The BBC is always ready to show us film of white people being racist on trains, planes and automobiles…but not so keen to show the opposite….such as this…..
The BBC is always ready to show us film of white people being racist on trains, planes and automobiles…but not so keen to show the opposite….such as this…..
Three Muslims were shot dead by a man called Craig Hicks in the US and the police report says this…
Mr. Hicks has been charged with 3 counts of First-Degree Murder for the murders of;
- Deah Shaddy Barakat 23 years of age of Chapel Hill,
- Yusor Mohammad 21 years of age of Chapel Hill, and
- Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha 19 years of age of Raleigh.
Mr. Hicks is currently being held, without bond, in the Durham County Jail.
Our preliminary investigation indicates that the crime was motivated by an ongoing neighbor dispute over parking. Hicks is cooperating with investigators and more information may be released at a later time.
“We understand the concerns about the possibility that this was hate-motivated, and we will exhaust every lead to determine if that is the case. Our thoughts are with the families and friends of these young people who lost their lives so needlessly,” said Chief Chris Blue of the Chapel Hill Police Department
You might wonder then why the BBC choose to phrase their headline like this:
Chapel Hill suspect’s wife says murders not about religion
The wife of the man accused of killing three Muslim students said the attack was motivated by parking, not religion.
Could it be that the BBC is trying to influence how you think of this case?…it’s just the wife saying that…we can dismiss it as untrue as she’s bound to say that!
The BBC eventually gets around to the truth but still gives a lot of weight to the ‘hate crime’ possibility…
Chapel Hill Police said in a statement there had been an ongoing parking dispute but they are still investigating whether the attack was hate-motivated.
They then go into a lot of detail about Hick’s atheist beliefs and linking them by inplication to this killing….
Mr Hicks’ Facebook profile included a photo that read “Atheists for Equality”. He frequently posted quotes critical of religion.
He had also posted a photo on 20 January of a gun he said was loaded and belonged to him.
You might think that odd…the attempt to link atheism to some sort of anti-religious ‘terrorism’…..this is after all the BBC that goes out of its way to assure us that Islamic terrorism isn’t caused by Islam, and isn’t in fact terrorism.
Jihadwatch does a more thorough job of investigating Hicks than the enormously resourced BBC…he seems to be left wing and apparently barely mentions Islam….
On his Facebook page, Craig Hicks had a huge and revealing list of “Likes” that shows him much more preoccupied with Christianity than with Islam. He does post a chart likening “Radical Christians” to “Radical Muslims,” but that is about the extent of his mentioning of Islam at all. He likes the atheists Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Bill Maher, all of whom have criticized Islam, but his page includes none of their statements about Islam. He likes many anti-Christian groups but no groups that are critical of Islam, and he even likes a group praising Obama for supporting the Ground Zero Mosque.
From the looks of all this at least, if Craig Hicks was going to commit a hate crime, it seems much more likely that he would have targeted “right-wingers,” Republicans, evangelical Christians, etc., than that he would have targeted Muslims because they were Muslims.
If they are going to speculate about the shootings as the BBC does then perhaps they should base that speculation on the available evidence and that evidence points away from the anti-Muslim murderer take on this….though as we know they were right about the Boston Bombers being white supremacist right wingers. Weren’t they?
Not as if parking disputes don’t end in death…
Harrow woman may have been murdered in ‘parking row’
A woman fatally stabbed in a north-west London street may have been attacked in a row over parking, it has emerged.
Alison Morrison, 45, was attacked in Alexandra Avenue, Harrow, on Thursday morning and died in hospital.
A man, 48, was arrested in connection with her suspected murder. Mrs Morrison was vice-chair of the area’s Safer Neighbourhood Board.
A man killed a woman? Surely that is a hate crime? Did the man hate women?
How about this?
Man, 75, kills neighbours in ‘parking row’
A pensioner killed his two elderly neighbours and then shot himself on Sunday, reportedly in a row over a parking space.
Police were called to a family home in Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, shortly before 7am to reports a man and woman had been killed by several shots to the head.
‘Having children is all about national survival.’
YUSUF QARADAWI: So Constantinople has been conquered and now the second part of the prophecy remains, which is the conquest of Rome. This means that Islam will return to Europe once again.
The BBC went out of its way to disprove an anonymous YouTube video that spoke of the increasing Muslim demographics in Europe.
The BBC spent a lot of time and effort to counter those ‘myths’ about Muslim demographics….the Muslim birthrate…
There is a striking similarity between the extraordinarily scary, dark and evil North Korea and the BBC….’A state that is more like Hitler’s Germany than any other state in the world, It is extraordinarily scary, dark and evil.’
