Known by who your friends are

Fig. 1

Nothing is too bonkers to be unthinkable these days.

Jeremy Corbyn doesn’t know when to stop digging….why would he possibly think a man like Shameless Milne, the Guardian troll, could bring the slightest bit of respect and credibility to his regime?

Harry’s Place tells us…

Jeremy Corbyn’s hapless PR has been noted. I don’t think it’s the real problem – the man is the nightmare, not his messaging.

But PR can make things even worse and today Corbyn has delivered a master stroke.

Here is Mr Milne “communicating” on behalf of the murderers of British troops.

There’s plenty more in this blog’s archives and perhaps readers would like to add their own Milne “greatest hits”.

Like terrorists? Back Labour.


Of course Corbyn isn’t the only Labour grandee to back terrorist organisations…David Miliband would be happy to look the other way in the right circumstances…..

Asked by presenter Matthew Parris whether there were any circumstances in which terrorism was justified, Mr Miliband said: ‘Yes, there are circumstances in which it is justifiable, and yes, there are circumstances in which it is effective.’







Educating Tristram


The BBC’s director of news, James Harding, has said there will be an extensive programme of training to educate BBC employees on how to report on issues surrounding the EU referendum impartially.  Can’t imagine why he would think this was at all necessary.

Every BBC journalist will be sent on a compulsory training course about the European Union, as part of the corporation’s attempts to ensure that its coverage of the forthcoming European referendum is impartial.

James Harding, the director of BBC News, told MPs that thousands of BBC reporters, including newsreaders and Today programme presenters, will be sent for mandatory retraining, as he admitted that the referendum, due before 2017, will “test perceptions of the BBC’s impartiality”.

“We know this will be a period really of great scrutiny of our coverage, so our view is that we should reinstate mandatory training of all BBC journalists, so that they are as well-informed as possible of the issues around the workings of the institutions of the EU and its relationship to the UK.”

Perhaps such a course could be implemented for those reporting on the Middle East as well where the BBC’s journalists display a stunning ignorance of history as well as a blatant disregard for any rules on impartiality and accuracy.

Not only will news and current affairs programmes be subject to such training but documentaries, drama and comedy, the BBC having a well known tendency to use its non-news programming as vehicles to deliver particular messages that the BBC thinks its audience needs to hear and absorb….

David Jordan, the corporation’s director of editorial policy, told MPs that dramas and comedy shows such as Radio 4’s News Quiz would also be covered by the corporation’s referendum impartiality rules. He said: “Referendum guidelines cover all BBC output, not just news. It includes drama and comedy.”

Of course it’s a bit late for such conscientious impartiality when the BBC has spent years bashing the likes of UKIP as ‘racist little Englanders’ and produced films such as The Great European Disaster Movie

The film was made by Bill Emmott, an ex-editor of the Economist, and Annalisa Piras, an Italian journalist who writes for the Guardian. Europhiles often portray their opponents as swivel-eyed fanatics who are impervious to reason, but The Great European Disaster Movie wasn’t exactly a model of dispassionate, evidence-based analysis. On the contrary, it was an example of the scaremongering often engaged in by pro-Europeans, except instead of merely claiming that Brexit would cause the economy to collapse, it threw in Western civilisation for good measure. As the Conservative MEP Dan Hannan pointed out, the only thing it left out of this apocalyptic scenario was flesh-eating zombies.

I am really looking forward to the next couple of years in the run up to the referendum. No, really.  A couple of years of claim and counter claim and all the time filtered through the likes of Andrew Marr who will be pretending to take it all so seriously as they discuss it all endlessly in ever-decreasing circles.

Can’t see the BBC really altering its engrained prejudice in favour of the EU…..when it came under scrutiny before when doing its own impartiality review it did change its behaviour for a short time but then reverted rapidly to type, so how long will the new look BBC last?  Weeks probably.

Personally I think the best solution would be to ban all talk of the European Union from the airwaves until the referendum is over and then ban it again when the result is in.



Floating Voters?


During the war there were so many American aircraft based on British soil that Britain was often referred to as America’s aircraft carrier.  The BBC seems to think that just like an aircraft carrier we can up anchor and sail away from Europe, presumably to somewhere nice and sunny.  Nigel Farage thinks the BBC’s strange concept of the British Isles is a plot to jerrymander the EU referendum….

