247 Responses to WEEKEND OPEN THREAD….

    • Alan Larocka says:

      ‘Nobody from the Metropolitan Police was immediately available to comment’
      Says it all really.


      • Roland Deschain says:

        Probably too busy looking for the nun to charge her with criminal damage.


      • TPO says:

        The rot set in with the MPS at Tower Hamlets when Paul Rickett was made the Borough Commander. His tenure there led to a no-go area culture where Islamic extremists were allowed to impose their own vigilante groups and the police were virtually invisible on the streets.

        Rickett, however, was ripped another arsehole by the Met Commissioner after he lowered the Union Flag at Limehouse Police Station and replaced it with the woofter’s flag.


        I knew Rickett back in the early 2000’s. He didn’t impress.


      • johnnythefish says:

        Coppers do nothing when it comes to Islamics flouting the law, even when they’re on the spot to witness it (voter intimidation and vote rigging comes to mind).


      • ROBERT BROWN says:

        Tell the Met, or any other force that a St Georges flag is up, they will turn out and tell you to take it down probably……..the BBC….and now the Police….traitors all.


    • DICK R says:

      She will be well advised to put as much distance between herself and Tower Hamlets as possible ,the police will be after her!


      • Llareggub says:

        Either the police or the psychiatrists. She must be mentally disturbed otherwise she would not object to their flag. Under Cameron’s regime standing up to symbols of Islamic terrorism meets criteria for sectioning.


    • Barlicker says:

      The black flag of islamofacism has now been raised several times in England without incurring any official response or condemnation. As their hubris and our cowardice increases, it can only be a matter of time before the “British” supporters of this pathological death cult start aping (and that is the exact word) their ISIS heroes by indiscriminately killing members of the ‘wrong’ religion here. The gnashing of teeth and rending of hair that this would be met with at the left/BBC (primarily concerned with stemming what they fear would be a terrible rise in islamophobia) will anxiously focus on how our foreign policy has inevitably led to yet another upsurge in the “radicalization” of the poor, oppressed muslim “community”.


  1. Ten Bar says:

    So when do the police arrest Galloway for his racist comments?


    • Roland Deschain says:



    • Klingon says:

      Not racist. It’s bigoted. And the answer is no. The Race Relations act doesn’t cover religion, only race. Why? Because the Ulster Unionists in the original Act (67?) got it removed for obvious reasons and Labour needed their support in 76.

      The only part of the UK were you can be done for religious intolerance is ironically Ulster!

      So the disrespect candidate can say what he want in this regard. Still, he won’t be an MP much longer.


      • Joshaw says:

        Are you sure about that? I thought it was changed relatively recently because many people pointed out at the time that religion, unlike race, is a matter of choice (although there do seem to be anomalies – so called travellers, for instance).


        • Ten Bar says:

          I think it bends race or religion for Muslims as the MSM pick and choose which it is whenever support is required.


          • Joshaw says:

            Curious, so I looked into it a little more. The Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 is aimed at a person who tries to stir up religious hatred, as the title implies. Apparently, before then, only Jews and Sikhs were covered by law prohibiting incitement to racial hatred.

            There are caveats. The bill originally outlawed words and behaviour that insulted or abused religious groups. The House of Lords removed those provisions and limited the offence to those who used threatening words or behaviour only. They also removed the ‘reckless’ element of the offence, restricting it to intentional offences.

            Apparently it’s quite difficult to get a conviction under this law so I suspect that Galloway will wriggle out of it.


      • Roland Deschain says:

        If we accept you are correct (you may be, I’m not in a position to know) do you really doubt that if Nigel Farage had said something similar about Pakistanis, he wouldn’t at least be investigated by the police, pour encourager les autres?

        At the very least the BBC would be in full cry demanding his resignation.


  2. stuart says:

    so why is jeremy bowen from the bbc and paul mason ex of bbc and now channel 4s apologist for hamas not going over to iraq now that hamas cousins isis in iraq have driven out 500.000 christians and are beheading and slaughtering innocent babys,women and children who they have captured,yes that is what is happening according to sky news what these isis muslim cowardly islamist savages are doing to these poor people,where are the anti war leftists and these muslims protesting against this genocide on the streets of the uk the same way they protested against isreal,where are these hypocrites with big there big mouths and double standards now,nowhere to be seen,the bbc ,channel 4.the leftists and the muslims make me sick with there silence about this genocide against the christians in iraq,you make me sick the lot of you.


    • Richard Pinder says:

      I imagine the BBC are too busy investigating Jeremy Clarkson. The BBC will find a Collins Atlas in the Top Gear studios, which has the word Niger, on page 70. And then all hell will break loose, and Lord Hall will have to consider whether to declare a state of emergency at the BBC.


    • Peter Thomas says:

      Quite so, Stuart. A few days before she resigned, I e-mailed Baroness Warsi through her website and asked her why she, the Government, and indeed the opposition and the media were saying very little and doing even less about the horrific murders of thousands of Christians by isis in Iraq. I don’t think I’ll ever get a reply now. 🙂


  3. Pounce says:

    Just for the record has anybody heard the bBC refer to Islam as a religion of peace of late?


