‘BBC’s Silly Anthrax Scare Story’


From ‘Notalotofpeopleknowthat’….

BBC’s Silly Anthrax Scare Story

The BBC have gone right over the top now, with this latest silly little scare story:

‘Throughout history, humans have existed side-by-side with bacteria and viruses. From the bubonic plague to smallpox, we have evolved to resist them, and in response they have developed new ways of infecting us.

However, what would happen if we were suddenly exposed to deadly bacteria and viruses that have been absent for thousands of years, or that we have never met before?

We may be about to find out. Climate change is melting permafrost soils that have been frozen for thousands of years, and as the soils melt they are releasing ancient viruses and bacteria that, having lain dormant, are springing back to life.’

The BBC report then regales us with viruses, thousands of years old, which will be released to kill us all as the permafrost further melts.

Given that it has been warmer than now for most of the last 8000 years, this seems extremely remote, to put it mildly.

the whole report is fake news. As has been well established by proper scientists, malaria and dengue fever are not affected by temperatures.

As one of the world’s leading specialists in the natural history and biology of mosquitoes, Prof Paul Reiter, told the Parliamentary Select Committee on Economic Affairs in 2005:

The most catastrophic epidemic [of malaria] on record anywhere in the world occurred in the Soviet Union in the 1920s, with a peak incidence of 13 million cases per year, and 600,000 deaths. Transmission was high in many parts of Siberia, and there were 30,000 cases and 10,000 deaths due to falciparum infection (the most deadly malaria parasite) in Archangel, close to the Arctic circle.”


But I don’t know why I am surprised. The BBC long ago lost any credibility where reporting on climate change is concerned.

‘You’re finished, all of you’


‘One hundred rusty, dilapidated boats leave India crammed with starving would-be immigrants. Indians, like so many other third-world citizens, are desperate and bitter about their lives. The first worlders know the boats are en route to France, yet they make little effort to prevent the ships from landing.

The liberal press, churches and students have helped instill a sense of guilt. The people don’t have the will to defend and preserve their culture. Many French try to flee to Switzerland. Leaders of first-world countries watch the progress of the rickety boats and cannot muster the political will to prevent invasions. The new politically correct statement is ‘We are all from the Ganges now.’ The success of the Indian boats encourages millions of Third Worlders to take over other Western nations.’

The below is from the book ‘The Camp of Saints’……a book published in 1973…’The mainstream liberal press condemned Jean Raspail’s book as racist, a tirade and preposterous’…but turns out it was prophecy…he captures exactly the liberal BBC mindset……guilty at being white and successful and wishing desperately to be black and for ‘white’, Western culture to be destroyed and replaced….

Noiselessly, the young man had come up the five little steps from the road and onto the terrace. Feet bare, hair long and dirty, flowered tunic, Hindu collar, Afghan vest.
“I’ve just been down there [the beach],” he said. “Fantastic! I’ve been waiting five years for something like this!”
“Are you alone?”
“So far. Except for the ones who were already here. But there’s lots more on the way. They’re all coming down. And walking, too.  All the pigs are pulling out and heading north! I didn’t see a single car in this direction! Man, they’re going to be bushed, but this is too good to miss. Going to smoke, and shoot dope, and walk all the way. Make it down here on their feet, not on their butts.”
“Did you get a close look down there?”
“Real close. Only not for long. I got smashed a couple of times. Some soldier, with his gun. Like I was trash. But I saw a bunch of other soldiers crying. It’s great! I’m telling you, tomorrow this country’s going to be something else. You won’t know it. It’s going to be born all over.”
“Did you see the people on the boats?”
“You bet I did!”
“And you think you’re anything like them? Look, your skin is white. You’re a Christian, I imagine. You speak our language, you have our accent. You probably even have family hereabouts, don’t you?”
“So what! My real family’s all the people coming off those boats.  Here I am with a million of my brothers, and sisters, and fathers, and mothers. And wives if I want them. I’ll sleep with the first one that lets me, and I’ll give her a baby. A nice dark baby. And after a while I’ll melt into the crowd.”
“Yes, you’ll disappear. You’ll be lost in that mass. They won’t even know you exist.”
“Good! That’s just what I’m after. I’m sick of being a tool of the middle class, and I’m sick of making tools of people just like me, if that’s what you mean by existing. My parents took off this morning. And my two sisters with them. Afraid of getting raped, all of a sudden. They went and dressed up like everyone else. These real square clothes, I mean. Things they haven’t put on in years, like neat little skirts, and blouses with buttons. So scared, you wouldn’t know them. Well, they won’t get away. Nobody’s going to get away. Let them try to save their ass. They’re finished, all of them.

