I thought I should share this with you…

“The BBC complaints telephone line (03700 100 222) have ceased responding to complaints made over the phone, and will now only issue their denials to those who complain in writing.They do not refer to this as a change, or a new policy which might be expected, but instead use the rather unusual phrase a ‘clarification’ what ever that might be. The staff have not been informed of any reason or thinking behind this ‘clarification’ but I would imagine it will only serve in deterring many of the complainants from pursuing legitimate complaints”

Isn’t it amazing that the BBC takes such measures to prevent those who fund it expressing their criticism?

Hmmm….So Much Meaning In Such A Short sentence



What can Matt McGrath mean?….

Surely the idea of “true” happiness is one of those concepts that only appeals to the young and the easily impressed – like Santa Claus. Or Kevin Pietersen.

Is he saying Pietersen is only a genius in his own mind and the minds of the naive and easily impressed?  Pietersen’s ‘brilliance’ is as mythical as Santa Claus?

Not very impartial that is it?  Fun though.




When Complete Lie Becomes Legend And Then Fact


Just caught 5Live and they were talking about the migrants in Hungary where they have been prevented from travelling on the trains…a migrant told the credulous BBC presenter that the Hungarians were picking people by the colour of their skin to get on the train….‘Really?’ said our eager newshound….’They’re picking people by skin colour?!!’

You have to laugh, if it weren’t so serious, at the BBC employee’s utter desperation to find something, anything, to fling at anyone who dares to delay the march of the migrants, even if they have to make it up.



Hi all! I’ve been across in Sweden for a short break and just back so catching up with things. One of the additional downsides of catching early flights is listening to BBC world service news “briefings” so earlier this morning, around 4.30m, I was listening to a BBC report saluting the courage of those “brave’ Austrians who turned up to welcome a swarm of third world “refugees” in Vienna. The whole tone of this BBC report was PRO acceptance of illegal immigration and it really is disgraceful that they get away with this insidious propaganda.

Bread Buttered Corbyn Up Side


Wiley old Corbyn certainly knows which side his bread is buttered and who to suck up to:

Labour leadership frontrunner Jeremy Corbyn says he will invest in the arts, protect the BBC and ensure every child can learn a musical instrument

I am fearful about the impact the latest round of cuts at the BBC will have on programming and on our media output in this country. I firmly believe in the principle of public service broadcast and am fearful of following the path tread in the United States, where PBS has been hollowed out, unable to deliver the breadth of content to compete with the private broadcasters, and where Fox News has as a result been effectively allowed to dominate and set the news agenda.

I want to see the Labour Party at the heart of campaigns to protect the BBC and its license fee. When we return to power we must fully fund public service broadcasting in all its forms, recognising the crucial role the BBC has played in establishing and supporting world class domestic arts, drama, and entertainment.


Dare I even look at Twitter to see the reaction from the Beeboids?


Oh no…Donnison has bred…at least the kid starts life off well with its mouth covered up…if only dad was the same…

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To Hell With You!


In total, 1,000 migrants are still at the Budapest railway station hoping to board trains to Austria and Germany

Migration madness at Budapest rail station


When Nigel Farage asked ‘”How many millions does Europe want to take? That really is the question.”  Sarah Montague on the Today programme snapped back ‘Forget that’, her narrative being there should be no limit to immigration as there was a ‘moral obligation’ to help these refugees ‘from Syria’.

It’s remarkable how BBC employees, unelected but rather enamoured wth their job in the BBC which they seem to think gives them the right to malign others and pass judgement on their  ‘morality’.

Libby Purvis in the Times yesterday, with no acknowledgement of her role at the BBC, told us that she ‘couldn’t be proud of a barbed-wired Europe.’   Really?  Just how many migrants is she willing to take when they turn up at her own door…or will she, reluctantly no doubt, turn them away?

She tells us that they come ‘From the Middle East, Africa, Afghanistan come the migrants, asking only to stay alive, work, ask big Mama Europe for the basic rights they are denied at home.’

