Start the Week Open Thread 13 August 2018

BARB figures continue to reflect the decline of the BBC . Soaps lead the way and on commercial TV soaps and Love island get top viewing figures with MSM news a long way down the lists .

The bubble endlessly moans about ‘ Anti This ‘ and ‘Anti That’ but it seems people are not listening any more .

A plea – again – please think about offence when posting . It is tempting to literally retaliate against the bias we suffer from the BBC

lastly – Wednesday is VJ Day -lest we Forget .

Midweek Open Thread 8 August 2018

Less people are using the BBC -both television and radio . Less people are using its print version – The Guardian . Instead people are choosing Netflix and Amazon .

Although we record left bias week after week perhaps it will be the consumer who ultimately forces the BBC to serve the British and not its favoured minorities .A few politicians moan but won’t do anything else so for the time being the BBC feels immune .

Weekend Open Thread 4 August 2018

Yesterday saw a clear admission by the BBC of its political agenda – it took down a cartoon from Youtube aimed at children extolling Multiculturalism. How much did it cost ? Who authorised it? Where did the idea come from ?

The BBC claims to be transparent and responsible- but that is clearly a lie .who is to hold it to account ?

we need to remember rare admissions by the BBC of what they are doing to Britain so that when there is a reckoning we can provide the evidence of their bias

Weekend Open Thread 28 July 2018

As all the Albeeb management go off on holiday to spend taxpayers’ money we should spare a thought for all those vibrant diverse baby beeboids staying in Blighty to carry on the snowflake task of blaming so called cuts for this and that as well as suppressing incidents which al Beeb doesn’t want us to know about .