Rewriting History



The BBC’s Today programme had the ex-governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King,  on as guest editor (08:55)….and used the occasion to try and rewrite the history of the financial crash by whitewashing Labour’s part in it.

King was asked about the crash and then led into the trap, Naughtie quietly asking about ‘the whole argument that there was light touch regulation that was in retrospect a terrible mistake’.

King, trying to be politically neutral, and no doubt partially to save his own reputation, at first said it had nothing to do with regulation but then admits it had everything to do with it saying the banks’ leverage was ‘absurdly high’….in other words they had been allowed to borrow vast sums at high risk..he goes on ‘we should learn the lesson from that in the future’.

Naughtie then tries to pass the blame onto the Bank of England….King says the Bank didn’t have responsibility for the regulations….so the regulation, the lack of, was crucial then….who did have responsibility?  The government…the Labour government.


Justin Webb then jumps in at the end of the interview and persistently tries to get King to say the Coaliton’s ‘Help to buy’ scheme was ‘unwise’…apparently it is a personal concern of Webb’s.

So whitewashing Labour and maligning the Coalition.  Just another day on the leftwings’ favourite political programme.


Must be an election coming.




BBC Still Stirring Up Racist Anger



Here’s the headline for the latest BBC report on US police ‘racism’:

Ezell Ford shot in back by LA police – coroner


The BBC chose a particular line there….clearly in a cheap attempt to generate some ‘outrage’ at police racist brutality…..never mind that the man was in fact shot three times in a struggle in which he tried to take the police pistol and was clearly shot during that struggle…in the side, in the arm and in the back….


So three shots….the one the BBC highlights is the shot in the back.

But the context is all important…clearly the police officer could not ‘aim’ the shots and the shot man would have been twisting and turning violently making any aimed shot impossible.

The BBC’s heading is designed to elicit a certain response from readers, that the US police have yet again brutally executed another black man…shooting him in the back this time.

More dangerous racist rabble rousing from the BBC.


Curioulsy the BBC is ignoring a spate of attempts to shoot US police officers such as this:

North Carolina Police Officer Survives Christmas Night Assassination Attempt


FIVE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS on Police and Firefighters since NYC Executions



The BBC though is in good company….and on the same page as Al Qaeda (What’s new there though?):

Al-Qaeda References Anti-Police Protests in Latest Magazine, Includes “Don’t Shoot” & “I Can’t Breathe” Slogans





Idris, Idris Bond

Tweet from Idris Elba with a picture of him, reading: "Isn't 007 supposed to handsome? Glad you think I've got a shot! Happy New year people."



More BBC ‘outrage’ about ‘racist outrage’ :

Rush Limbaugh and his ‘black Bond’ outrage

The prospect of Idris Elba eventually replacing Daniel Craig as the next James Bond went from hypothetical internet speculation to something more substantial last week, when the Daily Beast uncovered an interesting nugget in the piles of hacked Sony emails.

“Idris should be the next Bond,” Sony Pictures chair Amy Pascal wrote, reportedly to a fellow studio executive.

That was enough to set conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh into a tizzy. Bond, he said on his radio programme last week, has a distinct ethnic profile that Mr Elba, who is black, doesn’t fit.


The BBC are outraged at Limbaugh’s ‘outrage’…..was Limbaugh ‘outraged’ or was he just commenting?

The BBC continues with its exploration of this important issue:

Elba responded with humour – “Isn’t 007 supposed to [be] handsome?” he tweeted, including a photograph of him looking rather goofy in a knit cap – but some commentators reacted with flashes of anger that would make 007 proud.


Limbaugh is ‘outraged’ but cool Elba responds with ‘humour’.   I think I see what the BBC is trying to do here….note anger at Limbaugh’s comments ‘would make 007 proud’ apparently….So confirms where the BBC boy is coming from on this one….however Bond was always racist so the BBC are wrong on that and just doing the usual Beeb thing…passing off their own wishes and values as someone elses for a bit of credibility.


It goes on…..

In an interview three years ago, Mr Elba told NPR that if he plays Bond, he hopes his skin colour isn’t the sole topic of conversation.

“I just don’t want to be the black James Bond,” he said. “Sean Connery wasn’t the Scottish James Bond, and Daniel Craig wasn’t the blue-eyed James Bond, so if I played him, I don’t want to be called the black James Bond.”


