Corbyn…..lies about ‘shoot to kill’




Watch the video above as Peston on ITV quizzes Corbyn on the interview he did with Laura Kuenssberg back in 2015 when he told her he was ‘unhappy’ with a policy that allowed shoot to kill.  Corbyn tells Peston (2 mins in) that his answer was in relation to shoot to kill policy in the 1980’s in Ireland….he also claims that he went on to say ‘in a wholly defensive position [shoot to kill] is the right response’.

No, no he didn’t.  That’s a lie, two lies, by Corbyn.  Watch the actual interview…it is quite clear Kuenssberg’s question is related to events in Paris and whether Corbyn, if such an event were to happen here, would endorse a shoot to kill policy…and he nowhere stated that shoot to kill would be right in a defensive position…the interview ended quite clearly without him adding that qualification…..


Kuenssberg asks first about his response to a Paris-style attack if he was prime minister and whether he would “order security services onto the street to stop people being killed”.  Corbyn replied: “Of course you’d bring people onto the streets to prevent and ensure there is safety within our society.”

Kuenssberg then continued and asked “If you were prime minister, would you be happy to order people – police or military – to shoot to kill on Britain’s streets?”  Corbyn replied “I am not happy with a shoot to kill policy in general. I think that is quite dangerous and I think can often be counter-productive.”

Quite clear this was one narrative linking Paris to Corbyn’s own likely policy on shoot to kill.  Nowhere was Northern Ireland or the 1980’s mentioned.  Corbyn lied.

The BBC Trust, after a complaint about this interview, as it was run on News at Ten, was thrown out 4 times, eventually backed the complainant and ruled against Kuenssberg...despite it being blatantly clear she was right.

Interesting though how the BBC pretty much ignores the massive u-turn that Corbyn has executed on terrorism and shoot to kill….after decades of supporting terrorists and as above, denouncing shoot to kill, he has now suddenly, just before an election, cast aside all his previously held principles and sold out.  Little to no comment on this from the BBC but they are remarkably eager to attack May for her u-turns.

Amused to hear Corbyn declaring that terrorism will not derail our democracy, that democracy will prevail…this the man who cheerled for the gunmen and bombers of the IRA and supported their terrorist campaign to force Britain out of NI….not much democratic about that….never mind his sidekick John McDonnell’s views on revolution and smashing the state.

Still…for a man who wants to disband MI5, to demob the Army and to give Russia the upperhand by disarming Trident…he’s pretty up for it when it comes to defending this Island……oh…but we don’t need the security services or police or army because Corbyn will have a nice chat with all those returning Jihadis and will convince them over beer and bacon sandwiches to hang up their knives and take up ‘democracy’ instead.

About time the BBC started getting serious about Corbyn and investigated and exposed his views properly…for such a controversial and extreme politician he has had a very, very smooth and uncontroversial ride from the BBC…no doubt having two senior journalists, Robinson and Dimbleby, come out for him and warn off others from being negative about him must have helped.




Only on the BBC. A muslim woman in full niqab explains why we need integration. BBC lap it up. The BBC is a MENACE, an enabler and a real and present danger to our society.

Would be Prime Minister Corbyn has spend his political career voting AGAINST anti terrorist legislation. He has spent his political career condemning “shoot to kill”. But now, four days ahead of an election, he suggests he supports it. What an unspeakable liar.

Oh, and one last thing, over this horrific weekend, the women who would be in charge of our security if Labour were to be elected, Diane Abbott, has not been seen on ANY TV or Radio channel. Why? I am told Labour advisers realise that she is a media disaster so best keep her away. Yet she IS Shadow Home Secretary and would be in control of Policing from next Monday. As it is, she is in hiding.

Every Body Counts


The BBC…you couldn’t make it up…..will the London terrorist attack be a positive or a negative for you Mr Corbyn?….Yeah says Corbyn…the more bodies the better….lol……Just what did the BBC think he would say to such a crass question?


Is the BBC a ‘safeplace’ for Isamic terrorists and extremists?

BBC criticised over comparison of Anjem Choudary with Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi

Mark Easton, the corporation’s Home Editor, criticised Government plans to clamp down on fanatics and questioned what Mandela and Gandhi would think of attempts to silence Choudary.


Theresa May says ‘enough is enough’…

Speaking in Downing Street after a meeting of the government’s emergency Cobra committee, the prime minister said the country “cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are”.

“We believe we are experiencing a new trend in the threat we face as terrorism breeds terrorism,” she said.

Mrs May promised to step up efforts to combat Islamist ideology and work with other countries to prevent the internet being a “safe space” for terrorists.

She said there was “too much tolerance of extremism in our country” and while it would involve “some difficult and embarrassing conversations”, that must change.

“It’s time to say enough is enough,” she added.

We’ve heard it all before with Cameron promising to crack down on non-violent extremism…but what did he mean by that?  Muslim conservatism?  In a Western liberal, progressive democracy that would be the case.