BBC accused of ‘dishonesty’ and bias over EU referendum coverage

The BBC has been accused of “dishonesty” in its reporting of the EU referendum for using the word “Europe” in place of “European Union”.

In a letter to the corporation’s top bosses Nigel Farage, the Ukip leader and Leave.EU campaign backer, called on the broadcaster to stop using “Europe” as shorthand in discussions about the referendum, because it benefits the In campaign.

Private polling suggests that the phrase European Union is toxic to voters, the Telegraph understands, making it beneficial for pro-EU campaigners to use Europe instead of EU.

Mr Farage also cited an email from pro-EU campaigner Laura Sandys in which she called on supporters to “always talk about Europe rather than EU”.

In a letter delivered to the BBC Trust and Ofcom Mr Farage wrote: “In recent weeks and months it has become normal for many correspondents to use ‘Europe’ as shorthand for ‘the European Union’.

Speaking after the launch of the In campaign he said; “They [the pro-EU camp] know that the issue is the European Union, not Europe.

“Who could have a complaint with a continent? A land mass? But they also know that if they are honest, they will be defending the indefensible. So they start their campaign with an untruth.”

Arron Banks, founder of the group, said: “The question that the Electoral Commission has recommended in the forthcoming referendum is ‘Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?’ Therefore we believe ALL reporting by the British media should reflect that.”

A BBC spokesperson said: “We report impartially using language that makes sense to our audience within the context of the story we’re covering and it would be wrong to suggest that this shows any pro or anti EU bias.”


Herr Majesty

Peter Hunt was criticised today by Kirstie Allsopp


Bizarre BBC reporting on Chinese leader’s visit to London….

From the Mail…..

TV star Kirstie Allsopp today accused the BBC’s royal correspondent of ‘loathing’ the royal family after he compared the Queen with the Chinese President.

The Location, Location, Location presenter, 44, turned on Peter Hunt after he described how ‘one party state’ leader Xi Jinping was staying in ‘the palace home of an unelected monarch’ while in London.

Describing the significance of the Chinese President’s visit to the UK Mr Hunt had said on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: ‘The President of a single party state which shed its imperial past more than a century has now taken up temporary residence in the palace home of an unelected monarch’.

The introduction left Ms Allsopp furious and she tweeted: ‘Get him off, please get him off @BBCr4today’.

She added: ‘Peter Hunt has paid his dues, please put him out of his misery & give the Royals to someone else, he clearly loathes them.

‘He was so down on “shooting” Prince William re ivory speech, but comparing “unelected” HM Queen & China Premier is too much’.

Of course that’ll be the unelected BBC presenter Peter Hunt who, along with his colleagues, thinks he runs the country or should do.




Cause and effect



Germany’s traditionally pro-Israeli stance has been shifting, particularly since the 2014 Gaza campaign.

A growth in Germany’s Muslim population, not least through the acceptance of hundreds of thousands of refugees, may also have an effect, long term.


What is the cause of the violent and often murderous attacks on Jews in Israel and the West Bank at the moment?

Mark Urban tells us…

Isn’t the new Palestinian uprising, or intifada, fundamentally an upsurge of frustration with the hopelessness of it all?

Why oh why are the poor old Pals so frustrated?   There’s no peace in sight, and who is to blame for there being no peace in sight?

Hamas may have had a small role to play but the main blame can be laid at the door of the Israelis…in particular right wing Israelis…..a casual dismissal of their views by Urban…he doesn’t bother to explore what they think and the reasons for their approach….They’re just wrong and right wing.  Netanyahu also gets it in the neck as usual….here Urban blames him for the fall out with Obama….

Mr Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama are hardly on speaking terms after Israel’s abortive attempts to halt the Iran nuclear deal.

That could have been written…

Mr Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama are hardly on speaking terms after Obama’s failed attempt to rein in Iran’s nuclear ambitions leaving Iran, which wants to wipe Israel off the map, an ever more powerful influence in the region.

Urban lays most of the blame then for the failed peace talks with the Palestinians at the Israelis’ feet and the subsequent violence is their fault…but hang on…..Urban admits that…..

Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas, meanwhile, has focused efforts on taking Israel to the International Criminal Court for its 2014 campaign in Gaza, trying to halt settlement activity and drawing attention to what he characterises as Israeli attacks on Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem.

