BBC business journalist Dominic Laurie:
A BBC business reporter bigging up the #socialism hashstag – says so much about BBC newsroom mindset. How long would a BBC business journo last in his job if he punctuated his tweets by promoting #freemarket or #libertarianism hashtags? I’m guessing either not very long, or long enough to realise that promotion is never going to happen.
And here’s BBC Newsnight economics editor Paul Mason:
Couldn’t resist the mini-lecture directed at America. You’ll search in vain for “Hear that Cuba? FREE SPEECH”, btw. Then again, Newsnight’s Comrade Kite is probably going there for his holidays.
I enjoyed much of the opening ceremony – the bit with Bond and the Queen was particularly good – but jeez, can’t these “impartial” BBC hacks take just one night off from their international class struggle against the clichéd American bogeyman?