Guess the BBC headline

President Donald Trump has dramatically scaled back two public outdoor parks, or national monuments, in Utah. The policy is likely to provoke lawsuits from Native American tribes and environmental groups. But it will be welcomed by ranchers and business interests who view such monuments as federal land grabs.

Now guess the headline:

1. Anger as Trump shrinks Utah Monuments
2. Trump’s shrinking of Utah Monuments is welcomed
3. Mixed reaction as Trump shrinks Utah Monuments

You don’t need me to tell you the answer. I think if everyone in America supported Trump’s decision except one person, they’d still go with headline 1 and highlight that person’s views.


Image result for moscow


Who knew?  Andrew Marr told us this morning that Moscow is ‘one of the great Muslim cities of Europe’ and that Russia has a ‘very, very powerful Muslim identity’.

Really?  Muslims make up 14% of Moscow’s population and just over 10% of the population nationally….88% of the population of Russia is Christian….maybe Marr thinks that cathedral in Red Square is a mosque.

The BBC is outraged that Trump Retweets something from ‘Britain First’, and I would suggest he had no idea who the group were as he was apparently linked to the Tweets by Anne Coulter and you have to suspect he thought ‘Britain First…America First..what’s not to like?’ without knowing they were somewhat different.  In contrast the BBC is not outraged by a religion that teaches its followers to hate, if not kill, Christians and Jews, to kill gays, to kill those who leave the religion, to kill adulterers, to take slaves, to turn those slaves into sex slaves, to take land and treasure ‘in the name of Allah’, to treat women as second class citizens.

What’s  not to like….and yet they attack Trump who criticises such fanaticism.  Funny old world.  And now they try and spread Islam by ‘normalising’ it and making it seem more acceptable and more widespread than it is.

Stupid and dangerous.

Good old Auntie.


Hispanic lives don’t matter to the BBC


Where is the BBC outrage and claims of police brutality and racism?  Is it because the ‘victim’ is a distinct hue of white and has an Hispanic name rather than being black?

Can’t see the slightest mention on the BBC website….why the lack of interest from a BBC that is usually so intent on starting a race war?  How many white police officers were killed because #blacklivesmatter and the lies that were spread by the likes of the BBC?

The BBC’s Clive Myrie is pretty sure white US cops are racist…never mind many of the deaths involved black, Hispanic or other non-white officers…

Will black Americans finally get a fair deal?

Well, slavery may have long gone, but apprehending someone because they could be up to no good, simply because they’re black is still police policy in much of the land.

….the BBC’s Clive Myrie…..

Clive Myrie

Weekend Open Thread


The Balfour Declaration….67 words that destroyed the Middle East, enslaved and ruined the Palestinians and all because Britain saw ‘Israel’ as a useful colonial outpost to control the Arabs who were not fit to rule themselves…you can always trust the BBC to  come up with the most negative, false and dangerous version of history that it can invent.  The UN created Israel and the Muslim Zion of Pakistan at the same time…curious the BBC ignores that, and ignores the far more dangerous and unjustified creation of Pakistan….why did Indian Muslims need a ‘homeland’ when so much of the world is already Muslim?  The Jews had nowhere.

Just one example of lethal BBC bias.  Any more out there?…list them here…..

Business as usual


The BBC is in a world of its own.  A liberal totalitarian one.

Yesterday the BBC pro-EU, anti-Trump bots were released into the wild once again to spread the word….Brexit bad, Trump bad. Immigration good.  EU good.

We had a laughable attempt to persuade us that Prince Harry is really a Muslim.  John Simpson on the Today show telling us Harry is a descendant of Muhammed…thus we should all think Islam is wonderful as it is ‘part of our national DNA’  Trouble is this is an old, old story and the claim was that everyone in Europe was a descendant of Muhammed [through the Muslim invasion of Spain and intermarriage of the royal families with a female descendant of Muhammed…who converted to Christianity…maybe that should be the lesson…..for Muslims in europe].  Believe!

So by that Harry is also a descendant of Hitler, as everyone is related to Muhammed, it must include Hitler, and Franco…and that other neonazifascistlittleenglander Nigel Farage….guess there might be a link between fascists and Islamo-fascism then…hurrah for the BBC drawing our attention to this.

Prince’s racist term sparks anger

Prince Harry’s racist remark about a Pakistani member of his army platoon has prompted widespread criticism.

The prince issued an apology after the News of the World published a video diary in which he calls one of his then Sandhurst colleagues a “Paki”.

