The BBC tries its ususal trick of trying to assert something without any context…here that the government is in chaos and flailing around in need of a big reshuffle.  When JRM suggesed otherwise and gave examples from history to illustrate that what is happening is just normal and that much is beyond any PM’s control the presenter, Stephen Sackur, wanted to shut him up telling him…

I’d prefer to focus on whether this government can continue’

Well yes, that’s been the BBC’s focus for a long time as it tries to portray May as weak and her ministers out of control, a government in chaos, a government that must fall.  Any context would just get in the way of that narrative, a narrative intended by the BBC to put pressure on the government so that it dumps May and forces a general election….which the BBC hopes Corbyn will win.

Of course when JRM says something disagreeable to our BBC man suddenly it’s ‘Let me give you some perspective’….ah…now you want context and nuance and history!

The presenter then told us that ‘Boris surely has to go’.  Nice that the BBC can pick and choose ministers.  He then just confirmed what we know about the BBC, it only pays attention to what the EU thinks and reports that as gospel…..here JRM is asked if ‘You ever think how the British government is viewed in Europe?’…who cares?  Whatever May says is derided and scorned as madness, naivety or fantasy by the BBC…and in fact that’s just what we got here…..‘A World Trade Organisation Brexit is just fantasy’...again good of the BBC to decide things for us…did we really need a referendum?

Sackur must have choked on his own bile as JRM finished with a killer blow when asked if he is out of touch with the country [lol…BBC in touch?]….

‘If you take the Sun and the Daily Mail as the great barometers of British public opinion I am probably pretty in touch.’


Wine…the blood of Christ….Bread…the body…sausage rolls?


From the BBC:

I dare not look on Twitter for the themed piss takes.


Apparently the BBC has apologised to all Muslims as it replaces Muhammed, who obviously can’t ever be shown, on HIGNFY with a tub of lard….

Ahhhhh…sorry…not ‘lard’ but ‘warlord’…..


Fortunately it was Salman Rushdie who was teamed up with the Tub of Lard [or is that a Fatwah?]….could have been a right old bake off otherwise….




The BBC reports:

Brexit rebels reject ‘mutineers’ attack

Pro-EU ex-minister Anna Soubry, described it as a “blatant piece of bullying that goes to the very heart of democracy”.

So Soubry wants to silence the Telegraph because she values free speech, open debate and democracy?

Question.  Why does Soubry not get into a rage about being called a ‘rebel’?  What’s the difference between that and ‘mutineer’?  Essentially the same except one has a romantic ring to it, the other undertones of disloyalty and treachery….but rebels are acting out both those ‘qualities’ in reality as they try to overthrow whatever it is they are trying to overthrow.

Guess it depends on who the messenger is…a lefty, anti-Brexit BBC or a supposedly right-leaning paper.  Which one will the pro-EU Soubry appease?  Soubry is a treacherous Tory.  The BBC defends her and her fellow ‘mutineers’ in its report.

Just for Soubry’s benefit…from the Oxford dictionary:



  • An open rebellion against the proper authorities, especially by soldiers or sailors against their officers.

So let’s have some context that the BBC doesn’t bring…and it’s all about Soubry, she’ll like that because as we know, the world revolves around her and what she wants…. but we can  manage without her can’t we?….


Anna Soubry…the most pugnacious, bullying, lying, divisive Tory MP?  Maybe.  Crying that she is being bullied as the Telegraph outs her and her collaborators for being ‘mutineers’ on Brexit….quite happy though to name call and label Brexiteers as “ideologically driven”…seems a bit of ‘bullying’ there by her own standards….oh, and May is “very foolish” for putting a date on Brexit…despite Soubry making endless demands for ‘certainty’.  She also dismisses the government position of ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’ as ‘madness’.  She is also quite happy to call Brexiteers ‘Plotters’...hmmm…so accusing them of being like Guido Fawkes [the real one]?

You say mutineers, I say plotters…let’s call the Brexit thing off!