North Korea doesn’t want its population watching films and reading journalism that might open its eyes to the real world outside the bubble imposed by the regime.
Similarly for the BBC which imposes its Big Brother approach to censoring the news in a similarly brutal fashion…not with a bullet to the back of the head but with a bit of character and reputational assassination…..ala the EDL’s Tommy Robinson or UKIP’s Farage.
The BBC also omits those telling truths from the News if they reveal a truth that the BBC doesn’t want you to hear and which might influence your thinking along unacceptable lines.
The BBC is very keen for you to understand that Islam is not a threat to your way of life and is a religion that has little influence over the UK’s political, social and cultural norms.
Which is why the BBC fills the airwaves with programmes about Islam to prove that Islam has no such dominance. So much so in fact that other religions have noticed…
Which makes it very odd that the BBC should have ignored this latest report…
Number of ‘Muslim’ children in Britain doubles in a decade
One in 12 schoolchildren in England and Wales are now officially classed as Muslim after a decade which saw the number of followers of Islam surge by just over 1.1 million, according to the most detailed study of its kind ever published.
Not the first time the BBC has ignored evidence of a rapidly rising Muslim population…
The latest evidence tells us of an ‘unprecedented’ rise in a single ethno-religious group though the the Muslim Council of Britain ‘warns against “alarmist” interpretations of the rise adding: “A section of the society comprising one in 20 of persons in the overall population can hardly ‘take over’.”
Well as the report makes clear that will rapidly rise to 1 in 12 with the current birthrate.
Read and take heed…..
The study of official census data by the Muslim Council of Britain also concludes that the Muslim population will continue expanding for “many decades” to come – something experts said could transform everything from social attitudes to foreign policy.
Although immigration has driven growth in the past, it is the dramatically younger age profile of the Muslim population which could have the biggest impact in the future.
If you think ‘So what‘ then read what the BBC won’t tell you about what ‘conservative Muslims’ are preaching in the community…
Muslims must rise up and publicly debate the role of Orthodox Islam in Public life.
British Muslims should re-think how they view their presence in Britain, realising that it is their country in which they will spend their future as Muslims. Muslims must work hard to establish Islam in the UK, or at least ensure that the UK is a suitable place where Muslims can live without compromising their faith and such may entail the involvement in the socio-political dynamics of the country.
The British Government must be extremely cautious not to fail its people by making the detrimental mistake of ignoring the real needs of the second largest religious group in the country.
The census additionally shows that the Christian population of England and Wales is ageing whilst the Muslim community is relatively young.
This sends a very strong message to Britain and to the international community that it is almost impossible to change Orthodox Muslim norms. Is it then worth the effort of liberal Muslims to continue in their attempt to promote liberalism while it is the pure Orthodox Islam that is flourishing and penetrating people’s lives?
Matthew Goodwin, a leftwing academic has made it his job to study the ‘far Right’ and the ‘Counter Jihad movement’……from his work in 2013 we can see that 59% of his poll agree that there will be a ‘clash of civilisations’ between white Britons and Muslims…21% disagree. Further more 52% of Conservatives, 33% of Labour, 18% of UKIP and 24% ‘other’, and only 5% of the BNP agree with the EDL (as was).
Goodwin is however a campaigner for Islam…
Clearly, there remain challenges, some of which will be tackled directly by the new government working group on anti-Muslim prejudice (of which I am a member).
History has taught us, once generational drift has started it is an incredibly powerful catalyst for change.
This generational drift toward a more liberal and progressive majority will take time. Younger citizens who, over time, will come to replace the ‘angry, old white men’ will need insulating from the effects of a continuing economic crisis and austerity. Policy makers will also need to work hard to ensure that levels of contact between different ethnic and religious groups (which is important in curbing prejudice) remain strong and robust.
The fact that the opportunity has arrived is not up for debate. Whether this social change is realised, however, is. The broad message is clear: Britain is in the midst of a silent and generational struggle against prejudice, which incorporates hostility toward Muslims and Islam. This presents progressives with an opportunity, but they will need to work hard to ensure that it is grasped.
Scary that someone could be so determined to support a religion that undermines everything his own society stands for? He can’t wait for the ‘angry white man’, whom he blames for unwelcome anti-Islam attitudes, to die out! All a bit too Big Brother for me.