The Left hate this book and accuse anyone who quotes from it of being racist…such as Steve Bannon…

“[This book is] racist in the literal sense of the term. It uses race as the main characterization of characters,” said Cécile Alduy, professor of French at Stanford University and an expert on the contemporary French far right. “It describes the takeover of Europe by waves of immigrants that wash ashore like the plague.”

I’m guessing it will never, ever, in a month of Sundays, make it onto the BBC’s Book of the Week list…nor I suspect will Douglas Murray’s latest effort, which is pretty much a similar narrative to The Camp of Saints.

First though let’s remind ourselves of what the Left used to say….before they got all ethnic…..Bertrand Russell…

The white population of the world will soon cease to increase. The Asiatic races will be longer, and the negroes still longer, before their birth rate falls sufficiently to make their numbers stable without help of war and pestilence…. Until that happens, the benefits aimed at by socialism can only be partially realized, and the less prolific races will have to defend themselves against the more prolific by methods which are disgusting even if they are necessary. ––The Prospects of Individual Civilization, 1923

The Socialists of course aren’t at all racist…well they may have killed 6 million Jews in Europe and God knows how many Stalin killed or exiled…but no, not racist, today’s Labour Party is most definitely not anti-Semitic, however if you don’t believe in the divine ideology of Socialism your future was always somewhat less than you might have desired.

Douglas Murray’s new book, The Strange Death of Europe, looks at immigration, identity and Islam…Rod Liddle says it is ‘a brilliant, important and profoundly depressing book’ and recognises that Murray will be ‘vilified for it by the liberals who have created the appalling mess he describes.’

The thesis of the book…that Europe is committing suicide…effectively legislating its civilisation, its enlightened values, into extinction….through mass immigration of millions of people especially from the Islamic world who very definitely do not hold to our values and beliefs.

Raise a voice against this and you will be labelled racist and a scaremongerer….we are comprehensively lied to, in the age of post truth media and politicians, about the effects of this immigration…..the BBC being the very powerful and influential vehicle of choice to disseminate not only the pro-immigration propaganda but also the hate and demonisation of any who dare to speak out.

Murray tells us that Europe has little desire to reproduce itself, fight for itself or even take its own side in an argument…as it wrestles with mass immigration and loses faith in its traditions and beliefs, its civilisation faces collapse.

It’s a curious thing but the people who actually stand up to defend the values of an enlightened Europe, an enlightened world, are those the liberals vilify the most….Trump, Farage, Le Pen, anyone who wishes to see Western values maintained and supported.

Listen to Marr on Start the Week and we get a torrent of liberal tears as Marr conducts what sounds like a Trump trauma therapy group for liberals who don’t get Democracy…all like-minded lefty luvvies serving up anti-Trump, anti-Farage, anti-Brexit voter hatred….Marr is quite unconcerned at the animosity and demonisation of anyone who doesn’t fit the approved liberal mould…he goes along with it himself in fact….and all the while they are rubbing themselves down with copies of the Guardian trumpeting the victory of Macron over Le Pen…deep joy, bliss!!!

Marr tells us in the introduction that we are living in wild times [Really?  What he means is a time when the liberals aren’t in charge] and that he will be looking at the role of the Trickster in society….which, he tells us, sounds up to date and familiar…what can he mean?  Who does he mean?  Such lazy, bigoted trash from a supposedly intellectual, impartial and serious programme.

Apparently Farage is one of those ‘tricksters’, like Iago in Othello, he’s terrifyingly stupid, the ‘amoral’ Trump, of course, is another…and the voters who follow in their wake are destructive and violent, ignorant, uneducated, unintelligent victims of the politics of bitterness, the politics of hatred….conned into being terrified of ‘the other’, of ‘the outsider’.  Le Pen and her fascism needs the immigrant, the black, the Muslim as the enemy.  Hmmm….in fact it is the Left who need Le Pen in order to justify their own violence [the actual violence farmed out to their proxies like the UAF whilst they themselves limit it to angry articles in the Guardian or on radio shows from the compliant and complicit BBC] used to maintain their grip on power.