Soubry claims she is doing everything she can to bring about Brexit, to respect the will of the people, and yet everything she does and says indicates the opposite…she is out to stop Brexit in its tracks….Brexit will be ‘hugely damaging’ and a ‘serious threat’ she whinnies.  Not only that but she is entirely contemptuous of the Leave voters whom she thinks are stupid, uneducated and racist…..they have been ‘been tricked, lied-to and conned’ by the ‘lies and baloney’ of the Brexiteers.  Apparently she thinks ‘white working class’ Leave voters have ‘probably never even seen a migrant’ and that “we have unleashed something” through the EU referendum.  Ignorant racists the lot of ’em.

Lovely woman.

She tells us ‘I am proud of my loyalty to my party and my country.’  A woman who threatened May with the pleasant prospect of her jumping ship and leaving the Tory Party if May didn’t acquiesce to her demands for a ‘soft Brexit’ [ie no Brexit].  So, ready to abandon her Party and do all she can to make negotiations with the EU extremely difficult with the intention that they fail….not much loyalty to either Party or country there…..and promising that the government will get a ‘nasty shock’ when she and her fellow mutineers vote against government policy.

So who is bullying who here?

And it was only yesterday that she monstered May yet again…

Soubry makes SHOCK claim Theresa May is ‘PANDERING’ to hardline Brexiteers in TV outburst

Her comment is no different to the Telegraph’s in effect…except the Telegraph is reporting, doing its job, and she is attacking her own PM…mutineering.

Yes, indeed.

This is how much she respects democracy and the result of the referendum…

Anna Soubry: I only backed EU referendum vote because Remain was supposed to win

Anna Soubry told the Guardian she would not have supported the plebiscite if she thought it would lead to the withdrawal of the UK from the EU.

She said: “[I backed it] only because I thought we would win. Obviously I wouldn’t have been if I thought we would lose, let’s be honest.”

#standupfordemocracy my arse!



No surprise the BBC’s Times Remain propagandist, Sam Coates, is also cynically dismissive and snooty about the Telegraph’s frontpage…



Ironically Soubry is now embracing being a ‘mutineer’…it’s a badge of honour she thinks……

Putin’s new bestest friend…the BBC


Has Lord Hall Hall been handed a large brown envelope of roubles, has he been on the vodka, has he been seduced by a Russian temptress and rudely compromised?  Who knows but the BBC is suddenly very Putin friendly as it mocks May for her warning to Russia to stop interfering in British democracy.  What a turn around by the BBC.

It was only a week ago that the brilliant Nick Robinson was giving us alarming news that both the Brexit referendum and the general election had been hacked by the Russians….indeed the BBC and MPs have been hot on the trail…

British MPs have asked Facebook if it has evidence of paid-for activity by accounts linked to Russia at the time of the Brexit referendum.

And of course we know of the BBC’s relentless and massive coverage as it tries to smear Trump with allegations of  ties to Putin.

How different today though in this highly dismissive and almost mocking report on May’s statement….a very odd tone and slant on things from the BBC….

Russian politicians dismiss Theresa May ‘election meddling’ criticism

Senior Russian politicians have dismissed accusations by Theresa May that Moscow has meddled in elections and carried out cyber-espionage.

On Monday night, Mrs May accused Moscow of “planting fake stories” to “sow discord in the West”.

She said Vladimir Putin’s government was trying to “undermine free societies”.

Russian senators accused the UK’s PM of “making a fool of herself” with a “counterproductive” speech.

And it goes on in that vein….May being rubbished at every word…and then there is James Landale’s ‘analysis’, Landale, the Remainer’s and anti-Israel lobby’s favourite useful idiot.

Analysis by BBC diplomatic correspondent James Landale

There are some countries in Europe that believe the West should engage more closely with Russia.

They argue the European Union and the United States should better understand Russia’s point of view, its belief that it is threatened from all sides.

And that more should be done to accommodate this sense of vulnerability, by softening Nato’s approach and reducing sanctions.

Well, not Theresa May.

