Black, Slack and on Crack

Holmes revealed his sacking in a tweet in which he joked: 'And I didn't even punch a producer,' a reference to the reason behind Jeremy Clarkson's sacking by the BBC from Top Gear


The BBC loves to use the phrase ‘Male, pale and stale’, they laugh at how witty and right-on they are as they so casually use a phrase that is obviously a racist, sexist and ageist stereotype.  They wouldn’t after all use a phrase such as ‘Black, slack and on crack’ would they?

They would however sack you if you are hideously white….

BBC sacked me for being a white man… even though I work in radio: The Now Show comic was told he was being axed to make way for more women and diversity

Even Trevor Phillips isn’t impressed (Good old Lenny probably loves it though)…

Mr Phillips – former chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission – branded the decision to drop Mr Holmes on the grounds of positive discrimination ‘idiotic’.

It’s unbelievable – we’re talking about a person who has done some of the best work on radio  

He said: ‘They are misunderstanding what the point of the diversity drive was about. This sounds like somebody who is basically climbing their way up the greasy ladder and they think hiring black and Asian talent is part of what they have got to do to look good. 

‘But they don’t genuinely believe black or Asian people are as good as white people.’

Feel sorry for any Black, Asian or female offered a role on the Not Now Show….clearly people will think they are only there because of the BBC’s tick-box diversity project…there because of colour or sex not talent.

“You do well to weep like a woman for what you failed to defend like a man.”

Hungary Migrants Referendum



Orphaned baby is rescued from Aleppo rubble – leaving BBC presenter Kate Silverton in tears as she presents news


Heartwarming and touching isn’t it?  A BBC news presenter cries on air as a baby is pulled from the rubble in Aleppo.

Trouble is that baby wouldn’t have had to be pulled from the rubble if it weren’t for people like Silverton who mount massive anti-war campaigns whenever the sabres are rattling however just the cause and the result is Syria where Assad has been allowed to run riot, ISIS were literally set free by him to do their Islamic thing and Putin was given the chance to take control.


Image result for aylan kurdi

Not just the BBC of course…there’s Ed Miliband’s betrayal of the Syrians and refusal to do what he said he would back in 2013 and back military action has meant a war that could have been contained has spun out of control. The BBC’s refusal to broadcast the bombing of a school in Syria prior to the vote in Parliament was clearly political and a move designed to stop the vote being swayed by bloody facts on the ground…and now the same people who suppressed that news are crying at the result years on and millions of refugees later…including Aylan Kurdi who would still be alive now in all likelihood had it not been for the anti-war brigade…..Miliband runs for cover, provided by the likes of the BBC which has run a campaign against the Iraq War and piled on the pressure onto politicians for over a decade, as he tries to excuse his betrayal…

Labour leader Ed Miliband has said that ”Britain is learning the lessons of our past, including the lessons of Iraq.”

Yes lesson learned……

Image result for aylan kurdi

Had a no-fly zone been enforced and Assad’s tanks been kept in their barracks Assad would have been forced to negotiate and possibly made to step down, at the very least the aerial bombardment of civilians and the mass exodus would have been prevented.



“You do well to weep like a woman for what you failed to defend like a man.”



Russian and Syrian war planes have been accused of using incendiary devices on civilians 


The BBC likes nothing better than any propagandist story that urges the UK to take more of the denizens of the Calais Jungle. Such reports are always given the kid gloves treatment as is the case with this one.

Calais camp: Unicef urges UK to transfer refugee children

At no point does the BBC ask why the UK would want to give “sanctuary” to those already afforded such by France. Nor does it deal with the almost certainty that once they get these “children” here, the rest of the family will then claim a right to be with them so exponentially increasing numbers.

To add their own twist to the emotional blackmail being deployed by Unicef, the BBC throw in Raheemullah’s story.


Andrew Neil is my favourite BBC political presenter. He is usually fair and even handed and he is one of the “talent” that deserves his salary. So that made last night’s BBC THIS WEEK opening item on the US Presidential race all the more disappointing. Neil invited the openly partisan “financial guru” Alvin Hall  to provide the commentary and the gist was that Trump is ..yawns — appealing to angry racists and “has no plan” for being President. A discreet veil was drawn across the deplorable Clinton track record. The BBC want Clinton to win just as they wanted us to vote to Remain in the EU, just like they wanted a hung Parliament in 2015. So far the people have denied them their will and I sincerely hope that in November the BBC will be confounded with the defeat of Hillary Clinton and the successful election of Donald Trump. Andrew Neil should be ashamed of himself for playing along with the “nudge nudge wink wink” race baiting that was broadcast last night.