A similar tone was taken on the Today show on Thursday (2 hrs 54 mins) when we had Humphrys asking Is liberalism really in trouble or is a shakeup badly needed? His voices of intelligence and reason were…Ed Luce, the author of the Retreat of Western Liberalism and Pankaj Mishra, the author of The Age of Anger.

One of the culprits of these ‘wild times’ (©RedAndy) causing the liberals so much angst is globalisation…however does it even exist?  Apparently not…Luce (pronounced Loose…as in fast and loose wth the facts) tells us it’s a right-wing invention…..

‘I’d like to disassociate myself from the word globalism.  This is something popularised by Steve Bannon, Trumps chief strategist, and perhaps the largest enabler of the alt-right in the recent election campaign.  Bannon has got a nasty white nationalist streak to him and globalism is his word for internationalism and there’s an association there of Jewish conspiracy and all kinds of nasty crank world views.’

Humphrys raised absolutely no objection to any of that.

Yep…Bannon the anti-Semite…


The BBC is peddling hate and the demonisation of ‘the Right’…..not just fake news but dangerous narratives that are designed to vilify and publicly abuse anyone who doesn’t conform to the Liberal mindset…not just the powerful politicians but the man in the street who votes for them…all condemned and maligned as racists, fascists and anti-Semites..by the impartial BBC.




The EU’s Macroney is in place

Image result for macron


Le Pen has lost and Macron is President, and the BBC is very happy….a pro-EU Hollande placeman has taken office…the BBC portrays him as centrist but he is leftist, and the BBC say he was an outsider…and yet he had been at the centre of Hollande’s government and had a war chest of over £80 million…not bad for an outsider….just where did that come from?  He says he wants to reform the EU but his ‘reform’ is intended to strengthen the EU’s position and indeed make France more powerful within the organisation [no surprise he is being called the new Napoleon…you know, the guy who wanted to ‘unite’ Europe under a French flag]….the French you suspect will live to regret this choice far more than they would if they’d picked Le Pen.  Five years till the next election…a long time as immigrants flood in to France and its politicians take no serious action to deal with an Islamist threat and fail to defend French culture and civilisation.  It might make any civil war more likely and far more bloody and painful.  Will there be a civil war in Europe?  Almost a certainty….5 years, 10 years or 20 years down the line…but it’ll happen, many would suggest it is already ongoing….or a complete surrender and the end of Europe as we know it…..as Douglas Murray says….Europe signs its own death warrant.

Macron was asked if he had any off shore accounts, he denied this.  Then we had a massive leak of documents, some of which were claimed to prove he had an off shore account…but the denials were furious…this was all a Russian plot, the documents were forgeries and this was a plot to undermine French democracy.

The BBC said it was not reporting on the leaked documents because of French election law but the BBC happily spent the weekend reporting Macron’s defence, which in fact was more an attack, and indeed part of his election strategy it would seem…so the BBC was in fact still playing  a part in the election and its reporting was shaped to favour and support Macron as it continued to link Le Pen to Russia and claim these leaked documents were probably hacked by the Russians to undermine French democracy and to damage Macron…without saying just why they might damage Macron…just as they failed to examine what it was about the Clinton emails that could have damaged her election chances.

You have to ask just who in fact benefitted from the hacking…it was Macron not Le Pen.  The documents were released at a very suspicious time…minutes before the shutdown of electioneering and media coverage….thus any reporting of the contents would be impossible legally and yet a whole operation was suddenly cranked into gear to pump out a message that Macron was the victim of Russian, and Le Pen, dirty tricks in order to ‘undermine French democracy’….this got massive coverage, including from the BBC whilst the actual supposed allegatons got zilch.

Just who hacked and released the emails?  The Russians, French intelligence or Macron’s own team?  Logic would suggest it was someone pro-Macron.

Might it have been the BBC’s Hugh Schofield who after the Le Pen/Macron debate raved about the ‘brilliant’ Macron and blamed Le Pen for dragging the debate down with her ranting, raucous, divisive lying, Le Pen at her worst he told us?  Hmmm….except Macron had already made several lurid attacks on Le Pen before the debate and during it he continued to smear and malign her as a racist, an anti-Semite and a Nazi.

It seems to be love for Hugh as he gets excited about…

Emmanuel Macron’s irresistible charm

As someone said in a recent documentary on France’s new president: “The guy could seduce an office chair.”