The BBC weren’t so quiet when it came to a Christian birthrate:
A Womb is a Weapon
- First broadcast:
- Saturday 18 May 2013
Across the world, and increasingly in Europe and the UK, a unique Christian evangelical movement is growing.
For some, encouraging larger Christian families is part of a project to outbreed other religions, particularly Islam, winning back the world for Christ one baby at a time.
The BBC’s Giles Fraser, in his alternate gig at the Guardian said this:
“Why do you have so many children?” I asked [a Palestinian in Gaza]. Perhaps it was a rude question. But I didn’t get how in so poor a place as Gaza it made sense to have a dozen kids. “It’s political,” the man said – going on to explain that Yasser Arafat had told to them that their victory was to be found in “the Palestinian womb“. I was shocked. But in a place whose very existence is threatened, having children is all about national survival.
There’s the Truth, and there’s the Truth as reported, or not reported, by the BBC…as Rod Liddle points out…
In Sweden there are riots…almost all the people doing the rioting were, to adapt Nick Robinson’s phrase, people of non-Swedish orign. These were…are..race riots.
It was not the ordinary Swedes rising up against the oppressive Swedish state; it was immigrants. Come on James – why not tell us the truth?’
Yes…why not tell us the truth BBC?
“I am nine years old and I think that the Pinkstinks campaign is my voice. Two girls on my class table are obsessed with pink and makeup but I think that girls like me shouldn’t be forced to like pink. Can you think of a good name for girls who don’t want to be girly girls but arent tomboys. My mum and I have been trying to think of one for ages.
PINK STINKS!!”Sophie xxx
Labour’s pink battleaxe bus is on the road fighting for wimin’s rights and the BBC is naturally ready to explore the issues, raised by Labour, using the controversial pink colour as its ice breaker to get the converstaion going in the right direction.
That ‘controversy’ about the bus’s colour was pretty much dismissed by the BBC…can’t imagine them doing that if it had been the Torys who had come up with such a vehicle to campaign for women’s rights.
Forgetfulness is what preserves our dignity…from 2009….
“Harriet Harman was making a very serious point actually about how we ensure that we as parents give girls the best possible opportunities and that we don’t stereotype girls into forever taking a very passive and pink role in life.
The presenters I heard discussing this had obviously read Harman’s interview in the Huffington Post where she replies to one question “Well it doesn’t have big eyelashes on the front.” as they mentioned the eyelashes….they also mentioned the fact that there were three drivers, and that two were women….and they thought that Labour must have had lots of focus group discussions….all points out of the interview…..“We’ve had lots of doctrinal discussions, such as: should we be alright with a male driver?”
What they didn’t bother telling us was who provided at least one of the drivers as Harman revealed in the interview….
“Unite has provided us with a driver and blow me down they’ve managed to find a woman with one of these licenses.
So Labour’s puppet master and banker, the Unite Union, provided a driver……just how much more help is Labour getting from Unite and other Unions? And how much of this help is provided in a way that is designed to get around the rules on election funding for political parties?
One little point and it raises many more serious issues…..Labour’s favourite tactic is to make a lot of noise about Tory donors and the BBC is happy to mention that in passing… here is the BBC’s chance to do some investigating of just how the Union’s are funding Labour under the radar.
A discarded idea for a colour schematic for the bus….
You can’t really get a better analysis of this effort by Labour than Dan Hodges’ ridiculing of he says whilst Harman is off having chats with wifies around their kitchen tables Labour’s men are at the British Chambers of Commerce, setting out Labour’s vision for business and plans for the macroeconomy....The idea the Labour Party is blazing a trail for women is one of the biggest jokes in British politics.
Just another idea for the BBC to explore.
Labour MP, Bridget Prentice, the Justice Minister, said that she was supporting the campaign because she was concerned that shops were creating Christmas gifts which were aimed particularly at either girls or boys.
She went on: “It’s about not funnelling girls into pretty, pretty jobs, but giving them aspirations and challenging them to fulfil their potential.
“We want to say to organisations like the Early Learning Centre that we rely on them to be progressive about encouraging girls to think of themselves as equal, and not to reinforce the old stereotypes.”