    • Rob says:

      No because they don’t mention Islam at all with regard to acts of terror or atrocities. Just ‘militants’.


    • Peter Thomas says:

      No, but I did here a news presenter refer to isis as a barbaric off-shoot of al qaeda. Make what you will of that.


  4. Pounce says:

    Listening the feed from the bBC regards the dropping of a couple of 500lb bombs on an artillery piece. Her eis what the bBC isn’t telling you:
    “Pentagon press secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby said that two F/A-18 jets dropped 227 kg bombs on a piece of artillery and the truck towing it.”
    So, actually it wasn’t firing and it wasn’t been used agaisnt Non-Muslims.

    Another thing that I have noticed is that the bBC is really happy in promoting the view that this action is about protecting American interests and of it being a Humanitarian action. So the liberals are happy at dropping food but not not boots on the ground, a couple of regiments on the ground could wipe out ISIS within weeks, what it will entail is the death of each and every ISIS terrorist. Yet by carrying out half messages the liberal world (As always) is content that they have done enough.
    Including that cunt of a British PM.
    F-ing arsehole more than happy to protect Muslims in Libya, but defend Christians., yeah right.


    • regag says:

      Problem being, ISIS has been funded and armed by NATO to take down Assad and Syria so why would they want to mess up all the shiny new weapons? What are three hundred thousand Christians in the general scheme of things? Atrocities? Ethnic Cleansing? Children murdered? Mothers raped and killed?
      Utter silence from the BBC of course, and why should we expect any better? I should mention, in the BBC’s defence, that their darling liberal hearts are very, very concerned about Islamophobia in Britain.


  5. Peter Cookson says:

    I’m stunned. At http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-28688179 the BBC says,
    ‘if the Israeli attacks have been “indiscriminate”, as the UN Human Rights Council says, it is hard to work out why they have killed so many more civilian men than women’
    This is the first piece of reporting from the BBC I’ve seen that questions the Palestinians’ version of those genocidal Israelis.
    I assume we get some hint of the truth because the conflict seemed to be winding down and the BBC posts articles like this AFTERWARDS to prove their impartiality.

    If this theory is true it would explain,
    where we get the comment that,
    ‘NDTV sent one of its leading correspondents, Srinivasan Jain, to Gaza, and the resulting daily coverage was strongly pro-Palestinian. The channel’s choice of images is generally similar to that of other international broadcasters.’
    So sending journalists to Gaza to report the same stories as the BBC leads to strongly pro-Palestinian coverage? Hmm…


    • TPO says:

      From your second link, we have the BBC passing judgement on the reporting carried out by other news channels inserting patronising and denigrating little vignettes into their narrative. But of course from their lofty position they, the BBC, are always beyond reproach. I notice that they didn’t dare go anywhere near Fox News.


  6. George R says:

    BBC Democrats’ Obama supplicants censor this:-

    “Gingrich: ‘The president couldn’t even honestly describe ISIS last night because it goes against his ideology’”

    [Excerpt, by Robert Spencer]-

    “Gingrich is absolutely right. Indeed, no one in Washington is willing or able to speak honestly about the motives, goals, and beliefs of a group like the Islamic State. The entire Washington political establishment has bought into the idea that has been assiduously pushed by groups like the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) for years: that to speak honestly about such matters constitutes ‘hatred’ and ‘bigotry.’ And everyone, with just a handful of notable exceptions, quailed and joined the herd. Future generations of free people, if there are any future generations of free people, will look back at today’s political class with nothing but contempt.”



    • George R says:

      “Why Do Liberals Have Trouble Understanding the Pure Evil of Jihad?”



      • Richard Pinder says:

        “Why Do Liberals Have Trouble Understanding the Pure Evil of Jihad?”

        Because the Liberals are Socialists who’s hypocritical ideology is also Pure Evil.

        As has been proven ever since the French revolution, as well as the National Socialist, Soviet Socialist and now the present Liberal Socialist era’s.

        The victims of Socialism are always financially and intellectually superior to the Socialist that are stealing from or killing them, but then anyone in a meritocracy is justified in having more money than a Socialist.


      • dave s says:

        The ordinary person understands and as always it will be we who have to come to the defence of our civilisation.
        The fear ridden elite ( a self indulgent liberal one this time) will scream for our aid and as always down the ages we will do what is necessary.
        And afterwards the elites will once again assume their right to rule and power and wealth.
        Until the next time.


        • Sickofitall says:

          When the end of days come, I shan’t lift a finger to help anyone who has ever been a self-indulgent liberal (or voted for them) and allowed the country to get into the mess it is now in, with people scared to even mention the word muslim in the same sentence as terrorism. After they, what have they ever done to help me?


      • tipple says:

        Thanks or that link George. It’s a most enlightening read. The comments are also extremely interesting & the Lefty trolls are booted out so that everyone can talk like adults.


  7. Demon says:

    OT. But I keep wondering how so many (if not nearly all) of the major civilian death incidents in Gaza seem to be from “mis-firing” or “short-firing” Hamas rockets. You would have thought that an army, even as careful as Israel’s, would cause many terrible incidents by accident in a lousy situation like in Gaza. And I’m sure some of these tragedies are Israeli mistakes.

