A world without the BBC?


Where would we be without the BBC left to the mercies of the market driven corporate media?

The BBC  naturally  is excellent value at less than 50p a day…but as with say the Pound Shop all is not as it seems and that ‘value’ looks distinctly underwhelming as the goods bought fall apart all too quickly or on closer scrutiny you discover they cost less because there is less in the packet than their ‘more expensive’ rivals’ offerings.

With the BBC it is all too often the same…you have the big reputation, the inherited trust and respect that it feeds off, the big names, the flagship programmes that lead the news agenda and politicians fear to appear on…and yet look closely, listen carefully, compare and contrast with what so many others are also reporting and you discover Aunty is all pearl necklace and no knickers….she is as flighty and flirty with the truth as any of the rivals she disdains as spreaders of ‘fake news’.

Just look at the Today programme this morning…three big subjects and all reported, not to  inform, but to push a message…the standard BBC, liberal, partisan misinformation that all too often passes as ‘news’ on our ‘premier’ news programme.

France and Muslims?  Muslims are misrepresented and all want to be French…they have no real interest in being ‘Muslim’…..no desire to turn Europe ‘Islamic’.

Erdogan and his referendum?  With ‘only’ 51% it was a knife edge vote, barely legitimate, open to challenge, he has no mandate to govern really…..the subtext?….the BBC channelling its Brexit angst via this result.

North Korea?  We were told Trump has backed off from military action and has decided to settle for diplomacy.

All three reports were shaped to present the preferred message…Islam presents no threat to Europe, the Brexit referendum is illegitimate and does not give May mandate to do what she is doing, that is…Brexit, and Trump is u-turning on everything.

Trouble is we know all too well that Muslims are becoming ‘more Muslim’ and are identifying politically as Muslim first rather than ‘British’ or ‘French’….and have been doing so since the 1980’s.  Turkey under the Islamist Erdogan is ironically a case in point of course.  The BBC suggests that it was his massive government influence and resources that unfairly swayed the vote towards him…if the BBC is to use that argument and link their claims of such an illegitimate referendum to the Brexit one then it was the Remain campaign that had the massive advantage of government resources backing its campaign and thus we must conclude that the Leave vote would have been bigger if there had been a level playing field.  Curiously the BBC doesn’t raise this issue for our own referendum…nor indeed the highly exaggerated and alarmist claims made by the Remain camp…I’m still awaiting WWIII to break out in Europe… #DuetoBrexit.

And Trump?  I was pretty sure I switched off the news last night hearing that ‘all options were still on the table, including military’…..Will they try diplomatic pressure first?  Of course but diplomacy without the big stick [including China’s huge economic power over NK] is useless, but nice of the Today programme to try to derail that diplomacy by reporting that should North Korea not want to fall into line there will be no consequences…Just as well the US thinks otherwise…..‘ultimately by whatever means are necessary’…..

US vice president Mike Pence declared on Monday that the “era of strategic patience is over” with North Korea.

Mr Pence told reporters near the Demilitarised Zone separating North and South Korea that president Donald Trump is hopeful that China will use its “extraordinary levers” to pressure the North to abandon its weapons.

Mr Pence, who has called the North’s failed missile test a day earlier “a provocation,” said the US and its allies will achieve its objectives through “peaceable means or ultimately by whatever means are necessary” to protect South Korea and stabilise the region.

Any chance she works for the BBC?


Surely she works for the BBC…a ‘free inhabitant’, she belongs to the Earth, she does not belong to any corporation or any country, she recognises no sovereignty, no borders, no laws…US laws have no jurisdiction over ‘human beings’…..nevertheless she does claim all the rights and protections of a US citizen….as the cop says…that way lies anarchy…..one day the BBC journo’s may grow up……






Your Future’s Broken….er….Brexit


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Never mind kids…you know the answer…get educated….learn to shoot…you know it makes sense kiddies, especially as your liberal mummy and daddy now think guns are a good idea in Trumptopia...your future depends upon it….