Whatever they may think of his politics, the French have had the sense to elect as their leader one of the most brilliant figures of his generation. Charming, of course. But also super-smart, energetic, uncorrupt, creative, young, optimistic.

No bias there then….the sense to elect????

poster of Macron



German girls could learn a lot about standing up for themselves…maybe some in Rotherham too


On Saturday the BBC was expressing great concern about sexual harassment at Music festivals….were the organisers doing enough to stop it?…maybe there should be women only areas…let’s have some zero tolerance.

Contrast that with the BBC’s extensive efforts to playdown the mass, organised attacks in Cologne and the rising proliferation of sexual assaults across Europe and to hide who the culprits were…just as they failed to report what was going on in places like Rotherham despite knowing what was going on…a BBC reporter admitted that he knew there were problems and he wondered why the police weren’t doing anything…well, perhaps because the Media didn’t report those problems and hold police and politicians to account as they so often claim is their job, allowing them to bury the problems and not have to deal with them and the ‘controversial’ issues around them…such as race and religion.  Of course it’s the same with mental health issues…the BBC’s default position is to report any attack by a Muslim as the result of mental health problems, and indeed the BBC fills the airwaves with programmes about mental health….however when it came to Thomas Mair, the killer of Jo Cox, the BBC is suddenly very quiet about his state of mind and his confirmed mental health problems.  If the BBC uses that excuse for Muslims to hide the truth they should use it for everyone.





Tommy Knockers


Fake news in the Guardian?  Curiously, despite the BBC’s rabid interest in exposing ‘fake news’ it seems not to be so concerned here….. though Robinson is given a voice, he is essentially shouted down and dismissed by the other three…including Neil at the end.

Tommy Robinson was accused of being a white supremacist by the Quilliam Foundation...in the Guardian…

That the far right has moved from the fringe into the mainstream demonstrates the massive support that white supremacist movements have attracted from digital natives. Their online followership often exceeds that of mainstream political parties: with over 200,000 followers, Tommy Robinson’s Twitter account has almost the same number of followers as Theresa May’s.

Quilliam of course denies this and claims the article was ‘clumsily worded’….it is not…the narrative was maintained throughout the article not just a bit of sloppy wording in one paragraph…the intent was clearly to demonise anyone who criticses Islam.

Quilliam’s Haras Rafiq in the interview actually claims that Robinson is an extremist…equivalent to an Islamist group…all because he entered Quilliam’s office to ask the reporter why she had written such libels about him….so are BBC journalists ‘extremists’ when they, for example, fly helicopters over Cliff Richard’s house to ‘doorstep’ him?   Or how about this classic?….


Quilliam, as an anti-Islamist group, has always been suspect…its founder, Ed Husain, was in the Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir for five years which he subsequently left…but reading his book, The Islamist, you get the impression that he still adheres to the same beliefs and values of the group….and Quilliam is still of course a pro-Muslim group run by Muslims…and Islam is an ‘extreme’ ideology when compared to any other in the West….so is Quilliam ‘extreme’?

Quilliam tells us that its aim is to explain ‘The difference between Islam as a faith and Islamism as a radicalising political ideology which justifies violence’ which if you know anything about Islam, its origins and its laws, you will know to be a lie….as is this other aim…..’develop a Western Islam that is at home in Britain and in Europe’.….there can never be anything like a ‘Western Islam’…there is Islam, and that’s it….the same the world over….no sects, no cults, no separate groups with their own interpetations…that’s the whole reason for the Revelation, the basis of the so-called religion….the Jews and Chritians failed to follow their scriptures and made up their own rules and divided their religions into sects….God was not happy and so he sent another, and final, unchangeable, revelation to be followed exactly as written.

By rights Andrew Neil should ask the question, is Islam or Quilliam extreme?…of course he doesn’t, instead he, after being reasonably impartial, then accused Robinson of being an extremist because he’d once been in the BNP…for a very short time as a teenager…Neil is trying to discredit Robinson as a ‘witness’ with this tactic…Neil of course has been through all this before in what was a hatchet job for the Muslim supremacists as we’ve looked at previously….

Andrew Neil…Mehdi Hasan’s Sock Puppet?

When Tommy Robinson was interviewed on the Today programme the Left had a moment of anguished horror….someone whose views they disagree with had been allowed onto the radio…the Left’s ‘house radio’ at that….the BBC.