    But it keeps coming to my mind that there are far too many children killed by “accidental” Hamas incompetence. I keep wondering if these Hamas “accidents” may be quite deliberate because they know the Israelis will get the blame anyway. I hope I am wrong because that would be one of the most disgusting things ever committed by an already disgusting organisation like Hamas.


    • deegee says:

      The lowest estimate for Hamas missiles fired but not leaving the bounds of Gaza is 7% but I have read as high as 25%.

      The Iron Dome tracks everything launched and either shoots it down or if it is likely to cause little or no damage lets it go. That is the source of the 7% figure. It does not catch mortars aimed at communities close to the border which could account for the 25% estimate.

      That figure does not take into account ‘work accidents’ such as an explosion in a tunnel or a rocket.

      Gazans have no warning nor adequate shelter when Hamas misfires so the number of casualties could be high. Or as Richard Kemp noted no one has died of ‘natural causes’ since the beginning of Protective Edge.


  8. Llareggub says:

    The BBC have covered Cameron’s support for Islam, and this PM’s pals with their black flag in Tower Hamlets are expressing support for Isis, which Cameron and the BBC do not rate as bad as Israel. But what can you expect from a PM who celebrates Ramadam and sends out the cops to arrest people who protest against the killing of Lee Rigby. Cameron and the BBC should be booted out. Has the Tory Party lost its sense of direction?


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      It lost that in 1990.


    • Big Dick says:

      Because those laws were put in place by Blair , Brown, Harperson ,in the last Labour govt, & the Lib Dems won`t let the Tories amend those laws. And there ain`t going to be a Ukip government ,which so many people here, think are going to win the election ,its going to be Tory or Labour with maybe the Libs holding the balance of power .that`s how it will turn out .


  9. bogtrott says:

    If the EU says leave it dont rock the boat,DC leaves it.
    Churchill would turn in his grave to see what limp wrist of a PM he really is.The same could be said of the country too.
    As Frazer said ” We’re Doomed “


  10. Cassandra says:

    I accidentally heard the Vanessa Feltz ‘show’ today (Friday; she was covering for Jeremy Vine). She was interviewing an academic whose subject area was the Middle East. As the interview progressed the shameless bias of the pair of them became more apparent. The academic stated that ‘Jihad’ was a Christian concept from the time of the crusades! At no time was this or anything else he said challenged. Not once was the term ‘christians’ used to describe the people forced to stay on the mountain by ISIS; the Muslim terrorists constantly referred to as ‘militants’.


    • johnnythefish says:

      The first jihad began with Mohammed in 622 AD.

      And the BBC don’t know or choose not to know this fact because, as we all know, it does not fit their narrative on Islam so will never be used as a challenge against any bollocks-spouting lefty whom they coincidentally pick to come on a BBC programme spouting…… bollocks.


      • Joshaw says:

        Odd. I thought that Islam had always existed, entirely peacefully, until it was attacked during the Crusades, when history began.

        You learn something new every day.


  11. jackde says:

    Simply astonishing…BBC on line web site..
    If challenged I am sure that the BBC would insist that the content being correct. In my view the page could have been put together by Hamas!!

    A Photo of a Palestinian man, in clothes stained with his father’s blood, mourns at a hospital in Khan Younis
    Almost 1,900 Palestinians, mostly civilians, have been killed since the launch of Israel’s Operation Protective Edge at the beginning of July.

    Some 66 Israelis – all but two of them soldiers – have also died in the mission to destroy rockets and tunnels used by the militant Islamist group Hamas.


  12. dave s says:

    The BBC is covering the crisis in Iraq extensively. Good. Whether it will probe the real nature of Isis and the driving philosophy behind it is yet to be seen.
    Liberals don’t do reality and Isis is too real for comfort.
    What is happening is genocide and so paralysed by liberal relatavism is the West that it cannot act decisively.
    This is a warning to us all. Who will defend the West if it comes to it?
    Our elites? Dream on.
    In my opinion it is then that we will need Russia. I have held this view for many years and nothing that has happened recently has altered it.
    The price will be Russian domination of Europe.


    • Rob says:

      well then at least we will no longer have to stay quiet and pretend it isnt happening as our children are raped and sold as sex slaves by Muslim peado gangs whilst the Police local councils and social services look on


  13. NISA says:

    O/T as the BBC are merely reporting this:-
    US Secretary of State John Kerry said the world needed to wake up to the threat posed by the IS group.”

    but I just had to share my astonishment, isn’t it Kerry who needs to rub the sleep from his eyes?