Gun ownership has traditionally been associated with the right wing in America but the election of Donald Trump has prompted some left-wingers to join gun clubs

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Always curious how the BBC is constantly warning us about the threat of the Far-Right but say nothing about the Liberal murder squad…….

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Feeling the Luvvies’ Pain


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So we’re all agreed, Trump stole the US election and Brexit was won on a lie…but who is to blame, who can we point the finger at, who is the guilty man or men?

The BBC knows…it was the Russians….no!  It was the sinister underground network of neo-Nazis on the web…no!!! It was the sheer ignorance, stupidity, bigotry and prejudice of Leave voters…no!!! no!!! no!!! It was a sinister underground network of big data crunchers who harvest our most private thoughts and targeted their propaganda at us shaped and personalised in order to manipulate, to ‘hack’, our votes?

Hacking the Vote

Highly sophisticated techniques to ‘micro-target’ voters, using personal data and demographics have been credited with contributing to the recent outcomes of both the Brexit vote in the UK and Donald Trump’s victory in America.

For the BBC there must be some conspiracy somewhere…no right -thinking person could ever vote for Trump or Brexit therefore it must all be some sort of fix, the US election rigged and Brexit stolen by lies.  Talk about fake news…this is our supposedly most prestigious news and current affairs broadcaster, the gold standard, and yet it’s no better than any of the dodgy conspiracy sites and youtube channels that proliferate on the net….the BBC conveniently forgets that the Left, and the BBC, has tried to rig elections by playing the race card….the identity politics, the ‘multiculturalism’, the apartheid, that has been so damaging and divisive in Britain…so targeting groups and interests is nothing new…..this is just the BBC inventing an issue and blaming it on the Right when it has for so long been the Left’s favourite game.

People voted for Trump and Brexit because they were fed up being ruled by dickheads like you at the BBC…arrogant, contemptuous, sneering, superior, condescending and all too willing to pay yourselves large, massive, amounts of money taken with menaces from people far less well off…..and to add insult to injury usng the billions stolen to force-feed us fake news and hear ourselves abused and slandered by you and our voices silenced and censured.

Look at this…just yesterday we were asking where is the BBC’s takedown of left-wing fake news and low and behold today we have the BBC’s tentative attempt at such a takedown…or not…

The rise of left-wing, anti-Trump fake news

Sounds promising doesn’t it?  But wait, don’t get too excited, this is the very partisan, anti-Trump BBC we’re talking about here.  Yes we’re told it’s not just the rather ‘uneducated’ filth on the Right who consume and spread fake news, the Left do as well.  But wait….whilst the Right are stupid and ignorant, and are being misled by that sinister underground cabal of neo-Nazis who are manufacturing all this fake news, the Left are merely victims of their own emotions…they are scared, overwhelmed by the Trumpian and Brexit steamroller, worried about the future because it just can’t ever be good can it?…They only share the fake news, not due to a deliberate attempt to fool and mislead people, not some Machiavellian plot to subvert the news and steal elections, but because they are so emotional and want to share their grief and concerns with like-minded souls so that they can unite to fight this evil….

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“Many people on the left right now are feeling overwhelmed and fearful and unsure of what’s going to happen next. While they’re scrolling through their information feeds at speed on small mobile phones their critical functions are not kicking in, and they’re seeing information that makes them feel immediately connected with other people who think similarly to them. And without doing the usual checks that they would do, they’re sharing and very quickly passing on similarly false and problematic content that we were seeing before the election.”

Brooke Binkowski, who is managing editor at Snopes website, warns newsreaders to stay aware of the emotions they feel when consuming content.

“If you are a newsreader or someone who likes reading news but you don’t know immediately what may or may not be fake, ask yourself by reading the headline, what emotions do I feel? Am I really angry, scared, frustrated, do I want to share this to tell everybody what’s going on? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then check your sources.”

Yes that’s right kids, if you’re left-wing you can excuse your dissemination of fake news by claiming you have PTSD and need a shoulder to cry on whilst the Righties are just evil bastards plotting the downfall of civilisation as we know it.

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Good old BBC…must be the shock of Brexit and Trump that makes you spread so much junk news around the airwaves….it’s all a nightmare right?  It can’t possibly get any worse!