Trouble is that’s not true is it?  Craig was denounced for being the first ‘blond Bond’ and ‘ugly’ to boot…..

First blond Bond goes into action


And here is the obviously ‘racist’  Raghav Gajanan from a BBC comment thread:

A big let down. Not to take away anything from Craig’s acting abilities but he simply is not James Bond. The look, hair, height are all wrong. Bond has survived for 40+ years as a suave, polished gentleman who can be rough when the occasion demands. Clive Owen or Hugh Jackman would have clearly been a better choice, but it seems they must have been out the studio’s budget.
Raghav Gajanan, London



And then there was ‘Exodus’ which the ‘Left’ whinged about because the ‘Egyptians’ were played by white actors:

Rupert Murdoch defends use of white actors in Exodus: Gods and Kings



And then there’s good old Liz Taylor and Richard Burton….




If they can complain why not ‘conservative’ Limbaugh?


Lots of faux outrage and claims of ‘outrage’…..the BBC just see this as a chance to stick one to someone like Limbaugh that they don’t think should have a role in the Media…because he’s not black, left wing or gay…..the irony of that passes them by.








Classic BBC Sob Story


The government was castigated recently, not least on the BBC, for not deporting enough illegal immigrants.  Not natural territory for the BBC but it takes every opportunity to beat the Tories when it can.

One problem the government has of course is that every time it wishes to deport someone it comes up against the Human Rights Act and an army of pro-immigration pressure groups, lawyers,  activists and media commentators, including the BBC, that make every deportation a long drawn out affair.

The BBC has a favourite tactic of personalising the issues.  Rather than looking at the big picture and what the consequences of the policies on immigration it supports would be it tries to elicit public sympathy for the plight of every immigrant by reporting the supposed hardships they individually face in their own country, their love of the Uk, the terrible wrench it would be to leave the UK (No such wrench leaving family, friends, culture in their own country then?).

The BBC hopes that detailing the ‘misery’ and supposed precarious future of the immigrant to be deported will engender that sympathy for them, and by extension to all immigrants, and beyond that to the acceptance of an open door immigration policy.

Seeing as you could travel to any town in any country and find people living miserable existences that would mean, using the BBC’s critieria, that the whole world could come here…and be housed, clothed and fed, educated, treated on the NHS and be given Sky TV at our expense.  The BBC is pretty naive…or rather doesn’t really care about the downsides to mass immigration….most BBC types being well paid and cossetted by their BBC benefits package… immigrants benefit them and, despite the ‘BBC’s’ pious preaching about ‘The Poor’, welfare cuts and zero hour contracts and so on, they are prepared for you, you not them, to make that sacrifice so they can have cheap buuilders and not have to pay the real price for a cup of latte and a cinnamon bun.

Here is a classic example of the BBC’s  attempt to manipulate our emotions on the issue of immigration…..


Deportation story: One man’s journey from London to Zimbabwe

Last year more than 13,000 people were deported from the UK – but what happens if you can’t even pronounce the name of the place they’re sending you back to?

“More than anything I feel cheated out of my life. They’ve taken everything I had – my family, my friends, my dignity.”

A loud noise interrupts Shadreck Mbiru mid-flow on the phone from his new home; it doesn’t stop. I have to ask and it turns out it’s a very noisy cockerel, not something Shadreck was used to having around at his previous home in London.

The 26-year-old hasn’t yet adapted to life in Chitungwiza, a town in Zimbabwe around half an hour from Harare that the locals say he pronounces strangely. He left Britain on a plane from Heathrow escorted by UK border staff in November.

Shadreck has been deported back to the country in which he was born – a victory for the Home Office, which had been trying for eight years to secure his removal.

His life is not in danger in Zimbabwe – he concedes this.

I have been speaking to Shadreck since he arrived back in his “home” country – his mood a constant mixture of panic and disbelief interspersed with regular laughter at moments of comedy like the cockerel.




Yolande Knell Just Makes It Up…Again


“Thanks to Israel, I Can Have a Merry Christmas,” by Father Gabriel Nadaf (translated by Avi Woolf),, December 24, 2014:

A safe haven in Israel
Within this chaos, only one island of sanity can be found where the Christians are not persecuted, where they enjoy freedom of religion and ritual, freedom of expression, and where they can live in peace without fear of genocide. That island is the State of Israel. The state in which I and my Christian brothers were born allows Christians complete freedom.  Jews and Christians live in Israel in peace and as good neighbors.  This is not just because Jesus was born in Jewish Bethlehem and was born a Jew, but because Christians and Jews share a common heritage and a shared hope for a peaceful coexistence.

