Biased BBC Christmas Special

A happy Christmas to all our readers and contributors . In the spirit of the Season let us remember the good old days when the BBC helped make Christmas as opposed to current times .


and a special thought to the 49 thousand members of the £12 billion pound BBC pension fund .

Merry Christmas and an unbiased 2019

BBC – on the frontline of the gender wars!

As well as it’s pernicious and toxic bias the BBC is also a key advocate for various forms of radical leftist thinking and one of these is the idea that gender is fluid and with many options. There is not a week that goes by without the BBC pushing one or another form of mental aberration as the new gender progressive. Just take a look at this nonsense from 2016 and that was the EARLY days. Almost three years on the BBC itself was pushing this sort of freak trip;

“Is the way we treat boys and girls the real reason we haven’t achieved equality between men and women? In this bold, engaging and provocative experiment, Doctor Javid Abdelmoneim (pictured) aims to find out whether stripping away the pink and blue will change the way this class of seven year-olds think.”

The BBC is currently out to push the #Metoo agenda as far as possible since that is aimed at undermining  men but at a deeper level it is also all about subverting gender identity altogether  – and starting in the schoolroom.