From the Telegraph:

It is false, misguided political correctness that is part of the problem. We need more than mourning in response to the threats that we face. This is not business as usual. The dead never get to carry on as normal.

However the May response is better than the Corbyn cobblers as he put the blame everywhere but where it really should be as he blamed British foreign policy and cuts to the police…never mind Labour were proposing a further 10% cut to the police budget in the 2015 election on top of the 20% the Coalition had already made.

So let’s deal with that ‘foreign policy’ myth to start with.  Muslims don’t like ‘British’ foreign policy…they say it is a non-Muslim country attacking Muslim countries…so where do their loyalties lie…to Islam first or Britain?  Clearly it is Islam first. Then you might ask is this defence of Islam ‘Islamic’?  Islam demands Muslims ‘defend’ Islam from attack…hence if Muslims believe ‘Islam’ is under attack, as they do, helped by the narrative pushed by the BBC amongst others, then those inclined to take up arms will do so as part of a religious war….a Jihad…their religious obligation.  So yes it is ‘Islamic’.

Then there is the big lie central to all that…that we are attacking ‘Islam’…it’s a powerful propaganda tool used to great effect…but it’s a lie…when we went into Iraq the Muslim activists deployed that argument and encouraged Muslims to join up and fight Jihad in Iraq against the ‘foreign invaders’, ie non-Muslim invaders.  Apparently it was OK for these foreign, non-Iraqi, Jihadis to invade Iraq and turn it into a wasteland just on the basis that they were themselves Muslim….never mind most Iraqis hated them.  Iraqis rather like their country and its borders despite what the BBC tells you about Iraq being a colonial imposition on the Middle East….yet another of the BBC’s dangerous narratives that feed the Jihadi propaganda machine.

Then consider Syria and the very same Jihadis.  When we failed to intervene in Syria due to Ed Miliband’s betrayal and cowardice this was remarkably presented by the Jihadis as the West betraying Muslims and thus became another narrative used to recruit more Jihadis…thus we have gone from the West’s intervention and deposing of a hated dictator being anti-Muslim to not intervening in the deposing of a hated dictator being anti-Muslim….and all the time in the background is the BBC’s narrative, which is essentially the extremist’s one.  It was a narrative that of course led to politicians like Miliband having backbone failure as they pandered and appeased the Islamist discourse of Muslim anger and ‘warnings’ of radicalisation all caused by Western intervention.

The BBC has been at the heart of the problem in this country covering up for, excusing and indeed promoting the Jihadi cause.  Let’s not forget its constant platforms for Cage, MPACUK, the MCB and numerous other Islamists and Islamist causes such as Guantanamo Bay, the undermining of the Prevent programme, and the unquestioning support for disgraced lawyer Phil Shiner’s ‘ambulance chasing’ which did so much damage to the British Forces’ reputation and put so many soldiers through the mill.

When May says there is…“too much tolerance of extremism in our country” and while it would involve “some difficult and embarrassing conversations”, that must change.’….she might want to start having a close look at the BBC’s output and consider if it recklessly published material likely to induce or encourage others to take the road to terrorism… Philip Hammond says...’Apologists for terror must take some blame’.The Terrorism Act 2006:

Encouragement of terrorism

(1)This section applies to a statement that is likely to be understood by some or all of the members of the public to whom it is published as a direct or indirect encouragement or other inducement to them to the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism or Convention offences.

(2)A person commits an offence if—

(a)he publishes a statement to which this section applies or causes another to publish such a statement; and

(b)at the time he publishes it or causes it to be published, he—

(i)intends members of the public to be directly or indirectly encouraged or otherwise induced by the statement to commit, prepare or instigate acts of terrorism or Convention offences; or

(ii)is reckless as to whether members of the public will be directly or indirectly encouraged or otherwise induced by the statement to commit, prepare or instigate such acts or offences.

A BBC that tells us that the extremists are kind, clever, angry and idealistic….and of course victims themselves of a tyrannical British state….that tells us the Trojan Horse plot is a hoax, a result of racism, paranoia and Islamophobia [thus encouraging Muslim victim mentality], or that Jews should expect to be attacked for the ‘crimes’ Israel commits in Gaza, and that Muslim extremists will one day be seen as Churchill, Mandela and Gandhi-like figures….not to mention the highly, highly damaging narrative about Western intervention,  not just in Iraq in 2003 but the BBC line that ‘Skyes-Picot’ ‘carved up the Middle East’ and is the cause of all the problems we have now…along with the creation of Israel…this is a narrative we have just had from the BBC’s finest, its Middle East editor, Jeremy Bowen…and it’s completely false, a great big shining lie that is in itself the cause of much of what goes on in the Middle East today…not to mention on the streets of Europe.

If the Prime Minister wants to change the conversation she has to start with the news organisation that spreads the biggest lies, the most malignant, toxic but influential pro-Islamist propaganda, the most murderous untruths.

The BBC is dangerous.  A very good case can be made that people die on the streets of Britain because of its lies.





