DUP’ed by the BBC


‘Is the BBC biased?’ are asking who are the DUP?

The BBC’s quota filling Muslim on the Today show, Mishal Husain, can answer that, calling them as she did a couple of months ago in relation to their Christian based ideology, ‘Backward and unpleasant’.

Coming from a Muslim who supposedly follows a religion that is unchanged from its barbaric 7th century origins, hence all the head chopping, killing of gays, killing of apostates, chopping of limbs, stoning, lashing, crucifying of those who don’t follow the teachings, that’s pretty rich….and of course had anyone said the same about Islam she’d have been outraged…and the BBC would have been outraged on her behalf.

The same Mishal Husain who told us that she was glad to get the job on the Today show because she could use it to promote the beauty of Isam and foster understanding.

Trouble is the more people know of the real Islam the less they like it.

In fact maybe the ‘Muslim’ Mishal Husain doesn’t really like the real Islam….she won’t wear the hijab and ‘She drinks alcohol and doesn’t fast at Ramadan.’

She says she has ‘has employed her knowledge of Arabic and insight into Islamic issues, during interviews with controversial clerics.’

If she has that knowledge of Islam then she knows that what IS does, what the Wahhabis and Saudis do, is based upon the real Islam…and there is only one Islam, an Islam based upon the literal word of the Koran, unchangeable and timeless, and the actions of Muhammed himself.

She therefore knows that this plea from her …“I would really like to see much more of the counterpoint from a theological perspective, with scholars taking to social media to refute the awful arguments we see put forward in those videos.”…is nonsense….how can Muslim scholars argue against the Koran?

She also says…“The emphasis on what you wear on your head or how many times you pray, on the outward things rather than what’s in your heart and the way you treat people, I find slightly misguided,”…again she must know that is wrong…wearing certain clothing and acting in particualr ways, ‘as Muslim’, indicates an adherence to that ideology, it’s an outward expression of your faith and in many cases a deliberate political statement of ‘being Muslim’.  Just look at how many Muslims suddenly became more devout and began dressing in ‘Muslim’ clothing after 9/11, Osama’s call to arms to Muslims aroound the world.  That’s a political statement by those Muslims saying we’re Muslim first and it also shows they condone what Bin Laden did and stood for.

Remember what David Goodhart said…..

The gulf between conservative Islam and secular liberal Britain is larger than with any comparable large group….for those of us who value an open, liberal society it is time to explain why it is superior to the alternatives.

Some claim that if people understood Islam more everything would be fine, they would be more tolerant, I think quite the contrary….the more they understand about it the more alien they would find it…authoritarian, collectivist, patriarchal, misogynist…..all sorts of things that Britain might have been 100 years ago but isn’t now.



Better hope I haven’t memo’d this….Better hope you don’t ‘lose’ the memo




When Trump said…“James Comey better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!”..Comey dashed off to see a friend and gave him a memo he said he had written about the meetings he’d had with Trump…written from memory after the meeting….the memo that Comey said was ‘evidence’ Trump ‘ordered’ him to stop an investigation….that incredibly important revelation on the basis of which the BBC tells us Trump has ‘obstructed justice’ and may be impeached and removed from the Presidency.  The ultra careful Comey has no copy of it!  The man who said he specifically wrote a memo as a record because he would use it to defend himself if Trump turned on him later…and he has no copy!!??

Curiously, given that Comey was sure from the start that Trump was a liar and would need to make a record of everything that was said between them, it turns out the smoking gun memo is nowhere in existence.  Comey didn’t keep copies of it.  Does his ‘friend’ have one still?  Questions are being asked.  Not by the BBC of course, they are ignoring or downplaying most of the evidence that is in Trump’s favour and are basing their reports upon this missing memo...which they haven’t reported as missing…how on earth could Comey not have kept a copy when he felt it was of such crucial importance and of such bearing in his relationship with Trump…how could the BBC not think that was important?  The sum total of the BBC’s latest indepth report?…

Mr Comey also told senators that he had leaked details of his memos about his conversations with Mr Trump to a friend, who passed them on to a reporter.

After the testimony, Mr Trump’s lawyer accused the former FBI chief of having divulged “privileged communications”.

Not only is the memo missing at present…the firm that manufactured the dodgy dossier on Trump won’t answer questions…..BBC are you there asking questions????