Let’s face it. Nichola Sturgeon’s speak a language the BBC really loves and no, I am not talking Scottish! Her third rate socialism, driven by a hatred of England, resonates with the BBC and it encourages them to puff out this glowing item on her demands of the Westminster Parliament. She waffles on about how “austerity” isn’t working and yet the BBC does not deign it fit to simply point out that with the UK being the best performing economy in the G7, “austerity” would seem to be delivering something other nations are proud of. The truth is that the BBC and the SNP can rally around these illiterate meme about “austerity” not working. Here in Northern Ireland where there has bee NO Welfare reform(!!!) the BBC faithfully repeats the mantra about the crushing austerity and voices like my own who point out that this is incorrect are simply ignored or mocked. The BBC itself has a culture of Spend Spend Spend and so I suppose it feels a sense of kinship with the goons in the SNP and Sinn Fein who all seek to subvert economic common sense and live outside of what can be afforded.
Time for a new one of these. Here you go, the floor is yours! Detail the egregious bias of the BBC here!
We had a look at the BBC’s FOOC’s report on the looting of China’s Summer Palace in 1860 and concluded they had neglected an essential part of the story…the torture and killing of British hostages by the Chinese that led to the burning of the palace.
FOOC has revisited this story (17 mins 30 sec) and expanded on the events to include the killing of the hostages.
Kind of important as China itself refuses to admit the killings and uses the destruction and looting of the Summer Palace as an anti-Western diatribe to stir up the Party faithful and keep them onside.
Shame the BBC felt obliged to toe the Chinese line originally.
Dreadful revelations about tax avoidance facilitated by HSBC….thank God for the BBC and the Guardian who have exposed this scandalous state of affairs.
That’ll be the HSBC tax avoidance scandal story that is at least 5 years old and actually first surfaced in 2007/08.
Here’s a headline from 2010…
And the Guardian in 2012 about the money laundering scandal:
Note that the Guardian makes no mention of the tax evasion that HSBC was already known to have been involved in.
Indeed here we have the proof of that involvement, also from 2012…
And we know that at the latest Labour knew of the tax evasion in 2010..
The HMRC in 2010 received data smuggled out of HSBC by a former bank IT worker, now under arrest in Spain and facing possible extradition to Switzerland, that contained details of 6,000 UK-linked individuals, companies and trusts.
And yet Labour didn’t object to Stephen Green being made a Peer or a Trade Minister…and said nothing about tax evasion and HSBC in 2010.
How can they now demand an explanation from the Government about Green’s elevation without admitting they must have turned a blind eye themselves…after all they were in government for 13 years, regulating the Banks all that time, and they probably knew about HSBC’s activities since 2008…..they were sent information from the ‘whistleblower/thief’ but now deny having received any information…can that really be true?
Maybe the BBC should ask a few questions.
And the BBC’s ‘bombshell revelation’ that HSBC boss Stephen Green was made a peer in 2010 by the Tories (Did Labour object then I think not) was clearly known in 2010….yep, not a peep from Labour at the time…
It would be ridiculous to suggest that the timing of these latest revelations was deliberate and the BBC and the Guardian has sat on them until a time as near to the election as they dare go without looking blatantly like they are pushing a Labour propaganda stunt….ridiculous maybe, but it does look that way.
Just pure coincidence that this BBC/Guardian investigation times its publication a few days after this blast from Labour…
The BBC tell us that the information came to light when ‘leaked by a whistleblower in 2007.’
But he wasn’t a whistleblower at all, he was a thief whose original sole intention had been to sell the data to other competing banks…
Whistleblower? Thief? Hero? Introducing the Source of the Data that Shook HSBC
According to Falciani, he made attempts to interest authorities in other countries about the data and the wrongdoing it revealed.
The bank and Swiss officials tell a different story: that Falciani stole the data and hoped to profit from it, first by shopping it to banks in Lebanon and then by offering it to authorities in countries outside of Switzerland.
The BBC tells us Labour denies all knowledge of this…
Labour’s Rachel Reeves, shadow work and pensions secretary, defended the Labour party against accusations of inaction against tax evasion when it was in power.
“This behaviour by HSBC wasn’t unearthed until 2010 so it’s not something Ed Balls [City minister in 2007] or the last government could have done anything about,” she told Radio 5.
However Falciani claims to have sent information to many governments…
Once Falciani and Mikhael returned from Lebanon, they contacted European tax authorities and intelligence agencies, offering “the client list of one of the world’s largest wealth management banks,” according to Swiss police reports. “Tax evasion: client list available” was the subject line in the emails, according to The Wall Street Journal, which also noted that the emails didn’t ask for money.
The anonymous emails carried a tantalizing subject line: “Tax evasion: client list available.”
The messages, sent two years ago to tax authorities across Europe, made an audacious claim: The sender could provide a large client list of a Swiss-based private bank, plus access to its computer systems. The emails were sent to Germany’s secret police, the French police and the U.K.’s tax authorities and foreign ministry.
