Weekend Open Thread 10 November 2018

The failing Far Left BBC has enjoyed itself stabbing President Trump with its forked tongue . Now it will switch into the commemoration of the Armistice . Once upon a time it would have been wholesome and commemorated all those lives taken in the name of the freedom of Britain and the Empire from the Germans of various brands as well as other former enemies – and all wars that our country has engaged.

Let us hope those running the BBC can suspend the indoctrination  propaganda and just remember and offer thanks and – perhaps prayers to those who lost so much . RIP.


Decent language please- particularly this Weekend.

Start the Week Open Thread 5 November 2018

The Far Left BBC staff are in full anti Trump cry as the American Midterms arrive . They never seem to have been so important and never has so much bias been directed at a President – non politician – by so many. The main stream media will be desperate to write the epitaph for what they call ‘populism ‘ but others would call democracy . I really hope they are unable to do that but let’s see….

Weekend Open Thread 3 November 2018

The BBC has not liked the Police for a long time – except making ridiculous dramas. Yet now the police are ‘victims ‘ because they can’t investigate this and that because they are all busy logging so called ‘hate crimes’- the sort of ‘hate crime’ the BBC love to create through airing grievances . I’ve always lived by the adage ‘you make your bed so you lie in it”- which also applies to both the Police and the hated BBC. Both live in a snowflake distorted world and must live with the results – as must the taxpayer and victim of uninvestigated crime of course .

In the previous thread I put up I asked “ who can be trusted ?” No answer yet ….

Start the Week Open Thread 29 October 2018

Budget Day .  The Far Left BBC will be talking Austerity and moaning about the pre brexit economy because of low unemployment , low interest rates and higher basic tax allowances .


It will  be a waste of time really because if we are lucky enough to get out of the EU without agreement the sums will all change .

The anti Trump propaganda will ratchet upon in front of the midterms next week .

All Souls is on Thursday

just a friendly reminder – reasonable language please …

Start the Week Open Thread 22 October 2018

The Far Left BBC quickly buried the conviction of “the Huddersfield 20 Muslim racist paedophiles” and as it does – moved quickly on . How will the BBC perform regarding the political show trial of Tommy Robinson on Tuesday ? You can bet the Muslim paedo racist gang which is the cause of TRs   brush with the law won’t feature much in this crooked country but his past will be used as the usual weapon?

With a 158 days until Brexit the remainers will be marching every weekend or looking for jobs with tax avoiders like Facebook .