The BBC cannot help itself. Each day, it cries its Remainer Brexit tears and looks for consolation, anywhere it can find it. So the pro-EU pro Remain Sunday Telegraph is a friendly source on this occasion;

Boris Johnson has defended his writing of a pro-EU article days before he publicly backed Brexit, saying the article was “semi-parodic” and the UK’s decision to leave was right. In a newspaper column drafted in February, and now published by the Sunday Times, he suggested staying in the EU would be a “boon for the world”. Mr Johnson says he was “wrestling with the issue” at the time and was merely trying to make the “alternative case”.

Now then, Boris being two faced is perhaps a story (or not) but the BBC in their infinite wisdom elevate to the lead story in their news feed. Along with them propagating the whole fantasy “Soft Brexit vs Hard Brexit” the BBC continues to show contempt for the will of the British people.

The massive EU power grab….Don’t you think you should have your say?




Seven times Cameron and Osborne suggested they might vote Leave


Funny what interests the BBC.  And what doesn’t.

Their top headline today…an old story from a couple of weeks ago being rehashed by the Times to keep the story bubbling…and the BBC obliges…

The pro-EU Times and Sunday Times are bashing away at Boris and the BBC is on it like a tramp on chips.  Did you know Boris gave a great deal of thought to the subject of whether or not to leave the EU, that he weighed the evidence and came to a conclusion?  A conclusion the BBC curiously ignores as it tears into him for considering all the options.  Reckless, thoughtless, cunning old Boris.  The BBC has always tried to claim Boris’ Brexit stance was a ‘job application’ for the leadership of the Tory Party…an analysis somewhat undermined by the way he so easily gave up the chance to stand and the fact that he has always been a Eurosceptic should the BBC have cared to check.  Strange, in contrast, how the BBC makes so little of Cameron’s resignation and the way he left the country in the lurch after leading it to this ‘disastrous’ and ‘ruinous’ Brexit.  The BBC seem more interested in attacking Boris for having considered the options than the reality of Cameron’s actions and never mind what Boris actually, finally supported.

What is important to the BBC is what Boris might have done rather than what he actually did.  A very odd way of ‘reality checking’ the world.  All aimed, of course, at discrediting Boris and thus undermining Brexit…look you fools, you who voted Leave…Boris conned you, he tricked you… again!!

Odd though that the BBC utterly refused to remind us during the referendum campaign that both Project Fear orchestrators, Cameron and Osborne,  said that Britain could easily leave the EU if major reforms were not forthcoming…which they weren’t.


David Cameron: I’m ready to lead Britain out of Europe if migrant reforms fail


David Cameron says he will not rule out Britain leaving EU

“If we can’t reach such an agreement, and if Britain’s concerns were to be met with a deaf ear, which I do not believe will happen, then we will have to think again about whether this European Union is right for us. As I have said before – I rule nothing out.”


‘Asked if he[Osborne] could imagine calling for the UK to leave the EU, if he did not get what he wanted, he said: “We don’t rule anything out.”‘

During the campaigning for the referendum the BBC neglected to highlight Cameron’s and Osborne’s previous comments even as they changed tack and told us leaving the EU would see the onset of an economic apocalypse…the BBC didn’t see fit to question that at all….in fact they did everything they could to push that message.

Which brings us to Stephen Glover in the Mail last week, and other ‘right-wing’ commentators who have claimed that the BBC was even-handed in the referendum campaign.

What planet have they been on?  We’ve looked at this previously.

Interesting to see several ‘right-wing’ commentators suggest that the BBC is giving us a balanced view of the EU referendum…and yet it’s just not true.  Certainly there have been many debates and interviews that give the suggestion of balance but comparing them the Remain camp gets an easy ride and the underlying tone of the BBC narrative is pro-Remain…very uncritical of Remain’s claims…such as Brexit will cause a new world war, that Brexit is based on the racist hatred of foreigners or that the economy will plunge off a cliff on Brexit…where is the ‘Reality Check’ on the latest ‘Treasury’ claims?  The BBC pushes those claims as fact…the language used is intended to make them sound credible and authoritative…the ‘treasury analysis’ sounds scientific rather than the obedient regurgitation of the Treasury’s boss’s (ie Osborne) words and Osborne ‘warns’ rather than ‘claims’…altogether more dramatic and intense than a mere ‘claim’.

