A heads up

Image result for corbyns head on monkey body


Don’t vote for Corbyn….he might rule for ever and ever…

Image result for corbyns head on monkey body

World’s first human head transplant successfully carried out

The world’s first human head transplant has been carried out on a corpse in China in an 18-hour operation that showed it was possible to successfully reconnect the spine, nerves and blood vessels. 

At a press conference in Vienna on Friday morning, Italian Professor Sergio Canavero, director of the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group, announced that a team at Harbin Medical University had “realised the first human head transplant” and said an operation on a live human will take place “imminently”.

The operation was carried out by a team led by Dr Xiaoping Ren, who last year successfully grafted a head onto the body of a monkey

Prof Canavero, said: “The first human transplant on human cadavers has been done. A full head swap between brain dead organ donors is the next stage.

“And that is the final step for the formal head transplant for a medical condition that is imminent….’

The BBC of course might say May is ahead of him….so robotic is she.


Have to say the scientist who has led this operation kind of lives up to stereotypical expectations….



And just to gross you out some more…..

‘Enormous parasites’ found in N Korean soldier defector

Doctors treating him said they’ve “never seen anything like this”.


Turning over Gladstones




Poor old Gladstone…who knew?  Such a bad lad.  Not a supporter of slavery but not a vocal abolitionist, and one who benefitted from his father’s ownership of slaves….apparently “a racially marred legacy” which we must  reject along with everything else he did.

Not long ago, as per the BBC film above, he was ‘one of the greatest Britons of all time’, an ‘outstanding prime minister’, an ’eminent chancellor of the exchequer’, those facts alone are ‘hugely impressive‘ but he dominated political life and ‘improved the lives of millions’ changing politics forever.

How soon forgotten as BME activists try to blacken his name and scrub it from history…the BBC’s run down of Gladstone’s life as it reports that?

Liberal politician Gladstone is the only person to have been prime minister on four separate occasions.

He is described as having “ultra-conservative” views and spoke out against abolition in Parliament because his family had slaves on their West Indian plantation.

And that’s it in two reports, very short reports on this subject….one of them bigging up the conceited Jon Snow far more than Gladstone.

No quote from those with a more rounded view of life such as….

Richard Kemp, leader of the Liberal Democrats in Liverpool, told the Liverpool Echo the debate was tokenistic and that Gladstone was “a worthy recipient of honours”. “He was born on Rodney Street [in Liverpool], and was the only person who has been prime minister on four occasions,” he said.

“His government laid the basis of the welfare state, widened who could vote and did so many things we take for granted in this country. We should be incredibly proud of him. Gladstone was without doubt an abolitionist – precisely what he argued to get it through is not for me to doubt.”


Maybe we should ban the name ‘Bevin’ after all he conscripted all those poor lads to work in the coal mines during the war…and what of those conscripted to fight?…so many sent to their deaths on the orders of politicians at home.  What of the press gangs and those deported to the colonies?  Who ordered that?  Find their names and erase them from history.  Who put all those people in the work houses or indeed in the factories that were such places of fun and comfort?

Life’s hard, often made harder by those in charge, then you die.  Black people [often sold by other black people] weren’t the only ones ‘enslaved’ in reality.  As Marx might say…You have nothing to lose but your chains!”

And maybe Muhammed should also fall…’temples’ around the country celebrate this slaver and warlord.  Let’s see some radical student activist trying to get their name in the papers take a stab at denouncing him and his ideology….the living document and guide to all things Islamic, the Koran, after all approves of slave taking…hence ISIS.  Ban the Koran!  No?


And whilst looking at various sources for this  post I came across this from the Guardian…of course….

The National Service Act was the negative counterpart of the NHS, whereby civilians were dragooned into compliance with the demands of the state. Its chief proponent was Field Marshal Montgomery, the posturing bully who was in a permanent panic of denial about his repressed homosexuality, and hoped to use military service to mould national character towards chaste combative virility. For many conscripts their sense of the state was not the benign NHS but the bullying of national service square-bashing.

That’s another British heroic figure to cross off the list for repressing his homosexuality[?] and not openly supporting the LGBTUPUXVVBQ community.