  14. TPO says:

    A cut and paste from Breitbart:

    The BBC has had a tough time over the past few years, and rightly so. Britain’s public broadcaster has been embroiled in paedophilia scandals, monetary crises, bias, negligence and deep internal strife. But no greater example of the organisation’s complete and utter uselessness exists than their current approach to the news.
    The world is on fire:
    • ISIS is massacring people across Iraq;
    • Israel and Hamas have locked horns again;
    • Ebola has been declared an international health emergency.
    And the BBC’s response? 24/7 rolling coverage of one of the most boring murder trials in human history.
    Not only is the constant coverage of the Oscar Pistorius trial surplus to the requirements of BBC News viewers, but it is also perverse.
    The BBC is always on its high horse about its journalism, and its unique TV programming. The left-liberal, Guardian-reading majority within the organisation are always looking down their noses at us, pretending they know better. So why on this issue are they pandering to the lowest common denominator?
    Because they’re lazy?
    Because they think a celebrity trial will bring in viewers?
    Because it is slap bang in the middle of silly season and some unfortunate line manager sent everyone on holiday?
    Whatever the reason, it is a further indictment of the licence-fee funded organisation – and more proof as if we needed it that it is time the BBC’s monopoly over British broadcast journalism was smashed.
    Apparently I am not the only one who thinks so…


    Bang on the money.


    • NISA says:

      Because Sky News very heavily advertised their intended coverage of the trial before it began, sending “SuperLyseOrla” Alex Crawford. So the BBC just had to try & piss on Sky’s parade. That said it is amazing that either have kept up the coverage given the extraordinary length of the trial & the very eventful year we are having


    • Klingon says:

      Has Breitbart looked at any other News channel? They are ALL running it on their sites. I’d agree its chicken shit but the public love trials especially one that’s live and involves a famous person. His argument doesn’t stack up as his research is poor.

      Plus I’d say this is almost light relief tonight.


      • tipple says:

        They’re all running it on their sites since Obama released the bombs a few hours ago. They weren’t bothered before that.


    • Rob says:

      sky was going to show the trial as it happened for its entire length. Somewhere along the line this changed to highlights. I think it’s when Sky realised no one outside of S Africa actually gave a shit. And probably the majority in S Africa feel the same. It amazes me who in Sky decided this was worth showing in the first place. I bet it was some narrow minded sports loving person who think its great to shove sports down our throats 24/7 even when it has its own dedicated channels


  15. Thoughtful says:

    Broadcasting house back to the usual disgraceful bias and the Fascism.

    The problems of the Middle East? Well you know who the Fascists blame because it’s the same untermensch that they always blame, white British people.

    Did you know that all of the problems of the Middle East, from Turkey all the way round to Morocco, are all the fault of the British !

    It’s down to ‘colonialism’ of course. Despite the kicking they got from the Gazan woman who told them they were arrogant in their beliefs, it isn’t going to stop the self loathing Fascists blaming everyone around them.

    Typical BBC of course and typical of todays hand wringing liberal.


  16. George R says:

    Increasingly, INBBC’s chums at ‘Guardian’ use word “JIHAD” in headlines; but INBBC still censors it.

    1.) ‘Guardian’-

    “40,000 Iraqis stranded on mountain as Isis jihadists threaten death.
    “Members of minority Yazidi sect face slaughter if they go down and dehydration if they stay, while 130,000 fled to Kurdish north.”

    By Martin Chulov.


    2.) INBBC-

    “Iraq: US air strike on Islamic State militants in Iraq”



  17. joeb says:

    Did anyone watch the James ‘Face for Radio’ O’Brien ‘Newsnight’? I believe he did two. I know I said I was going to watch them for the first time in years, and I did try to.

    But – arrgghhh! – I found myself hiding behind a cushion, it was so excruciating, and could only manage a few minutes of the first one.

    On a ‘sanctimony’ scale of one to ten, where did it rate?


    • John Anderson says:

      I watched the first on, Monday. He was painfully inept, wearing a suit with waistcoat as if for the first time, mispronouncing words like “respite”, stumbling, amateur.


  18. RGH says:

    BBC still calling the Islamic State thugs and murders ‘militants’…the German state broadcaster has stopped pussy-footing and refers to them as ‘Terror Miliz’……..if ever a group could fit the terrorist description, the IS is just that.


  19. RGH says:


    Die US-Luftwaffe hat die Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) im Nordirak angegriffen. US-Kampfflugzeuge hätten IS-Stellungen attackiert, nachdem die Dschihadisten kurdische Truppen nahe der Kurdenhauptstadt Erbil mit Artillerie beschossen hätten, erklärte Pentagon-Sprecher John Kirby.

    This from the German BBC clone


  20. NotaSheep says:

    Martin Frreman is the voice of tonight’s DEC Gaza Crisis Appeal – So no more Hobbit watching for me. With this and boycotting Bradford, however will I cope?


    • Rob says:

      Ill still watch The Hobbit but I won’t enjoy it if that helps


    • Joshaw says:

      “So no more Hobbit watching for me.”

      I don’t bother with boycotts like this – it would involve taking them seriously. Besides, most of them seem to have daft views of one kind or another. There’d be nothing left to watch.

      They’re just entertainers, nothing more.


    • Barlicker says:

      “boycott Bradford”?
      That’s not difficult. There are only two reasons to go to Bradford, you live there our you’re lost.


  21. NotaSheep says:

    Make that Freeman…


  22. noggin says:

    After the reports on various media today, about what are being labelled extremist or”Trojan” nurseries, as I finished tonight I looked up BBC news page … squat
    so I tried BBC England … squat

    plenty of space for this, however
    Gaza’s tragedy The visual story
    Visual story of all the lives lost
    even intimating Israel as an aggressor in its earlier header.
    Israel strikes Gaza amid rocket fire
    Gaza Hyper-tense and under fire, etc

    Eventually on BBC West Mids, I found this
    ‘Extremist’ nurseries to lose funding – Nicky Morgan”
    the story has run nationally, all afternoon, with the usual sniping clips …
    “well … what are British values?” …
    “as long as we teach, right and wrong” … etc


  23. ROBERT JONES says:

    The BBC. Then and now. Spitfire!

