Seen this?

BBC bosses have refused to apologise after a tribute story to paedophile Jimmy Savile appeared second on a list of ‘most popular’ stories on its website – below coverage of the death of Robin Williams.  Twitter users expressed outrage as the Savile story, filed hours after his death on October 29, 2011, suddenly appeared on the website and shot up the most read story list this morning. The BBC said it was because it had been shared through social media and was automatically added to the BBC’s most viewed story list as it rose up the charts.

I was discussing this with Jon Gaunt over on Fubarr Radio earlier and my point is that I really do believe that the BBC still don’t quite “get” the fact that for DECADES they sheltered one of the most notorious paedophiles this country has ever seen. Sure, they cannot be held responsible for whatever story from the past trends on social media – I get that – but they should still come out and express some contrition over THEIR star – the predatory monster Savile! Thoughts?


I see that BBC continues to echo Hamas PR by stating “More than 1,900 Palestinians, mostly civilians, have been killed in four weeks of Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip, the UN says” Where does the UN get these figures, BBC? Since you claim to be all about investigative journalism, I am sure you would seek to be sure of your sources. Or, is it just possible that along with the UN, you have a predetermined narrative that requires Israel being portrayed as the bully?


Excellent analysis of the OUTRAGEOUS pro Hamas bias from BBC journalist Jon Donnison on BBC Watch. Do read.

Clearly Jon Donnison remains on Hamas PR campaign message, promoting context-free images and descriptions of damage and civilian suffering without even a whiff of a mention of terrorist activity in Beit Hanoun. His promotion of a non-existent “military occupation” of the Gaza Strip and of the notion of farmers unable to export their agricultural produce because of a “blockade” he fails to explain also conforms perfectly with the Hamas narrative currently being vigorously promoted. The fact that there is no truth to those notions obviously does not disturb Jon Donnison – or his employers – in the least.

Donnison, Douchet, Bowen – the BBC can sure pick them.


If a Conservative politician had come out with the line that they would like to see a major UK city “Free of Pakistanis”, the BBC would (rightfully) be all over it. Yet when leading Cat impersonator and Israeli-hater George Galloway comes out with the contention that Bradford should be “Israeli-free” (by which he really means Jew Free) the BBC let it pass without that much comment. Maybe they agree with not so gorgeous George? I also note that Jew hating LibDem David Ward suggested than ‘the ban” on Israel should be UK wide. Again, a certain amount of obfuscation here but is he really saying he wants Jews out of the UK? The BBC didn’t pursue that line, too busy praising Nick Clegg when he suggests “the war on drugs” has failed and we need to legalise narcotics. Ah well – BBC priorities.


BBC playing games about Gaza again. It screeches “Israel air strikes resume in Gaza amid rockets”.….so creating the impression that those bad JOOOOOOOS are back to their business of killing innocent women and children. You have to read a little more carefully to see that it was HAMAS that refused to continue the temporary truce and it was Hamas that attacked Israel with several rockets this morning.