Glover suggests that the BBC was ‘laudibly impartial during the referendum’……nothing further from the truth than that…but he now sees that post-referendum the BBC has ‘reverted to type’…

What is indisputable is that the commendable balance which BBC journalists for the most part exhibited during the referendum campaign has been jettisoned, and replaced by an hysterical anti-Brexit partisanship which offends against the Corporation’s obligation to be neutral.

The transformation in the way Brexit was covered by the Beeb was evident soon after the result. Every bit of apparently bad news, such as initially declining business confidence, was gleefully reported, while abundant good news about consumers’ enduring confidence was largely neglected.

This of course is still going on as the fall in the currency is unremittingly painted as bad news, or bad news in the pipeline.

He finishes with this:

I believe that in taking sides Auntie is playing with fire. She justifiably remains for the most part popular and loved. But if she seen to obstruct the will of the majority by trying to undermine the result of the referendum, she risks ending up by being widely hated by Brexit supporters.

For its own sake, as well as the country’s, the BBC must recover that sense of fairness and balance which characterised its coverage of the referendum campaign. Why do I fear that it will fail to do so?

Indeed MP’s are already asking questions…

MPs condemn BBC’s biased covering following the referendum: Group write to director general to protest the number of pro-EU speakers 

Even pro-EU Dan Hodges thinks those who seek to undermine Brexit thwarting the will of the people will end in tears….

If you want a revolution, this is how to spark it. The people spoke on Brexit – but MPs stuck their fingers in their ears and ignored them. This could get nasty… 


Cameron said we should all have our say.  We’ve spoken.  And yet our so-called representatives in Parliament want to overturn our decision.

Majority of MPs in all 3parties want to stay in EU. They’re your democratically elected leaders. Voting Brexit overrules your own MPs

Pitchforks at the ready!!!





Sacred Delusions


The BBC is trying to pull the wool over our eyes again as it peddles more pro-Muslim propaganda that is meant to tell us that the Koran, and this is about the Koran and Islam, is meaningless and can be interpreted in many different ways….and therefore the people in the likes of ISIS can’t represent the authentic Islam as there is no authentic, single version of Islam.…that is the whole point of Islam…revealed to Muhammed as the last and authoritative scripture because the Jews and Chrisitians altered their scriptures, didn’t follow the teachings and split their religions into different sects all believing different things and worshipping in different ways….Muhammed famously smashed the idols, just as ISIS do, because Muslims worship just one God, one faith.

That is why Muslims waggle one finger at us…one god, one faith, one mosque…not a myriad of breakaway religions based on whatever you want to believe…the Koran is the unchangeable word of God and that means the meaning not just the words themselves. It is the one, single true guide to life for genuine Muslims.  ‘Muslims’, or people who call themselves Muslims, may practise ‘Islam’ in vastly different ways…but this makes them not genuinely ‘Muslim’.   Hence Ahmadis and Shi’ites are not considered Muslim by the ‘true’ Sunni Muslims.


Ep 1/4

Tuesday 18 October



Philosopher and cultural theorist Kwame Anthony Appiah argues that when considering religion we overestimate the importance of scripture and underestimate the importance of practice.

He begins with the complexities of his own background, as the son of an English Anglican mother and a Ghanaian Methodist father. He turns to the idea that religious faith is based around unchanging and unchangeable Holy Scriptures. He argues that over the millenia religious practice has been quite as important as religious writings. He provides examples from Jewish, Christian, Islamic and Buddhist texts to show that they are often contradictory and have been interpreted in different ways at different times, for example on the position of women and men in Islam. He argues that fundamentalists are a particularly extreme example of this mistaken scriptural determinism.

The Deluded and the Damned


Highly amusing watching the frantic death throes of the subservient EU lapdogs who desperately want to stay on Juncker’s leash.  Make no mistake though…it’s not a joke in reality, they fully intend to have that leash back on, have us all chipped and collared and back in the EU backyard doing tricks for the unelected elite.

They talk of ‘soft Brexit’ but this is nothing more than a lie, a cynical con to make us believe that we can have a Brexit and stay in the EU.  There is no such thing as ‘soft Brexit’….similalry talk of freedom of movement for a skilled group is equally deceptive…it is still giving control to the EU…and who defines skilled?  It will just open the door to a continual litany of complaints from Business and a watering down of the criteria to make them meaningless…and Brexit along with it….of course that is the intent.