    Produced in 1976. Starred Raymond Baxter as narrator (a WW2 Spitfire pilot).

    Note the lack of agenda. It could never be produced today by the BBC.


    • dave s says:

      I have a tape of John Betjeman travelling on the old Somerset & Dorset from Evercreech to Highbridge in the very early 1960s.
      Superbly made and directed. An object lesson in how to do it.
      Today’s BBC? Made by those of limited imagination and less talent.


  24. thoughtful says:


    Although the boys cannot be named for legal reasons and & the BBC isn’t carrying the story, everything points to these two being Pakistani Muslim.

    Somehow I can’t see the parents chastising them at all.


  25. thoughtful says:

    Guess whose presenting the Proms? Well the BBC excelled itself and managed to find a REALLY camp gay disabled pianist !
    Not just a bit disabled but missing a right hand !


    You can really feel sorry for someone musically gifted, and it’s not a comment on him, just the fact the BBC managed to find him.


  26. George R says:

    Of minor interest to INBBC?:-

    “The Foreign Fighters of ISIS: A Grave Western Threat”



  27. Klingon says:

    So why can’t he present the programme? At least he might understand some of the music. Unlike Alan Tischmarsh who the BBC have used in some bizarre dumbing down exercise in the belief that there are a horde of gardening fans who’ll tune if he’s on it. He got confused with the Rite of Spring and started discussing potting his petunias.


    • Rob says:

      Alan Titchmarsh, a gardener and boring nonentity. Yet more proof (if any was needed), on why there is no God


  28. John D says:

    Is it wrong for me to question the Gaza appeal today, on our great publically funded org.
    Even after their own goverment refused an extension to the ceasefire ?


    • The Beebinator says:

      why isnt there an appeal for the christians in Iraq who are having to live on the side of a mountain because of muslim jihadists? id donate to that but not to muslims.


    • Guess Who says:

      Noticed it was a lead programme on iPlayer. Certainly an interesting level of precedent, leading one to wonder what gets the full donation bells & whistle support, and what doesn’t.
      Also these days there’s the not small matter of provenance.
      To whom is the money going? Or what?
      I can see great value in humanitarian aid anywhere, irrespective of the majority faith at the point of need.
      But chipping in to another arms purchase as kids are stuffed down tunnels to repair damage… not so much.
      And it’s not like the BBC has a great record for knowing, checking… or caring.


    • Rob says:

      it was also on ITV I believe. I explained to my wife where the money would go. To build tunnels, make new rockets, buy weapons and siphon a few million into private bank accounts. Same as what happens to the EU millions we contribute into as well as our very own foreign aid which goes to rich people in poor countries whilst we can’t afford life extending cancer drugs for our own people.


      • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

        Yes, when it appeared on bbc1, immediately changed channel, but was beaten for a milisecond by its appearance on itv, instant off switch!


        • Sickofitall says:

          I have got very deep pockets and very short arms when it comes to this DEC scam. As far as I am concerned I have already been swindled out of 145.50 ‘TV tax’ that is seemingly already given to Palestinian causes, used as it is to broadcast Hamas’ filthy propaganda directly to my living room/computer/children.


    • deegee says:

      Did the BBC broadcast the appeal?

      Remember the last time when they refused to broadcast?


      • Llareggub says:

        Latest from the BBC. £17million in British aid has gone to Gaza, £4. million collected by the fund in 24 hours. British (NHS?) doctors out there helping and injured children to be flown here for treatment. I wonder if the Pallies will have to wait as long as British patients to see a doctor, and can we expect to see wailing parents on the BBC when their kids have been put on the pathway.
        Elaborating on the on the sufferings of the Pallies, are a couple of Europeans with the Pallie flag painted on their faces, sobbing about the children, with revolutionary socialist of the Venuzuela Solidarity Campaign, Tariq Ali, explaining the evils of Israeli occupation: big bully Israel attacking poor weak Hamas.
        Look closely at the banners – I cannot see any complaining about the children butchered in Iraq and Nigeria.



  29. Philip says:

    The news that Stonewall chief plans to target under-5s with gay propaganda… is no surprise as it is already EU approved…
    The EU Queering of children at preschool is part of the recent EU ‘Lunacek/Estrella’ report created European-wide angst and opposition in February this year gets ‘pushed’ as an ‘educational’ subject to ‘play with’.

