Trotsky and Lenin believed that revolution in the West – in one of the key centers of capitalism – was necessary to secure the future of the international revolution. But they both also understood the importance of the revolts by those oppressed by colonialism and imperialism.
As Trotsky put it in 1919, while on the frontline with the Red Army, “The road to Paris and London lies via the towns of Afghanistan, the Punjab and Bengal”
You can add ‘Syria’ to that list now as Russia deliberately forces ever more Syrians to flee and head towards Europe in the hope that they will undermine and destabilise society there one way or another.
That Russia has been intentionally intensifying the migration crisis, ‘weaponising’ it, has been claimed for several weeks now.
The BBC ignored that except on one occasion when they acknowledged this was thought of as a problem by some (ie NATO) but NATO’s concerns were dismissed as a lot of unwarranted nervousness about the wonderful Russkies intentions.
The BBC finally caught up yesterday as they couldn’t ignore the explicit statement by a NATO general that Russia was using the migration crisis as a ‘weapon’……
Migrant crisis: Russia and Syria ‘weaponising’ migration
Russia and Syria are deliberately using migration as an aggressive strategy towards Europe, the senior Nato commander in Europe has said.
US Gen Philip Breedlove said they were “weaponising” migration to destabilise and undermine the continent.
He also suggested that criminals, extremists and fighters were hiding in the flow of migrants.
Blink though and its gone…nowhere in plain sight today on the website, a major story airbrushed from the news by the BBC…however they do have the entirely misleading (as you’ll see below) ‘Oh what a lovely (cold) war!’ still on its pages from several weeks ago.
The BBC do not want you to think that migration is a problem that will destroy Europe and you might just come to that conclusion, if you hadn’t already, if you understood that the Russians believed mass migration of Muslims into Europe would overwhelm and break Europe….therefore confirming your suspicions about the consequences of mass migration from Muslim countries.
When these suspicions were first raised a few weeks ago the BBC’s analysis of the situation was rather pro-Russian, or at least rather complacent as to the likelihood of the Russians posing any threat to Europe or the world…..
Oh, what a lovely (cold) war!
This is the BBC’s acknowledgement that there has been suspicions about Russia’s stealth attacks using migration and propaganda…but it is dismissed out of hand by the BBC reporter as ‘NATO getting it self in a spin’…presumably he thinks, about nothing.
Hybrid war?
Where is the threat of world war leading to nuclear annihilation?
Russia, it is said, potentially threatens the Baltic Republics. Nato has got itself in a spin over a supposedly new kind of warfare seemingly practised by the Russians – so-called hybrid war – blurring the boundaries between peace and conflict.
No Armageddon
It is true that Russia – through its satellite channels, its funding of curious political forces in the West and so on – seeks to create a counter-culture to the prevailing Western view. In this it has had modest success.
But this is a pale shadow of the propaganda activities of Soviet days, nor are there the legions of the wrong but well-meaning supporters who saw in Soviet communism the salvation of mankind.
Nothing to worry about there then. The ‘pale shadow’ that has more spies than it had in the Cold war, that is out there annexing countries at will, that is murdering opponents on the streets of London, that silences its critics one way or another in the Motherland, that is still playing its Cold War hand as it supports all the usual suspects who oppose the West…and on top of that we have the Islamist jihad with its ‘legions of well-meaning supporters who see Islam as the salvation of mankind’.
The Guardian reported Russia’s intentions weeks ago…..
Refugees are becoming Russia’s weapon of choice in Syria
Russia’s flat denials of responsibility for the lethal bombing of hospitals and schools in Syria cut no ice in Ankara. Senior Turkish officials say Vladimir Putin and his Syrian allies are shamelessly using increased refugee outflows resulting from these and similar attacks as a weapon of war – one that is deliberately aimed at Turkey and Europe.
As did Der Spiegel….
The Hybrid War: Russia’s Propaganda Campaign Against Germany
The brief disappearance of a girl in Germany recently become an international political issue. Russia is exploiting the case for propaganda purposes as part of its strategy of a hybrid war aimed at destabilizing the West and dividing Europe.