Ah….what?  Other EU countries want closer ties with Russia….but…‘Well, not Theresa May’.  The poor old vulnerable and threatened Russians must be mollycoddled not warned off about its aggressive attempts to subvert our democracies?  Blimey…changed tune there…when Trump suggested warmer relations he was roundly condemned…and note one of his team is being pilloried right now for allegedly having spoken about sanctions being lifted…which he denies I believe.

This is Landale being pro-Russian and anti-May…astonishing no?  Not as if the Germans weren’t on the alert…

Germany on guard against election hacks, fake news

But hang on, who were they concerned about?

German Researchers Accuse Americans, Not Russians, of Meddling in Its Elections

The ‘Alt-Right’ of course…never mind that the US government had been hacking Merkel’s own phone for years…with the connivance of the German intelligence service….any thought that Merkel, raised in East Germany and an enthusiastic ‘Young Communist’ is the Russian’s most successful agent?  This might help you down that conspiracy route…from the New York Times:

German Election Mystery: Why No Russian Meddling?

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s summons to Germany’s top cabinet ministers and senior military and intelligence officials for a meeting of the Federal Security Council signaled trouble. Such gatherings are rare, typically occurring only when the country faces a grave threat like a terrorist attack.

There was just one item on the agenda that day last spring: how to protect Germany’s upcoming parliamentary elections from Russian cyberattacks. At the time, it seemed almost inevitable that Germany would suffer the same fate as France and the United States, where, officials say, the Kremlin attempted to alter the results of presidential elections with “fake news” and spear phishing attacks.

But on the eve of Sunday’s elections, the Russians have done something few expected: they have largely disappeared.

Not a mystery really, Merkel was almost a dead-cert to win, Why rock the boat when your top agent is once again going to be leader of the most powerful country in Europe?

Landale seems to specialise in stories that are designed to damage May and her government these days….hoping that it will fall and an election have to be held?….resulting perhaps in Russia’ other favoured son, Corbyn, getting into No10.

Bit of a coup that.

It is odd that with Merkel’s background there is no rabid campaign to link her to Putin whilst Trump is accused at every turn on the absolute flimsiest of ‘evidence’…most of it paid for by the Democrats….and the BBC paid absolutely no attention to the contents of the ‘stolen’ emails that revealed a huge amount of controversial and damaging information about Clinton.




Strange Fruitcakes


Guido has been highlighting racist comments by a Labour MP for some time now….did this appear on the BBC main news?  I can’t say….it has appeared on the BBC local radio with Vanessa Feltz questioning the MP…..the story doesn’t make the BBC front page, UK page nor the England page…you  have to go to the London page to find it…

Emma Dent Coad MP apologises over ‘racist blog post’

A Labour MP accused of writing a “racist” article about a London Assembly member has apologised for “any offence caused”.

Emma Dent Coad wrote a blog piece in 2010 in which she labelled Shaun Bailey a “token ghetto boy”.

Ms Dent Coad told BBC Radio London she had been quoting “an Afro-Carribean” constituent in her blog.

Can’t imagine such reluctance to splash such a story on the frontpage for days on end if it had been a Tory or UKIP politician.


The nasty party?  Dent Coad calls a Black Tory racist names and wants to hang Tories…and Dennis Skinner (H/T StewGreen) wants to take an axe to Brexiteers….


Hammond said what?


Today we hear that it will be a catastrophe if an effective customs system is not in place by the time Brexit comes about….long queues and food rotting at the ports.

Why though might there not be an effective system?  The BBC does tell us….

MPs warn of Brexit customs ‘catastrophe’

The Public Accounts Committee warned of “huge disruption” to businesses, “massive queues” at Dover port and food rotting in lorries at the border.

The committee’s report urged the government to commit the “relatively small” sum of £7.3m to upgrade the existing system to cope with this increase if the move to the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) was delayed.

So some upfront funding, a tiny amount, is needed to fend off catastrophe.  Hmmm OK, not unexpected.  In fact people were demanding that not long ago in October and the request was rudely rebuffed by our pro-EU Chancellor Philip Hammond.

Brexit chaos as Philip Hammond refuses to budget for ‘no deal’ days after Theresa May announces plans

Preparations for a “no deal’ Brexit have been plunged into further confusion after the Chancellor said it would be irresponsible to start spending billions of pounds now.