From the Telegraph:

Islamic mafia’ accused of persecuting Holy Land Christians

Christians in the Holy Land have handed a dossier detailing incidents of violence and intimidation by Muslim extremists to Church leaders in Jerusalem, one of whom said it was time for Christians to “raise our voices” against the sectarian violence.

The dossier includes 93 alleged incidents of abuse by an “Islamic fundamentalist mafia” against Palestinian Christians, who accused the Palestinian Authority of doing nothing to stop the attacks.

The Christian community was faced with “very brutal” adversaries. “A criminal mafia and Islamic fundamentalists work together,” he said. “Their interests met to take our land away.”

“The Christian community has always suffered in the last few years because we are a minority. Many have the temptation to leave, so the community is shrinking.”

Several Christians tell the story of a moderate Muslim imam in Bethlehem’s biggest mosque, who was repeatedly threatened after giving a sermon calling for an end to the anti-Christian discrimination and land grabs.

Last weekend, the Christian village of Taybeh was ransacked and burned by a Muslim mob, incensed that a boy there had been seeing a girl from their neighbouring village of Deir Jarir.



Remember that as you consider the BBC’s Yolande Knell’s impartial, accurate and unbiased reporting…….

Yolande Knell has a habit of spouting rubbish….to the detriment of Israel naturally.  You might think her boss would have reined her in by now…but her boss being the equally unreliable Jeremy Bowen you might understand how she has  been allowed to keep her job….having said that, the example of Jon Donnison, shipped out to Australia and yet still publishing poisonous anti-Israeli material on the BBC payroll, shows being removed from the scene of the crime doesn’t mean you have to stop peddling your prejudices.

Knell was reporting from Bethlehem (11:36) and declared that the Christians there were quickly disappearing…due solely to the Israeli occupation, no other cause is suggested:

Their dwindling numbers in the Holyland add a sense of urgency to their celebrations….nowadays many young people in the West Bank choose to emigrate complaining of difficult social and economic conditions created by Israel’s occupation.


This is the same Knell who told us that:

However, Israel’s security concerns mean that most tourists must enter the Palestinian city of Bethlehem from Jerusalem, crossing an Israeli checkpoint and passing the eight-metre high West Bank barrier which surrounds the town.

Trouble is the Israeli security barrier does not ‘surround the town’ as demonstrated by this map….the thick red line being the path of the wall:

bethlehem barrier small

Is Bethlehem under Israeli occupation?

It has been under Palestinian Authority rule since 1995 as the Guardian reports...note the warning of what might be the result of that takeover:

There will be no star over Bethlehem this Christmas. The Israeli flag, which has flown over Manger Square for 28 years, was lowered yesterday for the last time, as the town was handed over to the Palestinian self-rule authority.
As the last small contingent of paramilitary forces moved out, Manger Square was filled with wildly celebrating crowds
On the outside a thick crust of spectators responded gleefully to every [sign of Israeli withdrawal]
There has been speculation that the coming of the PLO to Bethlehem will speed the exodus of Christians from the West Bank. But there was little sign of rivalry yesterday. Samir Sharer, one local Christian, said he was convinced that this year’s Christmas would be joyful. “Everything will be OK – no problem, no fights,” he said, before rather spoiling the effect by saying he would spend the holiday in Israel.


So what of her claim that Palestinian Christians are leaving the West Bank solely because of the Israeli occupation?

It’s, as much of her reporting,  just not true.

Certainly the conditions don’t help…but what created the economic difficulties?  The Palestinian war against Israel…

The outbreak of the Second Intifada and the resultant decrease in tourism also affected the Christian minority, as they are the owners of many Bethlehem hotels and services that cater to foreign tourists.



Where might Knell be getting her information?  Could it possibly be the Palestinian propaganda groups ‘ The Palestinian Centre for Research and Cultural Dialogue’  and ‘Open Bethlehem’ which come up with this…..

In 2006, the Palestinian Centre for Research and Cultural Dialogue conducted a poll among the city’s Christians according to which 90% said they had had Muslim friends, 73.3% agreed that the PNA treated Christian heritage in the city with respect and 78% attributed the exodus of Christians to the Israeli blockade.

