You could not make this up. But it’s true. A colleague at Cambridge sent me last night a link to the Futerra communications agency. It’s a swish outfit with offices in London and New York. Set up with the help of taxpayers’ money, it runs courses for a legion of big corporations (BT, Unilever), NGOs (Greenpeace, the Carbon Trust)) government departments (DEFRA, DFID), and it teaches them “how to communicate” (spread propaganda) about “Climate Change” and “Sustainability”. In other words, they are eco-freaks. Their messages include:

Forget the climate change detractors. Those who deny climate change science are irritating, but unimportant. The argument is not about if we should deal with climate change, but how we should deal with climate change.

Guess who their other clients include? Of course, the BBC. This is what the Futerra website says about our “impartial” £3.5bn-a-year public service broadcaster:

Various BBC teams have enjoyed training sessions on communicating sustainable development. Participants have ranged from producers for EastEnders to researchers on the CBeebies channel. We also developed the creative PR strategy for the launch of the BBC’s online ethical fashion magazine Thread.

The BBC courses were not specifically about “climate change” as such, but one look at the site shows that these people are fanatical about forcing change on the world by Orwellian propaganda, with “climate change” as the fulcrum. Its core message is “revolution“, under which it says its main aims are:

Sustainability, green, climate change, fair trade, ethical, CSR, eco-chic.

And the BBC spends our money sending its staff there. No wonder no-one treats Climategate seriously, they’ve all been brainwashed. To the boys and girls at the BBC, those who deny climate change are “irritating”. Full stop.

For the full gory details, you can download their brainwashing manual here. No doubt a copy is kept in every BBC desk.


There’s an interesting post from Ben today about my post on Saturday outlining BBC environment correspondent Richard Black’s response to Climategate. Ben says:

The “climate scientists” implicated in Climategate clearly think of Black as one of their own. When the fair article “Whatever Happened to Global Warming” (written by Paul Hudson, weatherman with a First in Geophysics and Planetary Physics) appeared on the BBC website, the Team were not amused. Here’s Michael Mann in one of the emails:

“extremely disappointing to see something like this appear on BBC. its particularly odd, since climate is usually Richard Black’s beat at BBC (and he does a great job). from what I can tell, this guy was formerly a weather person at the Met Office.
We may do something about this on RealClimate, but meanwhile it might be appropriate for the Met Office to have a say about this, I might ask Richard Black what’s up here?

And in another post, Will S suggests that a FoI request is put in to the BBC to see what email exchanges there have been between Black, Harrabin et al and the CRU unit. An intersting idea. The Mann email clearly suggests much closer links than is normal between journalists and their sources – (to me) it sounds as though he knows Black will do his bidding. Is this the smoking gun showing that the BBC is in bed with the whole climate change scam?


So far, the BBC has done virtually nothing about Climategate, and as David notes in the previous post, if anything, has cranked up its AGW reporting to fever pitch. This is what Richard Black says on his blog this morning:

As far as I’ve been able to ascertain, climate politics elsewhere remains unimpressed by allegations that the CRU documents undermine the very basis of the forthcoming negotiations; but it’s a question that I will be asking when the Copenhagen talks open.

I don’t know where he’s been doing his “ascertaining” (he could try, for simple starters, here,here or here)but such a response is deeply, deeply dishonest, and illustrates just how seriously wrong the BBC is on this issue.

I will await with interest to hear just how hard he pursues the question he intends to put. But don’t hold your breath. He’ll probably be as tough and persevering as Evan Davis was when he ‘interviewed’ Bob Geldof this morning on Today (that is, he listened admiringly to every word of nonsense he uttered).


Diane Abbott MP, as those who worked with her in the early days of TV-am will attest, is not the brightest tool in the box. But she knows a political opportunity when she sees it. Last night – miracle of miracles – the BBC1 programme on which she reguarly appears, This Week, mentioned “climate change”, and there was a sensible exchange between Michael Portillo and Andrew Neil in which the ex-MP mentioned the CRU emails and said the affair illustrated the need for politicians to exercise caution in backing expensive measures that almost certainly were not needed. Bravo!

Ms Abbott’s response? To pronounce, without any doubt or hesitation (and no evidence, either), that the Cockermouth floods proved that “climate change” was definitely happening and must be halted. An audience member on last night’s Question Time made the same blunt assertion. The culprit responsible for this inanity? Well it must be in no small measure the BBC itself. On the back of its relentless tide of pro-warming propaganda, Ms Abbott – and millions like her – have become self-declared scientific experts, influenced by the “climate change” soundbites the BBC push out round the clock. And Ms Abott – as well as people like last night’s Question Time panellist the charmless Marcus Brigstocke – seize on this propaganda with relish because it accords with their lefty agenda to cripple our economy and create their ultimate goal of a Stalinist state.


One day, the story of how climate change hysteria took over the BBC will be told. Just like CRU, they have disgracefully refused FoI requests to reveal how they shadily arrived at the outrageous political decision to back the scam with every sinew and every resource at their disposal.

Meanwhile, their journalists continue to act like bigoted charlatans when they discuss anything to do with the topic. This morning, Today presenter Sarah Montague and political reporter James Landale discussed as if it were a serious topic a lunatic idea from the Department of Health that we should kill one in three cows in Britain to reduce methane emissions and thereby also improve the nation’s health by reducing meat intake. Landale betrayed his climate change fanatacism by saying admiringly that the idea was “courageous”. Montague tought the whole thing was a bit of a giggle because someone had pointed out that dairy and cattle farmers might be offended.

