It is increasingly difficult to distinguish this strife from a war of religions or a conflict of civilizations.
Interesting what informs and interests Clinton’s foreign policy [much the same as what informs BBC journalism in fact]….not Israel friendly at all…and Islamophobia is apparently a plot by a ‘cabal’…have a look at this email sent by her referencing a piece by Max Blumenthal…..
Erupting so many years after the September 11th trauma, this spasm of anti-Muslim bigotry might seem oddly timed and unexpectedly spontaneous. But think again: it’s the fruit of an organized, long-term campaign by a tight confederation of right-wing activists and operatives who first focused on Islamophobia soon after the September 11th attacks, but only attained critical mass during the Obama era. It was then that embittered conservative forces, voted out of power in 2008, sought with remarkable success to leverage cultural resentment into political and partisan gain. This network is obsessively fixated on the supposed spread of Muslim influence in America. Its apparatus spans continents, extending from Tea Party activists here to the European far right. It brings together in common cause right- wing ultra-Zionists, Christian evangelicals, and racist British soccer hooligans. It reflects an aggressively pro-Israel sensibility, with its key figures venerating the Jewish state as a Middle Eastern Fort Apache on the front lines of the Global War on Terror and urging the U.S. and various European powers to emulate its heavy-handed methods.
And this from an ex-US Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr. that blames all the world’s ills on the creation of Israel and the US support for it…
There can be no doubt about the importance of today’s topic. The ongoing conflict in the Holy Land increasingly disturbs the world’s conscience as well as its tranquility. The Israel-Palestine issue began as a struggle in the context of European colonialism. In the post-colonial era, tension between Israelis and the Palestinians they dispossessed became, by degrees, the principal source of radicalization and instability in the Arab East and then the Arab world as a whole. It stimulated escalating terrorism against Israelis at home and their allies abroad. Since the end of the Cold War, the interaction between Israel and its captive Palestinian population has emerged as the fountainhead of global strife. It is increasingly difficult to distinguish this strife from a war of religions or a conflict of civilizations. For better or ill, my own country, the United States has played and continues to play the key international part in this contest. American policies, more than those of any other external actor, have the capacity to stoke or stifle the hatreds in the Middle East and to spread or reverse their infection of the wider world……Its concept of a “peace process” has therefore become the handmaiden of Israeli expansionism rather than a driver for peace.
For more than four decades, Israel has been able to rely on aid from the United States to dominate its region militarily and to sustain its economic prosperity. It has counted on its leverage in American politics to block the application of international law and to protect itself from the political repercussions of its policies and actions. Unquestioning American support has enabled Israel to put the seizure of ever more land ahead of the achievement of a modus vivendi with the Palestinians or other Arabs. Neither violent resistance from the dispossessed nor objections from abroad have brought successive Israeli governments to question, let alone alter the priority they assign to land over peace. Ironically, Palestinians too have developed a dependency relationship with America. This has locked them into a political framework over which Israel exercises decisive influence. They have been powerless to end occupation, pogroms, ethnic cleansing, and other humiliations by Jewish soldiers and settlers. Nor have they been able to prevent their progressive confinement in checkpoint-encircled ghettos on the West Bank and the great open-air prison of Gaza.
Absolutely no doubt whose side Freeman is on….let’s hope Clinton’s interest in his thoughts was merely academic.
As Jews are fleeing Europe due to mostly Muslim terrorism [as Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta, admits], if Israel is wiped out as so many wish, where will the Israeli Jews flee to?
In the Banlieuerepublik Deutschland, a Jew runs into the US Embassy, grabs the Ambassador by the lapels and yells, “You’ve got to help me escape!” “Calm down,” replies the diplomat. “Here’s a map of Europe. Just pick any European country without a sizeable Muslim population, and I’ll make sure you can go there.” The Jew turns the map around and back, studying it from close by and from afar, finally asking the Ambassador, “Would you have another map for me?”
Euroweenieland is rapidly turning into a continent-sized no-go area for visibly Jewish Jews. Little wonder that former EU Commissioner Frits Bolkestein has warned them to get out now they still can. The vast majority of anti-Jewish incidents and attacks are attributable to Western Europe’s Muslim population – despite all the maliciously obfuscating MSM efforts to somehow pin the blame on the Far Right. The same goes for gay-bashing .html.
Gay-bashers thrive in modern-day Netherlands
If you think Amsterdam is the gay capital of Europe, you’re half-right, but 10 years out of date. Today it’s the gay-bashing capital of Europe.
Because Amsterdam isn’t just gay. Now it’s Muslim, too. A million Moroccans and Turks have immigrated to the Netherlands, and sharia law rules the streets.
If you doubt it, then you haven’t been paying attention. Actually, that’s not fair. Gay-bashing is front-page news only when it’s committed by a straight, white male.
The media is terribly uncomfortable writing about gay-bashing by minorities. It’s the same reason why Canadian feminists are so eerily quiet about honour killings of Muslim girls.
According to an “offender study” by the University of Amsterdam, there were 201 reports of anti-gay violence in that city in 2007 – and researchers believe for every reported case there are as many as 25 unreported ones. Two thirds of the predators are Muslim youths.