Thanks to Richard Pinder for reminding me of the links Clinton, that’s Clinton not Trump, has to Russia…see video above…not to mention Saudi Arabia [along with her closest advisor….from Saudi Arabia].





Not sure what Osborne is crowing about…he spent the election stabbing May in the back and it was his austerity policies what won Labour so many votes according to Corbyn…..


Mr Bombastic…ready to serve

‘Deluded!’ Jeremy Corbyn mocked for claiming election victory – ‘He thinks he’s WON’

The Labour leader shocked many by starting an interview with Sky News by saying: “We have been elected to…”

He continued by outlining his plans for a Labour government and admitted he was ready to form a coalition with fellow Westminster parties.

He then reiterated “it’s pretty clear” Labour won the election.

Corbyn suggested that because labour had increased its share of the vote and the Tories had dropped seats he had in essence won the election….Abbott doing the count?

On that basis the LibDems should be the governing party as their percentage increase in seats far outstrips Labours…and indeed the Scottish Conservatives must be in power in Scotland….in fact judging by the Scottish Conservative vote they should run the whole UK…hmmm….not a bad idea having Ruth Davidson in charge….come the next leadership election?

Speaking of which…

Ruth Davidson prime minister Conservative leade

Ruth Davidson and Scotland saved the Tories: Britons call for Ruth Davidson to oust May





All about the Brexit?



Labour didn’t campaign on Brexit going for the NHS, the economy, social justice, equality, and care issues….and opportunistically, and hilariously, anti-terrorism.  Corbyn rarely mentioned Brexit unless pushed to in an interview…..Labour’s key policies?   Brexit not mentioned in this list from the BBC….

Key policies

Scrap student tuition fees

Nationalisation of England’s nine water companies.

Re-introduce the 50p rate of tax on the highest earners (above £123,000)

Income tax rate 45p on £80,000 and above

More free childcare, expanding free provisions for two, three and four year olds

Guarantee triple lock for pensioner incomes

End to zero hours contracts

Hire 10,000 new police officers, 3,000 new firefighters

Moves to charge companies a levy on salaries above £330,000

Deliver rail electrification “including in Wales and the South West”.


The BBC told us this was the Labour campaign direction…

The party will be keen to move the focus of the campaign away from Brexit, and on to domestic issues, such as the NHS, which has come under intense pressure in recent months.

Labour also believes it can score big with voters who feel the economic system is “rigged” against them, with one law for super rich tax avoiders and another for ordinary working people.

After the terror attacks I think it was Kuenssberg who said May wanted to talk about Brexit but that was not the main issue now of the election, security and terrorism were…indeed the FT agrees saying…

Terror attacks shaped UK election but failed to lift May, experts say

So odd that tuning in to the Today show it’s all now about the Brexit….Brexit will now have to be reshaped due to the outcome of the election…the election that they had just told us was not about Brexit.

They packed the programme with pro-Remain people….a Tory MP who suggested we must now change our approach to the negotiations, then Labour spinner Tom Baldwin, ex-BBC Cameron PR guru Craig Oliver and someone from the Economist…all against ‘Hard Brexit’…that is all against Brexit.

May’s campaign was not about the legitimacy of Brexit but who was best to lead the negotiations….it was not a rerun of the referendum though you’d have thought it was listening to Nick Robinson.

Essentially we had Muslim terrorists altering the outcome of our election and a man who is a career long supporter of terrorism and an opponent of every piece of anti-terror legislation still managing to become the champion of British national security.  How so?

Corbyn was practically given a blank sheet by the BBC, a new start, his support for terrorism, his hard-line Marxism, his ‘look-away’ attitude towards anti-Semitism in his Party, his ruinous economic policies all were somehow forgotten or downplayed.  Two senior BBC journalists both came out for Corbyn, Robinson and Dimbleby, both warning their colleagues not to write anything too harsh about him.  Guess they listened.

Stephen Glover in the Mail hits the nail on the head…we did not see the real Corbyn….

Meanwhile, Corbyn was for the most part successful in concealing his extremism, and looked cuddly and unthreatening. He also seemed, unlike Mrs May, relaxed and happy in his own skin. One might say that he has appeared genuine.

Something strange is going on in this country. The British pride themselves on their moderation and common sense. Yet millions of perfectly sane people will today vote for a half-competent extremist whose policies would impoverish this country and make it vulnerable to its enemies.