The newspaper said the prince, who is third in line to the throne, had called the soldier “our little Paki friend”.

The prince filmed parts of the video and in another clip, he is heard calling another cadet a “raghead”.

Hmmm…Harry is also descended from Vlad the Impaler…should we thus think any Transylvanian who comes to Britain and starts impaling people isn’t so bad after all because young Harry is related to him?  Why didn’t Simpson say anything about good old Vlad?

From The Atlantic in 2002:

The mathematical study of genealogy indicates that everyone in the world is descended from Nefertiti and Confucius, and everyone of European ancestry is descended from Muhammad and Charlemagne

You can believe or not…Simpson doesn’t care…as long as you believe him and absorb his pro-Muslim propaganda message.

What other delights did we have?….The Now Show….blatantly anti-Brexit…it wheeled in Tim Shipman who gave us a long comedy sketch trashing Brexit, the government’s handling of it and the Brexiteers.   Undoubtedly written by the Now team for him.  The Now show also took a chance to display its own racial prejudice….apparently the ‘racist’ Mail is a bit gutted that a Royal is marrying a mixed-race person, though the Guardian is cock-a-hoop.  Well yes, the Guardian et al are delighted….hmmm…but so is the Mail which has turned itself into the Meghan Markle paper with endless, endless coverage of the couple.  Hardly gutted.  Just another lie from the BBC.

Then there was FOOC….a report about Canadian football was in fact nothing less than a vehicle to seriously trash Trump….apparently everything he does is terrible…and of course he is a neo-nazi supporting islamophobe….didn’t see any of that in the blurb for the programme…

And Bill Law tries his best not to talk politics [lol] as Canadians gather for the annual Grey Cup football match or Canada’s Grand National Drunk as it’s often known.

And coming soon….yet more BBC attempts to claim we are all immigrants and there is no  such thing as a British identity…thus….be happy to welcome and embrace your fellow immigrants into your home and country….

Invasion! with Sam Willis

In this three-part series for BBC Four, intrepid historian Dr Sam Willis reveals a remarkable story of invasion in Britain that spans thousands of years.

From the time that continuous settlement began in Britain over 10,000 years ago, to Iron Age hillforts and Viking ships, Sam Willis explores the many invasions of Britain. He unearths hidden stories to build a vivid picture of both successful and unsuccessful invasions and examines how they have shaped our psyche – including fear of invasion.

Some invasions are bloody, some bloodless. Some were by invitation, some absurd and doomed. From Barbary pirates and brutal border raids to the air attacks of the 20th century, these invasions have shaped modern Britain and made us the people we are today.

Have no fear of invasion by immigrants…they are you, you are them.

Oh yes and what of this surely big, big story…hear much, if anything, about it on the BBC which is normally so ready to report every word from the Bank of England when they say something that is negative about Brexit?…

Bank of England warning over debt: borrowing puts UK at risk of Venezuela-style collapse, official warns

Britain cannot afford to borrow more without jeopardising the country’s financial stability, a senior Bank of England official has warned.

Richard Sharp said the Government had already borrowed an extra £1 trillion since the 2008 financial crisis.

Borrowing more could put the country at risk of suffering from a collapse similar to that experienced by Venezuela, he suggested. Mr Sharp, a member of the Bank’s Financial Stability Committee, spoke just days after Philip Hammond announced a £25 billion spending spree in the Budget and at a time when the Labour Party is advocating borrowing an extra £250 billion.

Let’s join the dots….Corbyn wants to borrow endless billions, his economic and social model is based upon the failed and ruined state of Venezuela…and the BofE says that’s where we might be heading if we follow his policies…and the Corbyn supporting BBC avoids this story like the plague.

The BBC once again holding its nose and shaping the news to gerrymander the coming election….should we have one…which we may given May’s total surrender to the Remain camp…any bets the ‘£50 billion’ or so offer to the EU was a deliberate provocation to Brexit voters who are intended to think this is costing all too much…and thus make them doubt Brexit?  Add into that her acceptance of ECJ rule over us and her complete failure to take any stand what-so-ever against the EU negotiators…you have to think it is deliberate sabotage of the negotiations by Remain voting May.

Oh and Trump’s tax ‘triumph’….only of benefit to the rich and big business.