Brexit was about one thing in the main and that was stopping freedom of movement, not stopping immigration full stop but giving us the ablity to decide who came here and who could then make use of our resources such as the NHS, schools and housing.

No stopping freedom of movement, no Brexit.  Therefore that is the one and only policy that is absolutely essential.  If we can’t then have access to the single market in its full, supposed glory, then so be it.  The Remain camp are now trying to insist nobody voted to leave the single market but that’s precisely what they did vote for in effect.  But let’s not forget that we will still be trading massively with Europe…Germany has huge markets here and Germany runs the EU….and the EU boasts that it is desperate for free trade with the whole world as it realises that 90% of trade is outside the EU.  Life and business will not stop when freed from the EU yoke.

The BBC doesn’t concern itself with the nuances of the EU debate such as sovereignty and political control, never mind the future of the EU as it heads relentlessly towards ever closer union and all that that entails…when do you hear the BBC talk of that?  Surely a massively important part of the debate during the referendum as it is still now…..Britain would inevitably have been dragged in but the consequences of that hardly register with the BBC.  In contrast Sturgeon’s bluster is given full credence and goes pretty much unchallenged…indeed the BBC seem to be actually reporting her words about an independence referendum as a fully plausible and democratic exercise…and the BBC fully accepts that ‘Scotland’ voted to stay in the EU and therefore it is only democratic for it to have a separate agreement allowing it, by some political trickery, to stay in the EU whilst the rest of the UK departs.

Let’s be clear, as the BBC doesn’t seem to want to think about this, the independence referendum was a vote to stay in Britain…and to do so come what may.  There were no clauses saying if this happens or that happens we get the option to rerun the vote if we don’t like the result of the EU referendum, which, was not a national, regional or party vote, it was a vote by Britain and it is totally irrelevant that so many in Scotland voted to stay in the EU.  Sturgeon’s premise is completely daft, not to mention dishonest and undemocratic….she says that Britain may have voted out but her small stub voted in so therefore she’s for in and will break away…OK…then in any independence vote, should it go the SNP way, any town, village, or cluster of residences in Scotland that vote to stay in the UK will be allowed to do so and breakaway from Scotland and remain ‘British’ citizens….that’s the logic of Sturgeon’s posturing…shame the BBC don’t tackle her on her undemocratic attempt to rig both an independence vote and Brexit.

Sturgeon isn’t the only one blowing smoke up their own backsides…the Don Quixote of the media world, Paul Mason, is back, and if he’s replacing Shameless Milne as Corbyn’s comms guru I think the Tories don’t have a thing to worry about.  Incredible that the BBC, knowing he was prone to such thoughts, employed him on Newsnight.

His latest on Brexit?   His answer as to how to win back all those Labour voters who have decamped to UKIP?

It’s up to the labour movement to rescue the elite from the self-inflected wound of Brexit.

With a vastly expanded membership, Labour is the de facto party of the urban salariat. Its heartland is Remainia – the cities that voted to stay in Europe. Its electoral battlegrounds are now places such as Bury, Nuneaton, Corby and Portsmouth, where the “centre” (as measured by the Lib Dem vote) has collapsed, to be replaced by thousands of Green voters and thousands more voting Ukip.

Labour can only attract back a million Green voters and hundreds of thousands of Ukip voters in winnable marginals with a combination of social liberalism and economic radicalism.

A new strategy – to combine social liberalism, multiculturalism and environmentalism with left-wing economic policies aimed at reviving the “communities left behind” – was, for me, always the heart of Corbynism. Jeremy Corbyn himself, whatever his personal strengths and weaknesses, was a placeholder for a political strategy.

Quite extraordinary.  Mason is utterly delusional.  All those UKIP voters…how to get them back?  A heady mix of communism, multiculturalism, enviromentalism and more tax and spend policies that work so well….not to mention….

The elite – the bankers, senior managers, the super-rich and the ­upper middle class – do not want Brexit. Nor does a significant proportion of Middle Britain’s managerial and investing classes.

The first aim should be: not just oppose hard Brexit, but prevent it. This entails the Labour front bench committing to an attempt to remain inside the European Economic Area.

So Mason promotes Labour as the party of the elite and the unelected, undemocratic and bullying EU and aims to do their bidding by stopping Brexit.

Gotta love Mason, he’s such good value….all those clowns running around with chainsaws and baseball bats have nothing on the real tragic, self-destructive comedy that Labour has become.