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The Great Bore War


The BBC can’t seem to help itself, especially as it doesn’t have to be balanced anymore according to Nick Robinson, it pumps out endless alarmist nonsense about a Far-Right on the brink of power along with fantastical tales of how secret internet warriors stole the election for Trump…and Brexit.  The BBC is going mad.  All sense of reality and perspective have vanished to be replaced with the very thing it agitates and rails against….prejudiced, partisan and highly subjective comment with very little connection to the truth….fake news in other words.

BBC Trending is always at the fore of the daftness, forever looking for hidden racism and inventing significance where there is none.  Look at its latest great scoop…

How The ‘Great Meme War’ Moved To France

A group of anonymous keyboard warriors who claim they helped Donald Trump win his presidency have moved their fight to Europe and are trying to help elect a right wing leader for France.

Conversations in secret online messaging forums reveal a systematic effort to sway opinion in favour of a right-wing leader in this year’s forthcoming elections.

There is, according to the BBC, a vast underground Far-Right network conspiring and collaborating to ‘steal’ the French election…hmmm…even if there was a group of right-wing activists that was promoting right-wing politics [see how a different use of language changes perspective suddenly]  I fail to see why that is such a problem…isn’t that just democracy in action rather than a sinister plot to undermine the election?  It is the BBC that is the problem not these free and independent activists….the BBC after all does not create a witch-hunt against similar left-wing groups doing exactly the same….nor of course does it check its own reporting for ‘memes’.

The two BBC ‘journalists’ sexing up this story quite possibly have a personal problem with what they think is the Far-Right and anyone who wants to control immigration….one, , clearly doesn’t do any homework and is more than ready to promote a ‘meme’ herself if it suits her own prejudices such as in this story….

Muslim woman’s cheeky selfie with anti-Islam group goes viral

Yep….another one of those ‘heroic Muslim women’ [ala the one in the infamous photo recently] who aren’t all the BBC cracks them up to be….did Subedar know her heroine tweeted stuff like this?

Belgium selfie story Trending 2012 tweet

Such a cheeky woman eh?  Curious that the BBC is always so supportive of those who want to wipe Israel and its inhabitants off the map [going so far as to make a whole series promoting such an idea….‘a ‘smart bomb’ delivered into thousands, if not millions, of homes around the world bearing not high explosives but a poisonous message….a message delivered by the BBC on behalf of Hamas, Fatah and all those who wish to ‘wipe Israel off the map’.] and have little concern for Jews being forced out of Europe…until it is someone of the Far-Right who says something anti-semitic…then the BBC is very, very concerned all of a sudden.   Oh…and let’s have the Balen Report published…does it say BBC News Kills Jews?

The BBC itself engages in political activism intended to influence elections and policy, this attack on the Right is in fact part of that….an attempt to undermine, malign and deligitimise the Right so that people turn away from them and vote for a more left-wing candidate.  The BBC that fills the airwaves with outraged voices and invented tales of the Russians hacking the US election, and indeed possibly even the Brexit referendum, is the same BBC that spent two years abusing Trump, calling him a racist, a sexist, an Islamophobe, a madman, and all so that their own favoured candidate, Clinton, would have a better chance.   Is that not interference in the US election?  If not what is?

The BBC of course is still at it, still pumping out the abuse and the conspiracy theories about Trump and Brexit hoping to unseat them both…here’s two videos from the supposedly flagship BBC Newsnight programme that are pretty typical of the BBC’s output….just abuse, arrogance, contempt and denial….they are paft of the BBC’s very own ‘Great Meme War’…. a war against the Right…….





And here’s another which once again tries to keep alive the idea that Trump and Putin are in it together…pure fantasy…no facts just prejudiced opinion…the first few seconds show what the BBC has been doing for years itself…the ‘post-modern’ philosophy, rewriting history, denying there is any one truth, insisting everything is relative and that nothing is better than anything else…especially ‘civilisations’ or political systems…all intended to overthrow the Established order….now apparently being used by a ‘new breed of leaders to entrench their authority’…Trump and Putin of course….oh my, politicians now using propaganda, half-truths and outright lies to further their aims….blimey O’Reilly…how did this happen?…gotta be that damned interwebby thing [close it down!!!]…..let’s get back to pre-2016 and the golden age of honest, truthful and sincere politicians…

Jewish Settlers…just undocumented migrants surely


Thanks to Stewgreen for the link to the NUJ’s guidelines on how journalists should report on race.