They move so effortlessly from Labour into the BBC. 

Former Labour culture secretary James Purnell has been chosen as the BBC’s new director of radio in a ‘highly unusual’ appointment say Conservative MPs. Replacing the incumbent Helen Boaden, Purnell is set to be unveiled as the next radio chief on Friday.

So we can look forward to the already horrifically biased BBC radio deepening its bias under the gaze of the former Labour Culture Secretary.  This is why I believe the BBC is way beyond the point of any possible reform. It extorts cash from us and then uses these billions to deploy those with an OBVIOUS political bias to direct its output. Labour and the BBC….


Sky Must Die


If you have been listening to the BBC’s coverage of the latest football scandal you may have noticed a constant theme that gets slipped into the discussion…that of ‘TV money’, not actually naming Sky of course, corrupting the beautiful game.

Is it just my imagination or is there an underlying line that the BBC is pushing…such as an attack on Sky?

Perhaps we could check out what the BBC’s outhouse journal and partner in so many crimes, the Guardian, says….

The Guardian view on football’s crisis: TV money is the root of the problem

Over the next few days more tales of football’s dirty deals are promised. The beautiful game will be besmirched.

Since television money flowed into the sport in the early 1990s, the Premier League has become less a local English affair and more a global one. That has some benefits: better facilities and bigger names on the pitch. However, with top-flight clubs owned by foreign investors and English players making up a third of Premier League teams, there is a feeling that English football is becoming detached from its roots. Such is the concern that Andy Burnham, the Labour mayoral candidate for football-mad Manchester, thinks a quota on foreign players is needed.

The television cash is largely swallowed up by players’ wages, managers’ contracts and agents’ fees. England’s team of millionaires being beaten by Iceland, whose top division is a part-time league, shows how little money is related to talent.

So really it’s not ‘TV money’ that’s the problem but immigration and free market failure?  The Guardian….such a racist rag.  But er…the Premier League is not the England Team….the market brings to the English league top players and managers from around the world….so not a market failure…it’s the failure of the footballing authorities to distribute the money and train the youngsters that if anything puts a hold on the development of many more English players.  Having said that do players from African or the Balkans or South American  have the money and facilities available to English players?  No.  So more to it than money.

But what does the Guardian think is the answer? A little bit of anti-capitalist [Murdoch] socialism and matches given free to the BBC….who’d a thunk?..

To correct this market failure, politicians should restrict the number of games broadcast on pay-TV and set aside some top matches for free-to-air TV. More people will watch the games. The BBC would be able to showcase an expression of national cultural identity. Commercial free-to-air channels could benefit from advertising. Highlights on the BBC draw millions more than a single match on pay-TV. With competition from free matches, TV deals will shrink. Clubs will reduce player salaries. The wealth of club owners and media tycoons will drop.

Guess Milne must already be back at the Guardian doing a fine job pushing the Corbyn new/old politics and helping out the lefty BBC on the way as well as attacking the old enemy, Murdoch.  Three for one, certainly getting value for money these days at the Guardian.







The BBC is running stories sympathetic to transexuals on a virtually daily basis.

“When lifelong Republican Jennifer Williams arrived at the party’s National Convention in Cleveland this summer, she felt nervous. Although she was excited to be an honorary delegate for New Jersey, she was worried about how others would respond to her.

She had attended many political events before this, including both of President George W Bush’s inaugurations, but this was to be her first party convention – and one of the first political gatherings she would attend as Jennifer.

As the sole transgender delegate at the event, so far as she could tell, she knew there was a possibility some would not welcome her with open arms.

“I was wary of my surroundings” she says.  “But I did allow myself extra time to find a less crowded bathroom whenever I could and always made sure to confidently smile and chat.”

This elevation of these poor mentally conflicted people is now a daily part of the BBC agenda.

Suit you sir


Guido is listing the runners and riders he thinks could replace Shameless Milne as Labour’s Director of Communications.  Would have thought the obvious choice would be Nick Robinson, already offered such a role by Labour before and who is doing a fine job suppressing criticism of Corbyn on the BBC, or of course someone as equally shameless and off the wall as Milne, James O’Brien, now also doing a fine job cheerleading for Corbyn.  Could explain a lot about his last outburst.

Then again nothing like having two Corbyn stooges in top jobs at one of the world’s most influential broadcasters.