So to be clear…Israel causes the exodus of Christians whilst the Palestinian Authority treats the Christians with dignity and respect….yeah…right!

Why might Palestinian Christians toe the PA line?….

“Under Islam, the targeted dhimmi community and each individual in it are made to live in a state of perpetual humiliation in the eyes of the ruling community.” As described by a Christian Lebanese president, Bashir Gemayil: “a Christian…is not a full citizen and cannot exercise political rights in any of the countries which were once conquered by Islam.”

As Sir John Chancellor, British High Commissioner in Palestine, put it in 1931:“Christian Arab leaders, moreover, have admitted to me that in establishing close relations with the [Palestinian] Moslems the Christians have not been uninfluenced by fears of the treatment they might suffer at the hands of the Moslem majority in certain eventualities.”



Here is what a spokeswoman for ‘Open Bethlehem’ concludes:

Leila Sansour, Open Bethlehem’s Chief Executive, said: “Our survey of Bethlehem’s own citizens shows the city cannot retain this heritage and its Christian community while the wall remains.

She continued: “The choice is stark. Either the wall stays and Bethlehem ceases to be a Christian town. Or Bethlehem retains its Christian population ? in which case the wall has to come down.”


Pretty clear where she is coming from….so you might think it odd that the impartial BBC’s Yolande Knell works so closely with ‘Open Bethlehem’:

From BBCWatch:

BBC’s Yolande Knell ditches any semblance of impartiality

‘Open Bethlehem’ is a political campaign which describes its aim as being “to address the state of emergency in Bethlehem”.

“Palestinian director Leila Sansour has made a fierce, poignant film about her family and her hometown of Bethlehem, now in Palestinian territory but progressively stifled by the Israeli government’s anti-terrorist barrier…”

Knell Crouch End 1

Now, what would the BBC’s editorial guidelines on impartiality have to say about the self conscription of a BBC correspondent to a political campaign directly connected to the field she covers?

Whether or not Yolande Knell got the required permission from her Head of Department before agreeing to allow her name and BBC brand-linked title to be used for promotion of the ‘Open Bethlehem’ film we do not know. What is clear, however, is that her position as an ‘impartial’ BBC correspondent based in its Jerusalem bureau is compromised and indeed untenable after such political activity.




Here are some reports from Bethlehem which explore the issues more truthfully and attribute the blame more evenly:

Joseph Canawati is not looking forward to Christmas.
The expansive lobby of his 77-room Hotel Alexander is empty and he says: “There is no hope for the future of the Christian community.
“We don’t think things are going to get better. For us, it is finished.”
Life for Palestinian Christians such as 50-year-old Joseph has become increasingly difficult in Bethlehem – and many of them are leaving.
The town’s Christian population has dwindled from more than 85 per cent in 1948 to 12 per cent of its 60,000 inhabitants in 2006.
There are reports of religious persecution, in the form of murders, beatings and land grabs.
Meanwhile, the breakdown in security is putting off tourists, leading to economic hardship for Christians, who own most of the town’s hotels, restaurants and souvenir shops.
The situation has become so desperate that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, and Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor, the head of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, are to lead a joint delegation to Bethlehem this week to express their solidarity with the beleaguered Christian populace.
The town, according to the Cardinal, is being “steadily strangled”.
The sense of a creeping Islamic fundamentalism is all around in Bethlehem.
George Rabie, a 22-year-old taxi driver from the Bethlehem suburb of Beit Jala, is proud of his Christianity, even though it puts him in daily danger.
Two months ago, he was beaten up by a gang of Muslims who were visiting Bethlehem from nearby Hebron and who had spotted the crucifix hanging on his windscreen.
“Every day, I experience discrimination,” he says. “
“It is a type of racism. We are a minority so we are an easier target. Many extremists from the villages are coming into Bethlehem.”
Jeriez Moussa Amaro, a 27-year-old aluminium craftsman from Beit Jala is another with first-hand experience of the appalling violence that Christians face.
Five years ago, his two sisters, Rada, 24, and Dunya, 18, were shot dead by Muslim gunmen in their own home.
The fear of attack has prompted many Christian families to emigrate, including Mr Canawati’s sister, her husband and their three children who now live in New Jersey in America.

Majed El Shafie, president of One Free World International, says some Christians are forced to cooperate with the terrorist group Hamas that rules Gaza in order to protect their families.

“The Christians in the Palestinian Authority areas [are] facing persecutions. Their homes, their churches they get attacked almost every day,” El Shafie explained.

