Labour didn’t campaign on Brexit going for the NHS, the economy, social justice, equality, and care issues….and opportunistically, and hilariously, anti-terrorism. Corbyn rarely mentioned Brexit unless pushed to in an interview…..Labour’s key policies? Brexit not mentioned in this list from the BBC….
Key policies
Scrap student tuition fees
Nationalisation of England’s nine water companies.
Re-introduce the 50p rate of tax on the highest earners (above £123,000)
Income tax rate 45p on £80,000 and above
More free childcare, expanding free provisions for two, three and four year olds
Guarantee triple lock for pensioner incomes
End to zero hours contracts
Hire 10,000 new police officers, 3,000 new firefighters
Moves to charge companies a levy on salaries above £330,000
Deliver rail electrification “including in Wales and the South West”.
The BBC told us this was the Labour campaign direction…
The party will be keen to move the focus of the campaign away from Brexit, and on to domestic issues, such as the NHS, which has come under intense pressure in recent months.
Labour also believes it can score big with voters who feel the economic system is “rigged” against them, with one law for super rich tax avoiders and another for ordinary working people.
After the terror attacks I think it was Kuenssberg who said May wanted to talk about Brexit but that was not the main issue now of the election, security and terrorism were…indeed the FT agrees saying…
Terror attacks shaped UK election but failed to lift May, experts say
So odd that tuning in to the Today show it’s all now about the Brexit….Brexit will now have to be reshaped due to the outcome of the election…the election that they had just told us was not about Brexit.
They packed the programme with pro-Remain people….a Tory MP who suggested we must now change our approach to the negotiations, then Labour spinner Tom Baldwin, ex-BBC Cameron PR guru Craig Oliver and someone from the Economist…all against ‘Hard Brexit’…that is all against Brexit.
May’s campaign was not about the legitimacy of Brexit but who was best to lead the negotiations….it was not a rerun of the referendum though you’d have thought it was listening to Nick Robinson.
Essentially we had Muslim terrorists altering the outcome of our election and a man who is a career long supporter of terrorism and an opponent of every piece of anti-terror legislation still managing to become the champion of British national security. How so?
Corbyn was practically given a blank sheet by the BBC, a new start, his support for terrorism, his hard-line Marxism, his ‘look-away’ attitude towards anti-Semitism in his Party, his ruinous economic policies all were somehow forgotten or downplayed. Two senior BBC journalists both came out for Corbyn, Robinson and Dimbleby, both warning their colleagues not to write anything too harsh about him. Guess they listened.
Stephen Glover in the Mail hits the nail on the head…we did not see the real Corbyn….
Meanwhile, Corbyn was for the most part successful in concealing his extremism, and looked cuddly and unthreatening. He also seemed, unlike Mrs May, relaxed and happy in his own skin. One might say that he has appeared genuine.
Something strange is going on in this country. The British pride themselves on their moderation and common sense. Yet millions of perfectly sane people will today vote for a half-competent extremist whose policies would impoverish this country and make it vulnerable to its enemies.
One way and another, the political centre of gravity in British life has swung appreciably to the Left.
As for the BBC, it has seemed more powerful than ever during this election, probably because of the relative decline of the printed Press. Scornful of Jeremy Corbyn during his two Labour leadership contests, Auntie has treated him indulgently as a mainstream left-of-centre politician rather than the dangerous revolutionary he really is.
We also had that Mishal Husain ‘interview’ wth Boris in which she told him to stop talking…or stop saying things she didn’t like…she actually ‘made the case’ for Corbyn telling us he was now all for ‘shoot to kill’ and was uterly opposed to terrorism…absolutely no idea that this was a highly opportunistic u-turn by Corbyn that was a complete denial of his decades old principles…Husain just wanted to shut Boris up as he made his points….
Despite misgivings in the Beeb over Husain’s lightweight performance in the debate, she was handed the prize interview at 8.10am with Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on Radio 4’s Today programme.
Adopting an aggressive, even menacing tone, Husain constantly cut across the increasingly exasperated Foreign Secretary with little evidence of the impartiality the BBC claims it is so proud of in its journalists. It seemed all too clear where her sympathies lay.
In an extraordinary exchange, Mr Johnson laid into Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn for his consistent refusal to back counter-terrorist measures over three decades. But Husain insisted on breaking in to ‘set the record straight’, parroting exactly what Corbyn said in the aftermath of London Bridge and ignoring his previous position.
This has prompted criticism that she was acting as ‘Corbyn’s spokesperson.’
The low point came when Johnson scorned the idea Diane Abbott, as home secretary in a Labour government, would have the skills to deal with a major terrorist attack.
It was too much for Husain, 44, who jumped in with a good impression of a teacher disciplining an unruly child, saying: ‘No, no, please stop talking.’ Johnson, clearly taken aback, said: ‘But you have invited me on your show to talk.’
Any wonder that Corbyn managed to poll so high as the major news organisation provided him with a smokescreen to cover up his extremism and present him as a reasonable and moderate statesman….the BBC far outstripping the rest of the media as the trusted source of news..lol…. ‘According to a new ICM survey of over 2,000 Britons, 45 per cent trust the BBC as a reliable source for general election news, compared to only 27 per cent who trust the daily newspapers.’
Other polls give them even more power…
Given a choice of seven different news organisations including Sky News, ITV News and Channel 4 News, 58% of respondents ranked the BBC first for balanced and unbiased reporting. Sky News was second, with 15%.
Of those polled in the UK, 62% believed the BBC to be accurate and reliable as news, and almost half of those polled found them to be unbiased.
Contrast of course how they treat Trump whose main sin seems to be that he wants to control immigration. perhaps if he supported Muslim terrorism instead of wanting to stop it the BBC would back him as they do Corbyn.
That terrorism has altered the course of the election is without doubt…curious that the BBC is now saying it was all about Brexit, especially as Labour didn’t campaign on that.