Fascism, Communism, Islamism



Churchill describing the rise of Communism…..

‘In a speech to the House of Commons on November 5, 1919, Winston Churchill said: “…Lenin was sent into Russia … in the same way that you might send a vial containing a culture of typhoid or of cholera to be poured into the water supply of a great city, and it worked with amazing accuracy. No sooner did Lenin arrive than he began beckoning a finger here and a finger there to obscure persons in sheltered retreats in New York, Glasgow, in Berne, and other countries, and he gathered together the leading spirits of a formidable sect, the most formidable sect in the world … With these spirits around him he set to work with demoniacal ability to tear to pieces every institution on which the Russian State depended.”’

Sounds kind of familiar doesn’t it that description of how a violent ideology is spread around an unwitting victim country?


Adding to the post on Tommy Robinson and the great and the good’s refusal to admit what is happening….and indeed to actively work to cover it up telling us there is no problem, in fact, they tell us, the ‘problem’ is actually the solution and should be welcomed and embraced….because they have absolutely no intention of tackling that problem due to its embedded nature and the fact that they created it themselves making it intractable and almost impossible to deal with now without major upheaval on their watch….leaving it to future generations to handle the resultant massive conflict and bloodshed that will almost inevitably be the consequence of today’s lack of backbone and character.

Niall Ferguson in the Sunday Times writes…

We let Lenin rise, millions died.  Now it’s Islamism.

The West failed to stop communism and is repeating the awful blunder.


According to The Black Book of Communism the grand total of victims of communism was between 85 and 100 million.

All communist regimes everywhere, without exception, were merciless in their treatment of “class enemies” and aggressive too, invading country after country during the cold war.

Could more have been done to stop the Bolshevik pandemic that broke out in Russia in 1917?

The problem was that people underestimated Lenin & Co.  They seemed an unruly bunch of intellectuals: writers of pamphlets, makers of speeches.  No contemporary western observer thought for a moment that their crackpot coup would last.

Foreign intervention, incompetent liberals, clueless bankers: that makes three reasons the Bolsheviks weren’t stopped….along with so many fellow travellers….who so shamefully betrayed their country to Stalin and turned a blind eye to communism’s crimes.

Another reason that the communist virus continued to spread for so long was that good men underestimated the Soviet threat and were assailed by doubts about how much should be done to resist it…often lacking the stomach for the fight and succumbing to relativism…perhaps everything was really the fault of the United States.

Have we learnt anything from this history?

Not nearly enough.

What concerns me is the entirely familiar response we see to a different but, to mind, equally dangerous threat…the rise of militant Islam.  Millions of dollars that have found their way from the Gulf to radical mosques and Islamic centres in the West.  Incompetent liberals – the proponents of multiculturalism who brand any opponent of Jihad an “Islamophobe”.  Clueless bankers who fall over themselves to offer “sharia compliant” loans and bonds.  Fellow travellers – the leftists who line up with the Muslim Brotherhood to castigate Israel at every opportunity.  And the faint-hearted – those who were so quick to pull out of Iraq in 2009 that they allowed the rump of al-Qaeda to morph into ISIS.

We are repeating the catastrophic error of the Bolsheviks.  I fear that we shall wake with a start to discover that the Islamists have repeated the Bolshevik achievement, which was to acquire the resources and capability to threaten our existence.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”


Which is why the BBC makes enormous effort to rewrite the past, British Empire bad, Muslim empire…a Golden Age.

And of course it’s not just militant Islam that the BBC supports….that virus ‘Bolshevism’ is on a surge…..Corbyn and his fanatical supporters are riding the wave….the “class enemies” must know what is coming….there’s been plenty of warning….Kuenssberg herself must know…bodyguard and all.  ‘Crackpot’ Corbyn should not be underestimated, nor should what would be the ultimate result of his power grab as his cohorts seek to ensure the revolution is safeguarded ‘for the good of the people’.  Corbyn’s sinister running mate, McDonnell, cheered on the IRA to use bullets and  bombs  to ‘unite Ireland’ and ‘joked’ about kneecapping those who were slow to come round to their way of thinking.  By all means necessary.