This piece of advice provoked a thought…..

‘A fairer term to use for someone who has outstayed their visa is “undocumented” or “irregular”.’

Hmmm…but the BBC uses the term to describe illegal immigrants and not people who overstay their visa…who wouldn’t be migrants as such.

And why aren’t Israeli settlers ‘undocumented migrants’ in the BBC’s eyes? What’s the difference between the Jewish settlers flooding into the West Bank and the Mexican settlers flooding into the US? Is it just that they are Jewish? BBC anti-Semitism? Must be.

Oh, and actual ‘illegal immigrants’ should not be called ‘undocumented’ but ‘refused’…

Don’t use terms such as “bogus”, “illegal” or “failed” asylum seeker. If necessary, use “refused” asylum seeker instead.

That’s assuming of course that they have been caught in the first place.

Then there’s this…

‘Use the term “immigrant” with caution, it is still wrongly used to describe people born in Britain. Asylum seeker, refugee or EU migrant worker? Get the terminology right. Asylum seeker is a person who has left their home country as a political refugee and is seeking asylum in another country. A refugee is someone who was an asylum seeker but who has now been granted refugee status.An EU migrant worker is someone who has moved to the UK to work. Their stay in the UK may be temporary or longer term.’

The BBC mixes in economic migrants with refugees and calls them all ‘refugees’…even acknowledging this but deciding, off their own bat, as this is not a UN definition of refugee, that because they face a level of poverty in their own land they are seeking ‘asylum’ from that poverty…thus they are really asylum seekers despite being purely economic migrants….so let’s let the whole world in because the BBC journalists make it up as they go along to suit themselves and their own liberal elitist agenda.

‘Get the terminology right‘?  LOL






Lies, Spies and Very Few ‘Whys’


It is worth noting that a report from FCO Services highlighted that no DDOS attack was ongoing at the
 time of the incident.

Lessons learned


The government tells us that the voter registration process for the Brexit referendum was not ‘hacked’ and that the crash of the registration site was due to unprecedented demand…so why is the BBC giving a claim that the system was hacked such high credibility and prominence when even in the MP’s report it is a very minor claim coming after a long explanation of why the system actually crashed?…Why is this the claim that the BBC zeros in on?….

Brexit vote site may have been hacked, MPs say in report

A voter registration site that crashed in the run-up to last year’s EU referendum could have been targeted by a foreign cyber attack, MPs say.

The “register to vote” site crashed on 7 June last year just before the deadline for people to sign up to vote.

The UK government and electoral administrators blamed a surge in demand after a TV debate.

But MPs on the parliamentary Public Administration Committee say a foreign cyber attack could not be ruled out.

The MP’s evidence for that?…

Although the Committee has no direct evidence, it considers that it is important to be aware of the potential for foreign interference in elections or referendums. The report on lessons learned from the website crash described it as “technical in nature, gaps in technical ownership and risk management contributed to the problem, and prevented it from being mitigated in advance”.  However the crash had indications of being a DDOS (distributed denial of service) ‘attack’.

No, no it didn’t…there were no indications of a DDOS attack and the MPs provide absolutely none to back up that claim….a claim that the government itself denies…..

It is worth noting that a report from FCO Services highlighted that no DDOS attack was ongoing at the  time of the incident.

The BBC itself acknowledges that and yet puts the claim up in the headline…

“There is no evidence to suggest malign intervention. We conducted a full review into the outage and have applied the lessons learned. We will ensure these are applied for all future polls and online services.”

Cybersecurity experts are sceptical.

“I think there’s lots of conjecture,” says Ollie Whitehouse at NCC Group. “It appears to be one committee’s opinion but with no supporting evidence.