    No surprise that the new head of Stonewall (LGBT pressure group), has called for all preschool (NURSERY) children to be taught to “celebrate” being gay as part of a proposed government-funded (yes we taxpayers pay for it all) campaign to tackle “homophobia” in schools… along with some ‘new books’ to replace the ‘old books’ on old fashioned family values and to ridicule natural biological families and children specifically.
    The UK European MEP elections being ignored and the prospect of more UK taxpayer funding EU sexual fringe groups continues – with the latest news that the NHS (UK taxpayer) is to pay for a new ‘Sperm-Bank’ to keep the Lesbians happy. This totally false ‘happy families’ scenario for our school children (under 5’s and upwards) is to learn that their ‘real’ parents are fictional characters, there is ‘no Mother and Father (that has been specifically banned outright (including all Birth certificates) so biological parents can never be known, No Grandparents, No Uncles or Aunts to support a working family (this ensures FAMILIES and population are eventually licensed on political ideology). The BBC’s ‘WhoDoYouThinkYouAre’ will need to be ‘redefined’. Notions of ‘Childhood’ are already threatened in this socialist experiment we call the EU.

    “Those who want to turn the world on its head have often tried to manipulate the state education system to achieve their ends. The ideological propaganda machine of Stonewall continues to gain momentum and the manipulating of the state education system is a key part of their strategy….’ Andrea Williams (Christian Concern)


    • Mark says:

      Maybe Stonewall should send some advisers into a few primary schools in Brum, Bradford, Blackburn, Tower Hamlets ….


  30. George R says:

    -INBBC in denial about Islamic jihad.

    INBBC can’t see the Islamic jihad wood, nor the Islamic jihad trees. -Sees only its “militants.”

    “‘Islamist militants’ kill 10 in northern Cameroon”


    Perhaps INBBC will report the following, perhaps it won’t:-

    “Nigeria: Muslims shoot, fire-bomb, slash men, women and children, murder at least 100 in Christian town”



  31. Peter Grimes says:

    It’s like Xmas and Eid rolled into one for Al JabeeBa this morning.

    ‘Miss Shouty’ interviewing Warsi on the Toady programme and berating her for not having condemned Hamas’ atrocities, only those of the Israelis. Al BeeB get to show their own lack of bias (joke) and attack a Tory at the same time. They must be wetting themselves laughing!


    • Guess Who says:

      Sort of ‘Ladies who launch’?
      Have the good Baroness and Ms. Hussain yet arrived at an acceptable number of rocket victims who need to be sacrificed to satisfy their odd views on how balance in war needs to be maintained?
      It’s getting bizarre.
      There’s some really dire, deadly developments all round the world, and a noticeably consistent aspect to who or what is behind it.
      Yet the BBC is either obsessed with hiring staff or wheeling out guests of an empathetic nature to try and restrict attention to one small space where one small country is doing all it can to defend itself.
      Can these folk not connect the dots as to what would happen to Israel once ISIS has chewed through all Christians and many Muslims not getting with the programme.
      Not sure if it has been confirmed yet (all ‘sides’ are capable of propaganda) but there’s a photo doing the rounds of a Che Guevara lookilikee proudly showing off his new bride to be… a clearly terrified kid.


      • Peter Grimes says:

        Sorry I confused Ms Husain with the (equally) execrable Sarah Mantague!


      • Guess Who says:

        They’ve just posted this on twitter:

        @BBCr4today: I still think UK govt’s language is ‘lagging behind’ that of the UN over #Gaza @SayeedaWarsi

        Why not:

        @SayeedaWarsi says “I still think UK govt’s language is ‘lagging behind’ that of the UN over #Gaza”
        And why the hashtag?

        First makes it hard to tell if it’s an RT of a tweet, a quote or what.


  32. Joshaw says:

    This is worth a read, including the better comments. An issue which turns up on BBBC regularly:

    A funny thing has happened to comedy

    I particularly like: “….now it smells too often of the lecture theatre”. Spot on.


  33. Thoughtful says:

    Yesterdays edition of ‘Feedback’ on radio four contained complaints about ‘The Brigg Society’ that it wasn’t funny, that it was a thinly disguised party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour party etc etc.

    To balance it they had a few socialists on who said that they did find it funny, which is unsurprising as it was aimed at them.

    I have a horrible feeling that the BBC will see as many people complaining as supporting as ‘balance’ despite the fact that it’s always the same people being forced to complain as the bias is always against them.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      To balance it they had a few socialists on who said that they did find it funny

      Wouldn’t that sort of prove the point?


  34. George R says:

    Newt GINGRICH on CNN.

    Not an opinion piece which Islam Not BBC (INBBC) would allow:-

    “ISIS, Hamas and Boko Haram: Believe their intentions.”

    By Newt Gingrich.



    • Rob says:

      Newt would know. No doubt he thought exactly the same about his beloved IRA when they were murdering and bombing British soldiers and being fully supported, finance and kept safe by him and his cronies in the US


  35. Alex says:

    BBC and Sky reporters and their middle-class guests seem more concerned over the potential rise of Islamaphobia than the plight of hundreds of thousands of Christians in Iraq who are being butchered by Muslim fascists. Last night on some BBC news 24 discussion some big jessie lefty prat was wetting himself with worry that what’s happening in Iraq could lead to a rise in anti-Muslim attacks; he didn’t seem to be as concerned about the huge wave of anti-Semitic attacks happening everywhere. Gutless sandal-wearing wimps like this are to blame for the rise in Islamic fascism; Christians and minorities are being put to the sword but your typical middle-class, dinner-party frequenting chit-chatterers still apologise for these barbarians.