Why is the BBC not questioning Balls and Co rather than accepting outright denials from Labour?
So the BBC makes a great splash about tax avoidance days after Labour and Miliband announce their policy on tax havens and tax evasion.
Just a coincidence that when Miliband goes into battle on ‘inequality’…Ed Miliband: wealth creation means tackling inequality the BBC’s, son of a Labour Peer, Robert Peston, is banging the drum for them with some programmes on ‘The Price of Inequality’
Robert Peston speaks to leading policymakers and opinion shapers as he charts the new consensus that inequality is the biggest economic challenge we face.
Well if you believe Labour.
Any coincidence that as reports come in that Labour are losing the Middle Class vote…It’s the guilty, middle-class voters will finish off Labour…the BBC is once more banging the drum to a Labour tune with programmes like this ‘Clinging on: The Decline of the Middle Classes’
Is the middle-class in terminal decline? Writer David Boyle, author of Broke: Who Killed the Middle Classes?, explores the split between a small rich elite and those who are argued to be clinging on to a deteriorating lifestyle and falling expectations.
Any coincidence that the BBC makes headline news of anything that might be construed as damaging to the Tories but downplays or ignores similarly damaging news on Labour?
Why did the BBC make so much noise about this story that no one but a poltiical geek would bother with?….
Perhaps this from the BBC’s Ross Hawkins can explain…
“The fact they are outspending the Labour Party many, many times over because of the support from millionaire donors is going to have an impact.
“That’s something the Labour Party can respond to by out-organising the Conservatives.”
That message suits Labour, whose supporters like to emphasise that the Conservatives have more cash.
Why did the BBC make so much noise about the King’s Fund claims about government reforms of teh NHS when patient satisfaction is at an almost record high?
Overall public satisfaction with the NHS increased to 65 per cent in 2014 – the second highest level since the British Social Attitudes survey began in 1983. Dissatisfaction with the service fell to an all-time low of 15 per cent.
I think you can make a good case that the BBC is providing Labour with an invaluable propaganda service in the run up to the election…or that is certainly the impression you might get from even the most cursory examination of the BBC’s coverage of recent events.
Curious how soon people forget…..lots of noise about the Bond sale for pensioners….
Apparently this amounts to inter-generational theft or some such nonsense as said by people who should know better. The BBC does little to dispel that notion…indeed it has several times wondered why the youth haven’t been out on the streets protesting about their lot in life.
That old anarchist, Joan Bakewell, from the class of ’68, whom even the BBC thought wanted to bring down the government, is manning the barricades again with this bit of tripe….With his bung to pensioners, George Osborne is stoking intergenerational war
Are we coughing up for her pension every time we hand over our hard earned licence money?….
Is that also ‘theft’ then?
Or how about this as the BBC happily quotes Labour spokesmen demanding answers today from Osborne?…..
And just to reinforce that….
Never mind that Brown and his Labour cronies presided over the greatest financial crash this country has probably ever seen….a crash that destroyed the pension industry and ended most final salary schemes forever….people now work longer for less when they come to retire…if they ever will.
And let’s not forget the ultra low interest rates that destroyed saving’s income that so many retired people depend upon….those utlra low interest rates made so in order to recover form the disastrous financial crash that came courtesy of Brown’s ‘Golden Age of Finance’.
And of course when the BBC brought in a fella from the Institute of Economic Affairs to tell us Osborne is behaving disgracefully by ‘bribing’ pensioners the BBC had no one else to put any opposing views. Indeed the BBC presenter was himself on the warpath raising the suggestion that perhaps we should have a maximum voting age to prevent pensioners voting.
No such thoughts that Labour are bribing the electorate with any of their policies…such as two weeks paid paternity leave announced today.
Must be an election coming.
Monday morning arrives and with it the Today programme on BBC Radio 4. The first 30 minutes have been one sustained leftist howl from the State Broadcaster. First up, the BBC hypes up the alleged tax evasions of HSBC, dating back to Labour’s period in power. On comes Margaret Hodge to remind us how evil the “banisters” are. Then we had an item on WHY British business must be made to double the amount of paternity leave for fathers if Labour gets in. Then we had an item begrudging the VICTORY of Tony Abbott in Australia over those who would unseat him. The BBC have never liked Abbott and their coverage makes this clear. Oh and the ONE item the comrades managed to miss was a mass gathering of Muslims at the Cenotaph in London demanding an end to free speech in the UK. I guess the BBC are no longer #jesuischarlie?