According to El Shafie, the situation of Christians in the West Bank where the Palestinian Authority is in control is better. The PA wants support from the West so the leaders try to portray themselves as a “democratic country,” he said.

But El Shafie pointed to Bethlehem, the city of Jesus birth, where there has been a steady exodus of the Christian community for decades.

Bethlehem has become a “tourist zone” for the PA, he said. “Basically they don’t want the Christians there but they want the Christian tourists to come and to take their money.”

Persecuted Christians

Anti-Christian violence has increased, mostly caused by Islamic extremists, although Muslim-background believers face pressure from family, too. The authorities fail to uphold the rights of individual Christians, causing some to flee to safer areas. In Gaza, Christians are enticed into becoming Muslims, especially during Ramadan, with the offers of jobs, houses, wives and diplomas. Sometimes the approach is more violent. A Greek Orthodox monastery in Bethany, West Bank, was the repeated target of attacks, forcing the nuns to ask President Abbas to intervene.

Knell has a history of biased and inaccurate reporting that is far from what is expected of the BBC…her most recent reports do nothing to change that impression and indeed merely reinforce the thought that she is just a mouthpiece for the Palestinians.

In summary…Israel is not in charge of Bethlehem, the Palestinian Authority is.  The security barrier does not ‘surround’ Bethlehem.  The main reason for Christians fleeing the West Bank is due to Palestinian persecution of them.

All in all not a good day for Knell or the BBC.

Like Father Like Son




Nought to do with BBC bias…..but I think you really need to know this.

Have no fear…Owen Jones hasn’t been recruited by the Russian intelligence services going on this precedent:

Tony Benn, a KGB spy? No, he was far too dangerous for us

To the KGB, he was major threat to the stability of Cold War Europe and too “stupid” to be recruited as an agent.

For Tony Benn, the former Cabinet minister and Labour radical who died in March this year, was too left wing for the Soviet Union, the KGB’s top agent in London has revealed.

A two-and-a-half hour lunch in late 1983 at the Soviet embassy with Benn led Viktor Popov, the ambassador, to declare him unreliable.

At a meeting that December, Popov ordered agents from the KGB, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the military intelligence directorate to remove any information gleaned from Benn from dispatches to Moscow.

“He was not intelligence material,” Gordievsky said in an interview with the Daily Telegraph.

“Popov said, when going through your reports about meetings with different politicians to be sent to Moscow, be careful. Some of them are not truthful. I said, who are you talking about? He said Tony Benn.”

“He was an unnecessary simpleton, who told left-wing fairytales and falsified stories,” Gordievsky concluded.

The view on the Left that he was an intellectual titan was not shared by the Russians, he added.



A simpleton who told left wing fairytales and falsified stories…sounds familiar.

Ah…of course…there is a link to the BBC,  its bias and Jones….Owen famously inventing the fairytale that the BBC is in fact a right wing organisation, something Peter Hitchen took issue with and put to bed quite easily:

Does Owen Jones really think the BBC leans to the Right?

Owen Jones, now writing for ‘The Guardian’, has made a daft claim about the BBC. He writes here that the belief that the BBC is biased to the left is a fairy tale which apparently allows ‘the right’ to police the corporation.

Well, first, let me go through a number of horse’s-mouth sources which directly contradict him…..





Helped Into Power


From the Mirror…ISIS’ grand plan….for now…note Spain, Greece and the Blakans are to be Islamised…as the Mirror states….’All of Europe is vulnerable’  to attack.


Rome will be conquered next, says leader of ‘Islamic State’

“So raise your ambitions, O soldiers of the Islamic State! For your brothers all over the world are waiting for your rescue, and are anticipating your brigades,” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed caliph said.


Der Spiegel has been reporting on the anti-Islamisation marches in Germany for some time…..the BBC has just caught up, presumably after having several meetings to decide the line to take on this issue…their conclusion….malign the Marchers as neo-Nazis and ignore the issues they raise…namely the dangers inherent in the Islamisation of Europe……

David Goodhart thinks it is an issue of great importance for the survival of democratic, liberal societies:

Since the arrival of immigrant groups from non-liberal or illiberal cultures it has become clear that to remain liberal the state may have to prescribe a clearer hierarchy of values.

…..The gulf between conservative Islam and secular liberal Britain is larger than with any comparable large group….for those of us who value an open, liberal society it is time to explain why it is superior to the alternatives.