Mehdi Hasan was so outraged he penned a quick note in the Huffington Post advising the BBC where they went wrong.  He even went so far as to formulate some questions that the BBC could have asked Tommy Robinson.

Someone at the BBC read his advice and decided to run with it. They decided to bring the unsuspecting Tommy Robinson back onto the airwaves and subject him to a vitriolic show trial, designed to attack him personally and assassinate his character and reputation.

Andrew Neil was given the task of skewering the upstart EDL ‘racist thug‘….the questions Neil asked coming almost word for word from the pen of Hasan with no pretence at an attempt to debate or engage in an intellectual argument…it was an out and out exercise in abuse and mud slinging to blacken Robinson’s name….and all done to appease the BBC‘s left wing censors and Islamist propagandists.


Did someone try to sabotage Tommy Robinson’s appearance on the Daily Politics?…Car promised…no car…taxi promised…no taxi….you might be paranoid but it doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you…..




Brexit’s Beastly Billionaires

Image result for rich people


The Sunday Times [pro-Brexit] has released its Rich List and revealed that ‘Brexit brings bonanza for billionaires’.

It tells us that this is good news for Britain as business is booming…and that the ‘explosion of wealth is fuelled by a Brexit boom’ and….

Poll backs self-made rich, not inherited wealth.

It also tells us…

The notion that all the business community backed ‘Remain’ is bunk.  That may have been true of the FTSE chief executives, who famously ‘don’t like uncertainty’ [or risk and opportunity?], but the Rich List is generally populated by a very different breed.  Risk-taking entrepreneurs, who have built empires by spotting opportunities and exploitig shifts in circumstance, don’t hate change…they thrive on it.


We’re seeing more diversity in the Rich List.  More women, more people from ethnic backgrounds and more from surprising walks of life, with egg farmers and pet-food makers lining up with private equity barons and hedge fund managers.


The Rich List revelation that Britain is booming after Brexit should be good news as is the fact that it is entrepreneurs and a diverse bunch from all walks of life that are making it…but of course the BBC plays it all down and paints a different picture…one where it is implied that the rich are getting filthy rich but the rest have been abandoned in poverty to scratch an existence…and yet that’s just not true….and as the FTSE soars so do our pensions and investments….and if businesses are doing well job prospects, wages and tax revenues will also look good.

Even the Guardian had to admit that Brexit was good for Britain and that confidence was up, even amongst those who were initially concerned…

Three-quarters of the millionaires surveyed by UBS said they thought Brexit would have a positive impact on the overall UK economy in the long term, despite the collapse in the value of the pound since the referendum and concerns that it may be more difficult for the UK to trade goods and service after it leaves the EU.

No sign of such a sunny outlook from the BBC….

Rich List 2017: No Brexit ‘chilling effect’ on wealth of super-rich

The BBC front loads its report with quotes that seem to be a negative for Brexit…..

The UK’s richest 1,000 people “kept calm and carried on making billions” amid the Brexit vote of 2016, according to the Sunday Times Rich List.

Their wealth rose by 14% over the past year to a record £658bn, it shows.

List compiler Robert Watts said: “While many of us worried about the outcome of the EU referendum, many of Britain’s richest people just kept calm and carried on making billions.”

He said a revived stock market had been behind the surge in wealth for the super-rich.

The BBC allows this in…

Mr Watts said: “We’re seeing more and more diversity in the composition of the Rich List.

“More women, more people from ethnic backgrounds, and more from surprising walks of life, with egg farmers and pet food makers lining up with hedge fund managers and private equity barons.”

Oddly the BBC is very subdued about Brexit in this [very short] analysis other than the line in the first paragraph which, without context, paints a picture of the ‘super-rich’ loving Brexit whilst the striving and struggling workers suffer austerity.  Whilst it tells us that there is no ‘chilling effect’ #duetoBrexit it only links that to the ‘super-rich’….a Brexit for the Billionaires will almost certainly be the BBC line…one to watch in the coming days as the likes of Campbell start to interpret the list and its meaning…to them.

Where is the usual BBC context, the rounded reporting, the provision of further information that they usually provide in so many other reports such as more detailed comment about those who made alarmist predictions about Brexit and the economic armageddon that would befall us the moment the result would be announced?  Naturally such ‘fact checking’ and copious amounts of counter-information that the BBC provides is only done when it is trying to downplay a good news story for Trump or for Brexit…however, here, a good news story for Brexit, they can’t do that because so far the promised Brexit collapse hasn’t happened and so the BBC is left with egg on its face and the only resort is to imply that the rich are getting richer and the rest of us poorer…#duetoBrexit.