Philip Hammond is refusing to open up the Treasury coffers yet, just days after Theresa May announced emergency plans to avoid border meltdown for businesses and travellers.

Those plans would involve spending huge sums of money on new IT systems and border processes, lorry parks and extra staff – when the Treasury already faces a daunting Budget “black hole”

So an anti-Brexit chancellor is doing all he can to make Brexit a disaster, a ‘catastrophe’, and does so in complete opposition to the PM.

And yet the BBC makes absolutely no reference to this?  No mention that it is the pro-EU chancellor’s refusal to do anything that would ensure Brexit works that could lead to ‘catastrophe’?

How odd that the pro-EU BBC should fail to mention that when the PAC Chair says HMRC ‘should be banging on the doors of the Treasury.’

May should have ‘reshuffled’ Hammond months ago.

The BBC waffles on about a great deal here…and yet the main point of the PAC is the funding…it is the Chair’s only real point….

Chair’s comment

Comment from Public Accounts Chair, Meg Hillier MP:

“Failure to have a viable customs system in place before the UK’s planned exit from the EU would wreak havoc for UK business, trade and our international reputation. Confidence would collapse amid the potentially catastrophic effects.

HMRC is under considerable pressure to deliver the new Customs Declaration Service in time, but it does not yet have funding to increase the capacity of CDS to deal with the consequences of Brexit—nor to develop contingency options.

This is deeply worrying. HMRC requires a relatively small sum to upgrade the current CHIEF system—a move which would provide some peace of mind to traders, many of whom are still operating with limited information and in great uncertainty.

HMRC tells us it is merely ‘in conversation’ over CHIEF upgrade costs when, on behalf of business and the British public, it should be banging on the doors of the Treasury.

HMRC must press the case to secure this funding now and ensure that, if other plans fail, customs will be fit for purpose.”



Too close encounters

As Brian Sewell said about the BBC’s output:

We deserve better. It’s patronising rubbish.  The BBC clearly think it’s good to have programmes presented by people with no knowledge or experience.  There’s no debate, no critical discourse or differing viewpoints.


Oh dear….complete rubbish from the BBC who have allowed Labour’s Douglas Alexander  to find out ‘why we’ve become so polarised as a nation and what we can do about it. His time as a politician convinced him that government alone cannot mend Britain’s divisions. So what can we do as a society and as individuals? ‘

Apparently the only group that is segregated in Britain is white Britons…..of course that is due to our racism and discrimination towards others….Poor Pakistanis can’t move to rich white areas because of lack of life opportunities due to racism of course…nothing to do with their own choices……we must deal with our negative attitues to minority groups.  Yep this programme is all about white racism….and of course Muslims are the biggest victims.  A huge lie of course….Muslims are the most segregated communities, communities that breed radicalism and extremism due to their ‘ism’ and political and social views that incubate within.

We hear of two men washing cars next to each other chatting away, rubbing along…a Somali and a white Brit….but wait…there is no deeper relationship…because the white man is from the BNP….remarkable how they can find a BNP member these days.  No thought of course that a Muslim Somali might not want to mix more socially with the ‘Kafir’? Or as Trevor Phillips might say…’It is not Islamophobic to wonder if such a closed community might have nurtured a fatally narrow world-view. No one in France now doubts that the sickening violence that left a dozen dead in the Charlie Hebdo shootings was at least in part a consequence of the disastrous segregation of the French banlieues, the ghettos to which many Muslims have been consigned.’

Left-wing propaganda about refugees and immigrants by a Labour politician given freedom to peddle his schtick on the BBC…..we need ‘neurological hacks’…singing, dancing and eating together….this will bind us all with the ‘other’….more Muslims on Strictly and Bake Off!  Trouble is many of the radical Muslims did ironically originally mix until they became more religious when that stopped and they self-ghettoised themselves….and then self-detonated…..er….boom, boom, as Bail Brush might say.

