Should he get to Number 10, he said simply, he would not press the nuclear button.
Think of it this way: Corbyn declared to Britain’s potential enemies that with him in charge they could disregard a multi-billion pound weapon system.
BBC 2015
Apparently Corbyn has made a massive ‘bombshell’ u-turn on his nuclear weapons policy…once an ardent, fanatical nuclear disarmer and someone who would never, ever press the button he would in fact now use them, he would press the button if Britain were attacked. The BBC hasn’t noticed. Apparently this has always been his policy and there’s nothing new here. Or he’s lying to win votes…and again the BBC makes no comment on his exploitation of ‘fake news’ and post-truth politics’….free ride to No 10 from the BBC?

Corbyn is even anti-nuclear power stations having said so in 2011..
“I say no nuclear power, decommission the stations we’ve got”.
The Conservatives have said Corbyn’s position on nuclear weapons is a threat to national security and thus he is unfit to be in office as PM. Nick Robinson says the Tories are ‘smearing’ Corbyn with such a claim. Robinson said Corbyn had a legitimate argument and that the Tory claim was thus a smear….Corbyn is perfectly entitled to his position but then his opponents are also entitled to comment on that…aren’t they? Apparently not according to Nick Robinson who is obviously suggesting that the Tory argument is thus not legitimate.
Trouble is it’s a claim that Corbyn’s own party must agree with as they back Trident.
And what of that slippery phrase now being used by Corbyn, that he wouldn’t use a ‘first strike’? He used it on Marr and Marr did not blink, and Humphrys on the Today show, despite noting that Corbyn had previously said he wouldn’t use nuclear weapons, quoted the ‘first strike’ phrase without comment on the importance of that phrase and Corbyn’s slippery u-turn….the significance of which can be ascertained by the way the Labour man immediately jumped in saying ‘You’ve hit the nail on the head…he wouldn’t use it as a first strike’...leaving open the suggestion that he would use it as retaliation….when he would not, ever. Post-truth politics?
Here’s Marr not reacting at all to the ‘bombshell’ u-turn in Corbyn’s position that he now would use nuclear weapons…just not as a first strike…
Why did neither Marr nor Humphrys challenge that positioning by Corbyn? Corbyn would never, never, use nuclear weapons and to imply he might is utterly dishonest.
The BBC hides the story about Corbyn’s nuclear stance on the politics page….why is such an important story not on the frontpage, or maybe even just on the UK page? But no, you have to dig into the politics page to find it…
Speaking to Andrew Marr on BBC One, Mr Corbyn – a long-standing opponent of nuclear weapons – said he would never launch a “first strike” attack as prime minister and wanted to de-escalate global tensions, working with other countries including the US, Russia and Iran.
But hang on, is that a massive u-turn or a convenient lie?…he has made his views quite plain in the past…here’s his own Stop the War Coalition praising his position…
The new leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, has sparked a political firestorm by challenging the myths around nuclear weapons and Cold War deterrence. Corbyn announced that he would never use a nuclear weapon.
Here’s the Guardian reporting his stance…
And here is the BBC itself reporting his ‘never, ever’ position…
It did not take a debate, within Labour or the House of Commons. A few words on the Today programme did the trick.
Should he get to Number 10, he said simply, he would not press the nuclear button.
Think of it this way: Corbyn declared to Britain’s potential enemies that with him in charge they could disregard a multi-billion pound weapon system.
“I am opposed to the use of nuclear weapons. I am opposed to the holding of nuclear weapons. I want to see a nuclear-free world. I believe it is possible.
“I do not think we should be renewing Trident.”
Pretty clear isn’t it? Under no circumstances would Corbyn, the terrorist sympathiser, ever press the nuclear button.
Why is the BBC now pushing all that down the memory hole and peddling Corbyn’s new ‘not a first strike’ pose as if this was his policy all along with nothing unusual going on, nothing to see here?
It’s a lie. A lie intended to con the British public into thinking Corbyn can be trusted to defend British interests and maintain our security when in fact he has no intention of doing so and would happily surrender to the first threat in order to avoid any bloodshed at all. And the BBC is backing that position by not challenging his lie and the subterfuge that he might use nuclear weapons if attacked….he would never use them, he has said so many times.
Shame the BBC has forgotten….a massive apparent policy u-turn by Corbyn in order to fool the voters and win an election…where is the BBC’s famed ‘Reality Check’ where are the cries of ‘Fake News’? There came none….just as there came none when Corbyn completely fabricated a story about there being no seats on a train in order to bolster his Marxist drive to nationalise the railways.