One way and another, the political centre of gravity in British life has swung appreciably to the Left.

As for the BBC, it has seemed more powerful than ever during this election, probably because of the relative decline of the printed Press. Scornful of Jeremy Corbyn during his two Labour leadership contests, Auntie has treated him indulgently as a mainstream left-of-centre politician rather than the dangerous revolutionary he really is.

We also had that Mishal Husain ‘interview’ wth Boris in which she told him to stop talking…or stop saying  things she didn’t like…she actually ‘made the case’ for Corbyn telling us he was  now all for ‘shoot to kill’ and was uterly opposed to terrorism…absolutely no idea that this was a highly opportunistic u-turn by Corbyn that was a complete denial of his decades old principles…Husain just wanted to shut Boris up as he made his points….

Day the BBC’s golden girl became a spokesman for Corbyn

Despite misgivings in the Beeb over Husain’s lightweight performance in the debate, she was handed the prize interview at 8.10am with Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on Radio 4’s Today programme.

Adopting an aggressive, even menacing tone, Husain constantly cut across the increasingly exasperated Foreign Secretary with little evidence of the impartiality the BBC claims it is so proud of in its journalists. It seemed all too clear where her sympathies lay.

In an extraordinary exchange, Mr Johnson laid into Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn for his consistent refusal to back counter-terrorist measures over three decades. But Husain insisted on breaking in to ‘set the record straight’, parroting exactly what Corbyn said in the aftermath of London Bridge and ignoring his previous position.

This has prompted criticism that she was acting as ‘Corbyn’s spokesperson.’

The low point came when Johnson scorned the idea Diane Abbott, as home secretary in a Labour government, would have the skills to deal with a major terrorist attack.

It was too much for Husain, 44, who jumped in with a good impression of a teacher disciplining an unruly child, saying: ‘No, no, please stop talking.’ Johnson, clearly taken aback, said: ‘But you have invited me on your show to talk.’


Any wonder that Corbyn managed to poll so high as the major news organisation provided him with a smokescreen to cover up his extremism and present him as a reasonable and moderate statesman….the BBC far outstripping the  rest of the media as the trusted source of news..lol…. ‘According to a new ICM survey of over 2,000 Britons, 45 per cent trust the BBC as a reliable source for general election news, compared to only 27 per cent who trust the daily newspapers.’

Other polls give them even more power…

Given a choice of seven different news organisations including Sky News, ITV News and Channel 4 News, 58% of respondents ranked the BBC first for balanced and unbiased reporting. Sky News was second, with 15%.


Of those polled in the UK, 62% believed the BBC to be accurate and reliable as news, and almost half of those polled found them to be unbiased.

Contrast of course how they treat Trump whose main sin seems to be that he wants to control immigration.  perhaps if he supported Muslim terrorism instead of wanting to stop it the BBC would back him as they do Corbyn.

That terrorism has altered the course of the election is without doubt…curious that the BBC is now saying it was all about Brexit, especially as Labour didn’t campaign on that.





Silver Lining?


Ex-Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg loses


Note Dimbleby claims Clegg and Libdems ‘paid the price’ for going into coalition with Tories…no….they paid the price because Clegg u-turned on his tuition fee promise…and now because they are useless whinging Remoaners.

Sadly missed…but oh no…the rather sinister lying old goat……

Vince Cable’s back


Image result for vince cable

You can’t keep a good man down.



The BBC Coverup for Obama’s attempt to interfere in Clinton email investigation


The BBC headlines its report on Comey’s testimony with this..

Comey: Trump White House ‘lied’ about the FBI

Oh really…in what way?

Ex-FBI chief James Comey told Congress that the Trump administration’s comments about him and the FBI were “lies plain and simple”.

Mr Comey told a Senate committee they were wrong to denigrate the agency and its leadership.

He told the panel that the White House “chose to defame me, and more importantly the FBI” by claiming the agency was “poorly led”.

“Those were lies, plain and simple. And I’m so sorry that the FBI workforce had to hear them,” he continued.

Hmmm…that’s purely subjective and the angry view of someone sacked from his job…someone who was pilloried for his behaviour by both sides of the House.

So why does the BBC headline with such a line?  After all isn’t the big story that Obama tried to downplay or stop the investigation into Clinton’s email scandal?  Was this not ‘obstruction of justice’?  After all Comey admitted he was very troubled by pressure put on him by the Democrats, so much so he had to step away …and we know it was subsequently canned….Clinton remarkably exonerated.