So Abbas has been ‘drawing attention to what he characterises as Israeli attacks on Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem’.

That kind of suggests that the real cause of this violence is Abbas…as Urban admits, or rather doesn’t admit, whilst giving us the facts that make it clear Abbas is to blame…..the uprising is in response to rumours of Israeli incursions at Muslim holy sites…

Violence between the two communities has spiralled since clashes erupted at a flashpoint Jerusalem holy site in mid-September.

They were fuelled by rumours among Palestinians that Israel was attempting to alter a long-standing religious arrangement governing the site.

Israel repeatedly dismissed the rumours as incitement.

Why does Urban not make an explicit statement blaming Abbas, and Hamas, for inciting the violence using lies and rumours to stir the trouble?


What is the most significant admission in Urban’s piece?  This is….

Germany’s traditionally pro-Israeli stance has been shifting, particularly since the 2014 Gaza campaign.

A growth in Germany’s Muslim population, not least through the acceptance of hundreds of thousands of refugees, may also have an effect, long term.

Jews will not even be safe in Israel because Muslims in Europe will gain enough power to bring in anti-Israel policies and all because Frau Merkel imported hundreds of thousands of Muslims…and the EU is even now negotiating with Turkey to allow easy access to Europe for Turkey’s 75 million Muslims.

How ironic…Jews once again on the run because of the Germans.





‘I could murder a Ukrainian!’


Just what is it that makes a Brit fight for Putin’s blitz on Ukraine?

Apparently it is zero hours contracts in Britain that drive the recruiting process…oh, that, Western aggression and the rise of the Far Right in Ukraine.

Ukraine conflict: The Brits fighting with pro-Russian rebels

His Manchester accent is unmistakable. His yearning for British food is too, as he declares that he “could murder a steak”.

So what has brought this man in his thirties, who claims to have served in the British army, to fight for the pro-Russian militia against Ukraine?

‘Western aggression’

The first reason appears to be his lack of prospects back home. He has not had a job since last December.

He claims zero-hour contracts, which allow firms to hire staff without any guarantee of work, forced him “to vote with his feet”.

But ideology also led him to travel more than 2,000 miles (3,200 km) to live off army rations, in a tent in a wood, by a stream, with a group of rebel soldiers, just north of the city of Debaltseve in rebel-held territory.

“I see this as more western imperial aggression towards Russia, to people who aren’t playing the western game”, he said.

He did not want us to show his face or use his name.

He says that after watching reports in the media about far right groups in Ukraine, he was inspired to join the rebels.

‘I’m not a terrorist’  [er… yes you are]

In reality, far-right groups in Ukraine enjoy minimal public backing.


So basically all those ideas that the BBC promotes, the horrors of the zero hours contract, the idea of western aggression and the rise of the far-right, are the motivators for joining up with the terrorists.

Oh but hang on the BBC reporter denies that there is a Far-Right surge in the Ukraine…’In reality, far-right groups in Ukraine enjoy minimal public backing.’

Hmmmm…..obviously he hasn’t been reading the BBC’s own propaganda on this…

Ukraine underplays role of far right in conflict

Ukraine: The far-right groups patrolling Kiev

Ukraine crisis: Is conflict fuelling far-right threat?

Torch-lit far-right march in Ukraine

Ukraine crisis: Far-right ‘show of strength’ in Kiev


So once again the BBC’s misleading reporting can be linked to the ‘radicalisation’ of terrorists…this time recruited by the old enemy….the reborn Soviet Union.  Ah the glorious BBC spreading harmony, social cohesion and a civil society.






The Price of Appeasement


The Danegeld (/ˈdeɪn.ɡɛld/; “Danish tax”, literally “Dane tribute”) was a tax raised to pay tribute to the Viking raiders to save a land from being ravaged.


We know that the BBC hides political and social messages within its programming, not just shamelessly distorting its news reporting to bring us a carefully shaped narrative but selecting the subject matter of its documentaries, historical dramas and, well, just about any programme you care to mention from comedy to children’s programming, in order to reflect the message of the day that the BBC thinks the viewers and listeners need to learn….their views being a result of ignorance and prejudice and a bigoted misunderstanding of the world.