As the saying goes, truth is the first casualty of war. This is especially true of the propaganda war Moscow has been waging against the West and its open societies since the crisis in Ukraine began.
The refugee crisis provides Moscow with an issue that is even better suited to divide German society. Russian propaganda portrays the West as having been infiltrated by too many foreigners, making it unable to guarantee the safety of its citizens. It stirs up resentment against refugees and migrants and attempts to undermine confidence in democratic institutions and the established media.
This is all part of a strategy to both discredit and weaken the West. Russia sees this as necessary to safeguard its interests.
The left-wing Der Spiegel uses this to try and close down debate about migration suggesting that it is merely Russian propaganda that stirs up anti-migration feeling and thus anyone who keeps on saying migration is a problem is doing Russia’s work for them…the BBC missed a trick there…..though it did use exactly the same ‘reasoning’ with ISIS…saying they wanted to divide us …therefore we must love migrants and embrace them in order to confound the Jihadi’s devilish plot.
The BBC decided the Russia story wasn’t newsworthy…or rather decided to bury the truth as it was a story that was yet another nail in the coffin of the BBC narrative about the wonders of immigration.
On a similar note another one of the BBC’s favourite narratives comes under attack…that of the heroic, and careful, cautious, considered and prudent leader who didn’t rush headlong into something without a great deal of thought.
Or as others see him, a ditherer who won’t commit to anything important.
In the Sunday Times at the same time those articles about Russia were appearing [just not on the BBC] Roger Boyes wrote…
The great, grey fox Zbig Brzezinski has Barack Obama dead to rights. “He doesn’t strategise,” says Jimmy Carter’s former security guru. “He sermonises.” As the revolt against Bashar al-Assad enters its sixth year, the price of the president’s preference for moral imperatives over effective military action is now clear to all [Not to the BBC which likes a good sermonising and moral imperatives]: Obama has lost Syria. He has invited presidential historians to the White House for dinner: they should tell him that the desertion of the Syrians, and not the Iranian nuclear deal [BBC cheer] or the withdrawal from Afghan battlefields [or indeed a premature withdrawal from Iraq] will go down as his legacy.
Of course it wasn’t just Obama who allowed Putin to slip into Syria….Ed Miliband was at the forefront of the betrayal that left the Syrians at Assad’s mercy. When do you ever hear the BBC discuss that?
Here is another nail in another BBC favoured narrative…that the Iraq War gave rise to ISIS [Never mind that ISIS, under a different name, was set up before the war even began]….again, by coincidence, at the same time the reports about Russia first appeared [Just not on the BBC]…and again in this interview that suggestion arises…
Five Live broadcast an interview ( 1 hr 21 mins) with ‘Award-winning foreign correspondent Janine di Giovanni, who writes for Newsweek and Vanity Fair, gave her insight into the war in Syria.’
In the first part of the interview di Giovanni tells us that we could have intervened very early on and stopped the war and….that Russia was deliberately causing an exodus of immigrants to provoke the region….and was deliberately targeting rescue workers….a ceasefire only allows Assad to regroup and rearm.
If we had intervened earlier we could have prevented the immigration csisis she says and we did not pay enough attention to the rise of ISIS.
Then we get the second BBC narrative…..that ISIS was created by the West’s actions in Iraq. [Once again let’s be clear…’ISIS’ was in existence pre the Iraq war, crushed by the Iraq Surge in 2007 it only resurfaced due to the Arab Spring and in particular the war in Syria….Assad himself sponsoring ISIS having released them from his prisons and refraining from attacking them as they became his de facto allies against the ‘moderates’…..a history that the BBC should know as it is well documented.]
Di Giovanni says she disagrees and if anything, the West’s inaction promoted the rise of ISIS by allowing Assad to carry on and he was then able to rebuild ISIS for his own purposes.
The BBC will of course ignore everything Di Giovanni had to say and will continue to pedal the false narrative about the Iraq war, ISIS, Obama’s brilliance and of course the ever popular one about Sykes-Picot and the British and French ‘carving up the Middle East’…thus causing all the problems today.
What did Orwell say about who owns history owns the future? The BBC learnt that lesson well as it rewrites history to suit its own narrative.