The BBC moves on swiftly. It most certainly annoyed Cameron’s humiliation over Juncker and will give Labour one more chance today to rub as much salt into the wounds as possible. But the BBC is keen to allow Germans such as Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble to suggest that the UK can now trust Merkel to be more sympathetic to our aims. He was on Today this morning being given a very sympathetic hearing so that his siren voice could add to that chorus of those europhiles around Cameron who seek to delude us that things will somehow, magically, be different the next time the UK seeks to stop “the project” The BBC is deeply committed to the EU and plays a very clever and treacherous game.


I am sure you will have seen this from the BBC.

Islamist militant group Isis has said it is establishing a caliphate, or Islamic state, on the territories it controls in Iraq and Syria. It also proclaimed the group’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as caliph and “leader for Muslims everywhere”. Setting up a caliphate ruled by the strict Islamic law has long been a goal of many jihadists.

This suggests that only Jihadists want to see a global caliphate but surely this is not quite the case. Many Islamic scholars around the world also advance the idea of a caliphate, it’s just that the Jihadists are the cutting edge to achieve this. I wish the BBC was not so dhimmified that it fails to confront the core dynamic behind Islam – Dar al Harb.


Lenny Henry was never very funny but it seems that he IS now the Cultural Kommisar for Ethnicity on the BBC

ACTOR and comedian Lenny Henry yesterday slammed the BBC’s £2.1million plan to foster ethnic talent.

The corporation’s director-general Tony Hall announced a new “diversity creative talentfund” last week to help “fast track” shows by minorities. But referring to 12 Years A Slave star Chiwetel Ejiofor and Idris Elba, from TV crime drama Luther, Mr Henry said: “They didn’t need more training, they just needed a break.”

Earlier this year, he complained that the number of ethnic workers in ­British TV had plunged by a third between 2006 and 2012 to just 5.4 per cent of the broadcast workforce. He called for new laws and targets to reverse that decline. Mr Henry told the Commons’ Culture, Media and Sport committee yesterday the UK had been haemorrhaging talent to America because of a mistaken belief that black ethnic minority actors “don’t have enough star power to drive a feature film or a long-running TV series”. Talking about Mr Hall’s plan, he said: “Development is great but there are people absolutely trained and ready to rock. “The inference seems to be ‘oh you’re not ready yet, here’s a little bit of development money, go away and practise a bit more until you’re ready’.”

So Henry wants to see racial discrimination as the best way of avoiding racial discrimination. It just depends which race you are discriminating against I suppose?




Anyone else catch the “debate” on The Media Show on BBC Radio 4 later afternoon on the “phone hacking scandal”? Superb balance as always with Nick Davies, Guardian journalist; Peter Preston, former editor of the Guardian;Harriet Harman, Labour’s Deputy Leader, Neil Wallis, former Deputy Editor of the News of the World; Lord Norman Fowler, former chairman of the House of Lords select committee on communications; journalist and Executive Director of Hacked Off, the strident Joan Smith; Alleged Conservative Fowler was happy enough to blame Thatcher for the cosying up to the Murdoch empire, so earning his pay for the day. The conclusion was that we “need” Leveson unexpurgated and nothing short of Leveson will do.



The BBC seems determined to use the Coulson conviction to damage Cameron through association. I watched the BBC news last night and it was interesting to see how often they used images of Coulson and Cameron together as if to imply that Cameron was in some way guilty too. Now of course one could say that Cameron used poor judgement in using Coulson – and he himself has said that – but then again I am sure we all remember Gordon Brown’s nefarious spin doctor Damien McBride. I don’t recall the BBC lighting on the revelations concerning McBride with quite the same GLEE it has on Coulson. The BBC must be gutted Rebekkah Wade was also judged to be INNOCENT. Throughout the court case it has also used her to try and also damage Cameron. Miliband has joined in the attack on Cameron and the BBC is doing what it can to damage the PM.