We know that Roger Harrabin, that Rasputin-like figure who will go down in history, along with his colleague, climate activist Dr Joe Smith, as one of the most corrupting influences upon the climate change debate, engineered the infamous seminars at the BBC in order to pressure BBC bosses, editors, producers and programme commissioners to adulterate their programmes with climate change propaganda.

We know that BBC programming has been hugely distorted to provide us with a very misleading picture of the Muslim community, their views and Islam itself…the latest being ‘Nadiya’s’ win on the GBBO which has been a triumph for the BBC’s multicultural propaganda unit….but which displays everything that is wrong with the BBC’s approach and their own misunderstanding of why people criticise Islam.  The BBC thinks if only we could get to see that a Muslim, like Nadiya in a headscarf, can be a nice person then we will therefore conclude that Islam must be nice too.   If Nadiya is so proud of being a Muslim, and is obviously devout, headscarf and all, then ask her some questions about that…does she think apostates should be killed, adulterers lashed or possibly stoned to death, gay people killed, criminals have their hands and feet chopped off, does she think women are inferior to men, that Muslims can take slaves and four wives, that Muslims shouldn’t make friends with unbelievers, that Muslims must fight the unbeliever until Islam reigns supreme as ordered by the Korn, that those who oppose Islam should be crucified and have their hands and feet cut off as ordered by the Koran, does she believe in democracy, freedom of speech, or does she think Muslims should live under Sharia law in a caliphate, British first or Muslim first?

“Hijab is not a fashion accessory or a headdress. It is an act of worship and obedience to God’s command,” wrote Fatima Barkatulla, a London-based lecturer in Islamic thought, on Facebook.

“And we worship and obey God on his terms, not our terms.”

Does Nadiya agree with those Islamic principles?  If so how does the fact that she can make cakes and drink tea alone make her ‘British’?

Cameron raised that very subject in a speech in June this year…

Only if we are clear about this threat and its causes can we tackle it. The cause is ideological. It is an Islamist extremist ideology one that says the West is bad and democracy is wrong that women are inferior, that homosexuality is evil. It says religious doctrine trumps the rule of law and Caliphate trumps nation state and it justifies violence in asserting itself and achieving its aims.

The question is: how do people arrive at this worldview?

They arrive at that worldview because that is Islam, taught to them from the day of their birth.

Of course it’s not just climate change and Islam that get the BBC makeover, immigration does too as the BBC tries to either promote it as a huge benefit to the nation or engineer unthinking sympathy for migrants with endless sad tales and photographs of children and women rather than the hordes of men that in reality make up the bulk of the immigrants.

Today we had a programme that indulged itself with the usual BBC riffs.…apparently the Roman Empire has lessons for us today, there are parallels with events today, it illustrates problems with the government’s prevention of terrorism policies and raises questions about drones killing British (LOL) citizens in Syria….and all sorts of parallels that reflect our attitudes towards immigration….when they say ‘our’ they mean you and me, the unthinking prejudiced mob.   And oh yes…why did Miliband lose the election?  It was the fault of the evil right-wing press and their wicked portrayal of Miliband as a dork who couldn’t eat a sandwich without cocking it up.  Not his crazy policies and stupid headline grabbing stunts such as the Edstone then?

Bernard Cornwell has admitted that the BBC chose to turn his books into a television production because The Last Kingdom had ‘interesting echoes of today’

Author whose novels about King Alfred have been adapted for TV says his work deals with themes of nationhood and immigration under current debate.

The BBC was inspired to make a lavish new series about King Alfred the Great because of current debates about immigration and nationhood, according to the author of the historical drama.

The Last Kingdom is based on the novels of Bernard Cornwell about how King Alfred became the first king of the Anglo-Saxons and created England.

Cornwell said the BBC was interested in the story because it had echoes of today.

“That’s why they [the BBC] picked it”, he said. “I do see something modern in it – that we are all immigrants. The Saxons are immigrants – according to the British, the Celts, they have stolen the land they have. The first shield wall battle which Uhtred takes part in is [for the Saxons] against the Welsh.

“The Saxons were very successful colonisers, and neighbours, then the Danes, the Normans, the Huguenots, you name it … right through to this century, we are all immigrants.