Numbers of the Beasts


Trump would win again if another election was held now, not only would he win the Electoral College vote, he’d win the popular vote as well…so reveals the Democrat supporting Washington Post, way, way, down their article...

Asked how they would vote if the election were held today, 43 percent say they would support Trump and 40 percent say Clinton.

A figure you didn’t hear bandied about on the BBC as it marshalled the anti-Trump voices to tell us how terrible Trump’s first 100 days in Office were.

The BBC was quick however to report the EU’s alarmist black propaganda that we’d have to pay them a punishing reparation charge of anything up to €100 billion….figures all first fed into the Public consciousness by the pro-EU FT.  Oddly I see no BBC mention of today’s Telegraph report that the EU has admitted it has absolutely no legal basis for making such demands…

€100bn Brexit bill is ‘legally impossible’ to enforce, European Commission’s own lawyers admit

The Telegraph has seen minutes of internal deliberations circulated by Brussels’ own Brexit negotiating team which had warned against pursuing the UK for extra payments.

But member states appear to have ignored the Commission’s own advice by demanding €100bn from the Government – a sharp hike in the original demand of €60bn.

On the FT…have a look at this clip of the FT’s editor, LionelThe vote must be “Remain”’ Barber, called ‘smug’ in the video title but I prefer ‘lizard-like’, denying his paper was in any way partisan in the Brexit debate…claiming he flew no flag for any side…which is a complete lie…



Here’s the FT ‘flying that flag’ during the referendum…

Britain should vote to stay in the EU

A vote to withdraw would be irrevocable, a grievous blow to the post-1945 liberal world order.

The referendum campaign is a contest between competing values: between liberal internationalism and a pinched nationalism, between an open-trading system and marginalisation.

The Leave camp has been superficially patriotic, at heart mendacious.

Membership of the EU and, crucially, the single European market, entails some transfer of sovereignty in return for an actual gain in power as part of a greater whole. The rewards are indisputable.

Leave has failed to spell out the serious risks of life outside the EU.  [Hmmm…but Remain did that for them as did the BBC, but Remain didn’t spell out the serious risks of staying in the EU…the BBC failed to provide that information as well…an extremely serious omission one might think for the BBC.]

In a multi-speed, multi-tiered EU, the [threat of a] European superstate is a chimera.

In 1975, when a Labour government called for a referendum on British membership of the European Economic Community, the FT rejected the notion of Britain as “a tight little island, seeking refuge in a siege economy, opting out of the main stream of world politics”. The sentiment remains resonant today. This is no time to revert to Little England. We are Great Britain. We have a contribution to make to a more prosperous, safer world.

The vote must be “Remain”.

The FT ran headline after headline pumping out pro-EU propaganda…it was infamous for doing so.


And as for a Brexit ‘bill’…let’s charge the EU for all the wars, the blood, the lives, we’ve spent saving their backsides and their precious liberté, their demicracies, their lives.  We saw off all those others who were enthusiastically working towards a European union…Napoleon, the Kaiser and Hitler…not to mention the Soviet Union.  And where’s the thanks?  Bill ’em.  The EU only exists because we paid in blood and guts to keep Europe free from dictators…only to find one on our doorstep trying to punish us for leaving their clutches…it seems the ‘Iron Curtain’ still exists.  We’d all be speaking German now if it wasn’t for the Brits…Drunckers would no doubt delight in that.

Get out whilst you can…

Image result for guard jumps the berlin wall




A right royal c**k up



The BBC has gone all tabloid and been slagging off the royal family, as usual, all the while pretending it’s great art.


A play about the royal family in crisis and a constitutional problem.  And all in the best possible taste.


The Spectator’s take on the play on the stage?…….Charles III is made for numbskulls by numbskulls.

Written in Shakespearean verse but brought right up to date as the BBC has now replaced Harry’s white girlfriend with a black one….oh, and of course it’s the ‘orrible Press that’s looking to ‘attack’ the Royals...and not the honourable, respectable, BBC…

Meanwhile, an unhappy and frustrated Prince Harry starts a relationship with a ‘commoner’, just at the moment that the press is looking for a way to attack.