The MP’s only ‘evidence’ is pure speculation…

‘…it’s not unreasonable, given there’s quite a lot of this going on in other countries, that this could have happened in this case.”

Despite all that being nonsense the BBC still gives credence to the idea in its summing up…

The committee called on the government to set up a new Cyber Security Centre to monitor and contain potential attacks on UK elections and referendums – particularly foreign attempts to influence public opinion and disrupt the democratic process.

“The US and UK understanding of ‘cyber’ is predominantly technical and computer-network based,” said the report.

“For example, Russia and China use a cognitive approach based on understanding of mass psychology and of how to exploit individuals.

“The implications of this different understanding of cyber-attack, as purely technical or as reaching beyond the digital to influence public opinion, for the interference in elections and referendums are clear,” the report added.

Legend will slowly become ‘fact’ as the BBC knows full well and this no doubt will be the subject of many a BBC programme with the presenters pushing the idea, keep spreading doubt and confusion, that this was ‘possibly’ a cyber attack whatever the evidence may show in an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of Brexit….just as the New European is doing…

Hacked off: Did Russia or China try to influence Brexit vote?

A voter registration website that crashed in the run-up to the Brexit vote may have been brought down by foreign hackers.

The Commons Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (PACAC) said it was deeply concerned about the allegations of foreign interference in last year’s EU referendum vote.

While the committee did not identify who may have been responsible, it noted that both Russia and China use an approach to cyber attacks based on an understanding of mass psychology and of how to exploit individuals.

The warning comes amid repeated claims that Russia has sought to interfere in foreign elections, including last year’s US presidential election.

The official voter registration website on crashed June 7 last year just hours before the deadline for people to sign up to vote in the referendum.

The BBC et al knows well the time honoured practice of telling a big lie often and loudly until it becomes fact.

The BBC is busy doing what it does best…undermining democracy…the enemy of the people?  I’d say so.



Even the Guardian…..

The truth is that immigration was not inevitable on the scale on which it took place, and that its effects have ranged from the pleasing – more ethnic food – to the positive – more cultural diversity – to the truly terrible – race riots, social tension, terrorist attacks.


Even the Guardian, in 2009, admitted immigration is a risky and unnecessary experiment…

Immigration on the scale that Europe has experienced constitutes a risky experiment to which we need not have submitted ourselves, and of which the final result is not yet clear….. we frequently talk about it in stupid and dishonest ways.

In a week in which the European election results have shown the potency of the anti-immigrant vote in many countries, including Britain, Christopher Caldwell’s contention that immigration has not only changed Europe but revolutionised it has a topical plausibility. Immigration, he says, and above all Muslim immigration, has planted in the heart of a weak and confused civilisation communities, rapidly growing in number, that have already changed Europe to suit their needs and beliefs. And the chances are, he insists, that in the future we will bend to their will rather than that they will bend to ours.

Rightwing rubbish? Caldwell cannot be so easily dismissed.

Where he is right is in underlining the fact that immigration was encouraged by elites who took a ludicrously short-sighted view of its costs and consequences. The idea was to prop up industries already in decline and, later, to staff industries, such as health and tourism, the full cost of which our societies refused (and continue to refuse) to pay. The manning of underpaid and menial positions could be maintained only by a constant influx of new migrants, since people in established migrant communities either got better jobs or chose, like many in the native white population, to depend on the welfare state and to have no jobs at all. More recently, immigration has been defended as a way of making up for falling birth rates when, as Caldwell points out, it would have to be multiplied an unfeasibly large number of times to have that effect.

This inherently unstable and dysfunctional system was set in motion, in other words, for no good reason. Those who started it off did not foresee how big it would become, nor the mechanisms of family reunion and arranged marriages that would drive it on even when restrictions were belatedly imposed. Most of them did not imagine, says Caldwell, that the newcomers would “retain the habits and cultures of southern villages, clans, marketplaces, and mosques”.

He is right to argue that immigration on the scale that Europe has experienced constitutes a risky experiment to which we need not have submitted ourselves, and of which the final result is not yet clear. He is right that we frequently talk about it in stupid and dishonest ways.