The Prodigal Son


So David Miliband is back on our shores…not to lead his party to the great heights many in the BBC hope but to flog a book and at the same time to lecture us on how we must open the borders to all and sundry…he will then fly back to his comfy, metropolitan life and chums in Manhattan to count his money and the luxury he so much deserves [er…remind me what he has ever actually done?].  Emma Barnett was all over him yesterday oozing gleeful joy at his every word and Justin Webb this morning lapping it up and joining in the chorus as Webb told us of the ‘refugees fleeing poverty in search of a better life’.  The BBC redefining what a refugee is, saves the UN a bit of time I suppose.  Thanks BBC.  Economic migrants are not refugees.

Miliband spoke complete rubbish the whole time with two targets in mind, one to fling open our borders and two, to malign and vilify Trump at every turn.  Apparently Trump is redefining politics in America, in a bad way…it is now a zero sum game where if America wins everyone else must lose…except that’s not what Trump says, Trump thinks the US is unfairly losing out on trade deals and wants to renegotiate them in order to make them fairer to the US….he isn’t seeking to asset strip any country that wants to trade with the US.

Then Miliband claims the world’s problems are because Trump has withdrawn the US from the world and his responsibilities…er…..North Korea?  Iran?  Middle East, Syria, Israel?  And looking to do deals around the world….how many trips has he made in one year already as he tours the world?  It was Obama who withdrew from the world and his responsibilities…abandoning Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria…resulting in the rise of the Islamic State and the refugee crisis in Europe.  An Obama who signed up to any old deal that on the face of it looked good but in reality were highly damaging…Iran and Paris Climate agreement spring to mind….done to win the plaudits of his fellow lefty metropolitan elite backers, not done for any genuine beneficial reasons.

Justin Webb made no attempt to challenge Miliband’s claims of course.

Just the usual BBC…bringing on people they know will mouth the correct version of what the world should look like…one coincidentally held by the BBC…oddly enough.




Motor Mouth Gone Quiet



Nothing to do with BBC bias just needed noting…..’150 dead’ Lily Allen gone totally silent as the final death toll from the Grenfell tragedy is made public…….

Grenfell Tower final death toll stands at 71

Seventy one victims of the Grenfell Tower fire have been formally identified and police believe that all those who died have now been recovered.

The number of victims includes baby Logan Gomes, who was stillborn in hospital on 14 June, the day the 24-storey blaze broke out.

The final two victims to be formally identified have been named as Victoria King and daughter Alexandra Atala.

The Met said it was providing “every support we can” to the bereaved.

For some reason the BBC aired her comments about the death toll  [and immigrants] and were going to have her on Newsnight…why?  Just because she is a ‘celebrity’?  It is the usual BBC tactic that might indicate it thinks the rest of us are stupid and that we will hang on every word of what some well known singer or comedian says about the latest geopolitical situation.  The BBC wheels in endless rafts of these celebs to  regale us with their beautiful thoughts and why we should hate Trump and dump Brexit.   If they want to emote about these subjects and sob into their bank balances then let them write a song about it or a joke or two….don’t give them privileged access to one of the most powerful and influential news organisations in the world to peddle their crap conspiracy theories.  Thankyou.

Maybe it was about BBC bias after all.



Do you still hit your wife?

In response to a rather hilarious story about BBC News staff sleeping on the job, the BBC put out this drivel:

How stupid do they think we are? It’s quite clear that the question has been worded in such a way as to combine two questions “Which news source do you most use?” and “Which news source do you most trust?”. Of course it’s no surprise that most people use the BBC as their primary source of news given their massive budget which allows in-depth reporting at a local, national and international level. That certainly doesn’t mean it is also the news source they trust the most, and it is an outright lie to claim that they do. For all we know, any of those 57% may trust the Sun more than the BBC, at the same time using the BBC as their primary news source.

Perhaps the BBC will use this question in their next survey.
Which would you prefer?
A. You are forced to eat the remains of your pets and loved ones after they are all murdered by a group of illegal immigrants, and Britain leaves the EU.
B. You are given £10 billion, and Britain remains in the EU.

