Start the Week 18 July 2022

Welcome to the Great British Summer – Aka a level 1 climate emergency .the site as part of the public service – recommends the following in the warm weather
1 – take every thing with a pinch of salt
2. Avoid increasing blood pressure through exposure to strong BBC bias
3 Always wear a grimace when hearing BBC wokery
4 Drink plenty in warm weather – ensure it is alcoholic to blur the dismal anti British BBC output
5 ensure there is always someone else to blame
6 avoid unapproved subjects between 11am and 3pm
7 turn off unnecessary appliances – such as the BBC
8 tidy up your spending – such as cancelling TVL DD s
9 limit exposure to the BBC particularly at most woke times – eg News and QT
10 pray for the right sort of culture secretary / rain ….