The BBC told us that Muslims and Hindus and Sikhs all got along famously in India before Partition [no thought as to why Muslims wanted Partition to separate themselves then?]….and thenn they murdered each other with great abandon…those ‘good neighbours’ slaughtering each other with enthusiasm.  Superficial friendship doesn’t overcome the ideology deeply ingrained into people who will always ‘defend’ their own.  The BBC refuses to accept this and instead thinks reducing ‘poverty’ or combatting what it protrays as discrimination will solve all this.  Alexander finishes by telling us the biggest divide in Britan is the wealth divide between the rich and the poor [no irony on a BBC that pays people £700,000 for chatting a couple of hours a day on the radio] but we must also all go out and hold hands with immigrants…have some close encounters with the ‘Other’…you might like it.

Naive, highly politicised nonsense that is just Corbyn and Muslim propaganda.



New New News


I have never rated Nick Robinson, he seems to be too pleased with himself and is all too often careless with the facts.  The more I listen to him the more I get that impression confirmed.  This morning is no different as he treats us to a torrent of negative disinformation about Brexit along with Mishal Husain who uses a discussion about robotics in agriculture to scaremonger about agriculture dying in this country #duetoBrexit and all produce having to be imported at exhorbitant prices….no indication that the government says workers will come in on seasonal work visas to work on the farms as they used to do….and paradoxically the guest mentions that these jobs will be the first to go when things get automated…so why do we need these low skilled EU workers?  Oh and we’re being squeezed….worst this century….inflation due to Brexit.   Apocalypse now!

Robinson was talking about the ‘new’ revelation that Parliament will get a vote on the Brexit deal and if they reject it there will be a ‘no deal’ exit.  Robinson must read this blog as he made a meal of emphasisng this was ‘new’…but it’s not as we pointed out yesterday.  Old news that the BBC recycles as terrifying alarmist news about Brexit.

Note the tone and language used….the PM is using a ‘threat’ to pro-EU rebels whereas Tory pro-Brexit ‘rebels’ are the ‘threat’.  Robinson and Kuenssberg continually use the term ‘crash out of the EU’….pretty perjorative and alarmist along with ‘cliff edge’.  Robinson has a technical term to describe the situation….apparently Parliament has to ‘like it or lump it’...a somewhat dismissive and negative term to use.

We also get the twisting of the narrative….Leave based its campaign upon ‘taking back control’  and of course sovereignty….Remain and the BBC try to use this to say that denying Parliament a significant and effective say in what Brexit should look like is a contradiction of this.

The lie to this is of course that ‘Parliament’ consists of mostly Pro-EU MPs who will use any chance to amend and water down Brexit so that Britain doesn’t in fact leave the EU in any meaningful way….we will still pay huge amounts into the EU, still be subject to the ECJ, still be open to mass immigration.

This situation has already arisen as Labour and Remain Tories table hundreds of amendments to the EU bill going through Parliament right now in an attempt to thwart Brexit.

Giving Parliament complete control over Brexit will mean there is no Brexit…..thus the paradox and malignant result of doing so.

‘Parliament’ of course forgets that it is there to implement the will of the People, the People that decided we will have ‘Brexit’…..they voted to leave the EU regardless of the alarmist scaremongering by the Remain campaign given so much airtime by the BBC.

But how would you describe ‘sovereignty’?

Maybe like this….Sovereignty can be understood as the authority of a state to govern itself, and determine its own laws and policies.

Not then….Parliament able to ride roughshod over the will of the people?




Recycled News…Project Fear

Michael Bloomberg: Brexit is stupidest thing any country has done besides Trump


Leave voters are ‘Dumb’ and ‘stupid’…so says former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg….or was it Putin?  The BBC gives Bloomberg top billing on the news this morning with a second bite at telling us that Brexit will be bad for the City…and we get the old myth from the BBC tied into that repeated that 75,000 jobs will go.

Presumably Project Fear is running out of the voices of doom and are having to recycyle the old ones again….how long before Carney or in an attempt to hide the origin the ‘Bank of England’, or the Treasury or Osborne at the Standard or James Chapman [remember him?], or Simon Stephens for the NHS or Sam Coates from the Times etc etc etc pop up oon the BBC with the latest ‘big news about Brexit?

