Well, how do you think the BBC is dealing with Jihad in Paris? I was interviewed on the BBC yesterday and I did get to express my strong views. Anjem Choudary was also interviewed and I was not allowed to engage directly with that lowlife parasite. Maybe a good thing. I have also watched SKY news on this and they are serially dodgy too.


The BBC never fails to disappoint. I caught BBC radio 4 “Today” mocking the Conservative’s claims regarding Labour’s budget busting spending plans should they get back into power; then turned on BBC1 News to hear them give weird Ed Miliband a chance to rubbish the Conservatives. Not a sniff of bias there, no sirree. Anyway here is a NEW Open Thread.


Alright folks, 2015 begins and here is the first new OPEN THREAD of this fresh year. It’s going to be a BIG year here in the UK as the Nation goes to the polls to elect a new Government. We can be confident of but one thing – the BBC will do everything possible to damage the prospects of UKIP and the Conservative party. The floor is yours…


OK folks, we approach Christmas and it would be remiss of me if I didn’t take a moment to wish you all the compliments of the season.  Thank you all for coming here to visit and comment and engage on the topic that we all share an interest in – namely BBC bias! Here’s a thread to keep things moving over the next few days. I caught the Today programme this morning bemoaning the protests taking place across Germany at the Islamisation of their society. Naturally the State broadcaster here would be horrified if such displays and assertions of OUR culture were to take place in the UK! Anyway, over to you…..and have a good one!