Dirty little secrets being kept secret


The sorry truth is that the virus of anti-Semitism has infected the British Muslim community

It pains me to have to admit this but anti-Semitism isn’t just tolerated in some sections of the British Muslim community; it’s routine and commonplace. Any Muslims reading this article – if they are honest with themselves – will know instantly what I am referring to. It’s our dirty little secret. You could call it the banality of Muslim anti-Semitism.

Mehdi Hasan


The BBC seems quite happy to try and keep a lid on any idea that a Muslim might have anti-Semitic ideas, especially one in the Labour Party and a big fan of Corbyn.

Nasreen Khan has resigned from the Labour Party and the BBC has tucked the story away on the Leeds local page just as you had to go to the London page to find this….Emma Dent Coad MP (Labour) apologises over ‘racist blog post’.

However remember the highly publicised fury at Kevin Myers who made a hash of trying to praise what he said was Jewish peoples’ characteristic of striving hard to be successful and he was crucified for it…and sacked.

And if you say…well Khan’s only trying to be a councillor think what the BBC did to UKIP councillor Rozanne Duncan in the run up to the Brexit referendum…they concocted a hatchet job programme about UKIP and months before it was due to go on air [timed to run as near as possible to the referendum] they leaked out that a UKIP councillor had made outrageously racist remarks, she hadn’t, but that didn’t stop the BBC allowing her to be absolutely monstered by the usual suspects for months on end and labelled a racist.

One rule for Corbyn’s fanclub, another for white males working for right-leaning papers.



Not wrong is he?

Nothing has changed in 25 years to ease my concerns about Islam

It seemed to me that most Muslim leaders saw their role not in integrating Muslims in Britain, but in asserting difference and increasing their muscle. Many favoured sharia law trumping British law. They would not support Muslim membership of the Armed Forces if those forces were deployed against Muslim countries. They wanted it to be illegal to attack Islam, let alone denigrate its prophet; and they waged constant “lawfare” to try to silence their critics. They tended, I thought, to see the advance of their cause as a zero-sum game in which the authorities had to cede more ground (sometimes it is literally a matter of territory) to Muslims.

[Ironically after saying on the video that he couldn’t be charged with hate speech Twitter has moved to sideline him…his response…he Tweets….The truth is now hate speech…..curiously the terrorist supporting Jeremy Corbyn still has his blue tick]…and I see the BBC are still labelling Tommy ‘Far Right’ as they gloat over this.  I’m looking for their coverage of Nasreen Khan’s resignation from Labour…oddly can’t seem to find it.

One thing missing from Tommy’s analysis…the massive Muslim drive, how much funded by the Gulf states?, to normalise Islam, to make every part of Britain ‘Muslim friendly’, ie Muslim, and the determined effort to silence anyone who dares to suggest the Islamisation of Britain might not be a good idea…..note the recent Runnymede Trust [which seems to have been hijacked by Muslim activists for their own ends…a practice becoming more visible everyday as we get more and more people who work on the basis of doing so ‘as a Muslim’….Sadiq Khan for instance…ran for mayor ‘as a Muslim’, and note how many Muslims the BBC puts on air….far more as a ratio than their population merits along with the huge number of programmes designed to make Islam seem nice] that wants to make any criticism of Islam a hate crime….Islamophobia is ‘racing’ away in Britain apparently….the BBC always gives the Muslim spokespeople from the Runnymede Trust lots of unchallenged airtime to spread their propaganda…

Islamophobia: Still a challenge for us all

Islamophobia is any distinction, exclusion, or restriction towards, or preference against, Muslims (or those perceived to be Muslims) that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.

refers to three phenomena:
Unfounded hostility towards Islam;
Practical consequences of such hostility in unfair
discrimination against Muslim individuals and
Exclusion of Muslims from mainstream political
and social affairs.

Note how the first, hostility towards Islam, becomes the basis for claiming discrimination against Muslims.  What is ‘unfounded hostility’?  What would qualify….if you criticise Islam for promoting Anti-Semitism?  Violent Jihadism?  Misogyny?  Killing apostates?  Defining white women as slags and prostitutes? Calling non-Muslims kafirs, immoral, unclean, unintelligent cattle?   I would think many people have very justifiable qualms about Islam…is that ‘hostility’?, it’s certainly not unfounded….as David Goodhart tells us:

The gulf between conservative Islam and secular liberal Britain is larger than with any comparable large group….for those of us who value an open, liberal society it is time to explain why it is superior to the alternatives.