Cooking the books


Had to laugh this morning as the Today programme discussed the important topic of fussy eating in children and after an indepth discussion of chicken disguised as apple the presenter suddenly turned to one of the contributors, Annabel Karmel, who runs a children’s food company, and completely at random and off topic suddenly asked her if her company was being destroyed by Brexit and the drop in the pound….well…not quite as bluntly as that but you get the idea….a very pointed question.

Yesterday we had another discussion, this time on that very topic with the drop in the pound actually being given a positive spin by the contributors as the presenter struggled to get them on-message and tell us all about the negatives as well.  Eventually she got one to do the necessary…and you could hear the contributor laughing as she did so….yep, prices will go up as the pound falls.  You got the distinct impression that she was only saying what she knew she had been brought on to say as she laughed her way through it…You got the idea that the presenter was sat there mouthing to her and gesticulating to her to keep going, keep it up….pound down, prices up, Brexit apocalypse.

The drop in the pound can be good news for British manufacturers, including those of course who export to Europe…and those who sell at home as imports become more expensive making home grown products relatively cheaper.  So good for British manufacturers and sellers at home and abroad and good for British jobs….and the drop in the pound could more than cancel any rise in tariffs….supposing any were to be imposed…the EU is after all very, very keen to have tariff free trade with the whole world not just EU countries.   And as for freedom of movement…that is purely a political exercise and nothing to do with economics….the purpose to undermine national identity and loyalty to the nation state….to be replaced by a Euro Citizen loyal to the EU….

The Treaty of Maastricht introduced the notion of EU citizenship to be enjoyed automatically by every national of a Member State. It is this EU citizenship that underpins the right of persons to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States…..the Schengen area is ‘one of the major achievements of European integration’.

Always amusing to hear how BBC presenters rush to qualify such good news and warn us the good times cannot last but don’t react with similar qualifications to bad news.

After Brexit the BBC was issuing dire warnings that food prices would sky rocket…hmmmm…July’s news?

Food prices in ‘biggest fall’ for a year in June

But of course Brexit would put an end to that soon enough……er…September?

Sainsbury’s sales slip as food prices continue to fall

Maybe next month eh?


Remarkable how the BBC are so concerned about the globalisation of corporate tax and the free flowing of taxable income to low-rate States to minimise taxes and yet now they are not at all concerned about the same big corporations globalising labour, dumping local workers when it suits and importing cheaper labour to replace them or shifting work to low pay countries in order to minimise wages, in fact the BBC celebrates and supports this as it promotes freedom of movement of low cost labour in order to stay in the EU.

Kinda get the feeling that workers’ welfare, jobs and wages are not the real concern of the BBC….far, far more to do with the well-heeled Euro life-styles of the BBC cosmopolitan set continuing than about Joe Blogs being undercut for building jobs.







In the mock soup

We’ll mock Jesus but not Mohammed, says BBC boss


Gymnast Louis Smith is being intimidated, bullied and made the subject of serious hate crimes as Muslims make death threats to him every day and the BBC decides it is appropriate to join in and suggest he is racist and ‘Islamophobic’.

In an interview with Emma Barnett on 5Live he was hung out to dry.  When asked if he was Islamophobic he said he didn’t know what that meant.  Barnett helped him out by saying it can be ‘hateful, or mocking or taking the mickey, it can be many things.’   No, no it is not…it is a very particular word invented by a white, Islamophile, academic who forged it in order to create a new ‘offence’ and a word that could be used, like ‘Racist’, to label, shame and scare people deemed ‘Islamophobic’ into silence.

Smith has been intimidated and bullied and the interview just accepted that what he did was ‘shameful’ and wrong rather than just normal highjinks that signify nothing…though they do reveal a lot about Islam and many Muslims…even the ‘nice’ passive aggressive Muslims who forgave him….what is there to forgive?  The BBC dragged in an offended Muslim who told us that Smith’s action reflected the ignorance of the person doing such a thing….hmmm…no.  Smith showed he knew the very basics of the religion and one of the major characteristics of it as he shouted ‘Allah Akhbar’….and he was just having a laugh.  Barnett told us that far from just being one of those ‘silly things people do’ people [who?] ‘just can’t identify with that particular strain of humour’ [Smith’s]…hmmm…yes…yes they can.  Nice of Barnett to be so sanctimonious on behalf of Muslims.