Here’s the BBC’s original casting in 2015…


The new ethnically diverse one…

Cruel: The fictional Harry and 'Jess', who raises the Hewitt question in the controversial new show


The play reopens the question of who Prince Harry’s father is…

‘Is Charles really your dad?’ BBC is accused of inflicting ‘deliberate pain’ with ‘salacious’ paternity slur against Prince Harry in controversial TV show

His girlfriend asks him: ‘Is Charles really your dad? Or was it the other one?’

Noticing his ‘very ginger’ hair, she adds: ‘Cos if Hewlitt [sic] was your dad instead, you would be out the family.’

The fictional Harry remains silent, while one of his friends corrects Jess on the name, pointing out that it is Hewitt.

…..and brings on a ghost of Princess Diana…despite one of the actors admitting that…

For Charles or William or Harry it would be agonising to watch. That upsets me. But I don’t think we’ve done anything unreasonable or cruel.’

So ‘agonising’ but not ‘unreasonable or cruel’?

Curious timing as only a couple of weeks ago the BBC was headling, and indeed working with the Royals, on mental health issues…in particular about Harry’s mental issues surrounding his mother’s death…

Prince Harry ‘in total chaos’ over mother Diana’s death

Prince Harry has revealed he sought counselling after spending nearly 20 years “not thinking” about the death of his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales.

In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, he said it was not until his late 20s that he processed the grief – after two years of “total chaos” and coming close to a “complete breakdown”.

“I have probably been very close to a complete breakdown on numerous occasions when all sorts of grief and all sorts of lies and misconceptions and everything are coming to you from every angle.”

Perfect timing then for the BBC to broadcast this play now…presumably good therapy for little ‘arry.

The BBC’s helicopter doorstepping and salacious intrusion into Cliff Richard’s life also illustrates how the evermore tabloid BBC is dropping into the gutter in the search for sensation and easy headlines…but it is complaining vociferously about the bill as Cliff surrounds himself with the best legal brains money can buy….and it ain’t cheap….the BBC doesn’t like it one bit…though they weren’t so shy about spending hundreds of thousands to keep the Balen Report out of the public eye [does BBC news kill Jews?]…

BBC attacks Sir Cliff Richard’s ‘grossly unreasonable’ spending on lawyers in his fight for damages against them

BBC bosses say Sir Cliff Richard has spent “grossly unreasonable” amounts on lawyers after complaining about reports naming him as a suspected sex offender and taking legal action.

They say figures show the singer has already run up legal costs of more than £800,000 which are “on any view … disproportionate”.

Lawyers representing the BBC made the criticism as a judge analysed the latest stage of the dispute at a High Court hearing in London on Thursday.

If Sir Cliff’s claim succeeds, and he wins damages, the BBC could be ordered to pick up all his lawyers’ bills.

The BBC peddling fake and scandalous, not to mention extremely ‘agonising’, tales about a living Royal and does the same for the music world’s ‘royalty’…whatever next, the BBC making up an entirely ficticious claim that a Lord was a child abuser?  Oh…they’ve already been there and done that.

The BBC.  The Gold Standard.  My arse.



The Farron Fart…sorry, Backfire.




The BBC has been reporting loudly on UKIP’s fall today, contrast that with how they practically ignored UKIP when they won large in elections previously, and curiously the LibDems have hardly been mentioned today.  This is curious because, whilst UKIP’s fall could easily have been predicted and was much expected, Farron has been telling us that the LibDems are on the march and due to the army of unhappy Remain voters looking for a white knight to protect them from all those horrible little englanders would win large, but there’s no sign of such a revival…in fact the LibDems lost 32 seats.  But the BBC don’t seem too interested….in this main write up it’s passed over rapidly and in Kuenssberg’s ‘analysis’ I don’t think the LibDems even get a mention….oh no sorry…this is it, Laura’s insight into the LibDem debacle.‘a slightly frazzled atmosphere at Lib Dem homes this morning’.

When you consider how arrogant and contemptuous of democracy and Leave voters Farron is, a failure to pull the voters in might be expected.  Farron was very dismissive of callers on  a radio phone-in who complained of his characterisation of Leave voters as not knowing what they were voting for and that his call for a 2nd referendum was undemocratic as he was really attempting to stop Brexit…he laughed and sneered and said he was the real democrat…you can see that attitude in full colour in his latest bit of public relations as he smirks and bullies his way through an encounter…an encounter in which he said he knew what was good for the kids…as you can see in the photo above….