Some claim that if people understood Islam more everything would be fine, they would be more tolerant, I think quite the contrary….the more they understand about it the more alien they would find it…authoritarian, collectivist, patriarchal, misogynist…..all sorts of things that Britain might have been 100 years ago but isn’t now.


As the good Mo Ansar suggests:


The Mirror says:


AS the country vexes itself over how to deal with the radicalisation of British-born Muslim youths, it’s revealing to know some of their leaders believe they have the answer.

The introduction of Sharia Law in Britain along with important religious days in the Muslim calendar becoming public holidays for followers of the faith should do the trick, or so claims the secretary general of the Union of Muslim Organisations in the UK and Ireland.

As Dr Syed Aziz Pasha says: “If you give us religious rights we will be in a better position to convince young people that they are being treated equally along with other citizens.”

This sounds perilously close to blackmail. Thus far the British people have shown exemplary tolerance in the face of terrorist threats.

There has been no widespread backlash against the Muslim community. Quite rightly, the majority of us can only extend sympathy to those who must feel mortified that, within their vast numbers, lurks a bunch of lunatics with one shared ambition – to bring about the destruction of our democracy.

Except, of course, that many Muslims are in an even greater state of denial than the rest of us about terrorism: “It’s hyped up”, “The government hates Muslims and so does Tony Blair” and “Muslims feel like there is an underlying agenda against us,” are a selection of comments from Walthamstow in East London, the neighbourhood targeted by anti-terror raids last week.

Anyone would think they’d forgotten the banners at a demo, just a few miles down the road, last February which read: “Europe You’ll Come Crawling When Mujahedeen Come Roaring”.

I find it hard to believe any decent Muslim shares such extremist beliefs but it’s equally hard to argue these views aren’t held by “radicalised” youths or whatever name you want to give the murderous minority who preach jihad.

God knows, we must bear the burden of the BNP but we are, at least, prepared to acknowledge their existence, vile though it is, without blaming it on the government.

It’s unfashionable to say it, but some of us are beginning to find the Muslim victim culture a little tiresome.

And Dr Pasha’s words have not helped. If you were cynical you might even believe he was trying to provoke a fight.

Ditto the group of prominent Muslims who penned an open letter suggesting Muslim youths are alienated by Britain’s foreign policy, so it should be changed.

Why exactly? To placate a handful of home-grown terrorists and terrorist sympathisers?

In other words the rest of us can only be safe if THEY get a foreign policy that suits them. The Mafia would call this extortion. Give us what we want and we’ll do our best to stop the baddies blowing you up.

Muslim leaders should know better but let me remind them: Britain’s foreign policy is decided by a democratically-elected government (a rarity in the Muslim world).

If the public does not approve of this policy, it is perfectly free to vote one lot out and put another in. In short, we favour the ballot box over the bomb. And let’s not forget, Tony Blair’s party won an election after the decision to invade Iraq.

Just as Islamic fundamentalism had taken root before 9/11. Back in 1994 Massoud Shadjareh of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, spoke on a platform bedecked with a banner proclaiming: “Death To The Enemies Of Islam.”

That sentiment is as true now as it was then, the borders have allowed more preachers of sedition to infiltrate Britain with the consequence that some mosques have been run by fundamentalist clerics.

If this government can be accused of anything – apart from a ludicrously out of control immigration policy – it is permitting, in the name of multi-culturalism, ghettos of hate to flourish in our inner-cities.

Ghettos which embrace mosque schools where Muslim pupils spend much of the day learning the Koran and Islamic tradition, but little of British values.

There are enough wedges between us without introducing more in the form of Sharia Law or Muslim Bank holidays.

Nor should we feel it necessary to beat ourselves up because willing recruits, who happen to be born here, have signed up to become human bombs.

Some people, John Reid reminded us last week “just don’t get” the seriousness of the threat facing the West.

What will it take to understand? Ten planes destroyed and thousands of innocents dead while the family of the perpetrators weep into the cameras and say, “he wouldn’t do a thing like that”.

Oh yes he would. And believe me, he will.