Affter the interview the BBC chose clips of Smith apologising and saying it was a shameful thing he’d done…that has of course now had to be corrected as the truth of the matter comes out and the real crime, being perpetrated against Smith, is highlighted…as he faces daily death threats.

Let’s hope British Gymnastics has a bit of backbone and backs Smith and tells everyone else to do one.  Islam means submission……I suggest we all stop submitting to the Muslim intimidation and ‘blackmail’ and celebrate our own culture and values…such as freedom of speech and the freedom to insult or mock [if that was really what Smith was doing] all ideologies…especially those that claim to have been revealed to man over the course of 22 years by an angel whispering in his ear.  Even his own wife doubted that…especially as God always supported Muhammed in any argument…funny that.

The BBC of course has no problem not just mocking Christianity but seemingly doing everything it can to undermine, ridicule and discredit it….producing programmes that ‘will rock the foundations’ of the religion, never mind Jerry Springer…..and there’s the Vicar of Dibley, Rev and C4’s Father Ted.

Last year former BBC news anchor Peter Sissons said Christians are “fair game” for insults at the corporation, whilst Muslims must not be offended.

Mr Sissons, whose memoirs were serialised in the Daily Mail, said: “Islam must not be offended at any price, although Christians are fair game because they do nothing about it if they are offended.”

‘Citizen Khan’ is apparently a comedy great for the BBC…


After having crucified Smith as a racist Islamophobe Barnett then put all that aside and had a laugh and a giggle about Smith’s appearance on Strictly….suddenly he was wonderful.  What a bizarre interview.

Following the inquisition the BBC then moved onto hate crime figures just released that indicate, to the BBC, that Brexit was an exercise in ethnic cleansing.  More of which later.




Stop the War Coalition, the BBC…spot the difference

Con Coughlin in the Telegraph tells us…

If anyone is to blame for the appalling suffering of Aleppo, it is the Stop The War Coalition. For its relentless propaganda campaign – and downright lies – relating to the recent military campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan has achieved its goal of turning public opinion and parliament against initiating any further military interventions.

I think he is being very kind to the BBC as what he describes is the very essence of the BBC’s reporting over the last 13 years….He goes on…

And the remarks made by Seumas Milne, the Guardian journalist and leading Stop the War apologist who works as Jeremy Corbyn’s communications direction, in response to Mr Johnson’s question tell you all you need to know about where these left-wing activists are coming from.

The comments made by the likes of Mr Milne and his fellow travellers on the hard left might be reprehensible, but at least they have the virtue of exposing the Stop the War activists for what they really are: hard left fanatics who are committed to defending Britain’s enemies than those of Britain itself.

He states…

I often found myself left speechless by the bare-faced lies of the anti-war lobby, such as the claim that the 2003 invasion of Iraq had caused the deaths of one million people. This particular lie was made live on-air during a discussion programme on BBC 5 Live which went completely unchallenged by the moderator. (A more accurate figure for war-related fatalities in Iraq would be around the 100,000 mark).

Trouble is it wasn’t only the STWC peddling that figure, it was the BBC’s most senior journalist, John Humphrys, who stated uncategorically that the war had resulted in one million dead Iraqis…he also claimed that the ISG had not recommended a ‘surge’ of troops to defeat the insurgents [and he repeatedly insisted the Surge was failing…even before it had actually begun]…when it clearly stated exactly that course of action.  Humphrys of course was one of those involved in the most serious, and high profile, attack on the war by claiming, falsely, that Tony Blair had lied in the Dossier….the BBC completely ignored the fact that one of the world’s most respected weapons experts, David Kelly, said the dossier was entirely reasonable and said nothing more than the UN itself had declared…and that he himself supported the war as he recognised the danger Saddam presented to the world.

The BBC has fought a running campaign against the Iraq War and is siding with the terrorists as it repeatedly insists that events in Syria are the result of Iraq…rather than admitting the obvious truth that the war in Syria is the result of the Arab Spring and ISIS was allowed to bloom because Assad deliberately released its members from his prisons and allowed them to attack his enemies.

The BBC aids and abets the terrorists and runs a narrative that is entirely untrue and highly dangerous, not just for Syrians, but for the whole of Europe as it is flooded with refugees as a result of that war and the cowing of Western politicians by the likes of the BBC and who fear taking action, and for community cohesion in this country as the BBC spreads the lie that there is a war against Muslims.