The BBC’s barefaced anti-Brexit lie about the EU’s ‘suicide squad’


The BBC interprets an ‘anti-Brexit’ tract in the way its author intended, as anti-Brexit, but fails to reveal that the author is trying to deceive the public and that he voted Remain whereas the Sunday Times looks at the logic of his words and reports the truth behind them recognisnig this ‘resignation’ is just another part of the privileged elites’ Remain campaign to over-turn Brexit, the vote of the people, which ratchets up a gear.

The BBC is corrupt. Lord Hall Hall is corrupt.  We know he was bitter and angry that the BBC’s coverage of the referendum was not pro-EU enough for him….he must be very pleased with the coverage of Brexit since then as it blatantly pushes a pro-EU narrative and broadcasts every news item about Brexit in a negative light.

This morning we have one of the most dishonest and misleading lines to have come out of the BBC yet, and that is saying something given the utterly deceptive way they have reported Brexit so far.

Switching on R4 this morning and we get the news that the board of the Social Mobility Commission has resigned en masse.  Why?  The BBC told us that it was #duetoBrexit….the government could not bring social justice to the country because it was too busy dealing with Brexit.  I gave the BBC the benefit of the doubt and thought maybe they just didn’t have enough time to give us all the facts, lol, and that in their web report we’d get the full story…how  wrong, of course, I was.  Here’s the latest ‘big lie’ from the BBC:

All four members of the board of the government’s Social Mobility Commission have stood down in protest at the lack of progress towards a “fairer Britain”.

Ex-Labour minister Alan Milburn, who chairs the commission, said he had “little hope” the current government could make the “necessary” progress.

In his resignation letter to Theresa May, first reported by the Observer, Mr Milburn said ministers were preoccupied with Brexit….”It is understandably focused on Brexit and does not seem to have the necessary bandwidth to ensure that the rhetoric of healing social division is matched with the reality,” he added.

The BBC in fact actually twists the meaning so that it is against Brexit when any reading of his words would show the failure of logic in his position, he is in fact, ironically, supporting Brexit even as he tries to damn it…Brexit fails the poorest, so stop Brexit…and yet, he tells us, Brexit was their vote against the system that failed them…how can any BBC analysis miss that massive contradiction?:

Mr Milburn told the Observer: “The worst position in politics is to set out a proposition that you’re going to heal social divisions and then do nothing about it….

“In America for 30 years real average earnings have remained flat. Now here the Chancellor is predicting that will last for 20 years.

“That has a consequence for people, but a political consequence as well. It means more anger, more resentment and creates a breeding ground for populism.”

Trouble is Milburn’s meaning was the exact opposite.  The Sunday Times frontpage headline is:

‘May betrays families that vote for Brexit’

In a stunning rebuke for May, Alan Milburn, the commission’s chairman, accused ministers of abandoning the voters who backed Backed Brexit and of doing “nothing” to remove the grievances that had led to the referendum.

The complete opposite of what the BBC, and Milburn himself, wants you to believe and what they tell you in their report.

In fact Milburn’s own logic is illogical…. he says the government is concentrating too much on Brexit, a vote he suggests was a result of the less well off in society making their voices heard, thus social mobility and social justice suffer, and yet he implies Brexit should be abandoned.  On the one hand he recognises that Brexit is the answer and then he says it is the problem.

So we dump Brexit, which those less well off have voted for, and we implement a top down patrician hand-outs scheme that the elites can use to create yet more dependency culture and maintain their tight grip and control over the masses?

Milburn was due to be replaced on the commission soon anyway…did he decide to jump ship and do as much damage as he could on the way down?

Hmmmm…..let’s see who we are talking about…

Alan Milburn is set to launch an organisation to oppose Brexit directly.

Alan Milburn, the former Labour health minister and government social mobility tsar, is at the helm of a new group funded in part by Sir Richard Branson to fight Britain’s exit from the European Union.

The aim is to bring together disparate pro-European groups behind an explicit campaign to reverse the referendum decision to leave, probably only after the government has revealed the content of its exit terms and the UK economy has reacted.

So, as we noted, before, it is rich, privileged white men who are trying to derail Brexit so that they can once again trample all over the plebs.

Milburn himself in his resignation letter recognises this…and yet his resignation is meant to serve to buttress the elites’ power an control over society…

‘The growing sense that we have become an “us and them” society is deeply corrosive of our cohesion as a nation.’