Some claim that if people understood Islam more everything would be fine, they would be more tolerant, I think quite the contrary….the more they understand about it the more alien they would find it…authoritarian, collectivist, patriarchal, misogynist…..all sorts of things that Britain might have been 100 years ago but isn’t now.

The Today programme (08:48) did exactly that, preferring not to investigate whether the marchers had a genuine point to make but instead dismissing them as racist, far right extremists or as people who were scapegoating Muslims as the cause of their own problems…they weren’t really concerned about the Islamisation of Europe as they claimed the BBC has decided…therefore no need to explore the issues….

However even the Guardian doesn’t dismiss the possibility:

What would happen if Islam manages to convert Europe? An improbable turn of events but not completely inconceivable.

The BBC’s Damien McGuinness starts with the Marcher’s main issue…They say the West is becoming Islamised…but then quickly moves on to labelling them extremists or malcontents and social misfits…..’because this can be seen as an anti foreigner agenda there’s a lot of right wing extremists in the crowds…but what’s interesting  is that it’s not really just about immigration…its being used as a galvanising force or even a scapegoat for all sorts of grievances…for example there’s a lot of pensioners and  low paid workers, those struggling to make ends meet and others let down by society…blaming the politicians, blaming the media…coming together on the issue of immigration to express that dissatisfaction with their lot.’

He goes on to tell us that German businessmen want immigration….telling us they say
‘we need migrants…there are not enough workers’…and the  business leaders are very worried that these protests will make Germany less attractive….politically it’s a huge issue…politicians say the marchers are racist and divisive, others say they should not brand them as neo nazi extremists but must show listening to ordinary voters.…. the government though must help and protect refugees….and condemn anything xenophobic


How many words associated with the Far Right, Nazis, or extremism can Damien McGuinness fit into one small report?  Quite  a few it seems…an unsubtle attempt to smear by association...’They shouldn’t be labelled neo-nazis…..but really they are’….being the subtext to his report.


As for German businessmen they don’t have a successful track record in backing people with a very different and controversial ideology to work for their interests……..ironically this is from the BBC’s own ‘The Nazis, A Warning From History’.…the businessmen thought the Fascists could help ressurrect Germany……
Hitler helped into power….

For the good of Germany Hitler must have the Chancellorship  said businessmen.

Hitler would be tamed and reined in by the German Parliament.

Hitler was helped into power by the support and miscalculation of others.

‘Madness total madness…we thought we could control him.’  remembered one politician.


The BBC should be making it a priority to investigate the issues such as to whether importing large numbers of people who have no interest in integrating and provide the ‘sea in which the extremist fish can swim and hide’ is a policy that will result in conflict…not just political, social and cultural but actual violence… it already does…but how much worse can it get?


From Nicky Campbell’s good mate….



Interesting comment from McGuinness in 2005 after the 7/7 bombings in an article in which he predicts mass attacks on Muslims and here gives away his prejudices about anyone who doesn’t agree with him on Islam…..

British tabloids were likewise full of speculation that the perpetrators of the attacks could have come from Islamist circles in London itself. The clear suggestion from the country’s lower-brow media was that the authorities should finally increase their vigilance of the city’s Muslim population.



Sikhs and Hindus accuse BBC of pro-Muslim bias

“People in our communities are shocked,” he said. “We are licence-fee payers and we want to know why this has happened. The bias towards Islam at the expense of Hindus and particularly Sikhs is overwhelming and appears to be a part of BBC policy.”


Senior BBC journalist condemns BBC’s pro-Muslim, anti-Christian bias

Peter Sissons, one the UK’s most senior and respected broadcasters, has condemned the institutionalised anti-Christian bias of the BBC …..he writes that in the BBC’s “pervading culture” of anti-Christianity, “Islam must not be offended at any price, although Christians are fair game because they do nothing about it if they are offended.”


BBC Internal Memo Admits Anti-Christian Bias

The British Broadcasting Corporation has admitted to a marked bias against Christianity and a strong inclination to pro-Muslim reporting among the network’s executives and key anchors, in a leaked account of an “impartiality summit.”





Merry Christmas Everbody


A merry Christmas to all our readers and many thanks for all your efforts to bring us so much more evidence of BBC bias than we could possibly find ourselves along with the perspective of your vastly differing experience and knowledge.

Wishing you a happy new year as well….and a bias free one to boot!