    • Joshaw says:

      They’re as bad as each other.

      After Lee Rigby’s murder, someone said (something along the lines of) “anyone arriving from Mars could be forgiven for thinking that the EDL had just beheaded someone”.

      Why why why are we so wet?


      • Rob says:

        and don’t forget Nick Clegg taking a dump on Lee Rigby’s memory by standing there and spouting a load of bile about not being anything to do with Islam and then taking part of a selective text from the Koran which was actually referring to Jews and not Muslims.

        “[005:032] On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.”


    • IsItMe? says:

      I take small consolation from the fact that Islam’s leftie “useful idiots” will probably be the first to be liberated from their heads when the jihadists start returning “home”.

      And just when is the BBC going to start calling the “militants” by the correct term – islamo-fascist terrorists?


      • Seek the Truth says:

        Yes, it makes me laugh in a rather grim way when I think that they will probably be first up on the cranes when the time comes.


        • Llareggub says:

          Perhaps gay socialists should be outed in time for the return of the heroic warriors


  36. George R says:

    Victims of global Islamic jihad atrocities.

    ‘Daily Mail’ provides a more accurate analysis of who the Yazidis are, and of the murderous threat which they are under from Islamic jihad terrorists, than INBBC provides-

    “Ancient tribe they couldn’t wipe out… until now?
    Historian MICHAEL BURLEIGH on the Yazidis’ past of persecution and death.”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2720307/MICHAEL-BURLEIGH-Are-Yazidis-anicnet-tribe-Isalmist-never-wipe-H.html#ixzz39tBlnGTD


  37. noggin says:

    British MP George Galloway’s declaration that the city of Bradford is an ‘Israel-free zone’ is just one example of the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe.
    made main news in ……… erm Canada.
    discussed by Canadian, and Australian commentators
    video – the rise of euro anti semitism



    • deegee says:

      Were there any Israelis in Bradford or even visiting before George ‘expelled’ them?


      • noggin says:

        or who, anyone, in their right mind, would want to.
        … hmm … had the misfortune to pass through in the last 20 odd years?

        the state … we re in eh!


  38. Alex says:

    Lefty Muslim apologist site alert:



    • Brother DuQuette says:

      An affiliate of Hope Not Hate/UAF no doubt. What a pathetic site… I wonder what they think about the genocide taking place in Iraq, and the kidnap of girls in Nigeria? All in our minds, probably. If I knew how, I’d send a virus to shut that site down.


  39. George R says:

    US bombs Jihadists.

    Although Obama and INBBC don’t think U.S is doing this, ‘The Times’ (£), page 1 headline today, has it correct:-

    ” US bombs Jihadists.”


  40. Alex says:

    I wonder whether there’ll be an aid appeal for all of the Christians being butchered by Muslim nazis in Iraq?


    Oh, hang on… I forgot Christians being slaughtered by Muslim barbarians doesn’t fit the narrative. It’ll be interesting to see if the Muslim moderates will be out in the streets condemning the genocide.


    • Andy S. says:

      I saw a great description of moderate Muslims in the comments section of another news site.

      ” A Muslim extremist is someone who wants to kill all non-believers. A moderate Muslim is someone who is happy to let the extremist Muslim kill all non-believers.”

      I wish I could remember who posted that in order to give him proper credit.


    • Rob says:

      There are three faces to Islam.

      1. Extremists who act to kill non-believers
      2. Those who support the 1st logistically
      3 Those who support the 1st and 2nd ideologically


  41. Guest Who says:

    I subscribe to this site and it can provide summaries on public bodies who seem to be continually on the defensive when it comes to trust and transparency. These latest were interesting:
    The status is listed as ‘successful’, but it looks more like the BBC didn’t answer at all, citing a failure to ask on their terms.
    This one pulls out the ever-reliable ‘purposes of’ exemption.
    And, best to last:

    The BBC appears to be saying they don’t have to answer because the applicant keeps asking and not taking their stonewalling as the end of it.
    Imagine if Michael Howard had tried that one when Paxo was stuck for timing?
    So, basically, three different ways for the BBC not to answer a public FOI request, day in, day out.


  42. George R says:

    INBBC is quite sanguine about Islam, despite the history-

    “‘Get ready for 100-year war with Islam’:
    Former Australian Army chief underlines homegrown jihad threat and warns ‘terrorists only have to be lucky once'”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2720431/The-100-years-war-Islam-Dire-warning-former-Australian-military-chief.html#ixzz39tbWGUut


  43. Guest Who says:

    And in other news:
    It’s rather getting to the point where the job is either being mooted for or offered to anyone with a pulse.
    What is more certain is, despite the dosh and perks, overseeing Lord Pantone’s nest of viper/sack of rats fun factory is looking as popular a gig as The Jacksons playing a KKK Grand Wizard birthday bash.
    “Management in 10 Words”. They are Truth, Loyalty, Courage, Values, Act, Balance, Simple, Lean, Compete and Trust”
    Best I can judge, the BBC manages 2 at best.
    Making a Tel a likely TBNT too.