If the BBC were a true journalistic organisation, the story here would have been an investigation of what the hell the DoH is doing wasting our money by coming up with inane reports that are an insult to the intelligence of a three-year-old.


Yesterday, I said that remarkable things seemed to be happening at the BBC in terms of reporting that there were problems in the global warming/climate change scam. I spoke far too soon. Roger Harrabin and his fanatical, deeply politicised lefty chums have clearly been fighting behind the scenes to push warming up the agenda to blitz levels. Today on the website are at least four stories all of which illustrate just how deeply enmeshed in the scam the corporation is.

First there’s a report that African conflicts go up when the weather is warm, thus showing that global warming is to blame for the continent’s miseries in more ways than one. The idiotic compilers even blame the Darfur fighting on carbon dioxide. I have read a lot of history that is deterministic tosh, but that takes the biscuit. I suppose the boys and girls at the BBC think the heat is more important than fanatical Islam fundamentalism?

Second on the list, is the news that the government/quango employees at the Forestry Commission, aided an abetted by environment secretary Hilary Benn are wasting millions more of our money by urging the planting of millions of trees “to suck carbon out of the atmosphere”. Of course, there may well be some environmental sense in planting more trees, but hoovering up CO2, a perfectly harmless gas, is not one of them. To the BBC, of course, it’s the number one reason.

Third is that the Met Office – which works closely in tandem with the discredited CRU centre in Norwich – is predicting that this year could be the third hottest in the history of the world, ever. Putting aside that such data is hotly denied by “sceptics” (why can’t we call them something less negative, such as “realists”)because the methodology of measurement is hotly disputed, Harrabin has reported such baloney yet again as accepted fact.

And fourth, heavy prominence is gven to the idea that part of East Antarctica may be melting. There’s hardly a peep in the report that, even according to the paper itself, it might not be – because the measurements involved are highly speculative.

What is entirely missing from the BBC website (as far as I could see) is a report about the real impact of all the “climate change” measures the government are introducing. Namely, that thousands more pensioners die in winter than summer because they can’t afford the fuel bills that have been vastly inflated by the EU’s emissions directives and the madacap rush to build hugely expensive and inefficient renewable sources of energy.


Truly astonishing things are beginning to happen at the BBC over the CRU emails. First, Andrew Neil on the Daily Politics yesterday posed some decent questions about what had gone on at CRU and about the climate change record generally. Second, a genuine climate change sceptic (Professor Fred Singer) was allowed to speak, only the second time in recent history that I’ve seen this happen. Thirdly, Neil worked hard to expose the vacuity of the warmist stance.

I’ve never seen an interview like that on the BBC, ever, and believe you me, I’ve searched.

Next, the fanatic warmist Harrabin actually seems to be treating the CRU hacking as a story that might matter. Perhaps it’s because his chum George Monbiot has called for the resignation of CRU boss Phil Jones, but whatever the reason, I’ve seen correspondence that shows him to be on the case. And last night, he actually broadcast a piece on Radio 4 which, to quote the excellent Bishop Hill, was “not a complete whitewash”. That’s a miracle.

Finally, there could be even further reverberations to come. It seems that the BBC weather reporter Paul Hudson – he who last month shocked us all by becoming one of the first BBC staffers to admit that there were holes in warmist propaganda- has revealed on his blog that he had received, and had been sitting on, the hacked email files from CRU for more than a month. You couldn’t make this up.


Credit where credit is due. BBC Radio 4’s Analysis programme last night examined what would happen if the UK left the EU, and they made a near-decent fist of the territory, giving prominence to both UKIP’s Lord Pearson of Rannoch and the Conservative withdrawalist, Daniel Hannan. There were, inevitably, some problems, with balance and some silly, unchallenged contributions from EU fanatics.

But this is normally a taboo subject for the boys and girls at the BBC – during the European elections back in June, for example, there was virtually no discussion at all of the topic, even though at least 55% of the British people do want to leave. So is this a sign of things to come? I wouldn’t hold your breath. Just as with climate realist Ian Plimer’s appearance on Today last week, one swallow does not make a summer. The programme smacked of fig-leaf tokenism. And most of the BBC’s coverage of Europe regards anyone who is less than a full-blooded federalist as a right-wing, xenophobic buffoon.


As a fervent Scot, and son of the manse, Gordon Brown hates Britain’s past; anything to do with the empire and with colonialism, especially. So, of course, does the BBC, which leaps at any opportunity to denigrate British achievements. The government’s absurd and patronising decision to “apologise” for the way children from broken homes were sent to Australia and elsewhere in the Commonwealth to start new lives is thus naturally front page BBC news this morning. Yes, some of these children were badly treated, and it is deeply sad and regrettable that they were. But standards of childcare, and understanding of childcare issues, were very different then. The idea of “apologising” for what happened is preposterous and nauseating.

What’s next? A grovelling apology to Oz for James Cook landing there in the first place? Or to Spain, for beating them in the Armada, thereby postponing the colonisation of British fishing grounds by Spanish fishermen for four hundred years?

Would that this Prime Minister (and the BBC) would focus instead on issues that really matter. How long will it be before one of his successors will be forced to “apologise” for his headlong, wreckless rush towards causing fuel poverty for millions by his fervent belief in global warming? And for wrecking British social fabric and culture by encouraging unrestrained immigration?