The Now Show, so yesterday, so bigoted, prejudiced, lazy, stereotyping, lame, cowardly. Only for very small-minded [in all senses] Guardian readers. Punt and Dennis give Alf Garnett a run for his money. It’s just unfortunate that the BBC clearly sees a long future for such drivel as they’ve recruited a new comedian, an 18 year old whose got cerebral palsy…I had thought his long anti-Trump rants were a result of drink but no, it’s cerebral palsy….that’s his own joke, suck it up….I’m being inclusive in my abuse.
When he wasn’t droning on about Trump being orange or his hair or his racism or his….whatever….he told us of his shock at seeing a page on Facebook [the new ‘Daily Mail’ anti-Christ for the BBC] that asked why we can’t all go around in KKK hoods if Muslims can wear Burkas. Apparently our comedic young friend thinks this is racist, so racist in fact that even a racist would think it is racist because obviously you just can’t compare the two….the KKK is much less frightening….no?
An ideology that says kill Christians and Jews, that says fight the unbeliever until Islam reigns supreme, that says kill gay people, that says kill apostates, that stones adulterers to death, that thinks it’s OK to beat your wife, that says you can keep slaves, that you can keep sex slaves, that you can use your slaves as prostitutes, that you can behead, crucify, chop off hands and feet, of criminals, that makes women but not men wear the veil, that makes women second class citizens…an ideology that has kept much of the world in the Dark Ages for a thousand years…..many would say that the KKK might actually be the more enlightened by comparison…and that Islam is not a race….so it’s not racism to criticise Islam…however as David pointed out the BBC seems to think it is…the only question they think is what punishment should be dished out for such ‘blasphemy’.
Now that quandary sounds familiar….for Islam is in no doubt that Gays should be killed…the only question is how…whether to throw them off a tall place, burn them, or to stone them to death….only quoting the much respected and moderate Muslim scholar, Yusuf Qaradawi.
Jake Wallis Simons Retweeted
Zac Goldsmith Retweeted BBC Asian Network
Next week on the BBC; “what is the correct punishment for being gay?”
Zac Goldsmith added,
Mr Qaradawi’s rulings are recognised by Muslims around the world as reflecting the balanced nature of Islamic law and its relevance to modern life. This is the recurrent theme of his programmes on Arab television channels, as well as the popular Islam Online website, for which he acts as patron.
When most Muslims look to Mr Qaradawi, they see a shining example of moderation: in its Islamic meaning. To us, being a moderate Muslim means to practise the religion faithfully, according to its letter and its spirit….if he is an extremist, who is there left to be moderate?
The real question of course is ‘Is Islam compatible with the West’s civilisation?’ The next question might be is it wise to have Muslim activists in positions where they can spread their fundamentalist messages, either in the media or in government office, or in civil society organisations. Was it a mistake to appoint to the Chair of the Tory party, and make her a government minister, someone who proposed arming the terrorist group /Hamas and the disarming of Israel? What hope is there?…Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Minister Ahmed Hussen. BBC’s head of religion, twice…Muslim.
The CIA says…‘Britain is an Islamist swamp. You don’t want to have to spend time spying on your friends.’ But they do.
As far as our closest ally is concerned, Britain is not part of the
problem, Britain is the problem. Bruce Riedel, a former CIA officer and
Middle East expert on the NSC for three presidents, who has just been
appointed to head Barack Obama’s overhaul of Afghan strategy, told me:
‘The 800,000 or so British citizens of Pakistani origin are regarded by
the American intelligence community as perhaps the single biggest threat
environment that they have to worry about.’