“The attorney general was looking to align campaign language with our language, which… gave me a queasy feeling.” said Comey.

Loretta Lynch, the former attorney general under Barack Obama, pressured former FBI Director James Comey to downplay the Clinton email server investigation and only refer to it as a “matter,” Comey testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday.

Comey said that when he asked Lynch if she was going to authorize him to confirm the existence of the Clinton email investigation, her answer was, “Yes but don’t call it that. Call it a matter.” When Comey asked why, he said, Lynch wouldn’t give him an explanation. “Just call it a matter,” she said.

I don’t know whether it was intentional or not but it gave the impression that the attorney general [Lynch] was looking to align the way we talked about our work with the way the political campaign was describing the same activity, which was inaccurate,” Comey added.

Comey complied, in his words, because it “wasn’t a hill worth dying on.” In February 2016, the FBI confirmed in a letter that the agency was “working on matters related to former Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server.”

Comey cited that pressure from Lynch to downplay the investigation as one of the reasons he held a press conference to recommend the Department of Justice not seek to indict Clinton.

Comey also cited Lynch’s secret tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton as a reason he chose to hold the press conference, he said, as he was concerned about preserving the independence of the FBI.

Obama tries to interfere in an investigation, Comey is worried about the independence of the FBI and nothing from the BBC, but Trump is claimed to have tried to stop one, despite in the testimony Comey admitting he hadn’t, it was merely his own interpretation, and memory, of Trump’s words, and the BBC is talking up impeachment.

Even Comey himself says that his claim that Trump ‘ordered’ him to drop the investigation is questionable as based solely on his own interpetation…

Comey: I don’t know well enough to answer. And the reason I keep saying his words is, I took it as a direction.

Risch: Right.

Comey: I mean, it’s the President of the United States with me alone, saying, “I hope this.” I took it as this is what he wants me to do. I didn’t obey that, but that’s the way I took it.

Risch: You may have taken it as a direction, but that’s not what he said.

Comey: Correct.

Look at this from Zurcher…..

‘Staggering blow’ for Trump – Anthony Zurcher, BBC News

For Donald Trump the good news from James Comey’s testimony is that the former FBI director clearly said the president was not directly under FBI investigation at the time he was fired. The bad news was, well, everything else.

The White House may claim today’s testimony is a technical exoneration. Politically, however, it’s a staggering blow. And when it comes to the presidency, politics is everything.

That’s just nonsense, utter, utter bilge...as we showed yesterday after reading Comey’s written testimony.  If anything the testimony backs Trump and damns both Comey and the Democrats….and it is clear now that it was Comey, not some independent witness, who leaked the memo written by himself from memory about Trump’s alleged attempt to stop the investigation into Flynn.

Compare the BBC’s effort to this one by the Wall Street journal which takes a more nuanced and critical look at Comey as the BBC turns Comey into a heroic seeker of justice…‘He stood before a Senate committee not just to defend himself, but also the honour of the FBI.’….From the WSJ….

The ‘Independent’ Mr. Comey

His prepared testimony shows why he deserved to be fired.

The BBC tries to spin its story even more by suggesting Trump may be under investigation now…despite Comey saying he hadn’t been…and  no evidence to suggest he is…pure BBC speculation and mud-flinging….

Since Mr Comey is no longer in charge of the FBI, and the investigation has now been passed to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, it is possible that Mr Trump is now being investigated after all.

As for the accuracy and truthfulness of the anti-Trump press that the BBC relies upon for its anti-Trump ‘scoops’?….

New York Times report titled, “Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence.”

Sen.  James Risch (R-Idaho) on Thursday asked Comey if he remembered the article.

Comey said he did; “It was about allegedly extensive electronic surveillance,” he said.

Risch noted that after the report came out, Comey “sought out both Republican and Democrat senators to tell them that, hey, I don’t know where this is coming from, but this is not factual.”

Risch told Comey: “So the American people can understand this, that report by the New York Times was not true. Is that a fair statement?”

“In the main – it was not true,” Comey said. “The challenge — and I’m not picking on reporters — about writing stories about classified information is that people talking about it often don’t really know what is going on. And those of us who actually know what’s going on aren’t talking about it. And we don’t call the press to say, hey, you got that thing wrong about this sensitive topic. We just have to leave it there.”