty to our enemies than to our country? I guess that might open up all sorts of tricky issues so better say nothing and just blame MI5?