That has long been the BBC narrative, ‘we’re all immigrants’. A completely false and deliberately misleading rewriting of history.   The BBC has worked hard to try and dismantle Britain and to destroy the British and English identity.  This is the nation-hating, border-hating, Britain-hating BBC at work.  A hugely damaging exercise in ethnic cleansing in effect, an attempt to wipe out any notion of an English or British identity, to destroy a feeling of unity and belonging, an attempt make you confused and rootless, vulnerable to the BBC’s message and a new identity as a ‘citizen of the world’.

The final message from the programme mentioned above was that they wanted people to think differently about their certainties, to sow doubt in their minds about their ideas of themselves in order to change things.

Who can doubt that that is precisely what the BBC sets out to do, to spread doubt and confusion based upon the BBC’s unique view of history that maligns all that is British and makes victims of the rest of the world to whom we now owe a debt in some shape or form.

Cornwell is of course living an immigrant’s life in America with his American wife and is immensely rich and so will hardly suffer the consequences of mass immigration however bad they may be.  He will always have medical treatment, a job, schools for his children or grandchildren, a home to live in and the ability to escape if necessary.  Not so those whom he, and the BBC, would impose immigration upon.

Cornwell thinks ‘The Last Kingdom’ tells us some truths about Britain today…well yes it just might….the most important lesson is that the problem with Danegeld is that the Danes kept coming back for  more.  Appeasing the invaders doesn’t pay off.  One day you have to stand up to them and take back your country……

Rudyard Kipling, much hated by the Left, spells it out……


A.D. 980-1016


It is always a temptation to an armed and agile nation
  To call upon a neighbour and to say: --
"We invaded you last night--we are quite prepared to fight,
  Unless you pay us cash to go away."

And that is called asking for Dane-geld,
  And the people who ask it explain
That you've only to pay 'em the Dane-geld
  And then  you'll get rid of the Dane!

It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,
  To puff and look important and to say: --
"Though we know we should defeat you, we have not the time to meet you.
  We will therefore pay you cash to go away."

And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
  But we've  proved it again and  again,
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
  You never get rid of the Dane.

It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation,
  For fear they should succumb and go astray;
So when you are requested to pay up or be molested,
  You will find it better policy to say: --

"We never pay any-one Dane-geld,
  No matter how trifling the cost;
For the end of that game is oppression and shame,
  And the nation that pays it is lost!"

The Disabbeard


Remember when the BBC insisted that a Syrian ‘fighter’ was definitely not a Jihadi on the run…the BBC knew this because ‘his identity is unusually well documented…He says that he was a Free Syrian Army commander, and that before the civil war he worked as a plasterer in his home city of Aleppo..’

Ah yes, that well known seal of authenticity….’He says….’

Here he is…fighter and ‘migrant’…

One version of a photo of an alleged IS militant - really a former Free Syrian Army commander - claiming asylum in Europe. The Facebook user who posted one of the most viral versions of these photos has since apologised




What reminded me of this story?  A tale from the Mail about the Jihadi Hipsters trying to dodge Putin’s wrath by shaving off their face fungus…

A close shave? Terrified jihadists leave their BEARDS on the battlefield as they shave their faces and dress as women to flee Syria

ISIS fighters are reportedly shaving their beards and dressing up as women in order to flee Syria, in the wake of Russia stepping up its military campaign in support of President Bashar al-Assad.

Pictures said to have been taken near Aleppo last week shows mounds of what looks like cut off facial hair, alongside discarded packets of razors. 

In order to cross the border to Turkey undetected, ISIS jihadists are said to be shaving and disguising themselves in niqabs – a veil covering all but the eyes worn by some muslim women.

Fleeing the battle: This photo allegedly shows the cut-off beards of ISIS fighters who are said to be shaving and donning women's clothing in order to cross the border to Turkey 

Not saying of course that our plasterer turned Syrian freedom fighter was a jihadi but why did he shave off his beard as he slipped into Europe…indeed why did he grow one…beards being a very definite recognition feature of a Jihadi?


Seen this?

The former chairman of the BBC has attacked the corporation over its reporting of the recent spate of Arab terrorist attacks in Israel. Lord Michael Grade, a member of the House of Lords for the Conservative Party, claimed the BBC had failed to show “impartiality,” and focused his fierce criticism in particular on a recent report by BBC correspondent Orla Guerin, which he said promoted an “equivalence” between Palestinian terrorists and their victims.

Anti-Israeli bias is a CORE BBC value, in my view. We have shown it time after time and Grade is only saying the obvious.