Chicago’s first round exit from the 2016 Olympic voting on Friday was greeted with a certain amount of glee by Rush Limbaugh. Echoing the song of praise to Obama made famous by a group of New Jersey school kids, Limbaugh told his radio audience:
Our president, “Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm,” had been running around the world for nine months telling everybody how much our country sucks. He’s been running around the world apologizing for the United States of America. Why would anybody award the Olympics to such a crappy place as the United States?
On MSNBC’s Morning Joe yesterday the BBC’s Katty Kay, clearly missing the reference, was not impressed:
After, you know, listening to that Rush Limbaugh clip again and I don’t think I want to hear it, really, for a fourth or fifth time, is that it’s not Barack Obama, it’s Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama. There’s something insidious going on there, too, in the repetition of his middle name.
Limbaugh responded on his show yesterday:
RUSH: Just unbelievable. This is a member in good standing of the State-Controlled Media and she thinks I’m out there, “Barack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm.” She does not realize that a bunch of school kids in New Jersey and across the country are being forced to learn songs and poems in praise of the dear leader such as…
SCHOOLKIDS: He said that all must lend a hand to make this country strong again. Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama. He said we must be fair today, equal work means equal pay. Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama. He said we all must take a stand, to make sure everyone gets a chance. Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama.
RUSH: All right, that’s enough, that’s enough. Now, I must acknowledge that Katty Kay certainly does not watch Fox News, which is the only place the video aired. We aired the audio here, but she’s clueless. She has no idea of the story, zip, zero, nada. Katty Kay, BBC America, has no idea that schoolchildren across America are being propagandized and indoctrinated to support personally the dear leader, Barack Hussein Obama. So when I mock this and have fun with it, she thinks I am being derisive of insidious, insidious, insidious, I don’t want to hear Limbaugh again, I heard it four or five times, I don’t want to hear it again. Hey, Katty, try this.
SCHOOLKIDS PARODY: Rush Hudson Limbaugh. Mmm, mmm, mmm. Rush Hudson Limbaugh. Mmm, mmm, mmm. (Battle Hymn of the Republic tune) My ears have heard Rush Limbaugh on my parents’ radio. He tells me that the left is wrong and stuff I need to know. We turn it off when he is done ’cause there is no other show. Rush, keep broadcasting on. Glory, glory hallelujah. Glory, Clinton couldn’t fool ya. Barack Obama can’t ignore ya. Rush, keep broadcasting on. In 1951 he was born in Missouri. Now he’s on the radio conducting EIB. On the air to set us free from sea to shining sea, he keeps broadcasting on. Glory, glory hallelujah. Glory, Clinton couldn’t fool ya. Barack Obama can’t ignore ya. Rush, keep broadcasting on. Rush keep broadcasting on!
At least Kay was wearing modest attire for her appearance on Morning Joe. She nearly got them out for the lads on the Chris Matthews Show the previous morning:

Update: Video of Limbaugh’s response to Kay, including the Rush Hudson Limbaugh song.
(A belated h/t to B-BBC reader Jack Bauer who was way ahead of us on this)