What of that 75,000 jobs to be lost #duetoBrexit?  The Mail looked at that a while back when the BBC first tried to alarm us.   

Turns out the figure actually came from a pro-EU lobby group which the BBC picked up and went to the Bank of England to ‘confirm’…..turns out this is the worst case scenario…but that doesn’t stop the BBC using it as the base figure.

Here’s what the Mail said:[click on ‘Copy’ in menu top right…the square of dots]…

BBC seized on the figures … but got its facts wrong

WARNINGS that Brexit could trigger 75,000 finance job losses led BBC news bulletins yesterday morning – and were also seized on by City lobbyists.

BBC Radio 4 newsreaders said the Bank of England had told lenders to ‘prepare for a no-deal’ Brexit.

They added that the 75,000 figure was ‘predicted’ by the Bank itself.

However, insiders at Threadneedle Street insist it was not a number they came up with themselves.

It is understood that BBC reporters took the figure from a report published a year ago and then asked senior figures at the Bank of England to say if they thought it was reasonable. That conversation is believed to have taken place at the International Monetary Fund meeting in Washington DC three weeks ago.

The Bank has asked lenders to ensure they are ready for all eventualities, including the possibility Britain leaves without a deal. But it has not put a figure on how many long-term jobs might eventually disappear. The 75,000 figure came in a report published last October by consultant Oliver Wyman for TheCityUK lobby group.

But spinners went into overdrive after the BBC reports, using the suggestion that the Bank itself was predicting 75,000 job losses to bolster their argument that highly-paid financiers must get special support.

Ironically, TheCityUK was particularly keen to piggyback on the institution’s authority, saying the figure was ‘consistent’ with its analysis.

Chief executive Miles Celic said: ‘This is another reminder that a “no-deal” Brexit will be no good for the industry, for customers or the economies of the UK and the European Union.’

Is there no end to the BBC lies, deceptions and misinformation?

Tell me something new once again!!


H/T to Craig at Is the BBC biased? for linking to the BBC report.


The BBC’s Quentin Sommerville tells us in excited tones about…..

Raqqa’s dirty secret

The BBC has uncovered details of a secret deal that let hundreds of IS fighters and their families escape from Raqqa, under the gaze of the US and British-led coalition and Kurdish-led forces who control the city.

A convoy included some of IS’s most notorious members and – despite reassurances – dozens of foreign fighters. Some of those have spread out across Syria, even making it as far as Turkey.

The story is dated….

Publication date
13 November 2017


Now if you follow the news you might have thought that you have heard this before…that convoys of ISIS fighters have been allowed to leave Raqqa…..that’s because you have…way back in October….not quite so ‘secret’ then…and not exactly a BBC exclusive……

From the Guardian….October 14….

Last Isis fighters in Raqqa broker deal to leave Syrian city – local official

Islamic State fighters remaining in Raqqa, once the group’s de facto capital, have brokered a deal that would allow them to leave the city with a number of human shields, according to agencies in Syria.

Omar Alloush, a senior official of the Raqqa Civil Council, told Agence France-Presse a deal had been reached to allow fighters out of the city, which is on the verge of being captured by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces.

The Times…

Final assault on Raqqa after SDF deal allows Isis rebel convoy to flee

Western-backed forces in Syria have launched the final assault to oust Islamic State from Raqqa after hundreds of militants fled the city, leaving only a few fighters behind.

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a Kurdish-led coalition, and local Arab tribes struck a deal to allow a convoy of Syrian Isis fighters to leave the self-declared capital of the caliphate at the weekend.

The Telegraph….

Evacuation deal for Isil fighters in Syria’s Raqqa as city’s capture nears

A convoy will leave Syria’s Raqqa on Saturday under an evacuation deal agreed as a US-backed force battles to seize Isil’s last positions in the city.

The US-led coalition said the deal for the evacuation would exclude foreign Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) fighters, but left unclear whether Syrian jihadists would be able to quit their one-time stronghold.

Not sure what Quentin Sommerville has been smoking…must be some good shit though…he certainly writes it…..