On that basis just about anyone from any country could come here.  Billions.

She admits the factor that draws them here is that...’They know that once within the magic ring, Schengen means tney can travel freely’…..which is why it should be shut down immediately.

She asks ‘Why has Big Europe not moved in sharply with money and humanitarian aid?’…to create camps and reception areas in countries like Turkey and Iraq and Libya.  But the UK has thrown £900 million towards helping the refugees and the UN is chucking money at them…and they spurn it and abandon safety in the camps and head to Europe on unnecessary, dangerous journeys to suckle on ‘Big Mama’s‘ teat direct….and we have to house, clothe, feed, educate, treat and police them and find room somewhere for them.

She says we should welcome the refugees with open arms and open borders and ‘To hell’ with anyone who says otherwise.

The arrogance of these BBC types knows no bounds.  What is it about a job at the BBC that makes them think they are the only people with thoughts, values and beliefs that matter?  A BBC paycheck seems to be a passport to sanctimonious sainthood in their eyes.

Maybe Jesus has come back to earth in the shape of Libby Purvis or Sarah Montague.  Holier than thou the pair of them.



Bordering On Dishonest

Daily Telegraph




The Telegraph headlines with this:

EU may bring back border controls, Angela Merkel suggests

Surely a major, major story especially considering Cameron’s attempts, alleged atytempts, to renegotiate in particular the free movement of people within Europe.

The BBC ignores it in its own news..preferring to give us two front page stories…here the heroic efforts as ‘Migrants breach Hungary razor wire fence‘  andMigrants welcomed at German rail stations’  by heroic, compassionate Germans.

The only mention the Merkel story gets is as part of ‘What the papers say’

Newspaper headlines: The ‘end of Schengen’, police cuts, and NHS sat-navs



How is it that such a major story doesn’t seem to be worthy of the BBC’s attention despite the fact that it broke yesterday…so they’ve had time to work the angles on this?  Asking people to show a passport doesn’t mean there is no freedom of movement for EU citizens, they are still free to move, they just have to carry a passport, not difficult surely?

The fact that Merkel has set aside the Dublin Regulation also seems to have slipped the BBC’s notice… is it that the Germans can ignore EU rules on migration and remake the treaty to suit themselves but when Cameron tries to renegotiate he is chasing rainbows?

Seems we could just ignore EU rules on free movement when the situation demands it, such as in a crisis as we are in now, and start to impose far more rigorous border controls for all…….I believe the EU treaty even allows the suspension of free movement in times of crisis…if only Cameron had the will to do it.


On the Today programme Sarah Montague (08:10) was giving it the full Mother Teresa as she interviewed Nigel Farage.  The BBC are hyping the fact that UKIP has set up its own ‘no to Europe’ campaign and the BBC are keen to suggest Farage is ‘divisive’ and to note that the No Campaign is split… such emphasis for the Yes campaign which also has different groups supporting it.

Then we got onto immigration and Montague set abot Farage asking about refugees.  Farage wanted to know how many millions of refugees Europe was supposed to take but Montague snapped ‘Forget that’ and suggested Farage should have a moral obligation to the refugees ‘from Syria’.

That constant narrative from Montague, that these were refugees ‘from Syria’ is misleading, intentionally so.  Montague must know that probably none of these refugees come directly from Syria, most come from refugee camps where they are already safe but then decide to head to Europe because they want jobs and homes and all the services that they see the West can provide them with…they have become economic migrants.

Ironically Montague then started barracking Farage and demanded to know how many refugees ‘from Syria’ he would think acceptable to let in…..curious how she wasn’t interested in the numbers before, in fact shut Farage up when he raised the subject.

Just how many ‘refugees’ should Europe take?  Especially as Farage pointed out the EU’s definition of a refugee is so wide that just about anyone could qualify…and if they step foot in Europe they can pretty much be sure they will stay…which is a huge incentive to others to try….as they do in an ‘exodus of biblical proportions’ as Farage so rightly calls it.


