Weekend Thread 12 June 2021

GBNews officially launches at 2000 on Sunday 13th June . Expectations are high – as is prejudice . Unlike the far Left Anti UK BBC it deserves a fair shake . The enemies of free speech and diversity of opinion will have the OFCOM complaint line number on ‘speed dial “. Good Luck GBNews – you are really going to need it .

Start the Week 7 June 2021

Less than a week before the BBC gets some new competition – the first in a very long time . How will it react ? The usual arrogant superiority that comes with guaranteed taxpayers ‘ money ? Or will we see a little less ‘woke ‘? It certainly couldn’t get more woke could it ?

Midweek Thread 2June 2021 Bashir2?

As the Biased Far Left Anti British BBC hoped everyone would look away from their corrupt prodigy – Martin Bashir – it will now be publishing a report trying to explain why he was re hired as ‘Religious Editor ‘.
Maybe someone wanted to put a fox in the chicken coop .On the downside – expect a whitewash . On the upside -it will do even more damage to the BBC ..

Start the Week Thread 24 May 2021

Fortunately for those of us who see the BBC as a monster the Bashir Affair is continuing to fester. However there is little sign of the current government being willing to do anything about it at all – even with the outright condemnation of the future King . But public pressure is building . It won’t take much to force reform or better still – destruction.