And the BBC is there to help push the message that in fact reinforces that ‘them and us’ society….with the liberal elite in charge looking down contemptuously at the white, working class who dared to vote Leave, thought he BBC has recently been pushing the message that Labour voters all support Remain and are looking to Corbyn to act on their behalf.  The ruthless Remain campaign to block Brexit is one of the most powerful examples of the ‘them and us’ society that there is….a highly privileged elite trying to maintian their advantages, privilege and power.  The highly paid presenters and officials of the BBC aiding and abetting in the betrayal.

And the other three suspects?

Besides Baroness Shephard, the other commissioners who have resigned include Paul Gregg, professor of economic and social policy at the Bath University, and David Johnston, chief executive of the Social Mobility Foundation.

Shepherd voted Remain and is an ally of ardent pro-EU John Major, the other two, given their employment are quite probably also Remain voters though I see no proof of this….probability is high.

This is a suicide mission by the commission board sacrificing themselves for the EU.  However…you can be sure they have some nice little earners to go to…so not so much of a sacrifice…and Milburn was at the end of his term in office anyway.



The BBC attempts to unseat a President

Related image

Islamofascism and appeasement are the biggest dangers facing the West

Europe desperately needs a strong leader, a man like Churchill, who from the outset understood that evil must never be appeased.

The Spectator


The BBC has conducted a long, vicious campaign against Trump, trying to stop him becoming President and it has now taken upon itself the task of building up a poisonous and false narrative of a Fascist and racist President in order to unseat him.  The BBC takes to itself the job of political assassination, interfering in US democracy, spreading an avalanche of lies, slanders and disinformation that Putin would be proud of as it attempts regime change in the US.  Its use of lies, innuendo, half-truths, smears, fake news, cleverly built, insidious but false associations of everything Trump does with the ‘Far-Right’ has to be one of the most astonishing misuses, abuses and corruption of the BBC ethos, and its power and influence, in its history as it, a foreign, national broadcaster, clearly tries to pressurise, interfere in and manipulate American politics.

The latest tract from the BBC peddling the big lie is this from James Cook in the US…Embracing the far right, Trump stains a history of democratic ideals.  It’s a long piece with many references, many deliberate omissions and many pointed conclusions based more on prejudice, bigotry and a deliberate attempt to mislead the reader on the part of Cook than on real facts.

There’s no time now to tear this apart in the way it truly deserves at present but this quote from it will give you a taste of the venom, twisted logic and sheer nastiness that Cook employs to justify his attack:

A question comes to mind: did American soldiers fight and die on the beaches of Normandy so their president could promote fascism?

It is an astonishing question, absurd even. To many it may seem offensive even to ask.

But it falls to reporters to describe in plain language what we see, and promotion of fascism and racism is all too easy to observe in the United States of 2017.

Trouble is that isn’t what Cook sees, it’s what he wants to see. It’s purely his interpretation, his invention, his falsification of the news that is what he presents to us.

Who is right?  Trump who wants to prevent the Western world from succumbing to the very real threat of Islamist fascism or the likes of the BBC’s James Cook who appease Islamic terrorists, if not actually cheerlead for them and excuse their murderous actions and seek to hold open the borders to let in millions more who follow the same creed?

I doubt many of the soldiers who landed on the Normandy beaches would vote for Cook’s world view…..Cook the sort of man who sneers at those very soldiers as white, old, racist and bigoted because they may have voted for Brexit…and now he wants to recruit them to his cause…of appeasing Islamo-Fascism.  Cook who has nothing to say about lefty Remainers who wish such old troopers would be killed off by a bitter winter and then dream of children spitting on their graves.

Cook’s malign character assassination of Trump deserves a detailed critique that explores his carefully crafted wilful fabrication and expodes it with a few true facts.  Watch this space.


Image result for old soldiers fuck the bbc


Why you can trust BBC News

They have this linked at the bottom of every news article now:

Learn how the BBC is working to strengthen trust and transparency in online news

They claim to be trusted and yet have to tell us that we should trust them. What a laugh! Usually I would dispute their claims but the entire Biased BBC blog already shows how often they can’t be trusted. For a change let’s look at how they are completely incompetent rather than just biased.

1. They claim to provide “high-quality” output, yet this has a basic spelling mistake: “We will consider all the relevant facts fairly and with and open mind.”

2. If you click on ‘BBC News Services’ either above or below the title, it leads you to this page which currently displays a 404 error.

3. The page includes the ‘Why you can trust BBC News’ link at the bottom, so if you click on it, it just loops back to the page you are already on. See here for more information about that.