I guess nothing has changed at the BBC:

Liberal BBC out of touch on migration, says its ex-director: Former head of TV news believes corporation is not reflecting views of its audience


As the Mail says:

The voters, however, know the truth. They witness it with their own eyes, as communities struggle to absorb 300,000 new incomers every year.

Yet the politicians ignore this truth — further alienating ordinary people who, for years, were informed by the BBC that it was ‘bigoted’ to be worried about the unprecedented and historic levels of immigration encouraged by New Labour.


Spooky Spock

Star trekkie: Obama gives Spock’s V-sign with Nichelle Nichols, who was Lt Uhura


The Mail tells us that:

Even Cameron often finds Obama too rational and considered. Obama loves the emotionless, logical Mr Spock from Star Trek and there is more than a passing resemblance between the two. His nickname at the Foreign Office has been Spock for years.

And it’s all true…Obama is an alien….


Nowhere on the BBC!!!!

Once again the BBC censors astonishing and chilling news about their favourite President.



“I feel I owe the EU my professional life”



Craig at Is the BBC BIased? (seems to be ever-increasingly so) is writing up the EU’s spendthrift proclivities:

The Great European Disaster Movie Part II

…noting that the film was in part funded by the EU…such a fact having been denied by the BBC…which of course raises many questions as Craig lays out in further posts.

But the EU’s desire to fund a bit of propaganda doesn’t stop there….a mere £70,000 is but a drop in the ocean…the few millions that the EU sends the BBC’s way makes hardly a dent in its budget.

The EU has set aside nearly  €1.5 billion to fund creative projects across Europe over 7 years:

Creative Europe programme

European culture, cinema, television, music, literature, performing arts, heritage and related areas will benefit from increased support under the European Commission’s new Creative Europe programme, which was approved by the European Parliament today. With a budget of €1.46 billion1 over the next seven years – 9% more than current levels – the programme will provide a boost for the cultural and creative sectors, which are a major source of jobs and growth. Creative Europe will provide funding for at least 250 000 artists and cultural professionals, 2 000 cinemas, 800 films and 4 500 book translations. It will also launch a new financial guarantee facility enabling small cultural and creative businesses to access up to €750 million in bank loans.

Why spend so much money?  Is it purely to encourage the growth of the Arts and creative industries?  Or is there some over-arching reason, a political reason?….

Culture Programme 2007-2013: general and specific objectives

General objective

To enhance the cultural area shared by Europeans, based on a common cultural heritage through the development of cultural cooperation between creators, cultural players and cultural institutions taking part in the programme, with a view to encouraging the emergence of European citizenship.

….with a view to encouraging the emergence of European citizenship.‘?….in other words this is a massive project to further the Grand EU political project….to make us love each other and the EU.

Who are to be the EU cultural stormtroopers?

Creative Europe: who benefits?

Creative Europe will support:

250 000 artists and cultural professionals and their work, allowing them to reach new audiences beyond their home countries;

The European cultural and creative sectors represent up to 4.5% of EU GDP and employ more than 8 million people. Creative Europe will help them to contribute even more to the European economy by seizing the opportunities created by globalisation and the digital shift.


So at least 250,000 artists and creative types (not to mention the 8 million who indirectly benefit) will be the grateful recipients of the EU largesse…and everytime they do an interview, or go to a party or just talk to friends they will tell of how the EU really helped them out….how great the EU is….and of course how many will include a bit of EU praise in their work?

Think not?  Here’s Armando Iannucci lavishing praise on the BBC.…why?  Because he tells us:

“I feel I owe it my professional life”

Which is why he makes endless speeches ‘defending’ the BBC and attacking the government review of the BBC Charter.

The same mindset is being created, bought, by the EU.  250,000 EU ambassadors, all paid for and willing to serve the cause in however a small way.