The Telegraph reports that after what looks like a terrorist attack in London the BBC has been told that the attackers shouted ‘This is for Allah’

The Telegraph has reported that an eye witness on London Bridge told the BBC he saw three men stabbing people indiscriminately, shouting “this is for Allah”.

The BBC of course haven’t actually put that revelation in any of their reports as far as I can see, that live feed aside….nor is there a single description of the attackers….other than there being possiby three, male and with long knives…that’s despite a BBC reporter actually being at the scene on the bridge at the time of the attack and seeing one shirtless man being arrested…so ethnic origins highly visible?  She reports one of the victims near her was a French girl…and yet cannot even start to suggest the possible profile of the attackers?

BBC reporter Holly Jones, who was on the bridge, said a van driven by a man was “probably travelling at about 50 miles an hour” before it hit a number of people.

“He swerved right round me and then hit about five or six people. He hit about two people in front of me and then three behind,” Ms Jones told the BBC News Channel.

“I’d say there are about four severely injured people. They all have paramedics assisting them at the moment.”

She said the van, which was travelling from the direction of central London, headed towards the south side of the river.

Ms Jones later reported seeing a man being arrested by police. She said he was handcuffed and had his shirt off.

She said a French woman was among the injured.

Stewgreen links us to LBC which reports this…

“He said all three were of Mediterranean appearance”

Let’s hope, if this is ‘Islamic’, that some of those ‘Uncle Toms’ in the Muslim community that Sadiq Khan complained about give the police some good information [bit late of course]…but hey…who’d want to be labelled an ‘Uncle Tom’ in the Muslim community by the most powerful Muslim politician in London?  Life’s too short…and likely to be shorter.

Thanks to Mice Height for this:

Pax-man Islamicus

A few days ago I asked ‘Who was right? Who is the real ‘enemy of the State’?’  Was it Tommy Robinson or Lord Hall and his pro-Islam propaganda machine in light of the attack in Manchester and the BBC’s belated ‘exposure’ of the rapes and abuse in Rochdale?  The BBC film about Rochdale was a shameless attempt to rewrite history and to pretend that the BBC had been at the forefront of exposing such abuse when the truth is that it was one of the guilty organisations that knew what was going on and refused to bring it into the open because of the race and religion of the abusers.  How many girls became victims because BBC journalists stood silent and turned their eyes away?  And now they seek credit and applause for their ‘brave’ examination of the issues.

David Sedgwick [H/T DaveS in the comments] gives the lie to that BBC narrative showing that it contemptuously dismissed Tommy Robinson’s claims about Muslim grooming gangs….

Shooting the Messenger: The BBC’s ‘Asian’ Grooming Gangs

It wasn’t that long ago – five years – when in his role as anchor for BBC2’s Newsnight programme, Jeremy Paxman became very sniffy with a certain studio guest named Tommy Robinson. “You are seriously suggesting that young white girls are being sexually exploited by what you say are gangs of Muslim men? Is that what you are suggesting? Seriously?”

“Yes,” replied his guest, to which Paxman looked aghast. How could this racist, xenophobe suggest such rot? Sexual grooming of under-age white girls? How utterly absurd. The BBC weren’t having any of that. Had Robinson cared to cast his hostile gaze on the streets of Notting Hill he would have seen a thriving ‘multi-cultural’ paradise, where every creed and colour came together to produce a ‘vibrant’ Liberal fantasy land. Grooming? What grooming?

And here it is, the real BBC way of dealing with the issue of Muslim grooming gangs…shoot the messenger….and note this interview was in 2011 and Paxman opens with stating that ‘Tommy Robinson’ is a pseudonym and his actual name is Stephen Lennon…so why did Andrew Neil make such a fuss claiming that Tommy Robinson was hiding his real name for nefarious reasons in 2013 as Neil quizzed Robinson with questions provided by the Islamist Mehdi Hasan?

Neil, in a breath taking example of investigative journalism goes on to ‘reveal’ Robinson’s real name…or that of his long lost father, telling him…

‘We did find your birth certificate….you changed your name because it concealed for some time your BNP past….you were hiding your BNP membership.’



As David Sedgwick says:

If Tommy Robinson or any of the several thousand young girls who have been (and continue to be) victims of this abuse are waiting for an apology from the national broadcaster, they’d be advised not to hold their breaths. 





Weekend Open Thread

A new open thread for the weekend…..the weather’s looking stormy and the BBC is on full-on Mission Implausible mode…get Corbyn elected (holding their noses)….so stay in the warm and hit the keyboard with the bias…only a few days left to the election and the BBC is going all out flooding the airwaves with bias such as Boris ‘says no tax rises’ and then showing a clip of him actually saying ‘no planned tax rises’…that’s a big big difference…I am guessing the BBC will go for broke and become more blatant thinking that Corbyn will square it with Ofcom, packed to the gills as it is with people who look like they may well be on-side for the BBC anyway…and if the Tories win?   Well never mind, they’re too afraid to tackle the BBC….it’s a win win for the Beeboids….they have nothing to lose and everything to win…list the bias here….