  44. Alex says:

    Good little piece here with Douglas Murray.. he hits the nail on the head:



    • Brother DuQuette says:

      That man just spoke 100% sense and truth; isn’t it so refreshing to hear the truth for a change? The controlled left-wing media always try to pass off these mass demonstrations as an expression of a country’s protestations, when, in fact, everyone knows it’s just the Muslim immigrants; and, worryingly, these marches are getting bigger which tells us all we need to know about the liblabcon’s immigration policies.


      • IsItMe? says:

        Nah, not just Muslim immigrants. The useful idiots of the Socialist Workers’ Party, too.


        • RGH says:

          Sickening crowd of street fascists…the SWP supported Pol Pot…………..psychopaths all…to this day.


  45. Brother DuQuette says:

    Typical BBC bias in the title of this propaganda. The majority of this despicable rabble are Muslims so the title should be renamed Thousands of Muslims…



    • Mark says:

      Where is the counter-demo against the sub-human butchering scum of ISIS ? Oh, I forgot, many families of our home-grown jihadis are at this very march.


      • Span Ows says:

        It’s not just that, there are dozens of other causes with far more deaths, far more slaughter but no marches or outrage or industrial scale sign writing: even the unions and SWP pale into insignificance (although they’ll be on that march no doubt) when compared to the placard industry of the anti Israel crowd – almost as efficient as Hamas tunnel digging.


      • Guess Who says:

        Seems people are unnecessarily concerned by certain events global and local such as the BBC are less keen to go near. But those media who do are the real problem, according to Mehdi ‘Cattle’ Hasan:
        @HuffPostUK: .@mehdirhasan tells @WildernessHQ the ‘hysterical’ British press is encouraging Islamophobia #huffpostwild http://t.co/EAEdUMwZI4
        Seems like only yesterday some Flokkers were saying that what people were saying was questions should not be asked.
        Not true here, but BBC favourite Mr. Hasan clearly feels that in his perfect world a bit more censorship is required, presumably so long as he and selected others sign off on it.
        Can’t say the historical precedent is encouraging.


  46. Brother DuQuette says:

    Anyone with a brain knows that the real reason that this woman resigned was because she didn’t get nothing in Dave’s reshuffle. But, she uses Gaza as an excuse; however, she seems to be deafeningly silent on the ethnic cleansing being carried out by those tolerant and loving Muslims in Iraq.



    • Techno says:

      Probably true, that would have placated her, but she was always under pressure because she has to show solidarity with other Muslims.


  47. Alex says:

    The BBC could do with a little spring cleaning… lol



  48. Betty Swollocks says:

    Is it me, or is there no White BBC Newscasters anymore ?


    • Seek the Truth says:

      There are not many white people doing anything on British TV these days; the adverts on all the other channels are just as bad. Soon it will be compulsory to have some sort of natural tan.


    • Rob says:

      I notices that also. As for compulsory to show a tan skin. It is compulsory already to include a black person in adverts wherever possible hence you had a black milky bar kid.

      The one exception is…government adverts on benefit cheats, you will notice only white actors are shown.


      • Alex says:

        Yes, very true! And on Crimewatch you never seem to get many enrichers!


      • RGH says:

        So true!


        The figures show that per capita…the highest level of benefit fraud is related to British Citizens of Pakistani origin….648 prosecutions compared to 767 for ‘white’ Britons….ie. the incidence of fraud is 25 times higher than in the general population…shocking!


      • Andy S. says:

        Check out The Creative Diversity Unit and its aims. Most broadcasters seem to have signed up to this organisation. Their insidious influence can be seen in nearly every advert on commercial television. Note also the way ads are edited. Nearly always show a black or Pakistani/Indian character first with white characters added almost as an afterthought. Note also the disproportionate number of mixed race couples with coffee coloured kids.

        Now, I know we have people of many races living in this country and contributing to society but the number of ethnics who populate ads and programmes is totally out of proportion to their actual numbers in this country.


        • Alex says:

          It’s pure Marxist indoctrination. Ethnics commit the most crime but in all dramas the BBC always portray the villains as whites.


      • John Smith says:

        I note only mixed race couples seem to buy soft furnishings. Or that is what the adverts lead me to believe.


    • ChrisL says:

      You’re right.

      That is if you ignore Bill Turnbull, Sophie Raworth, Kate Silverton, Fiona Bruce, Huw Edwards, Emily Maitlis, Gavin Esler, Ben Brown, Sophie Long, plus others.

      I don’t understand how you can make a statement like that when it’s so obviously false.


  49. Yerushalayim says:

    so the bbc tell us that £5 million has been raised for Hamas-satan in 24 hours

    they wont be getting a penny from me……..a tidy little weapons fund there

    Londonistan must be a right dive looking at the faces in that crowd in Hyde Park……islamic nutters and equally batty leftist loons

    Londonistan must be populated b


    • chrisH says:

      Is that money raised in the “Children In Need/Comic Relief” kind of way?
      In other words, publicly funded quangos and extrapolations hoped for by the “ever onwards and upwards” notion of grade inflation….the Left Liberal hardly wants to tell Joe Public he`s a tightarse this year…or simply doesn`t agree with the money being spent on relining those Gaza sewers…as if the whole thing doesn`t stink enough with all those hacks there.